Chapter 533

Chapter 331: A hot woman, she shot

Guo Jia? Guo Bongxiao…

This name is the most familiar to Zhen Yao. At the beginning of Youjian Villa…I was betting with him that he almost took off his red underwear when he lost.

Now, Brother Yi seems to mean that he can solve the difficulties of the Zhen family?

Huh…Zhen Yao exhaled slightly, Guo Jia’s smart head, melon seeds, he admired, but after all, in Zhen Yao’s impression, Guo Jia is just an extremely shrewd kidnapper, he…he can also follow Ye Has the City Order ever been recruited?

After all, it is about the honor, disgrace, and life of the Zhen family!

Originally wanting to question a few words, Zhen Yao raised his eyes and saw Yi Xiaotian’s confident cheeks, as well as those extremely determined eyes…

Huo, it seems that Brother Yi really has confidence in Guo Fengxiao.

Thinking of this, Zhen Yao didn’t ask.

The next cupped hands, “Everything depends on Brother Yi’s plan…”

In fact, this is not the top priority.

…In Zhen Yao, in Zhen Luo’s view, all Mr. Yi’s conjectures must be based on a major premise, that is… Yuan Shao’s defeat!


Cao Cao didn’t win the battle of Cangting in Brother Yi’s mouth;

If Yuan Shao did not die under the sorrow and anger after returning to Yecheng;

Or, even after Yuan Shao’s death, Cao Cao failed to capture Yecheng for half a year. It seemed that the Zhen family would still be shrouded in haze.

Huh… Thinking of this, Zhen Luo whispered quietly, she wanted to ask something, but she couldn’t ask…

From the bottom of my heart, she believes in Mr.

In this case, I simply look forward to the news of Yuan Shao’s death.

Of course, where does Zhen Luo know…

At this moment, is she not the only one looking forward to the news of Yuan Shao’s death? Cao Cao was already eager to see this.

On the other hand, Yi Xiaotian blinked his eyes, his eyes slowly looked north, towards Yecheng… He was more concerned about Yuan Shao’s death…

Spicy woman, is it time to make a move?

Jizhou, Yecheng.

Yuan Shao was sick. He was lying flat on the bed, his cheeks were as pale as paper, and his spine was sweating uninterruptedly.

The 700,000 troops in the battle of Guandu were wiped out in the ashes, and the 280,000 soldiers of Yuan Jun in the battle of Cangting were in different places. It was like two saps, unbridled heavy blows on Yuan Shao’s fragile heart…

Obviously he always had an absolute advantage, but, but, but… but I lost, and his face was completely beaten by Cao Cao. During this period, Yuan Shao only felt that his own face was constantly being rubbed by Cao Cao, and even more constantly. He was ridiculed by every soldier and every citizen in the north!

His confidence collapsed, he was really sick, and very sick.

As Yi Xiaotian predicted…

Soldiers after the war, especially those who lost the war, will have war sequelae, will be inexplicably irritable and depressed, feel hollowed out, Life loses direction, and so on!

Yuan Shao is a typical representative of this symptom…

He would be inexplicably angry and inexplicably frightened. He could not forget the scenes where Yuan Jun soldiers died beside him, and he could not forget the rampant, mocking laughter after Cao Cao’s victory.

Depressed and unhappy, Yuan Shao seems to be reaching the end of his life. He has been completely crushed by indelible pain, and he is drilling a dead end every day.

It seems… it’s really only a breath away from his death.

“Master Shang is here…”

At this moment… There was a blast from outside the door, and Yuan Shang, Yuan Shao’s youngest son, hurried over…

This time, Yuan Shao sent him to garrison Liyang. This was a barrier for Cao Jun to cross the Yellow River to the north. Li Yang lost it… the entire north was opened.

Even though he was dying, Yuan Shao was still very concerned about Li Yangcheng’s protection.

He ordered his eldest son Yuan Tan, his second son Yuan Xi, and his nephew to return to Qingzhou, Youzhou, and Bingzhou respectively, and then raise troops and horses to assist Li Yang to deal with Cao Cao… the offense cannot be attacked, but the defense must be held.

Also in the house, besides Yuan Shao, there are his wife, Yuan Shang’s biological mother Liu, and Yecheng Ling.

“Shang’er is back…”

Mrs. Liu was very pleased to hear Yuan Shang’s return. She had always been worried about her son’s safety. Now… Yuan Shao is about to die. She can only rely on her son for the rest of her life.

“Young Master Shang…How is the battle in Liyang City?” The prosecutor asked urgently, he was more concerned about Li Yang’s battle.

While speaking, Yuan Shao tried hard to prop up his body, twisting his head to Yuan Shang’s side.

As if Li Yang’s protection, he was also extremely concerned.

