Chapter 509 Sensitive and vulnerable, survival and destruction

Chapter 307 Sensitivity and Fragility, Survival and Destruction

On the south bank of the Yellow River, Yi Xiaotian was being bought, bought, bought inexplicably…who was surprised and laughed at the inexplicable kindness of the merchants in Yanjin.

At the same time, the north bank of the Yellow River was shrouded in an atmosphere of horror.

Yuan Shao, who returned to the north of the Yellow River, temporarily stationed in Liyang City!

After the defeat, his emotions became more sensitive and fragile…

And precisely, now, he is facing a huge problem-Yuan Jun’s 400,000 soldiers are back.

According to normal logic, Yuan Shao should close his mouth happily from ear to ear. This is equivalent to his main army. With this army, he can immediately regroup and confront Cao Cao…

However, Yuan Shao has never experienced normal logic. He has always been very suspicious. He has suffered repeated defeats, and his mood has long since become fragmented…

He immediately ordered.

“Let go, let go!”

Facing Yuan Jun who had returned from 400,000, what greeted them was not an open gate, but… an icy arrow!

“Swish”, “swish”, “swish”…

From the upper part of Liyang city, a series of pitch-black arrows passed through the silent night…like locusts swept through, shooting densely down the city…


“How come… we have to go home!”


In an instant, four hundred thousand Yuan Jun descended to the front position…without precautions, he collapsed a large area immediately.

The wailing, the screams are endless…

Even where the body and the arrow intersect, countless bloodstains flowed together quickly, converging into a pool of blood everywhere, and the entire city of Li Yang looked so horrible!

Four hundred thousand Yuan Jun died. They were originally in Cao Yingxin in Yuan… always thinking about their family in the north, thinking about leaving Cao Ying and returning to Hebei all the time!

It was also due to Cao Cao’s benevolence. He immediately ordered the return of all the halberds and armors of Yuan Jun’s soldiers. Those who are willing to return to the north will not force them to stay, and each person will distribute enough food to allow the big guys to cross the Yellow River and return to their hometown in the north.

“Who doesn’t have a home yet?” Cao Cao’s words made Yuan Jun’s 400,000 soldiers cry all the time…

With a grateful mood, they crossed the Yellow River by ship, and planned to return to the north…to this familiar hometown!

But… what awaits them is this deadly rain of arrows!

“Gong Yuan, you open the city gate, where do you open the city gate…”

A veteran who was hit by an arrow, he climbed to the gate of Li Yang step by step, and he screamed frantically. “We are… we are here to return home! Yuan Gong, we are here to return home…”

The cold voice was moving…Finally, under Yuan Shao’s indifference, even though the veteran had drained the last drop of blood, the gate of Li Yang City was still not opened!


The veteran tried hard to prop up own body, he faced the north, he died under Liyang city, he couldn’t stand his eyes!


The death of the veteran made all Yuan Jun’s soldiers suddenly silent! One by one, their eyes were blurred, undecided, now? Where should I go?

Jushou also returned with the army.

He was also very surprised at first, why Cao Cao would be so kind, let him go and let him go home with 400,000 soldiers.

Now he understands…

It is true that Cao Cao was not well-intentioned, but Yuan Shao was even worse… Yuan Shao’s suspicious temper had killed countless returning soldiers, and was about to ruin the 400,000 soldiers returning home, and even… ruined the entire northern border.

“Yuan Benchu, Yuan Benchu, you can’t beat Cao Cao, and you will never be able to beat…” Jushou sighed involuntarily…

Phew… Then he exhaled again.

He looked around at these advances, nor retreats, the soldiers who were still begging for a rain of arrows…with infinite emotion in his heart.

“Such a scheme that puts the dead and lives on, such a scheme that infinitely magnifies Yuan Shao’s character weakness… such a scheme that quietly captured the hearts of 400,000 soldiers, really is you… Cao Mengde came up with it? ?”Thinking of this, Ju Shou shook his head…

Following Cao Cao’s style of doing things, Ju Shou would rather believe that he would kill these four hundred thousand soldiers. He didn’t believe that he would come up with such a “shrimp pig heart” plan!

“No matter…Cao Cao, or the experts around Cao Cao, I really convinced Jushou!”

Jushou murmured.

Yes, he took it, and at the same time, he completely gave up on Yuan Shao!

He waved his arms and shouted.

“Brothers, go back…there are arrows, blood, and suffering under Liyang city…Yuan Shao no longer regards us as his own!”

“Brothers, we misunderstood him Yuan Benchu, completely misunderstood…”

“Go back, let’s go back to Cao Cao’s place. Yuan Shao won’t let us go home, so let’s help Cao Cao get back and fight back to a new home!”

Jushou still has prestige among the generals of the three armies…

With his shout, countless soldiers quickly supported and echoed.

Suddenly, similar shouts were wave after wave, wave after wave.


The big guy can’t go back to the north, does the big guy have a choice?

Only to cross the Yellow River and return to Cao Cao…

Since you can’t go back, just call back and let Own’s hometown change to another owner!

Encouraged by Jushou, thoughts like this quickly spread in the 400,000 Yuan Jun descending stroke…The big guys turned around one after another, no one went to beg Yuan Shao again, no one went to rush to the city gate again.

Their hearts are dead. Next time, when they come to the city of Liyang, they will be the opposing parties, and they will be the opponents. They will never die with Yuan Shao!

Upstairs in Liyang City, looking at the figure of hundreds of thousands of soldiers returning south.

“Ha ha ha ha…”

Yuan Shao laughed sadly.

“What am I talking about? Look… They have all withdrawn. This was originally Cao Cao’s plan. These thieves have already surrendered to Cao Cao. This time they lied to me to open the gate of the city. Huh, how can you hide this trick? My Yuan Shao’s eyes! Humph!”

Yuan Shao has to get up…

This is the so-called “persecution delusion.” As long as it is something Cao Cao is involved in, he always feels that he is about to be persecuted.

“Lord Shengming…” Guo Tu, No. 1 Licking Dog, bowed his cupped hands. “How can Cao Cao’s treacherous tricks conceal Yuan Gong’s insight? Each of these soldiers should be shot to death!”

Guo Tu’s words made Yuan Shao quite useful…

“Hahahaha.” Yuan Shao laughed, his laughter was extremely refreshing.

About ten breaths later, his laughter stopped abruptly.

“Hmph…” With a cold snort, he clenched his fists tightly… “Cao Aman, our duel has just begun!”

Speaking of this, Yuan Shao’s eyes narrowed, and the sharp edge in the pocket of a tap in his eyes suddenly appeared.

But at this moment.

“Report to the lord.”

A guard quickly walked up to the tower and reported immediately.

“Gongzi Tan raised 70,000 soldiers and horses from Qingzhou is rushing here; Gongzi Xi raised 50,000 cavalrymen from Youzhou and he can reach Liyang City in three days; Gongzi Shang allocated 60,000 soldiers and horses from Jizhou on the way to come. The general brought 50,000 Bianzhou cavalry and rushed to help!”

“Good, good, good”

After three good words in a row, Yuan Shao felt stunned. He felt that he had given birth to three sons and a good nephew.

Yuan Shao laughed loudly, and while laughing, cold words came out.

——”Cao Ama, Cao Ama… Your days are over! Let’s compete again!”

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