Chapter 538

Chapter 336 is “Green Riding Hood” or “Hi to Be a Father”

“Brother Yi, in the second battlefield, among the four troops, the hidden dangers of the senior cadres are eliminated. Presumably… the other three ways, Brother Yi has already figured out how to deal with it, right?”

Cao Cao asked…

While speaking, he did not forget to wink Cao Ren, Cao Ren understood, and immediately filled Yi Xiaotian a bowl of wine.

Said in his mouth. “Brother Yi, take a sip of wine first. You are spending a lot of time with the girl, and you have frequently come to Ding Jizhou, and moisturize your throat…”

“Thank you brother Ren.”

Yi Xiaotian took the wine bowl, took a sip, and immediately continued preaching. “Brother Huo mostly knows that the high-ranking troops are Yuan Shang’s main force in opening up the second battlefield. No matter it is the Southern Huns Shanyu or Guo Yuan, the number is small… Only the Guanzhong prince Han Sui , Ma Teng, you need to be cautious!”

Speaking of the idea.

Cao Cao nodded, putting aside the high-ranking Bianzhou troops. Han Sui and Ma Teng were two tigers from Kansai. If they were killed, it would be really hard to deal with!

“Brother Yi? How to deal with Han Sui and Ma Teng?” Cao Cao asked urgently.

“This…” Yi Xiaotian paused slightly, seeming to be thinking.

Searching from relevant ancient books and documents in his memory, Yi Xiaotian found a lot of information about Cao Cao’s Dingguan…

It is precisely in this information that a person’s name suddenly appeared in Yi Xiaotian’s forehead-Zhong Yao!

This is a very powerful person who plays a vital role in the process of calming and calming the chaos in Guanzhong…

Of course, the main reason why Yi Xiaotian was so impressed with him was not this.

…Because of his other “excellent” ability.

According to historical records, Zhong Yao was born in 151, the same age as Cao Cao, and he is not too young now, but his son, who later became the famous Zhong Hui, was born in 225.

In other words, when Zhong Hui was born, Zhong Yao was seventy-five years old.

If you throw away some unsophisticated talks about “Green Riding Hood” and “Hi to be a father”…

For Zhong Yao, Yi Xiaotian can only comment on four words-horror.

It’s not just a good old age to be able to give birth to a son. This guy’s physical fitness and calm temperament are absolutely incredible…

Of course, these can only show some aspects of his abilities, but… this still cannot be concealed, Zhong Yao’s outstanding talent in the process of calming the chaos in Guanzhong.

Thinking of this, Yi Xiaotian asked rhetorically. “Brother Hu, do you know Zhong Yao?”

Um… Zhong Yao.

Cao Cao is no stranger. Three years ago, Brother Yi set a strategic plan for the cross policy of “Looking East, Riding West, Crossing South, Northing, and Zhongding”. Among them, he was responsible for the “Xilong” plan and enlisted princes such as Han Sui and Ma in Guanzhong. It was this Zhong Yao who made the move. In the impression, he was recommended by Brother Yi casually.


With this in mind, Cao Cao added a bit of curiosity to his mind. “I know Zhong Yao, not only do I know him, but he is also very familiar!”

Yes…Of course I am familiar.

Cai Yong was Cao Cao’s mentor in Taixue. There are two descendants of Cai Yong in Calligraphy Realm. One is his daughter Cai Zhaoji, and the other is Zhong Yao.

Strictly speaking, Cao Cao and him are still the same brothers!

Besides, this Zhong Yao is still a great calligrapher. He is good at various scripts such as seal, official, true, xing, and cursive. He even promoted the development of regular script and was honored as the “originator of regular script” by later generations. Zhong Yao also had a lot of discussions, and the relationship was quite good.

“Brother Hu, since you are familiar with Zhong Yao, you should rest assured of him.”

Yi Xiaotian went on to talk about it. “I remember, it was three years ago. Zhong Yao rushed to Guanzhong on the order of Cao Cao to win over the princes of Guanxi. It seems…for three consecutive years, the entire Guanxi has not experienced the slightest disturbance. In my opinion, even this time, Yuan’s army came on the ground, eyeing it, and even contacting the princes of Kansai, but as long as Zhong Yu is there, this second battlefield is as stable as a dog! Brother, you and Cao Cao should rest assured!”

