Chapter 534 Brothers and friends are respectful, the same hatred, the rhythm is wrong!

Chapter 332 Brothers, friends and brothers are respectful, the same hatred and the enemy, the rhythm is wrong!


The trial and Mrs. Liu fabricated Yuan Shao’s will.

Yuan Shang became the new head of the Yuan family.

It seems that everything is on the right track again, after all… the so-called soldiers to eat food, even high-level counselors and high-level officers, everyone eats for the sake of food.

Whoever becomes the boss has anything to do with them. As long as their salary is not reduced, they should be in peace.

What’s more, Yuan Shang also had the support of Yecheng Ling’s prosecution, and his wife Liu’s fierce and iron-fisted means. The name of “resoluteness” and “relentlessness” of prosecution reverberated throughout the north, and Madam Liu directly killed Yuan Shao. Of five concubines, together with their families, killed everyone in order to deter everyone.

For a while, everyone is in danger, and the big guys won’t look boring to go against Yuan Shang.

Yuan Shangshun logically inherited Yuan Shao’s position.

Now… Mrs. Liu, the audition, and Yuan Shang are all happy…

It seems that, except for Yuan Shao who is a little bit dead under Jiuquan, everyone else is overjoyed.

But unfortunately, there are still a few people that, instead of having the slightest element of joy, are angry and hard to fill…

For example, Yuan Shao’s eldest son, Yuan Tan, is one of them.

Speaking of it, he was the first to assemble the Qingzhou soldiers and horses to rush back to help Li Yang.

This is nothing, but when Yuan Tan hurried back to Yecheng, he heard the news of the death of his father Yuan Shao, and the reality that the big stick of power had been handed over to Little Brother Yuan Shang.

Anger, tragic, resentment…

The total negative emotions weighed on Yuan Tan’s heart. On the one hand, he had to endure the pain of his father’s death, and on the other hand, he had to watch his own position being snatched away by Little Brother…

However, the enemy is currently, which is lighter and heavier, Yuan Tan can still handle it.

Li Yang has been broken, and the door of Hebei is wide open… Now, you must first block Cao Cao’s iron cavalry, and then… let’s talk about the position of the son of the world.

For a time.

On the contrary, Yuan Tan became angry with Yuan Shang…

Similar to this situation, Yuan Xi, the second son of Yuan Shao, and the high-ranking nephew of Yuan Shao’s nephew, they gathered together and planned to fight back.

After the discussion, Yuan Shang directly dispatched three soldiers and horses. Guo Yuan, his general, was in charge of the senior officials in Bingzhou. The Southern Huns went to attack Hedong County and opened up a second battlefield, leaving Cao Cao with little skill.

The three Yuan brothers guarded Yecheng and bought time for the opening of the second battlefield.

For a time, the entire Yuan clan didn’t seem to fall apart like Yi Xiaotian predicted, but instead they were the same enemy and unanimously opposed to the powerful enemy.

Along the Yellow River, Guandu Port, Cao Jun Zhongjun Da Zhang.

Cao Cao has been pacing around for an hour, he can’t figure it out…what’s wrong? This…this…this…Yuan Shao is cold?

According to Brother Yi’s prediction, the three sons and one nephew should fight for the position of the heir to the Yuan family.

But…but? The reality is quite different.

Yuan Shao’s three sons and a nephew became angry with the enemy, and they looked like brothers, friends and brothers… and… they also joined forces with the Southern Huns and colluded with the princes of Guanzhong to open up a second battlefield in Hanoi, and attack Xudu south at any time…

this? The rhythm is wrong!

Cao Cao knocked on his forehead. He was determined not to believe that the Yi Brothers made a mistake…

But facts speak louder than words, and Brother Yi seems to be wrong this time.

Thinking about it this way, Yuan Shao’s death might as well be alive.

He is alive, at least there is a huge pit in Yuan Ying. It’s good now, the pit is gone, and I have become a few shrewd boys, hey, it’s not easy to deal with.

Cao Cao shook his head when he thought of this.

“Wenhe, what are you talking about!”

Cao Cao asked Jia Xu beside him. “Yuan Shao hasn’t established a son for a long time. Why did he die like this? The whole Yuan Ying didn’t give birth to a wave… even the same hatred, brothers and friends, and respectfulness, all of them were unanimous to the outside world! I can’t figure it out, I really can’t figure it out.”

