Chapter 548 Two sets of Jiaozhi, heals the Qiang chaos, the founding hero, Fubo General Ma Yuan

Chapter 346 Er Ding Jiao Zhi, Heal Qiang Chao, Founding Hero, Fubo General Ma Yuan

“Are you Ma Yunlu?” Yi Xiaotian walked slowly to Ma Yunlu…

“Yes!” Ma Yunlu raised his eyes. The handsome man in front of him was the young man she had paid special attention to before. She could feel that this man had a special status in the Cao Jun motorcade.

“Are you the leader of Cao Jun?” Ma Yunlu asked back then. “I have to admit, you are great…a terrible opponent! We are convinced that we lost this time…”

After losing to Lu Lingqi in the competition, Ma Yunlu refused.

But… witnessed that two thousand Xiliang soldiers were killed in the fire and disappeared in an instant. Ma Yunlu’s heart was shocked for a long time and couldn’t stop…

At this point, she believed that the man in front of him, no matter whether it was a scheming or a plan, belonged to the upper class, and must not be confused by his handsome face. This was an extremely dangerous and terrifying opponent.

“That’s it…” Yi Xiaotian chuckled his mouth, he murmured deliberately while holding his chin while thinking. “So, the second brother you mentioned is the second son of Ma Teng, Ma Chao’s Little Brother, right?”

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian glanced at You Zi’s unconscious, dying Ma Tie…

“You…you know us? Know my father, know me Dage?” Ma Yunlu asked urgently…

Ha ha…

Yi Xiaotian smiled lightly.

Where is it just acquaintance? He is very familiar with these two in ancient books and documents.

“Er Ding Jiao Zhi, help break the clamor, calm the Qiang chaos, since the rebellion of Wang Mang… the founding hero of the Han Dynasty, the descendant of the former Fubo general Ma Yuan, even if I have never seen you Dage and your father, I still admire Your Ma family is loyal.”

Yi Xiaotian directly threw out Ma Yuan, the founding hero of the Eastern Han Dynasty, General Fubo. This is the ancestor of Ma Teng, Ma Chao, and Ma Yunlu…

According to historical records, the meaning of “Fubo” in General Fubo means surrendering the waves.

Throughout the past and present, among the people who have been awarded the “General Fubo” in all dynasties, Ma Yuan, the ancestor of Ma Teng and Ma Chao, is the most famous.

Even… In the 21st century, there is a beautiful hill beside the Li River in Guilin, named Fubo Mountain to commemorate Ma Yuan.

It can be said that the Ma family has been corrected by the word “loyalty and righteousness” since its ancestors…

This is also the information and details that only Yi Xiaotian knows, and it is also a weakness that he can exploit in the warlord forces like Ma Teng and Ma Chao.


Yi Xiaotian blurted out, and Ma Yunlu’s original sense of resistance and resistance disappeared in an instant, and she exhaled, her tone of voice relaxed a lot. “Unexpectedly, you, General Cao Jun, knew the ancestors of our Ma family…”

Upon hearing this, Yi Xiaotian smiled slightly, and immediately ordered Dian Wei. “Hurry up and let Miss Yunlu go, and…hurry up and ask a medical officer to treat Brother Ma Tie!”

Ah… Ah…

When he blurted out, not only Dian Wei was stunned, but also Lu Lingqi and Wang Yi in the carriage behind him.

The former is confused, what’s the situation?

She finally caught the enemy general? That’s it… Will it be released? Thousands of people rushed to kill him. I don’t know if they captured Mr. Yi, would they be so generous?

When she thought of this, Lu Lingqi pursed her mouth, seemingly unconvinced.

Diao Chan patted her shoulder hurriedly. “Lingqi, don’t be angry, how far-sighted your sir is, there is a reason for him to do this, how can we girls experience it!”

The latter, Wang Yi, frowned…

Ma Teng and Yuan Shang colluded, they are about to converge in three days, and they are about to attack Chang’an? Why… how can you let them go? This…what is this to care about?

