Chapter 510

Chapter 308 is that Lu Lingqi is too drifting, or the husband doesn’t need a knife anymore.


The 400,000 soldiers returned to the south bank of the Yellow River and returned to Cao Ying.

Cao Cao personally went 30 miles from Guandu Walled City to meet them…

Yifan has been prepared, and has already practiced countless times before blurting out… “I know all about you, Yuan Shao is really too much… How can the grudge between me and Yuan Shao be implicated on you? Actually shot with arrows. Kill you, beasts, this Yuan Shao is simply a beast!”

Cao Cao’s tone was very tragic and strong, and the whole person seemed very excited, as if he hated Yuan Shao’s meat right now.

He is a born actor…

This kind of scene where Yi Xiaotian’s plan is played by him in his true colors has long been familiar!

“I can understand your feelings. If you have a home, you can’t go back, and you can’t see your relatives…” Cao Cao continued. “However, please trust me Cao Cao. It won’t take long for us to return to the north, but…At that time, I used Cao Cao and everyone’s fists to hammer open the gate of the north!”

“Yuan Shao bears you, I, Cao Cao, will definitely avenge you! I, Cao Cao, want to go home for the brothers, fight for the brothers to return home, and for the family reunion of the brothers! The battle is to the last minute!”

As soon as this statement came out…

The entire 400,000 soldiers were so excited…

“War war war…”

“Go home…”

“Kill kill kill…”

The eyes of the four hundred thousand soldiers were bloodthirsty. How loyal they used to be to Yuan Shao, but now they hate him…

Hate him for not letting myself go home, hate him for not letting myself be reunited with relatives!

Phew… a long gasp.

“Allegiance to Duke Cao! Kill Yuan Thief!”

I don’t know, who yelled such a sentence… Immediately afterwards, hundreds of thousands of soldiers shouted in unison.

“Allegiance to Duke Cao, punish Yuan thief…”

“Allegiance to Duke Cao, punish Yuan thief…”

The sound is surging to the sky, resounding through the sky, and even in the surging Yellow River, there are all its echoes…

The voices of 400,000 people continued, one louder than one, and one louder than one.

Phew… Cao Cao finally exhaled a long breath.

Brother Yi’s plan has been put into practice again…

Speaking of, this time, his Cao Cao is also under great pressure, countless civil and military have persuaded them, what if…what if, Yuan Shao really opened the city gate to welcome them back to the north?

This is the question of all the civil and military under Cao Ying, and it is also what Cao Cao is most worried about.

But after all… Brother Yi did not make a mistake, Yuan Shao is still the cautious and suspicious, or Yuan Shao with “persecution delusion”, he has not changed…hehe…it seems that as long as he performs normally, Brother Yi’s plan is as stable as a dog. !

Thinking of this, Cao Cao couldn’t help but think of Brother Yi coming!

Now that Brother Yi is in Yanjin City, he is full of doubts, right? Haha…I don’t know about this surprise, this surprise that the stars hold the moon, crowded by thousands of people, he likes it or not!

Yanjin city on the south bank of the Yellow River.

“Sir, don’t you think today is weird?”

On the way back to Guandu from Yanjin City, Lu Lingqi was sitting in the carriage, looking at the carriage…the stuffed full of gold and silver jewelry, classical books, precious utensils…she felt incredible.

“Could it be? Our schedule was arranged by someone else early in the morning?”

Such a reminder really reminded Yi Xiaotian.

It seems…a few days ago, when Brother Hu left, he said, “Who are we? Should we still pay?”

Nowadays, the more you sip, the more meaningful these words are…

Could it be that the black hand behind the scenes is hiding from brother? All this was arranged in advance by him.

It’s very possible… With the “money” ability of concealing brother, you can really do this if you don’t keep the balance.

After thinking about this, Yi Xiaotian subconsciously recalled today’s day. The morning was still normal. After the afternoon… It seems that all things Lv Lingqi, Cai Zhaoji, and Diao Chan like can be delivered one step later… This is not the point, the point is He didn’t take any money, and even posted it upside down… It’s just weird.This is nothing…

Throughout the day, if you are hungry, there must be good delicacies on the table, just waiting for them to taste…

Even, Lu Lingqi casually mentioned that he wanted to eat big yellow carp, but there was no such thing in the wine shop.