Hearing that, Jia Xu also shook his head…”Cao Sikong, it is Shopkeeper Yi who predicts Yuan Shao’s death, and Shopkeeper Yi predicts that Yuan’s camp is torn apart… Instead of asking me this bad old man, why not ask Shopkeeper Yi? Doesn’t he have a unique opinion?”

Uh… this!

Cao Cao paused slightly, and he scratched his head. It seemed that it was such a thing. Instead of thinking about it, it’s better to really ask Brother Yi.

Besides, if the judgment is wrong, it is wrong, and it’s nothing…

People who are not sages can do nothing, and Cao Cao wouldn’t have lost a point in his trust in Brother Yi because of this incident.

Thinking of this, Cao Cao turned his head and asked Cao Ren beside him. “Zi Xiao, what has Brother Yi been up to lately?”

Uh…this one!

Cao Ren knocked on his forehead, a little embarrassed, a little embarrassed, after all, he still spoke. “Dage, I want to report something to you… Three days ago, I caught five men and a woman along the Yellow River. Brother Yi met, and the two seem to have a great friendship!”

Speaking of this, Cao Ren paused and shook his head slightly, as if he felt a little guilty.

After doing these actions, he just continued to speak. “So I sent them to the resort, to Brother Yi… Guess what Dage, this woman turned out to be…yes…”

It seems that Cao Ren’s voice became hoarse because of being too excited. He cleared his throat and blurted out. “Is the fifth daughter of the famous Zhen family in Hebei——Zhen Luo!”

Cao Ren raised his hand, looking very excited. “She is Zhen Mi in the’Two Joes in the South, Zhen Mi Qiao in Hebei’ that Dage once mentioned to Brother Yi. Her nickname is Zhen Luo! I heard that Brother Yi has been with this girl Zhen Luo all day long. The two talked and laughed, but don’t have a sense of affection!”

Huo…Zhen Mi in “Hebei Zhen Mi Qiao”.

Hearing this, Cao Cao was shocked. He was still thinking about it. After he smashed Yecheng, he went to Zhen’s house in Hebei Province to ask Brother Yi for the girl.

Unexpectedly, the girl from the Zhen family took the initiative to send it to the door.

Hearing what Cao Ren said, he still hugged him and went to find Brother Yi…

Hey, Cao Cao stretched out his hand and patted his forehead. He felt a little embarrassed, and he was still a little unbalanced in his heart!

Here he is marching quickly, acting as a bait, and laying ambush on all sides…

In the first battle of Cangting, Yuan Shao wiped out more than 200,000 soldiers and horses. That was simply pinning own head to the belt of his trousers.

Dare to love, here, Brother Yi, the three stunning girls are not satisfied yet, the “Hebei Zhen Mi Qiao” who was stunned and born took the initiative to pass!

I’m good…

In addition to being shocked by Yi Xiaotian’s “superior skill”, Cao Cao was also envious.

What is a winner in life?

I go, Yi Xiaotian is the winner in life.

There is no need to fight in the world, no need to take risks, and even no need to know martial arts…

It happened that the most beautiful beauty, the most abundant wealth, just rushed up to surround him, it is envious of others!

Sure enough, the most beautiful affairs in this world, those who were stupefied, were monopolized by Brother Yi!

Hey, Brother Yi, you’re kind of kind, leave me a little bit of Cao Cao?

Cao Cao laughed out loud.

…It was a wry smile, but also a straightforward smile.

All in all, Brother Yi is happy, and Cao Cao is also happy from the bottom of his heart.

To be honest, without Brother Yi, where did this great victory in the battle of Guandu come from? Where did this Cangting victory come from? Where did Li Yang’s victory come from? Where did his soul of Yuan Shao return to Guanxi?


Cao Cao is still facing a big problem now.

The children of Yuan’s family are not playing cards according to their routines.

My brothers and friends, I have joined forces, and… united with the Southern Huns and the Kwantung princes to open up a second battlefield. This f*ck is full of the rhythm of stealing homes?

What should I do about this? Quite anxious!

Thinking of this, Cao Cao waved his hand. “Zixiao, let’s go…”

It seems that I don’t need much words anymore, and I don’t even need to specify where I’m going…

Both Cao Ren and Jia Xu knew well, except for a resort, except for Brother Yi.

Where else? Can you hook the soul of Dage Cao Cao?

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