Nowadays, Ma Yunlu and Ma Tie should not be captured as hostages. Only if Ma Teng is taken into custody will the military be scrupulous!

“What kind of medicine is sold in Calabash?” Wang Yi couldn’t help but murmured, condensing his eyebrows…

Zhen Luo quietly walked to Wang Yi’s side.

“Sister, trust your sir… What the sir does is always reassuring!”

Hmm… Is it?Wang Yi bit his lip slightly with his teeth, some worries and worries in his heart.

“You want to let me go?” Ma Yunlu also looked surprised… “If I capture you now, I will definitely kill you all…”

Ma Yunlu’s words didn’t mean anything loose…

“Haha…” Yi Xiaotian laughed out loud. “You’re afraid you won’t have this opportunity…”

While speaking, he winked at Dian Wei again.

Although still a little puzzled, Dian Wei personally untied Ma Yunlu’s rope, and even sent someone to heal Ma Tie…

“You really are a strange person!” Ma Yunlu couldn’t help but uttered… Then, she ran to Ma Tie quickly, obviously, she was very concerned about the safety of her pro Big Brother.

“Mr. Yi? This…” Dian Wei asked in a low voice.

However, Yi Xiaotian waved his hand before he blurted out his words. “Don’t panic, General Dian, I have my own arrangements…”

While talking, he also followed Ma Yunlu to Ma Tie’s side.

Ma Tie at this time, although the whole person is still dying, but, visible to the naked eye, there is no trace of burning on his body, as if he was unconscious by the air current brought by the flame…

After the treatment of Banzhuxiang.

“Ahem…” Ma Tie woke up and turned around. She looked around, saw Ma Yunlu, and saw the countless Cao Jun here, what he thought of immediately…

“Little sister…little…” For a moment, his tone seemed to hesitate, just like a kid who did something wrong, with his head pressed very low!

There are many princes in Guanzhong. It’s not that he has never failed…

But it was so defeated…it was the first time that thousands of soldiers died in an instant.

“Brother, stop talking! He…he let us… let us go…” Ma Yunlu lifted up Ma Tie… She looked back at Yi Xiaotian subconsciously, and saw that Yi Xiaotian smiled and nodded at her, which seemed certain. Opening. “Little sister first take you back, let’s… let’s go to see father first, see Dage…”

“He? He let us go? Cough cough…” Ma Tieyou didn’t believe it after he woke up, he stood up and looked at Yi Xiaotian… looked at the supreme existence of the stars Pengyue in Cao Ying.

“What I said always counts, so, I let you go!” Yi Xiaotian smiled all the time, he did not forget to order Dian Wei to bring two horses. “The horse is here, you can leave at any time!”

Surprise, incredible, surprise, and total emotions appeared in Ma Tie’s forehead for a time.

He can’t figure it out…

He was ordered to chase Wang Yi to avoid leaking news of the besieging Chang’an three days later.

For this reason, what he rushed towards Cao Jun’s motorcade is now a ruthless hand!

But… But the other party, to be precise… This handsome young man is going to let them go? this…

Ma Tie shook his head, but he still couldn’t figure it out.

At this moment, Ma Yunlu didn’t care so much… She directly held up the horse iron, helped him to the horse, and turned on the horse herself. She always felt strange, but she couldn’t tell.

It just feels that this man reveals weirdness everywhere, as if…as if his own mind is completely controlled by him.

This feeling appeared for the first time since Ma Yunlu was born. For a while, she was full of interest in Yi Xiaotian.

When she was leaving, she didn’t forget to look back at Yi Xiaotian, and then looked back… she felt a trace of nostalgia inexplicably!

But at this moment.

“Stop…” Yi Xiaotian said directly… Dozens of tigers and soldiers obeyed the orders and quickly blocked their way.

Could it be…he regretted it?

Ma Yunlu’s mind turned sharply, but at this moment, Yi Xiaotian’s voice continued.

“Girl Yunlu, I was thinking, you have forgotten one thing!”

While speaking, Yi Xiaotian walked quickly to Ma Yunlu’s horse, and what he held up on the palm of his hand was exactly…

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