Chapter 539 Zhong Yao, isn’t this the weakened version of Brother Yi!

Chapter 337 Zhong Yao, isn’t this the weakened version of Brother Yi!

Standing in the middle of the gate, never fail…

…Okay, what a high evaluation.

On Cao Cao’s side, he was shocked by Yi Xiaotian’s evaluation of Zhong Yao…

On the other side, Yi Xiaotian’s words have continued to spread.

“Brother, Zhong Yao is an outstanding calligrapher! Calligraphers are often calm and relaxed. Mount Tai collapses in front of him without changing his face. Even in the face of internal and external troubles, in the face of the enemy. Zhong Yao must be able to do so. In this way, the ability to find the best solution amidst numerous difficulties, let alone lie to your brother, can’t match even Cao Cao.”

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian took the initiative to fill Cao Cao with wine and said with a smile.

“Brother, please relax. With such a great calligrapher guarding the gate for Cao Cao, he can really sit back on Wu You… The situation in Guanzhong is very stable! According to my analysis, with Zhong Yao’s insight , The judgment of the situation, and Mount Tai’s calmness, calmness, and inconsistency. He can persuade Ma Teng and Han Sui to jointly prevent Guo Yuan and the Southern Xiongnu from attacking Shanyu!”

Yi Xiaotian’s remarks weren’t just casual talk…

The historical Zhong Yao, really in this embarrassing situation, through keen analysis and insight, worked out a set of correct strategies that fit the vertical and horizontal lines, and simply blocked the opening of Yuan Shang’s second battlefield with his own power. !

It can really be described by the words “horror like this”.

Thinking of this, Yi Xiaotian chuckled, and smiled slightly…

Suddenly he suddenly thought of something…

“…Brother, let me tell you another secret…”

Um… secret?

Cao Cao was stunned. Before he came, all he thought was that Yuan Shang united so many forces to attack him.

Cao Cao has two fists and four hands, and the hero is also afraid of group fights…

But now, it seems that the problems of high-level executives have been solved, and the problems of Ma Teng and Han Sui will be alleviated because of Zhong Yao’s guard…

So, then, only the Southern Xiongnu Shanyu and Yuan Shang’s first warrior, Guo Yuan, are left.

In the face of these two units, Cao Cao was like a mirror. As long as he defeated the tribes of Guo Yuan, the main force of the Yuan army, the Southern Huns would definitely see that the situation was wrong and flee in the wind. This was the usual trick and method of the Southern Huns.

If you say so…

Now the key point has been focused on Guo Yuan’s troops. How to deal with Guo Yuan’s main force?

Could it be…Is the secret raised by Brother Yi related to this?

Thinking of this, Cao Cao got close to Yi Xiaotian… asked curiously. “Brother Yi? What’s the secret?”

“Hehe.” Yi Xiaotian showed a mysterious smile, and immediately he waved his hand. “Brother I don’t know, the general Guo Yuan sent by Yuan Shang, he is Zhong Yao’s nephew…”


Also… still have this relationship?

Cao Cao was taken aback…

Yi Xiaotian’s words followed. “The so-called half-uncle is like a half-mother, even if Guo Yuan has two brushes in combat, the person who knows him best is his mother-in-law. What’s more, Guo Yuan’s art of war from elementary school originated from this mother-in-law! It can be said that Zhong Yao was Tianke Guo Yuan in the battle.”

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian waved his hand. “Now, Brother Hu still feels that this second battlefield in Guanzhong, this gateway through the Central Plains, can the Yuan clan get through? Does Cao Cao need to worry about this?”

Boom… boom!

Cao Cao only felt that a thunderbolt hit the sky and thundered loudly…

If what Brother Yi said is true, then…Cow break.

Never thought that Zhong Yao, a fellow senior who he had never valued, was simply a flash of lightning. I went and almost buried the talent.Cao Cao couldn’t help but shook his head when he thought of this. He was issuing orders for seeking talents all day long, and he was also a corporal of courtesy. He never thought that the real talents are in his camp, by his side!

