Chapter 511: Spending Money? Drizzle, sprinkle water slightly!

The 309th chapter spends money? Drizzle, sprinkle water slightly!

In Hufufang…

Naturally, Diao Chan, Lv Lingqi, and Cai Zhaoji did not see the female shopkeeper’s disdain. They only chose Hu Fu. From time to time, they greeted Yi Xiaotian to help them evaluate and appraise. They seemed to like every Hu Fu.

If you have something particularly good-looking, just give it a try.

Not to mention, the stunning face, the waist of the thin Liu Fufeng, and the long and slim legs matched with this stubborn costume, Yi Xiaotian only thinks that it is just eight characters—exotic style, soaring upwards.

Yi Xiaotian even wondered, no wonder the “Penguin” will launch so many exotic skins before the crossing…beauty with a foreign land, it is simply imaginative, this is not a plain crime!

Because the picture in front of him is too beautiful, Yi Xiaotian can’t care about the urging, just like to appreciate a beautiful picture, watching them dress and try one by one…


The three of Diao Chan and the others chose hotly here, as if the female shopkeeper was getting more and more impatient.

She is a well-known snobber in Yanjin, and she hates this kind of customers who just go shopping without buying, have no money, no status, and pretend to be a big head of garlic.

It’s all about doing business, but it’s not going to be to thank guests behind closed doors.

However, she seemed to have a method, and saw the female shopkeeper stepping up to the front of Yi Xiaotian and his party.

“Several guest officials, the Hufu here is more expensive, and it costs two hundred gold for one less item. Or… you can go and see the one in front of the door. The one over there is cheaper, almost two. One hundred dollars!”

Two hundred gold, two hundred yuan… the price here is a hundred times different!

The female shopkeeper’s voice is very high… arrogantly, she has a sense of seeing Yi Xiaotian and his party as a hillbilly.

Her meaning is also very obvious-no money, don’t touch the luxurious Hufu of my old lady!


Diao Chan and Cai Zhaoji had a slight meal… Lu Lingqi clenched her hands all at once, and was so humiliated by her temper that the Hufufang could be burned by the fire.

Seeing her about to have an attack, Yi Xiaotian waved his hand, and he whispered. “I come!”

Immediately he narrowed his eyes and asked the female shopkeeper with a smile. “Two hundred gold? Isn’t it?”

Then… he took two steps to the left, took out one of the countless dazzling Hu suits, shook his head, and immediately handed it to the female shopkeeper.

Immediately afterwards, he walked a few steps forward, and seemed to see another…take it out, still shook his head, not forgetting to mutter. “Not good, not good…” Then he handed this to the female shopkeeper again!

After walking around in a row, Yi Xiaotian selected five of the more than two hundred Hufufang Hufufang. His behavior was exactly the same. He shook his head first and said something like “What kind of stuff!” “So ugly!” “No, no, no. Good!” And so on… and then throw it all at the female shopkeeper!

At this time, the female shopkeeper’s face was about to explode with anger…

She has been doing business for so many years, and has never met such a customer, picking clothes, shaking her head, and insulting…

“You…you…you are enough…” The female shopkeeper couldn’t bear it…

“Not enough!” Yi Xiaotian took out the last one… Still shook his head, and soon threw Hu Fu into his arms.

After doing this, he turned around, grinned, and said with a smile. “Okay, I’m finished!”

Having said that, he chirped his mouth and narrowed his eyes slightly. “Leave these six in your hand, I want all the others…”

While talking, Yi Xiaotian took out a bag full of gold and threw it to the female shopkeeper in a brainstorming manner!

She shivered under the pressure.

Ah… Ah…

As soon as this statement is made, the gold bag is thrown away, and the weight is weighed.

The female shopkeeper was shocked immediately, her hands softened, and all the Hufu she was holding suddenly fell off.

Slap, slap.

Hu Fu collided with the ground and made a slight noise. At the same time, the outside of the shop seemed to be blowing in the repeated cool breeze… The female shopkeeper was stunned, letting the cool breeze blow her cheeks, his expression was very bitter. Very complicated…

I originally thought that the young man in front of me was a bronze, but I didn’t expect that he was a king!

