Chapter 537

Chapter 335: The emergency is to save each other, and the slow is to fight

“No…” Cao Cao waved his hand. “Yuan Shao’s death was thorough, and the information came back, saying that he was depressed and walked to the end of his life.”

When it comes to this, Cao Cao will inevitably feel a sigh of relief, but… he still can’t bother to sigh, new problems are coming one by one.

“Brother Yi, they are Yuan Shao’s sons. Not only did they not compete for the position and fight as you predicted, they even… even assembled the Bingzhou soldiers and horses, colluding with the Southern Huns and Shan Yu, secretly contacting the generals of Guanzhong. …To head south from Bingzhou to Xu Du and open up a second battlefield!”

At this point, Cao Cao’s whole expression became extremely serious.

He exhaled and continued. “Today’s Cao Cao clone lacks skills. If he wants to continue attacking Yecheng, then… how to protect the Bingzhou side? If you want to go to Bingzhou… I’m afraid Liyang City won’t be able to keep it!”

Shaking his head, “Oh”, Cao Cao let out a sigh. “After all, Yuan Shao’s three sons and a nephew are much more reliable than his father. Sincerely united, it’s hard to deal with!”

call out…

It turned out to be this.

Hearing this, Yi Xiaotian’s eyes rolled, and without careful consideration, he waved his hand and blurted out. “Brother, this can’t be counted as my wrong judgment. Cao Cao is to blame for the current situation! Hey…why this time? Is Cao Cao’s mind so ignorant?”


Cao Cao suddenly felt that he was shot while lying down.

How can he be blamed? Why don’t you get rid of it?

This strategy was determined by your brother Yi. You can fight wherever you say you want to fight. At best, Cao Cao is just a practitioner, hey… if you dare to make a mistake, the pot fell on him.

Cao Cao felt tired at once. He didn’t blame Brother Yi yet. Instead, Brother Yi first blamed him… Why suddenly there was a feeling of “blue thin” and “mushroom”.

“Brother Yi…”

Thinking of this, Cao Cao was unfair. “We have to be kind…this… Cao Cao’s battle at Cangting, it was completely done according to your strategy… It was ambush on all sides and annihilated the enemy, and it was a heavy blow to Yuan Tan, and Yuan Shang was released. I blame him.”

“Ha ha…”

Cao Cao was full of doubts, and he never thought that Yi Xiaotian would laugh straight out. “Brother humiliate brother, you only know one thing and don’t know the other…”

At this point, Yi Xiaotian slowly stood up, he took a step to the left, and explained with a smile. “I’ve said that Yuan Shao is dead, and the position of the heir, Yuan Tan, the eldest son, and Yuan Shang, the younger son, will surely fight each other.”

“But the current situation is completely different. Doesn’t it… Cao Cao has captured Liyang City, which is equivalent to opening up the gap in Jizhou, and it is possible to attack Yecheng northward at any time. Under such a situation, if you are not from Yuan Shao, brother What would you do with your sons? Fight for power without any scruples, and then let Cao Cao take them in one pot?”

“Hehe… don’t look at the age of these children, they are very shrewd. Nowadays, the brothers have not smashed their faces, and with the current foreign enemies, it is obvious that they will choose to attack the enemy in unison! Otherwise, not Is Cao Cao cheaper?”

At the end, Yi Xiaotian blinked his eyes and said meaningfully.

“Brother, your taste, your fine taste…”


Cao Cao pondered carefully, let alone, Brother Yi’s “pot” was a little bit ridiculous.

Dare to love, it’s not that the brotherhood is true, it’s that he forced it too tightly, but it made people unite sincerely.

If so… then…

“Brother Yi? So… you mean, Cao Cao has to withdraw from Li Yang?”

“Not only to withdraw from Liyang, but also to withdraw from Guandu… Simply heading south, making the appearance of a southern conquest of Jingzhou against Liu Biao. In this way, Yuan Shao’s shortcomings will soon be revealed, brothers. This is the reason why powers are merged and their respective parties are formed. The so-called emergency is to rescue each other, and the slow is to fight.”

Yi Xiaotian explained in detail…

He suddenly thought of something, and added another sentence. “Brother, in Xuzhou, Lu Bu, Liu Bei, and Yuan Shu fought against each other and lost each other. In the end, it was Cao Cao who sat on the mountain and watched the tigers fight and stole the fruits of Xuzhou’s victory! This is called…”

At this point, Cao Cao blurted out the answer first. “This is called’Three Tigers Fighting for Food’,’Drive the Tiger and Devour the Wolf’…”

“Brother Hu…It’s not that complicated. You look up to the three sons of Yuan Shao, they are not as good as Liu Bei, Lu Bu, and Yuan Shu!” Yi Xiaotian waved his hand and said immediately. “To be more precise, this is called’watching the fire from across the bank’, and it is for the benefit of the fisherman!”

call out…

Watching the fire across the bank, Cao Cao’s eyes narrowed slightly, his mind turned sharply, if one is urgent, then he will be rescued, and the slower will fight, what a plan to watch the fire across the bank!

