Chapter 529

Chapter 327 The Great Water Washed the Dragon King Temple

“Shang’er, you go to Liyang City quickly. Now…cough…Cangting is defeated. If Li Yang loses again, the gap in the north will open. Then I am afraid it will be difficult to resist Cao’s offensive.”

Yuan Shao drove away. Along the way, he seemed to suddenly remember something. While coughing uninterrupted, he commanded…

Often after a big defeat, Yuan Shao is the most sober.

Although not reconciled, despite being aggrieved, despite underestimating the enemy again because of carelessness.

But today, if you want to defend the northern border, the protection of Liyang City is the top priority…

“Father rest assured, the child will definitely guard Liyang City, and Cao Jun will not be able to cross the Yellow River Tianmo!” The youngest son Yuan Shang maintained his consistent self-confidence.

After all, even if it was the battle of Cangting, his father, several Dage were so defeated, but his mood was very different. He felt that Cao Jun was simply vulnerable, and there was not one that could fight…

Facing such a wave of people, what is the difficulty in holding Liyang City?

Of course, he would not have thought that this was Cao Cao deliberately releasing water.

I would not even think that next… his self-confidence will be completely lost in Liyang City…

As for the reason.

It’s true… Yuan Shang didn’t rush to Liyang slowly, but Cao Cao’s side was faster. Xia Houyuan and Zhang Liao had already led Jingqi to kill Liyang first, and they were lying in ambush on Yuan Shang’s only way.

Xia Houyuan’s cavalry was known as the “Shen Xing” unit in the Cao Camp. Mentioning this unit, Cao Ying’s soldiers thought of a marching speed of “500 in three days and one thousand in six days”.

In addition, Zhang Liao acted as the lieutenant, and he took the lead in a quick raid…In the “raid” Realm, no one can match him!

The “set meal” Cao Cao gave to Yuan Shang this time can be said to have moved his mind. The fastest speed, coupled with the hardest “raid”, can Yuan Shangyan, who is full of confidence, undefeated?

Cao Ying in Guandu, a large account of the Chinese Army.

“Look up…”

Standing tall in the army’s tent was Cao Ren. Don’t look at him usually taciturn, but because he was calm and thoughtful in dealing with things, Cao Cao was most relieved, so he kept him guarding Guandu.

At this time, in the face of the few “detailed works” just invited along the Yellow River, he slowly raised his head, intending to interrogate them severely.

“Let’s talk about it, this time…what news did Yuan Shao ask you to come and listen to?”

Cao Ren’s voice was very soft, as if he was talking with a friend, but his eyes were full of breasts, and no matter who looked directly at him, he would have a touch of horror all over his body!

“General…General, we…we’re not meticulous!” Zhen Yao hurriedly said… “We…we are just ordinary people. We are going to Xudu to find relatives…General, you, you really misunderstood us.”

Zhen Yao repeatedly explained that because his hands were tied back, he did not forget to look at own chest, “General, don’t believe me, touch my chest, there are some tokens here to prove my identity!”


Cao Ren opened his eyes slightly. “Are there any tokens? Come, this general, and take a look at your so-called proof.”

While talking, Cao Ren has already walked to Zhen Yao’s side…

Only then did he notice that Zhen Yao turned out to be a woman, a beautiful and refined woman dressed as a man!

“Huo…” Cao Ren shook his head and said with emotion. “You have become so particular about your work now, and you still carry a woman with you. It seems…this is for a complete set of dramas, and it’s a deceitful use!”

“General…I…” Zhen Yao wanted to say something else.

But seeing Cao Ren tore open his chest, only a large bag of coins was wrapped in it, hidden tightly, Cao Ren picked it up, weighed it, and it was heavy. When he opened it, he, he, it was full of gold!

“Yo? This is what you are thinking about honoring this general?” Cao Ren asked with interest.

“There is no filial piety…” Now Zhen Yao, who has been doing business for a long time, is naturally more transparent. “Since we are in the same military account with the general, isn’t ours the general’s?”

Zhen Yao’s heart is like a mirror. Now that he is captured by Cao Jun, without breaking some money, how can he pass this level?

I just hope that the generals in Cao Ying are as greedy for money as the generals in Yuan Ying!

Unfortunately, he doesn’t understand Cao Ren…

Cao Ren is exactly a person who regards money as dung.


He only heard a cold snort. “Sure enough, it is a meticulous work. I was found out, and I planned to spend money to buy this general. Do you think this general is the same as the money greedy people under Yuan Shao? Come on, hit the fifty army stick again, and make this young man sober… ”

Ah… Ah…

Zhen Yao was surprised. He never expected that General Cao Jun would not eat this set. This…this is troublesome.

Suddenly he was set up by two sergeants…Zhen Yao panicked all of a sudden…It’s over, it’s over, it’s really unsuccessful!

