Chapter 527

Chapter 325: Ambush on all sides, and Yuan Jun returned to dust

In… In the calculation.

This was Yuan Shao’s subconscious judgment. It was visible to the naked eye, and the Cao Jun rushing up from all sides had made Yuan Shao’s spirit a bit trance.

But… but how could it happen?


How could Cao Cao predict that they would launch an attack from Cangting?

How could he lay an ambush in this valley in advance?

How dare he be sure that Yuan Shao will chase into this valley?

This series of question marks floated on Yuan Shao’s forehead one after another, and he was stunned for a moment… His throat rolled, and he felt that all his strength had been drained. He only felt that the sky was spinning, and he was about to faint!

And in his mind, there were countless shocks and wailing…why…why did Cao Cao predict his strategy step by step as if he had opened his eyes?

Could it be that Cao Cao has the shelter of God? Have the power of a prophet? This is so…this…this is Tai Xuan’s fantasy, right?

Suddenly, Yuan Shao’s eyes disappeared, and finally, he couldn’t bear it anymore.

Between the narrowed eyes, the teardrops slowly slipped down…Cry, Yuan Shao really cried!

Unfortunately, his tears can’t solve the slightest problem.

The drums gradually sounded, Xia Houyuan on the left and Gao Lan on the right took the lead. They led Cao Cao’s most elite armored tiger and leopard cavalry and Yuan Jun’s cavalry unit.

These two troops, one team is fierce in combat, and the other is resentful. In an instant, Yuan Jun’s flanks have been scattered…


Yuan Shang is quite a general, he held up his spear and shouted loudly. “Cao Cao is right in front of him. For the present, he has to make a desperate attempt to kill Cao Cao. Once Cao Cao dies, the morale of the enemy will inevitably collapse… Our military has room for change!”

As expected of Yuan Shao’s most valued youngest son…

With such an electric light and flint, Yuan Shang can accurately analyze the weakness of Cao Jun and the opportunity for the reversal of the battle situation…

At this point, he frowned, as if he was going to take the lead in rushing towards Cao Cao…

Never thought that he hadn’t taken a step yet, Yuan Shao hurriedly stopped.

“You can’t do it! Cough cough… Since Cao Cao has an ambush, he will inevitably have a net around him… cough cough… for the sake of this, we have to rush out a bloody road, let’s… cough cough… let’s go boring…”

While speaking, Yuan Shaoling waved the flag, which was an order to evacuate all three armies.

Cao Cao, who was not far away, looked into the distance, watching Yuan Jun turn his horse’s head and rush towards the entrance of the valley.

“Ha ha ha ha…”

Cao Cao laughed out loud, he muttered softly. “Brother Yi calculated this accurately. Sure enough, Yuan Shao still persuaded him. He didn’t dare to make a desperate attack to attack. It seems that Yuan Shao’s defeat is set!”

Cao Cao is familiar with Yuan Shao’s character, not to mention that Brother Yi has talked about it for a long time…

Undoubtedly, between the resentment towards Cao Cao and the preservation of his life, Yuan Shao will definitely choose the latter. In the final analysis, what is hidden in Yuan Shao’s bones is “familiarity”!


Xu Chu played with the scimitar in his hand, and he chirped. “Gong Cao, this Yuan Shao is also embarrassed! We are such a small number of people, he dare not attack!”

“Yeah!” Dian Wei kept shook his head. He looks down on Yuan Shao very much now. He wants to be courageous and courageous, determined and determined, resourceful and resourceful, and the whole series of “three noes” is a product.

Ha ha ha ha…

Cao Cao let out a hearty laugh again.

Now, on the battlefield, it doesn’t matter whether Yuan Shao’s “Three Nothings” or not. The most important thing is that as early as before the war, Brother Yi magnified the weakness of his “Three Noes” infinitely. Hey…Yuan Benchu, Yuan Benchu, you still recognize Plant it!

Thinking of this, Cao Cao waved his arms.

“The whole army charges, and when you see Yuan Shang’s banner, avoid its sharp edge; when you see Yuan Tan’s banner and smash to death; and Yuan Xi…hehe, these brothers must scratch his face! I have a great reward!”

Yuan Shang and Yuan Tan’s offensive plans are not to be discussed, after all, it matters to the overall situation.

But… Now that Cao Cao is most concerned about helping Brother Yi teach Yuan Xi…

In his opinion… Yuan Xi dared to think about Brother Yi’s woman, this battle… nothing else is important, Yuan Xi’s face must be spent!