Brother Yi’s trick is very clever, Cao Cao nodded heavily, he thinks this trick is feasible!Even, it is very possible to directly help Cao Cao win Jizhou without blood.

Of course, Cao Cao’s heart is like a mirror. Brother Yi mentioned that he would go to Liu Biao to expedite the South. It was just a pretentious appearance. The soldiers and horses were removed, and the performance was a bit more real. This made the big family member of the Yuan family mistakenly think that the foreign troubles have been resolved.

When the time comes… really fight, that is, the dog bites the dog-a hairy mouth, and the end of waiting for them must be to eat arsenic and hang up again-a dead end!

Ha ha ha ha…

Cao Cao laughed out loud. He seemed to be restrained deliberately, for fear that it might affect the sleeping beauties of Brother Yi in this inn…

It’s just that the laughter is a little deeper, but less bold…not as magical as it used to be.


Cao Cao carefully went through the fake retreat plan in his mind.

It seems that I want to find the loopholes in it, and then discuss it with Yi Xiaotian in detail…

Think of it this way.

Cao Cao really figured out something, it was a detail he and Yi Xiaotian didn’t talk about.

That is-the second battlefield.

When he thought of this, Cao Cao raised his brows, and he asked hurriedly. “Brother Yi, this fake retreat is easy to handle, but…The Yuan clan has now assembled Bingzhou soldiers and horses, united with Southern Huns and Shanyu, contacted the Guanzhong princes, and dispatched his general Guo Yuan to cooperate with the senior officials of Bingzhou provincial governor. And to open up a second battlefield south of the state, you can’t help but prevent this!”

Um… the second battlefield.

Hearing this, Yi Xiaotian’s eyes rolled…a little thought.

He slightly calculated the troops invested by the Yuan clan on the second battlefield–

——The Union State Soldiers led by the provincial governor’s senior cadres;

The soldiers and horses drawn by Guo Yuan from Jizhou;

And the Southern Huns, Shan Yu… and even the Guanzhong princes Han Sui and Ma Teng who are in contact…

Speaking of, this second battlefield really cannot fail. If these four squadrons go south from Bingzhou, use Hanoi as a springboard, drive straight into Luoyang, and then into Xudu, this f*ck Cao Cao’s hometown will be defeated. Have it in one pot!

At first sound, and at first thought, whether it was the Yuan clan sending this lineup or this plan, they were all very detailed.

Cao Cao also condensed his eyebrows and looked helpless. The main reason was that he was doppelganger!

Unexpectedly, Yi Xiaotian waved his hand.

“Brother…You are too worried about this. How can it be so easy to open a second battlefield? Not to mention the strength of the four soldiers and horses that sounded at first, the disparity within the Yuan family alone prevented them from working together. .”

At this point, Yi Xiaotian chuckled and paused slightly before continuing to explain.

“For example, Yuan Shang’s confidant general Guo Yuan is in charge of these lines of troops, but the troops that are mobilized are more of the tribes of Bingzhou. These tribes originally listened to Yuan Shao, now Yuan Shaoliang is now, and naturally they want to listen. And the state governor was a high-ranking officer.”

“It’s the same sentence just now. If you are in a hurry, you will save you, and if you are slow, you will fight. Once Cao Cao goes south and the crisis is resolved, where will the senior cadres really help Yuan Shang?

“In this way… he is afraid that he will only behave on the surface… Actually, he can’t send many soldiers and horses.”

Yi Xiaotian’s remarks first narrated the complicated relationship between Yuan Shang and senior cadres in detail, and then rationally and methodically analyzed that going south from Bingzhou was nothing but wishful thinking by Yuan Shang, and senior cadres would not take him seriously. of.

Cao Cao nodded…

The so-called dragon begets the dragon, the phoenix begets the phoenix, and the mouse is born to make holes… These sons and nephews of Yuan Shao must inherit their parents… which is the “fine tradition” of Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu killing each other in love…

One set on the surface, one set on the back… the brothers buried each other in pits.

Isn’t this the glorious bloodline inherited from the Yuan clan for hundreds of years?

Hehe, after being analyzed by Brother Yi like this, Cao Cao opened his mouth, he was going to laugh, he was going to smile sadly.

It seems that because I am in a good mood, my mouth is a little bit open, and it actually smells like a “crooked mouth” again.

He pondered it carefully.

“If Yuan Shao’s nephew and the senior officials of the state don’t go all out…then the opening of the second battlefield seems to have only three small units left-Guo Yuan under Yuan Shang’s command, Southern Xiongnu Shanyu, Guanzhong Han Sui, Ma Teng…What does Brother Yi have to deal with these guys?”

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