… as stable as a dog.Huh… Cao Cao’s heart trembled, it seems that Brother Yi is very confident in Zhong Yao.

But in Cao Cao’s view, Zhong Yao was just a Confucian scholar, strictly speaking a calligrapher, and a talented literati.

In the past three years, he has been able to win over the princes of the Kansai region as an extraordinary performance, and then…face the offensive of the Yuan family’s three-way army again? Can he stop it?

What’s more, he had to face Yuan Shang’s wooing of the princes of Guanxi, under such circumstances? Can he stabilize the situation?

This series of question marks surfaced on my forehead one by one…

Cao Cao didn’t know what to do in his heart. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that Zhong Yao couldn’t figure it out…

“Ahem… Brother Yi…”

Cao Cao gave a light cough.

“What you said is so simple…but…According to the detailed report, Yuan Shang has secretly contacted the princes of Guanxi. Recently…the Guanxi soldiers headed by Han Sui and Ma Teng are about to rebel. This is enough for Zhong Yao The head is big, let alone the soldiers and horses of Jizhou led by Guo Yuan, and the cavalry led by Shanyu of the Southern Huns…they…they…”

At the end of the talk, Cao Cao’s voice was hoarse, he couldn’t speak…

After all, if we continue to follow this situation, once Zhong Yao can’t figure it out, Guanzhong is likely to become the second battlefield between Cao and Yuan, or even the second breakthrough!


Now, his Cao Cao has opened up the gateway to Jizhou and tore open the opening to conquer the north, but once the door of Guandong is opened by Yuan Shang…this is a full rhythm of changing homes!

Whenever he thinks of this, Cao Cao’s whole person’s mood becomes very complicated and melancholy.

I never thought that Cao Cao still showed a bitter face, but Yi Xiaotian had already begun to wave his hands and started laughing…

Ha ha ha ha…

“Brother Hu, you underestimated this Zhong Yao!”

Yi Xiaotian reminded directly.

“Brother, you probably forgot…At the beginning, the emperor was detained in Chang’an, and Cao Cao sent envoys to try to establish contact with the court. Li Wei and Guo Pun directly rejected Cao Cao’s sincerity, or Zhong Yao tried hard to persuade them-“Heroes of today” At the same time, each took the guise of the emperor’s edict to rule the roost, but Cao Cao thought of the court and the emperor in his heart. If he refuses his sincerity, the people of the world will be chilled!”

“For this reason, Li Zhang and Guo Pun gave Cao Cao the official title of Yanzhou Mu in the name of the court. Cao Cao is a’cottage’, ah no… the elected Yanzhou Mu finally deserves his name! At that time, Zhong Yao was able to see the rise of Cao Cao, his insight, and his ability to judge the current situation?”

call out…

At this point in Brother Yi’s words, Cao Cao was thoughtful, but it was only for a moment when he immediately waved his hand. “This insight, the ability to judge the current situation is simply extraordinary!”


Yi Xiaotian chuckled, then he continued.

“This is nothing. In the second year of Xingping, Li Yi threatened the emperor, and various warlords fought with each other in Chang’an city… or Zhong Yu was in a complicated situation, stupefied to balance the forces of all parties and make use of them to help the emperor escape from Chang’an. The successful return to the east is where Cao Cao welcomes the emperor to make the princes better! How about Zhong Yao’s ability to deal with complex situations if he succumbs to his brother and re-products?”


Cao Cao was taken aback. When Yi Xiaotian said this, he really felt that he underestimated Zhong Yao…

This brother who belongs to Cai Yong’s family is not easy!

He immediately came up with an idea that Zhong Yao can really handle the complicated situation in Guanzhong without being together, and it can make the second battlefield of Cao and Yuan Xixi as stable as Mount Tai!

Thinking of this, Cao Cao grinned, finally showing a little relief…

But at this moment.

Yi Xiaotian’s words followed.

“Brother, in fact, this is nothing… Next, I will talk about Zhong Yao’s deeds, Zhong Yao’s characteristics, and Zhong Yao’s abilities, which are the ultimate reasons why he can stand in the middle of the gate and never fall. !”

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