Chapter 528

Chapter 326 This woman can help our army win a big victory


There was a messy atmosphere in the entire Yuan Jun troops…

Yuan Shao wants to cry without tears…

He is also convinced in capitals. He has been horizontally and horizontally for decades, and has never served an opponent. How could he be here with Cao Cao, just… he suffered a series of defeats!

It’s nothing more than losing the battle, but every time Own’s plan seems to be clearly seen by others, Yuan Shao seems to be naked in front of Cao Cao…

Even Yuan Shao felt even more evil, as if an invisible hand was controlling everything.


Breathing out, with doubts, with incomprehension, with resentment…

Yuan Shao hurriedly mounted his horse, immediately increased his whip, and continued to run with the remnants…

After finally getting out of the valley, people were sleepy and running out of horses. Just about to catch their breath, they heard “Wow…” behind him shouting and killing, Cao Jun came again, again, again, and again!

This time, Cao Hong on the right and Xiahou Dun on the left, as if they had been waiting here for a long time.

f*ck… How many ambushes are there?

Yuan Shao was really drunk, and every time he ambushed, he could always see his own tribe from more than 200,000, to more than 100,000, to tens of thousands, and even become the current defeated army!

There are countless times more people who have trampled on themselves and died than those who were beheaded by Cao Jun…

The so-called incompetence of a general, exhaustion of a thousand troops, is this truth.

Now, Yuan Shao’s already fragile mind has once again suffered a great blow… Fortunately, there is still a little surprise in the chaos army conquest.


Yuan Tan’s Qingzhou soldiers were killed and defeated;

Yuan Xi’s Youzhou War Cavalry was also killed and scurrying;

The high-ranking Bingzhou soldiers broke up early in the morning…

On the contrary, the Jizhou soldiers led by the younger son Yuan Shang fought bravely, and repeatedly forced the Cao army to retreat from wherever they went, stupefied… they saved the situation that was about to collapse!

But it’s just a rescue. In the overall situation, they seem to be very passive.

Even so, it is enough for Yuan Shao to be relieved!

He couldn’t help but gleam in his eyes and murmured in his mouth. “Shang Er…deserves to be my son, Yuan Shao!”

Of course… Where did he know that this was all arranged by Cao Cao early in the morning.

Whenever Yuan Shang strikes, he can release the water if he can release the water, and if he can’t release the water, he will make a way and give him enough Face!

But as far as Yuan Tan is concerned, he must be chased and beaten. As for… Yuan Xi, the most miserable thing is that Cao Cao’s order is to cut his face, so that his wife doesn’t know him!

That’s why…

After the chasing battles, Yuan Tan and Yuan Xi wanted to cry. This f*ck…Why Cao Jun tried to kill their battle flag, but Yuan Shang was around, where is half of Cao Jun’s figure!

After losing this battle, they can still understand, but this strange phenomenon really makes them completely speechless, choking…

Especially Yuan Xi, he was even more daunting, how come all Cao Jun’s generals slashed at his face… What a hatred is this? As he spoke, his face was slipped by a knife, and blood was flowing.

“Yuan Shao boy, you have been in the ambush of our army on all sides. Get off the horse quickly and descend, so you won’t die!”

Xiahoudun’s yelling sounded throughout the valley…very domineering, it made people scared to hear it.

Facing Cao Jun’s surging offensive…

Yuan Shao made the final shout. “All the soldiers, if we don’t die in this battle, we will be captured by Cao Cao. Please… please fight the enemy bravely and blaze a trail of blood.”

“Father don’t worry… the child must fight to the death!”

Yuan Shang was the first to respond, there was no Cao Jun around him, the most relaxed…

Yuan Tan, Yuan Xi, and senior executives just wanted to respond, shouting, but the concubines, ah no, they…can’t do it…now they can’t take care of themselves, how can they still be able to shout slogans!


It seemed that Yuan Shao’s flag-raising and shouting had no effect at all in the face of this defeat.Watching the number of soldiers and horses accompanying them, and watching Cao Jun’s soldiers gather more and more, Yuan Shao was panicked!

The more I think about it, the more the feeling of grief and anger becomes uncontrollable…

Wow, he actually cried. After crying like this, his brain was a little hypoxic. With a “puff”, Yuan Shao fell to the ground, and at the same time, a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth.

The generals accompanying the army hurriedly helped Yuan Shao up. “Gong Yuan, don’t worry, the army is fighting desperately…it will definitely be able to break a bloody path!”

Ha ha… not in a hurry?

Yuan Shao smiled bitterly, can he not worry? It’s going to be buried in this valley when I look at it, and I get cold when I look at it…

He stood up desperately… he felt the severe pain in his chest.

“I… am I still alive?”

“Lord, you are alive and well!” The general beside him hurriedly replied.

“No…” Yuan Shao waved his hand. “I’m not alive anymore. I have fought hundreds of times in Yuan Shao battles, but I have never been so embarrassed like Guandu or Cangting. This…this is the day that destroys me, Yuan Shao. I’m still alive…what’s the use of being alive?”

When he said that, he wanted to slay himself.


Yuan Shao was really awake at this time, knowing that he was alive, except to block the soldiers, it seemed really useless.

The generals around him frowned awkwardly, even though they knew that, Lord, what you said was correct…

But at this moment, we should persuade or persuade, or stop or stop.

“Master, victory or defeat is a matter of military affairs.”

“Lord, you still have Qing, Ji, You, and the four states.”

“Let’s assemble soldiers and horses again, wait for Yuan Gong to get better, and then fight Cao Cao to the death, let’s get revenge again!”

“Yes…Yes…” Yuan Shao nodded, and he turned his head hard. “Kill…Kill out, I want…I want to go back to Jizhou!”

Don’t say…

In this kind of situation surrounded by groups and living toward death, Yuan Jun suddenly showed the spirit of breaking the boat, one by one courageously, he smashed a bloody road and fled!

It’s just that after a whole day of fighting, when Yuan Jun came 280,000 yuan, now… there are only less than 10,000 left!

The whole situation is extremely miserable…

“Gong Cao, they rushed out.”

From a high place, Xun You frowned as he witnessed the battle… “After all, Yuan Shao could not be killed! What a pity, what a pity…”

Speaking of this, I can’t help shaking my head, which is a bit regretful.

“Haha…it’s okay, it’s okay!” Cao Cao waved his hand, looking very free and easy. “Gongda, have you ever heard of the sequelae of war?”

Um… this…

Xun You was taken aback, and now he was talking about not killing Yuan Shao, what’s the regret? Why Cao Gong talked about the illness.

Confused right now…

Seeing his expression, Cao Cao wore a beard. “Gong Da Mo panic, he Yuan Shao, he won’t live long, this’sequelae of war’ is fatal to the beholder! Haha…haha!”

Cao Cao’s voice is not loud, but his words are sonorous… he appears confident.

“The new journey, the battle to conquer the northern border, is about to begin!”

Hmm… Xun You was taken aback for a moment. It is rare to see Cao Gong so confident. It seems that Cao Cao is confident in his conquest of the Northern Territory!

Of course, what Xun You didn’t know was.

Everything that is happening now is in Yi Xiaotian’s calculations, and the strategy that Yi Xiaotian has set for seeking the north is being put into practice step by step by Cao Cao, and it has reached a climax.


Next, it is the turn of the concubine room of Yuan Shao that Brother Yi talks heavily, and Yuan Shang’s biological mother, Mrs. Liu, appeared?

Thinking of this, Cao Cao suddenly became very interested in Yuan Shao’s room with Mrs. Liu…

If you follow Brother Yi’s deduction, Mrs. Liu can help our army sweep the northern border!

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