Chapter 549 Isn’t It Just For This!

Isn’t the 347th chapter just for this!

A thin piece of silk cloth.

There are faint small characters on it, in Yi Xiaotian’s hands, the corner of his mouth is always curved, as if smiling…said slightly. “You send so many people? Isn’t that just for this?”

Phew… this.

Ma Yunlu was a little surprised, and it became clear when she took the piece of thin silk.

This…Isn’t this, it is the letterhead of the collusion between Chen Ming Ma Teng and the Yuan clan written by Zhao Ang from the Qiang Dao Ling? This…this young prince, unexpectedly…will give them this initiative?

That’s right.

This letterhead is exactly the letter that Zhao Ang entrusted his wife Wang Yi to give to Chang’an Cheng Zhong You. It records the matter of Ma Teng colluding with the Yuan clan to plot Chang’an, the evidence of the crime is of major concern…

The same letter, if it were passed to Xudu via Zhong Yao’s hand, and then to the court, then their Ma family would be detained as a chaotic courtier and thieves, and they would never be able to wash it away for a lifetime!

In Guanzhong, although strength is respected, the Ma family values ​​fame very much…

After all, their ancestors were the founding heroes of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and the famous Fubo general Ma Yuan. If he was really classified as a rebel, what kind of face would he Ma Teng go to see the ancestors!

“You…you really want to give it to me?” Ma Yunlu’s tone was a little stumbling, and the whole person seemed very unbelievable…


Yi Xiaotian chuckled. “Isn’t this letter in your hands? Ask the girl to say hello to Huailihou on behalf of Cao Cao.”

Huailihou was the title of Ma Teng, and it was also an important step in Yi Xiaotian’s “Westward Convergence” strategy. Ma Teng stationed in Huaili to protect the people, and Cao Cao gave Ma Teng a high-ranking official in the name of the court. …To appease him.

This careless sentence came from Yi Xiaotian’s mouth. It seems to be an understatement, but it has a lot of meaning…

This is both a good show and a reminder. Don’t forget Ma Teng, he is still the “Huailihou” of the court now, will he continue to be a marquis or suddenly become a thief? I hope he makes it clear…

“This girl has written down what the son said!” Ma Yunlu’s eyes were piercing, and for a while, she felt that she couldn’t see through the young man in front of her…

Turning the clouds over his hands wiped out the lives of thousands of Xiliang warriors, and captured himself and his second brother in an understatement. However, he let himself and the second brother not talk about it, and… also gave the evidence of the rebellion of Father Chen Ming. He returned with his letterhead. What on earth does he want to do?

Ma Yunlu couldn’t help being more curious about Yi Xiaotian…

He became more and more interested in this person.

Often, the so-called affection of admiration starts from the beginning of interest, such as Lu Lingqi who is stuck in it, Diao Chan, and Cai Zhaoji.

How to capture the hearts of beauties? Yi Xiaotian has long been familiar with the road.

“The girl walks slowly, I won’t give it away. In these two days, I will personally visit Huai Lihou, and then I will see the girl again!”

Yi Xiaotian added another sentence…

Immediately turned around and walked slowly to the carriage.

“You…you stop.”

Ma Yunlu couldn’t help but yelled to stop Yi Xiaotian, but his voice was a little shy. It seemed that he felt a little embarrassed when he suddenly felt such a panting tone under the public.

Ma Yunlu gently bit his lip with his teeth, and asked every word. “You…what’s your name?”

She still doesn’t know the name of the very interesting young man in front of her…

“Me?” Yi Xiaotian raised his hand and didn’t look back… “Just call me Mr. Yi, and you will know my name if you visit me in two days!”

Call… Mr. Yi.

Ma Yunlu murmured and repeated the name…

Her eyes flowed, and she looked deeply at Yi Xiaotian’s back, as if there was a touch of nostalgia.

Thoughtfully, “He…what is he thinking of in his head?”

Can’t think about it…

“Little girl, let’s go!” Ma Tie’s voice was as thin as a hairspring.

Ma Yunlu nodded, and immediately turned to his horse, and the two of them quickly disappeared into the wild yellow sand.

“Yun Gong, this…”Before the carriage, Wang Yi was very surprised. “Why did you want to let go of these two enemy generals? What about giving my husband’s letter to Xiliang’s thieves? They… they are going to betray the court and the Cao Duke!”