Thinking of this, with a “click”, she staggered and knelt directly on the ground…

It’s not just the female shopkeeper who was shocked at the same place. Diao Chan, Lu Lingqi, and Cai Zhaoji were also shocked. You know, Hu Fu is a very luxurious item in this era, and each piece is very valuable, let alone buy it all at once. Almost the entire Hufufang is down!Sir can do this, so…so handsome!

Suddenly, Diao Chan, Cai Zhaoji, and Lu Lingqi appeared in the eyes of “nymphomaniacs”.

Girls buy clothes, especially expensive clothes…

Whether it fits or looks beautiful is also important, but this is always the second thing, and more importantly, they are willing to enjoy this feeling of spending money and being looked up to…

Now…Yi Xiaotian’s aggressive behavior has completely satisfied all the girls’ illusions about Ruyi Scepter…Where can they be indifferent?


Almost at the same time, the three beauties uttered such a sentence…

Then, one by one, his eyes flowed, looking at him idiotically, as if to express another sentence-sir…You are almost going to sink people!

Yi Xiaotian smiled at them, but it was just a room of clothes. What is this?

To be honest, even though Hu Fu is expensive, it is a drizzle for his existing industry.

Throwing out this bag of coins is just a feeling of “sprinkling water”. The so-called moat is inhumane, and being rich is willful. That’s the truth!

“The son… the son…”

At this time, the female shopkeeper was kneeling, actually is not that she deliberately behaved so humble, mainly because this bag of gold coins was smashed down, and she couldn’t stand up.

The more powerful a person is, the more humble in his bones!

She moved her legs, knelt and walked in front of Yi Xiaotian, changed her cold words, smiled and flattered. “Let me just say, the son is Yuxuanang, Yushu Linfeng, rich in gold and talent… No wonder it can make three beauties fall in love, little girl… little girl thank you son, thank you son!”

The so-called milk is a mother…

Encountering such a “drenched inhuman” lord… She knows that she has a very eye-catching price and knows that she should lick the dog at this time, licking and licking everything.

“Oh…Don’t be too busy to thank you!” Yi Xiaotian waved his hand. “I can pay for this, you have to send these clothes back to my house…”

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian pointed to the Hufu in the whole house. “These clothings are all very expensive. One piece costs 200 gold. I am not willing to transport them in a carriage. If this is the case, you can carry them back to me one by one, but you have to be careful, just in case. One piece is damaged…”

At this point, Yi Xiaotian narrowed his eyes in vain, and his tone was raised a lot. “You’re afraid you can’t afford it…”

Ah… Ah…

The female shopkeeper was stunned. Is this asking her to carry it piece by piece with her hands and legs? this…

“My son, I…I’m a Daoist family…I don’t have the strength, I can’t carry it!” The female shopkeeper is still begging…

But at this moment.

“If you can’t carry it, you have to carry it!”

Only the sound of “stomping” footsteps sounded, strong and powerful steps sounded outside Hu Fufang, and the person here was no one else, it was Cao Ren.

“Huh? Brother Ren?”

Seeing Cao Ren, Yi Xiaotian was slightly surprised.

However, seeing Cao Ren walking directly in front of the female shopkeeper, many officers and soldiers followed him…One by one was quite imposing, and it was a shock to the female shopkeeper.

“Is it a reason for not being able to carry it? It’s not too much for someone to spend a lot of money on clothes and let you carry it back in person. Today, you have to carry it, and you have to carry it if you don’t! Otherwise…”

Speaking of this, the officers and soldiers behind Cao Ren pulled out their sabers one by one!

Whoosh whoosh…

In an instant, the female shopkeeper was almost scared to pee!

Now… no matter how stupid she is, she knows what’s going on. This young man is sheltered by officers and soldiers, so his identity is not simple!


What’s the matter, I can only blame myself for having no eyes…

The female shopkeeper wanted to cry, but she couldn’t cry. Looking at the gold coins in front of her, she weighed her small body, so many clothes…carrying such a long way? She… Isn’t she going to be exhausted on the road!


A few tears fell, and the female shopkeeper really knew that she was wrong. It was not a mortal who offended her words, but a bottle of god-tier!

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