“Father…”With a click, Yuan Shang knelt to the ground all of a sudden, tears dripping from the corner of his eyes. “My boy, my boy is defeated, father…you have to avenge my boy!”

This is the little son who was doted and grew up. Whenever he sees people, he likes to say “My father is Yuan Shao…”, “I can’t do it, my father!” Such words, nowadays, don’t look at his father’s situation anymore? Can you avenge him? The two of you, who on earth should you avenge?

“Son, then… how about Li Yang?”

An extremely hoarse voice came out, Yuan Shao’s eyes burst with blood, and his eyeballs were about to stare out. It doesn’t matter if you lose…it doesn’t matter if you lose your soldiers and horses, Liyang City…the last barrier along the Yellow River can’t be lost!

“Father…” Yuan Shang’s extremely sad voice sounded again. “Baby…Baby lost Li Yang.”

“What… Li Yang… Li Yang also lost?” Yuan Shao’s whole body seemed to weaken at once. With a “boom”, his entire back suddenly fell… and the bed made a very crisp sound.

“Son, this… Li Yang, Li Yang is the place of the throat, this Li Yang… heh heh… Li Yang is lost, Jizhou… Jizhou also… no… heh heh… no guarantee. This… this is God’s blessing to my Yuan family. what…”

When Yuan Shao was in a hurry, he felt his heart hot, his throat became salty, and his mouth opened.

Wow…a mouthful of blood spurted out, let alone 800CC, but Yuan Shao’s cholesterol is still high, the blood is all purple, and the whole bed is covered with purple blood in an instant, which makes people look terrifying!

Hearing a “puff” again, it seems that because of excitement, he fell to the ground.

The whole end is approaching, dying.

…Mrs. Liu hurriedly called for the doctor. Not long after, the doctor waiting in the side hall rushed over, and everyone carried Yuan Shao back to the bed.

“General, wake up, wake up…” Madam Liu yelled ecstatically, tears down…

Phew… Yuan Shao exhaled heavily and finally woke up.


I woke up, but my eyes straightened, my tongue hardened, and the whole person was not good. It seemed… there was only half a breath left at most.


See this scene.

Madam Liu’s heart trembled, as if panicked, but she soon calmed down.

Whoops, if Yuan Shao dies, who will lead this general? Who will command the soldiers and horses of these four states?

Thought of this.

Madam Liu’s eyes narrowed slightly, and she stared at her crying son Yuan Shang…


The position of this great general, the state shepherd of these four states, must be left to my Shang’er!

I thought about this… Mrs. Liu desperately gave the trial a look. Although the trial was overbearing, at this time, he could still handle it clearly…

The trial directly found paper and pen, and planned to help Yuan Shao write his will.

Yuan Shao knew in his heart that his deadline was approaching.

“Cough cough”… He coughed hard, intending to establish his son.

Before he died, he was completely transparent, and now almost all of the foundation in the north is buried in the hands of own, attacking Cao Cao? Don’t think about it, if you keep it… you must win the hearts of the ministers, and you can’t fall apart!

So… this son…

Yuan Shao planned to make Yuan Tan the princely son.

Unexpectedly, before he said a word, Madam Liu sat on the edge of Yuan Shao’s bed, her whole body covering Yuan Shao’s cheeks.

What followed was her sharp and powerful voice.

“My great general… After you ascended to heaven, this great general’s seal and the state shepherd of the four states are going to be handed over to our Shang’er?”

Hmm… Yuan Shao only felt in a daze.

In the blur, he seemed to have heard Mrs. Liu’s words, but he didn’t seem to hear them.

He wanted to talk, but found that his throat was choked, and he finally uttered a “no” word, but he never thought that it was all covered by Madam Liu’s voice.

“Yeah… the general, he nodded slightly.” At this point, Madam Liu looked around, looking back to the trial. “Mr. Trial, you can see clearly and plainly, quickly help…help the general write his will.”

While talking, Mrs. Liu’s eyes stared at the interrogation like electricity…

What does it mean to see clearly?

What does it mean to see clearly?

…The trial is clear in his heart, understand, at this time…have to stand in line, stand still, but it’s really flat.

Sw sw swah… the pen was taken by the snake dragon, the trial partner was kneeling, and quickly finished writing the suicide note.

The Liu family finally took a breath, and a big rock in his heart crashed to the ground. At this time, he turned his head and looked back at the owner husband, one of the eight lieutenants of Xiyuan, who had been the leader of the 18th princes. Yuan Shao, who used to…

Now he has gone to the West, but his eyes are so big and round, they seem to be mad, he can’t squint!

I just don’t know, his anger was caused by Cao Cao? Or was it angry by Mrs. Own Liu?

Or it’s not…

What really pissed him off was the man behind the scenes who pushed all this-how about Yi Xiaotian?

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