She frowned her whole brows tightly, her expression was very ugly, you know, this letter, but she brought it back desperately, her husband is still in the enemy camp, he doesn’t know his life or death!

“Girl Wang Yi, don’t panic.”

Yi Xiaotian waved his hand gently, then grinned slightly at the corner of his mouth, revealing a mysterious smile.

“It’s easy for us to capture these Ma brothers and sisters, and it’s easy to take them hostage, but it can’t control the overall situation. Instead of this, letting them go back can produce enough deterrent effect, and let them carry the news of the death of two thousand Xiliang cavalry. Go back… cause panic among the three armies.”

Yi Xiaotian paused, then continued. “Both the imperial court or Cao Cao’s goal is to win relations with the princes. I really want to detain the Ma clan as a’rebel’ because of a letter. This is equivalent to completely ruining their future! How to fight for it? How to win it? If you don’t keep it all, it will really force them to fight with the Yuan clan.”

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian stretched out his hand and gently patted Wang Yi on the shoulder. “What’s more, Miss Wang is in our motorcade. It doesn’t make much sense to believe! Zhong Yao from Chang’an City? Don’t you believe Miss Wang?”

Yi Xiaotian talks freely…

His remarks are not nonsense, every sentence, every word has a theoretical basis.

He studied this period of history, and also has a profound study of the place of Yongliang here.

The biggest warlord forces in Xiliang are Ma Teng and Han Sui. Han Sui has always had no ambitions. He was at ease with one acre of land and had no idea of ​​setting foot in the Central Plains. Therefore, even if he received Yuan Shang’s money, he would not. Use all your strength.

It’s Ma Teng…

His strength is not as good as Han Sui, and even the relationship with the remaining Guanzhong warlords is not good…He needs external power too much, and the olive branch thrown by Yuan Shang at this time made him feel like he was holding a thigh all at once.

To take Ma Teng back from Yuan Shang’s hands.

Blindly compromise is useless, blindly killing is useless, and consumes a lot of money.

The best way is to use Ma Yunlu and Ma Tie’s mouth to introduce the death of two thousand Xiliang knights to Ma Teng’s army. This is a deterrent…

Letting go of Ma Yunlu and Ma Tie, and even handing them back the letter of the Ma clan’s rebellion, this is “graciousness.”

The so-called lollipop in one hand, kill the mighty stick in one hand, and act with kindness… His Ma Teng just doesn’t turn his head, he should be able to figure out who is the real thigh, right?

Since you want to hug your thighs, rather than hug the shaky Yuan clan, it’s better to hug Cao Cao and the incense of the court?

When he thought of this, Yi Xiaotian narrowed his eyes, revealing a smile on his chest…

Hmm… Wang Yi’s expression paused.

Obviously, she still has reservations about Yi Xiaotian’s behavior, but… it seems that this gentleman’s words make sense.

“Fine, everything depends on your husband.” Wang Yi sighed…

Since the husband is the court and was sent by Cao Cao, then… the next thing she has to do is to cooperate!

Wang Yi was silent here, but Lu Lingqi kept chattering instead.

“Sir? How do I feel that you are not reliable.”

Lu Lingqi was so careless that she immediately raised questions about what she couldn’t understand and couldn’t understand. “It’s obvious that you can’t bear to see that the girl is beautiful, so you let the girl go.”

At this point, Lu Lingqi blinked her eyes, with an “I understand” expression on her cheek.


Yi Xiaotian decided that he must teach Lu Lingqi severely tonight, this girl is so courageous to go to the sky!

Don’t hit her ass red, she still doesn’t know her husband’s family law!

“If you don’t understand, don’t talk nonsense!” Yi Xiaotian reprimanded… “Go on one side… Is this Mr. such a person?”

He asked…

Definite eyes were cast from the direction of the carriage…

It seems that not only Lu Lingqi responded to Yi Xiaotian, but Diao Chan, Cai Zhaoji, Zhen Luo…the big guys all cast determined eyes.

It seems…as long as you see a pretty girl, your husband’s behavior is often so unexpected.

As for his purpose, it is wolfish ambition, which is obvious.


Facing these countless gazes, Yi Xiaotian stretched out his hands, helpless… This beautiful “personal design” really can’t be washed away!

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