“Brothers, follow me…”

Xu Chu roared and chased away first…

Huh…huh…Yuan Shao took his three sons and a nephew, and they worked hard before they rushed out of a bloody path… The entire three armies were panting.

But no one dared to stop…because the chasing soldiers of Xia Houyuan, Gao Lan, Xu Chu, and Dianwei are coming soon…

“Go hard, rush… out of this valley, cough cough…”

Yuan Shao mobilized again. At this time, his throat was so hoarse that he seemed to be able to cough up blood…

He was hiding in the middle of the army, with three layers of protection inside and three layers outside. He wanted to use the body of hundreds of thousands of troops to help him escape the Valley of Death.

But at this moment.

“Thief Yuan, where to escape!”

“Yuan Thief, see if Grandpa Lejin takes your life!”

Two Cao troops on the left and right came to kill. Le Jin on the left led the Yanzhou soldiers, and Yu Jin on the right led the Qingzhou soldiers. They were all in good spirits.

Especially the halberd in his hand, even under the moonlight, it shone a terrible chill!

That’s right, these are all halberds made of 100-refined steel, and the iron is cut like mud. In a battlefield dominated by cold weapons… no matter how heavy the light armor can stop the blow of this halberd.


The sound of rushing and killing, the sound of earth-shaking footsteps echoed in the empty valley, endlessly…

However, Yuan Shao heard this sound like a calming soul song in the dark night.


Yuan Shao immediately gave the order, and the soldiers of Yuan Jun instinctively fled in a hurry… The two way out, they killed Yuan Jun’s corpse all over the field, and the blood was flowing into the canal!

But… this is just the beginning!

Yuan Shao evacuated all the way, there were ambushes everywhere, and he could only travel 500 meters quickly, Li Dian on the left and Xu Huang on the right again…

Yuan Shao, together with his three sons and a nephew, fought with the courage, panicking, panicking, and panicking…

The 280,000 troops who accompanied them were countless trampling themselves, and even…the soldiers who died because of trampling were far more, denser, and more miserable than those killed by Cao Jun!

a whole night…

Yuan Shao almost escaped all night!

Cuckoo…He is hungry, not only he is hungry, but all of his soldiers are hungry…

Now it is in a small col, temporarily avoiding the chase of Cao Jun!

“Come and come, all dismount, the chasing soldiers haven’t chased them, let’s cook something quickly…” Yuan Shao ordered…

People are iron, rice is steel, so you panic if you don’t eat a meal…

All ran away in one night, and the calorie consumption was huge…no one can hold on to the big guys!

Just think about it and know that there must be an ambush ahead? First…you have enough food before you have the strength to break through!

Just when the meal was about to be cooked, I could only hear the sound of the sky moving from the mountain col, and almost instantly, the sound of killing was already soaring into the sky.

“Chong… Yuan Thief, if you don’t let me wait to return home, I want you to be buried here.”

“Kill…Don’t let Yuan Jun eat.”

“Thie Yuan, you still have the face to cook!”

Seeing Cao Jun’s charging sound… and… again, Yuan Shao really wanted to cry. He was hungry. Somehow, let you have a bite to chase after you!

He didn’t know that the left side lying in this small col was Bianzhou wolf ride led by Zhang Liao, and the right side was Hebei Jingqi led by Zhang Yun…

Not to mention Binzhou wolf riding…

When Zhang Yun’s tens of thousands of Hebei Jingqi saw Yuan Shao cooking, their eyes released a bloodthirsty, fierce light! It’s like seeing an unshakable enemy!

A rush, this can’t be called a battle at all, this is an unusually unilateral massacre.

Uh… don’t eat it, let’s go!

Yuan Shao couldn’t heed the instructions, and immediately turned on his horse, and fleeed first!

As for his subordinates… the clever ones fled long ago, the clever ones, they simply knelt on the ground, no longer resisted, no longer struggling, even if they still have the mind to fight, but the body is honest, they are hungry! I can’t move anymore…

Far away, standing on a high place, Cao Cao, watching this cat and mouse game, he has a slight beard.

What I thought of was also the time when Brother Yi laid down these ten ambushes, his confident expression!


Cao Cao laughed out loud. “Brother Yi, your ten-sided ambush plan has reached its climax! But to be honest, this scene is really refreshing in my eyes!”

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