Chapter 523 Where is Mr. Yi, where is Zhen Luo going

Chapter 321 Where is Mr. Yi, where is Zhen Luo going

Zhenfu, Hebei, Jizhou.


Heavy gasps, one after another… A middle-aged man under fifty was pacing around the hall, his entire cheeks as white as paper, as if he was facing an enemy.

He is Zhen Yi, the owner of Zhen Mansion. He has three sons and five daughters. The youngest daughter is Zhen Mi. However, in Zhen Mansion, everyone prefers to call her by her nickname Zhen Luo.

And at this time… what makes Zhen Yi really bored is precisely because of a marriage, a marriage related to Zhen Luo.

Speaking of, just yesterday, their Zhen family received a betrothal gift from Yuan, and Yuan Shao’s second son, Yuan Xi, was going to marry his Zhen Luo, the youngest daughter of the Zhen family.

It stands to reason that a merchant’s family can have a relationship with the family’s elite, it is a matter of overjoying.

However, the changing situation now makes Zhen Yi unable to make a decision.

Marrying a daughter is easy, but at this stall, it may not be a good thing for the Zhen family to get in touch with the Yuan family!

It can be said that the Battle of Guandu completely changed the situation in the world, and the strengths of Cao and Yuan were suddenly reversed.

Nowadays, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Cao’s morale is like a rainbow, and his soldiers are on the rise. It seems that… Cao Cao’s final victory in the battle between Cao and Yuan is very likely to be Cao Cao…

If so, the Zhen family’s marriage of their daughter to the Yuan family in this sensitive period would undoubtedly lead to fire.

However, Zhen Yi did not dare to refuse the good intentions of the Yuan family.

The skinny camel is bigger than a horse, not to mention that this camel is still a very careful camel, Zhen Yi dare not offend Yuan Shao.


With another long sigh, Zhen Yi couldn’t help shaking his head. “What should I do? What should I do?”

In a wing room not far from the Zhenfu main hall.

“Sister, we can’t marry. Now that the situation is married to the Yuan family, it will be cold sooner or later… This is not only about your lifelong events, but also about the future of our Zhen family. You can’t marry, you can’t marry anyway…”

It was Zhen Yao, the third son of Zhen Yi, who was the closest to the five Little Sister, and he didn’t want to see her go to the tiger and wolf den.


Facing the window, the woman whose silver teeth bit her red lips was Zhen Luo.

At this time, her eyebrows were slightly furrowed, her slender figure was a little trembling, and a little nervous…

Where does she want to marry?

Since the last time she went to Xudu, all her thoughts have been in Youjian Villa, on the mysterious Mr. Yi who saved her Big Sister, besides him… where else can anyone break into Zhen Luo’s heart?

“Third brother, I don’t want to marry either, but…but how dare he defy the general’s meaning, if I persist, the more difficult it is for my father, the more dangerous our Zhen family is!”

Zhen Luo seems very sensible…

The general she mentioned was Yuan Shao. At this juncture, she first considered the family, the overall situation…


Zhen Yao let out a cold “hum”.

“It’s dangerous until the Yuan family is really married. The Yuan family’s vitality was badly injured in the battle at Guandu. Sooner or later, the north will change hands. At this time, it’s too late for all merchants to avoid him. That is self-destruction! What’s more, it seems that Yuan Shao is going to marry our Zhen family this time, but in fact it is nothing more than trying to get our Zhen family’s money, help him raise troops, and make a comeback… This is obviously a pitfall for us! Little Sister, In any case, we will not marry this time, the sky will fall, and the third brother will help you hold it.”


With a soft breath, Zhen Luo was very embarrassed. Since the morning, her cheeks have not had a trace of blood. What should I do? How to do it?If you don’t marry, you can’t marry.

Once this problem appeared, Zhen Luo and the Zhen family were in a dilemma…

and many more…

Suddenly, Zhen Luo seemed to have thought of something, and she suddenly turned around. “Brother, can you think of a way to send me to Xudu?”

Ah… Xu… Xu Du.

This unprovoked sentence surprised Zhen Yao.

“Five sisters, now Cao and Yuan are fighting, and the south bank of the Yellow River is full of soldiers and horses of Cao Jun. If you cross the river brazenly, Yuan Jun will be regarded as a traitor, and Cao Jun will be regarded as a spy.”

“I have to cross the river and go to Xudu!” Zhen Luo said firmly. “Father can’t solve the problem today, the third brother can’t solve it, and Luo Er can’t solve it, but there is one person…he can definitely solve…”

After talking about it, Zhen Luo’s tone became more and more determined.

Being reminded so suddenly by Zhen Luo…

Zhen Yao suddenly realized, “Wumei refers to…there is an easy shopkeeper in a villa?”


Zhen Luo’s little chicken nodded like a peck. “Treasurer Yi has a good character, a kind heart, and an unparalleled wit. He had never met us before and was able to save Big Sister. Now she will definitely be able to help us through this crisis!”

Hiss…Zhen Yao’s brows clenched.

His mind turned sharply. It seems that the last time he parted, Shopkeeper Yi specifically mentioned that he would go to a villa to look for him if he had any problems. He seemed to take care of Zhen Luo’s Little Sister very much…

if so…

call out…

After thinking about the ten breaths of time, Zhen Yao made a fist with both hands, and he made up his mind.

“Yes, the third brother will risk sending you to Xudu! Even if the shopkeeper Yi hasn’t solved the problem, it is always escort to the fifth Little Sister to leave this tiger wolf land, at least to keep the fifth sister safe, but…”

Zhen Yao’s words were originally resolute, but in the end, he was a little choked.

Frankly speaking, this is a bit cheating?

When the Yuan family cannot find the fifth sister, it will inevitably present a series of problems to dad, and even use it to blackmail dad, even if he is worried about reputation, he dare not do anything in terms of fame. With Yuan Shao’s careful eyes, he keeps everything behind his back, just recalculates…

Thinking about this, Zhen Yao hesitated.

“Third brother, I know what you are thinking.” Zhen Luo is still very determined, and she analyzes it straightforwardly. “Now that Cao and Yuan are still fighting, the general will never notice our Zhen family so quickly. This time is enough for me to get to Xudu… As long as I see… See Mr., he must, there must be a way!”

Zhen Luo’s impression of Yi Xiaotian is still that he easily resolved the wrongful case of Big sis!

It was even easier to win countless bets…


For him, no matter how big the problem is, it can be easily resolved.

Zhen Luo is determined, she must go to Xudu this time, to find Mr. Yi…

“Hey…” Zhen Yao shook his head slightly. “I really can’t do anything with you, but… this time we must be careful! I can pay for Sergeant Yuan, but Cao Jun on the other side of the Yellow River…”

Zhen Yao didn’t finish speaking, he sighed again. “Fifth Sister, you must also be mentally prepared. Maybe it’s not so easy to get to Xudu, to have a villa…”

Hear the words.

Zhen Luo nodded, even if the road ahead is difficult, her goal will not change!

Where is Mr. Yi, where is she going!

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