Chapter 524 IQ, instantly cleared

Chapter 322 IQ, instantly cleared


Just as Yi Xiaotian predicted, the 200,000 Yuan Jun at this time was divided into more than 30 teams. They crossed the most turbulent Yellow River and passed through the dense thorns, each with scars.

Finally, came to Cangting.

This walled city is located in an extremely inconspicuous place on the south bank of the Yellow River… and the choice here was decided by Yuan Shao after discussing with his three sons and a nephew…

The inadequacy of the forces made Yuan Shao give up the idea of ​​confronting Cao Cao directly. He even felt that since you can surprise my black nest, then I can also surprise your barn pavilion, which is more sinister than insidious, who are we afraid of?

“Father, the army has all crossed the Yellow River, through the thorns.”

It was Yuan Shang, Yuan Shao’s most beloved youngest son.

He is riding a white horse and standing beside Yuan Shao. He looks handsome and handsome, and he is indeed much more handsome than those of the Big Brothers.

His voice continued, awe-inspiring, quite a bit of the arrogant appearance that Yuan Shao used to be.

“Father, even if Cao the thief finds our trail now, it is too late… The child asks for an order to take the Cangtingzhai himself… Open the road to the west and approach Xu Du, leaving the Cao thief homeless! ”

The words are sonorous, every word is thrilling…

As soon as Yuan Shang’s words fell, Yuan Shao’s eldest son Yuan Tan also rode forward.

“Father, in the mere Cangtingzhai, let Haier attack! The Qingzhou cavalry under Haier has long been eager to try!”

For a while, Yuan Shao’s two sons fought for each other.

No wonder this is the case. In the existing intelligence, Cangtingzhai has no protection at all, and it is easy to capture it, without any effort…

This credit, whether it is the eldest son Yuan Tan, or the youngest son Yuan Shang, is bound to win.

“Shang’er, go and attack! Beat the drums for your father…”

Yuan Shao immediately ordered…After all, he still loves his little son own.

“Baby take the command!” Yuan Shang cupped hands, and immediately raised the bright silver spear… he planned to call Jizhou soldiers to attack the walled city!

“Huh…” Yuan Tan turned his head and snorted coldly, with infinite dissatisfaction in his heart!

Just when Yuan Shang stood up his spear and was about to give an order to attack the city.

“Report…” With a pass, a scout hurried over on a horse. “Yuan Gong, five miles ahead, I found Cao Junzheng rushing here in a hurry…”

Hmm… Yuan Shao was slightly taken aback.

He narrowed his eyes, exhaled and sighed. “What a quick action…”

This time, he made perfect preparations.

Because of the lessons learned from the past, this time through the warehouse pavilion, the plan to surprise Xu Du is in progress.

The time required for each military operation, the time required for Cao Cao’s reaction, and the time for dispatching troops and horses, Yuan Shao is accurate to the minute, and he has formulated three completely different response plans. On the end, he can deal with various situations without fail.

According to the judgment of one of the plans, if Cao Jun found them the first time, he would urgently mobilize troops and horses to help the warehouse pavilion… It seems that it is time to arrive! only…

“Haha… just right.”

Instead of panicking, Yuan Shao laughed out loud, as if Cao Cao was already in the game.

“The Cao army must be assembled quickly, and the strength of the troops is bound to be small. Moreover, the long-distance march is already at the end of the crossbow… Haha… Quan Qi took their heads to express our grievances in the battle of Guandu!”

Yuan Shao immediately ordered… “Shang’er led Jizhou soldiers and horses to attack, and my self-ruled army will respond to you…”

“Father rest assured, the child will kill the enemy general!” Yuan Shang agreed.

This sentence, on the contrary, reminded Yuan Shao.He turned his head back to the scout and asked curiously. “The enemy is rushing to help the troops, who is the general?”

“Yes… it’s Cao Cao!” The scout thought without hesitation…

“…What?” Yuan Shao was shocked as soon as the words came out… His whole body was shaken and his spirit was lifted, he asked urgently. “You, you say it again? Who is the enemy general?”

“Cao…Cao Cao!” He blurted out, the scout’s complexion became firm, he explained. “The little one looks so real, it is indeed Cao Cao’s face, and Xu Chu and Hu Benjun are right next to Cao Cao.”

Huh… Xu Chu, Hu Benjun!

As soon as these two words blurted out, Yuan Shao’s eyes suddenly widened.

If you say… because the distance is too far, Cao Cao’s appearance may not be recognized, but… Hu Benjun and Xu Chu have always been inseparable from Cao Cao, they are here, then Cao Cao must be here!

My heart is here…

Yuan Shao couldn’t hold his breath anymore. The enemy’s long-distance marching would inevitably be exhausted. There must be a small number of emergency rescuers. What’s more, the one who commanded them was…yes… who once owned the doorman, now he is riding on his neck to humiliate the owner. Cao Aman…

In an instant, Yuan Shao’s anger rose in his chest.

Before… all the meticulous plans and deployments he made were left behind.

At this moment, in his mind, there is a line of big words-kill Cao thief at all costs!

“The whole army assaulted and killed Cao thief!”

Yuan Shao didn’t care about arranging who was the striker and who would respond, so that the flag moved, as if the whole army was charging…

How much Yuan Shao hates Cao Cao, how crazy his behavior will be now…


The youngest son Yuan Shang took the lead and took the lead in killing…

The Youzhou Soldiers led by Yuan Xi and the Bingzhou Soldiers led by senior officials also charged forward at the same time. For a time, the entire warehouse pavilion was flying with sand and rocks, and the sky was full of dust, and the coming dusk seemed to be overshadowed by blood.

“Father…” Yuan Tan, the eldest son, is considered the most sensible one. “Cao Cao personally led the troops, there must be an ambush… Father is desperate, I am afraid… I am afraid that Cao’s ambush will be severe.”

“Nizi… Get out!”

I never thought that the answer to Yuan Tanjian’s remonstrance was a “reverse son” and a “roll” character…

“What about an ambush?”

Yuan Shao drew his sword from his waist. “At this moment, our army has only one goal-to kill Cao Cao! Nothing else matters! The whole army, kill with me, and those who kill Chu will reward thousands of dollars, those who kill Cao Cao, reward 10,000 gold, and seal 10,000 households!”

Da da da…

The earth-shaking sound of horseshoes resounded through the heavens and the earth.

Here comes, Yuan Jun is here… He came over with a raging momentum!

Especially Yuan Shao, his eyes were red, as if they were stained with blood…

He has always been an arrogant person. He has been a child of a rich family since he was a child. He grew up in the honeypot of power. During the growth process, he has always been held in the moon by stars and surrounded by thousands of people. There is only success in his dictionary. Did not fail…

And Cao Cao is the only man who has failed him…


In Yuan Shao’s view, nowadays, there is nothing more important than killing Cao Cao!

Unfortunately, he didn’t know…

This weakness of his character has long been magnified again and again by Yi Xiaotian…

Using Cao Cao himself as a bait to lure the enemy into the enemy may not work well for others, but Yuan Shao is the only one who is full of anger and anger. Yuan Shao is full of Cao Cao’s heads. This is a wonderful move…

A wonderful move that can instantly clear Yuan Shao’s IQ!

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