Not long after that, an old man just happened to send a piece weighing more than ten kilograms… Don’t you want to give the money. I was surprised to say that Yi Xiaotian is too handsome, and I am embarrassed to collect the money!

In one day, Yi Xiaotian was directly stunned…

He asked himself, although he is handsome, it seems that he hasn’t reached this point yet!

Obviously he can rely on his talent to eat, but now, he almost ate all over Yanjin City with just one face!

Alas… how lonely is handsome!

“Weird, of course weird.”

Yi Xiaotian shook his head helplessly. He weighed the purse slung around his waist, and muttered… “After spending a day with you, not only did this gold not go out a bit, it was more than doubled, I really I’m drunk!”

Speaking of which… Diao Chan chuckled.

Then Qianqian’s hand swayed slightly. “It doesn’t mean that God hopes that Mr. can accompany us more… No, the gold coins increase instead of falling. Maybe it is God’s will? Is it God’s commendation to Mr.?”

Hey…Diao Chan speaks nicely.

After listening to it, my heart is warm.

“Come on…” Lu Lingqi shook her head slightly. “This shows that Mr. is not sincere. He will accompany us out for a whole day, and he will not pull out like an iron cock…”

Ha ha… Yi Xiaotian did.

He directly stretched out his hand, acting as if he was going to teach Lu Lingqi!

He just wanted to ask, is it because you, Lu Lingqi, are too fluttering, or he can’t lift the knife as a husband?

But at this moment…

“Look at…” Cai Zhaoji seemed to see something through the window of the carriage. She stretched out a jade-like finger to a shop not far away.

Muttered… “Look, Hu Fufang…”


Speaking of Hufu, it can be regarded as the luxury of this era. It has been enduring and popular for a long time in Dahan.

Back then… During the Han Ling Emperor period, because of his love for Hu people’s equipment, Hu clothing and Hu Qi were all the rage. Even now, after a few decades, girls still like to wear this exotic costume…

This has even become an insurmountable benchmark for the rich and the nobles and the poor.

It can be said…In this era, in the streets and alleys, girls wearing Hu clothing are basically comparable to the 21st century, girls wearing “Donkey” brand clothing, it is simply…

No wonder Cai Zhaoji specifically pointed out that there are not many Hufufangs in the entire Dahan, even if there are none in Xuducheng. I never thought… there is one in Yanjin!

It is also said that the several women’s Hu clothing displayed outside the shop are so beautiful that they have already made many girls eager to have a try.

“All right.”

Yi Xiaotian can naturally see what they mean, the sun is about to set, and I still want to go shopping…

Sure enough, shopping is a woman’s nature!

Thinking of this, Yi Xiaotian ordered the coachman to stop the carriage, and he said loudly. “It’s the last one. Lingqi from the province said that her husband was not willing to spend money, but this one… she spent her husband’s money if she had the ability.”

While speaking, Yi Xiaotian dismounted first, then helped Diao Chan and Cai Zhaoji to dismount.

Step into this Hufu Pavilion…

Oncoming was a female shopkeeper. Seeing three beautiful women, she thought about the business coming and greeted her with a smile…

However, when I saw Yi Xiaotian, the original laughter came to an abrupt end.

“Huo, it turned out to be a young boy…”

In words, it seems to be very contempt of Yi Xiaotian…

It’s no wonder that the female shopkeeper is a personal spirit. Judging from Yi Xiaotian’s dress, she is not luxurious, she is not the son of a wealthy family. Looking at her age… she is only in her twenties, and she is not a high-ranking official if she wants to come!

With a hasty judgment, the female shopkeeper figured out two possibilities. With a handsome appearance, Yi Xiaotian belonged to these three beautiful women…the underground lover!

The second… He was just a poor student, conquered these girls with so-called talent!

But it seems that no matter which one… he doesn’t seem to be rich, he takes a girl to visit the Hufu Museum, and he does not weigh his own money bag to see if it is enough!

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