No wonder… All these years, Zhong Yao has been sitting in Guanzhong, as stable as Mount Tai!

No wonder, in the battle of Guandu, Zhong Yao was able to send five thousand Guanzhong horses…

No wonder he, a Confucian student, was able to mediate between Han Sui, Ma Teng, and many other Kansai princes, and he even managed to manage Chang’an City on his own.

Dare to love, people do not rely on luck, but real ability…

Such an incredible insight, such a judgment of the overall situation, and the calmness and calmness of that unique great calligrapher, this…this…this is the smaller Yi Xiaotian!


Cao Cao was stunned. Compared with the situation in Guanzhong, he could get this weakened version of “Yi Xiaotian”.

Ha ha ha ha…

With a sullen laughter, Cao Cao’s laughter just started, and he hurriedly covered his mouth, almost forgot, brother Yi’s little beauties are all asleep!

“Brother Yi, sorry, sorry…”

Cao Cao waved his hand, seeming to express a little apology.

At this time, he was in an extremely clear mood… It’s so cool, the reason for the Yuan brothers’ delay in fighting has been found, and the problems of the army of Yuan Shang gathered are solved.

…It seems that next, Cao Cao only needs to evacuate Liyang city step by step and give soil to the Yuan brothers’ infighting, and then it will be done… Isn’t this power of hatred taking root?

Huh… Cao Cao couldn’t help but think about it.

and many more…

He suddenly thought of something. To Yuan Shao, he knew and was familiar with Cao Cao.

But it seems… Cao Cao didn’t know much about Yuan Shao’s sons. He only knew that they had inherited the excellent tradition of infighting in the old Yuan family. They fell in love and killed each other. Other… For example, their character? That is still unknown!

The so-called knowing oneself and the enemy, a hundred battles will never end…

Cao Cao raised his brows and asked Yi Xiaotian on his own initiative.

“Brother Yi…Since you made such an understatement, you cracked the Yuan clan’s counterattack and saw the suspicion between their brothers more clearly. Then, presumably, Brother Yi must also know…Yuan Shao’s sons…No…Yuan Shao What are the personalities of these three sons and a nephew? What are their methods? Will the Yuan family fight each other? Or will they be divided into two factions?”

Cao Cao directly raised the issue he cared about most.

Yuan Tan, Yuan Xi, Yuan Shang, senior executives… What kind of people are Yuan Shao’s younger generation?

Cao Cao’s eyes blinked again and again, as if looking forward to the answer.

“What are their characters?” Yi Xiaotian chuckled. Although he was studying the history of the Later Han Dynasty to the Three Kingdoms, it seems that he paid very little attention to Yuan Shang, Yuan Tan, Yuan Xi, and senior officials…

I really want to talk about their personalities and methods. To be honest, it’s not accurate.

Therefore, Yi Xiaotian hesitated for a long time, and knocked on his forehead.

“Brother, how can I tell you? Boss Yuan Tan, strong temperament, good for killing, very unpopular in Qingzhou, and the most coveted for the position of the son of the world, so the fight with Yuan Shang is bound to be the most turbulent;”

“As for… the second child, Yuan Xi, is cowardly and has no opinion. Whether it is Dage Yuan Tan or third brother Yuan Shang, he dare not offend, and he will please both parties. In this way, if Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang brothers turn against each other, he There must be no help…”

“This Yuan Shang is handsome and handsome. Both martial arts and strategy are superior to his Dage Yuan Tan. Besides, he is the heir to the law, so he is the proudest person, and he is determined not to allow the boss Yuan Tan to come in disorder! In other words, if there is a real internal conflict, the most fierce one must be the pair of Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang!”

At this point, Yi Xiaotian paused.

It seems that there is still one person left… Yuan Shao’s nephew-a senior man!

Speaking of… Among Yuan Shao’s three sons and a nephew, Yi Xiaotian really admired this high-ranking cadre, and it was this high-ranking cadre who looked down the most… As for the reason, that is a long story.

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