But at this moment.”Third brother…” Zhen Luo yelled… “I said General Cao Ying doesn’t eat the northern general’s set, and you even took the money out. Let’s… let’s be honest!”

Haha… to be honest?

Cao Renle was over, he wondered, is this a new routine in the north? Seeing that the bribery is fruitless, are you planning to play the family card?

“Come, come, come.” On the contrary, Cao Ren was also interested, he greeted. “The general will ask you, this woman, to talk about it. I would like to see how Bei Xisuo intends to cheat me!”

As if it were, Cao Ren was determined by weighing the weight.

He has completely identified Zhen Yao and Zhen Luoche as Northern Xizhi, and will never change them easily!

“General, we are really civilians in Hebei…Although my father has also been a small official with a little money, he is by no means Yuan Jun’s spies… Besides, let alone we are going to Xudu to find people…”

Zhen Luo said loudly. At this time, she was already pale. She was worried about the safety of her Big Brother, and even more worried about not being able to reach Xudu, not being able to reach a villa, and not being able to see Mr. Yi.

“Oh…” Cao Ren shook his head, and he asked with interest. “Do you think you said that? This general believed it? Haha…”

Cao Ren sneered again, and he planned to wave his hand, first hit the man with fifty army sticks to kill the prestige… and then interrogate carefully.

But at this moment.

“General, we…we went to Youjian Villa in Xuducheng. The little girl met Mr. Yi, the owner of the villa. Now the little girl is experiencing difficulties at home. Go… and ask Mr. Yi for advice!”

In panic, Zhen Luo couldn’t take care of a lot, she could only tell the purpose and the purpose of this trip…

However, she knew in her heart that this was just a medical emergency, and it was mostly useless…

Mr. Yi stayed away from the court, how could he get to know the generals in this army, not to mention… from Jizhou to Xudu, gathering thousands of miles to ask questions, these are against common sense, how can the general in front of him believe?

At the thought of this, Zhen Luo’s pretty eyebrows wrinkled tighter, and her beautiful face was almost covered by dense dark clouds…

Her teeth bit her lip, and her lips were about to be bitten because of the force. Her eyes looked at Cao Ren very earnestly, as if…like expecting that non-existent miracle would happen.


The miracle really happened.


When there is a mountain villa, Mr. Dang Yi’s name came from this beautiful and beautiful woman, and Cao Ren had a meal.

Cao Ren recalled that she even mentioned… they had traveled a long way to ask Mr. Yi for some problems…


If someone else hears this, they must think it is a joke, a joke in a panic. But, it is Cao Ren who heard this… This woman wants to ask a question about the problem is brother Yi…

No matter what others are, Cao Ren knows that Brother Yi definitely has this ability.

Have the ability to make people travel thousands of miles to ask questions about problems.

What’s more, a woman from the north can even say that there is a mountain villa, can say that Mr. Yi, and even threatened… She met Mr. Yi, then…

Thinking of this, Cao Ren trembled, and then his eyes suddenly widened.

He asked rhetorically. “You said? Do you know Mr. Yi? Where did you meet?”

“There is a mountain villa, in a wine shop… Mr. Yi has also washed away my grievances with Big sis!” Zhen Luo replied without hesitation. She suddenly remembered something. “By the way, at that time… Xu Duling was also…”

Seeing Cao Ren’s expression, Zhen Luo was a little surprised. She wondered, is it possible that this general really knew Mr. Yi?

However, she couldn’t take care of so much at this stall. At the moment… she told all she knew.

call out…

Cao Ren took a sharp breath, then he asked. “Since you have been to a mountain estate and a wine shop, do you remember what kind of drinks are on the counter of a mountain estate wine shop?”

“It’s nine brewed spring wine.”

Zhen Luo’s memory is very good, because her Big Brother Zhen Yao boasted about this drink, and she went to ask Cai Zhaoji in front of the counter carefully.

“It’s Jiu Niang Chun Liquor from Peiguo Qiao County, which is now the hometown of Cao Sikong…Mr. Yi’s favorite drink is also this wine…”


If the woman in front of me can only mention a villa and Yi Xiaotian, that’s all.

Perhaps, the North has gotten some news.

But the general details of this wine shop, and even Brother Yi’s preferences…she can even tell the truth…this is very meaningful!

Maybe, no…not maybe!

This woman must have known Brother Yi, and Cao Ren didn’t hesitate to think of this.

“Ha ha ha ha…”

While laughing out loud, he personally untied the ropes of Zhen Yao, Zhen Luo, and several entourages, and shouted continuously. “Sorry, sorry, we are flooded into the Dragon King Temple, my family doesn’t know my family anymore. Since it is Brother Yi’s friend, that’s me Cao…Ahaha…It’s my’A Ren’ friend!”

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