Chapter 550

Chapter 348: Unbearable, no need to bear

Chen Liujun…

It took more than ten days to head south from Guandu. Cao Cao’s army only drove through Chenliu County. The speed of the entire march was comparable to the crawling of a tortoise.

But… in order to make the trick more real, Cao Cao sent several cavalry troops to the south quickly.

They seem to be secretive, but they are all deliberately exposed to the eyes of the Yuan family in Hebei, the Sun family in Jiangdong, and the Liu family in Jingzhou.

In a letter, Cao Cao made it clear that he was slowly going south, but in fact the news of the secret surprise attack on Jiangdong and Jingzhou spread to the north, to Jingzhou, and to Jiangdong…

Liu Biao was in a panic. He sent troops to Liu Bei, who had just defected, to garrison him in Xinye to defend against Cao Cao’s southward movement.

Zhou Yu is very calm. This move seems to be a plank road in the Ming Dynasty, and the purpose is to build Jiangdong and Jingzhou…

But in fact, Cao Cao’s real intention was to surprise southward on the surface, but in fact he was waiting for an opportunity to go northward. The drunkard’s intention was not to drink, but in his land in Hebei!

Because of this, Sun Quan was anxious, Zhou Yu was still very calm, and even tried to persuade Sun Quan not to panic…

Speaking of it, the most turbulent situation is the Yuan family in Hebei.

The whole north, there is already some inexplicable nervousness!

After Cao Cao withdrew, his nephew Gao Gan was the first to evacuate. He was still thinking about being the emperor of Bingzhou. Even after the alarm was lifted… the support sent to open up the second battlefield was just acting like a pretentious, casually allocated more than a thousand people. The old and weak remnants.

Yuan Xi was no longer in Jizhou, he also led his troops back to Youzhou.

On the contrary, the whole Jizhou is left with the two brothers Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang…


On the way to retreat, Cao Cao looked forward to the realization of Yi Xiaotian’s plans one by one. Then, it was the turn of the late brothers of the Yuan clan to fight.

Will Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang really be like brother Yi’s predictions, sparking brilliant sparks?

The development of the north is almost the same as Yi Xiaotian predicted.

After Cao Cao withdrew his troops, old Dage Yuan Tan and his little brother Yuan Shang really started to make a fuss…

The so-called is not a family, do not enter a family…

Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang inherited the “fine tradition” of their parents. Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu slandered each other and attacked each other. Now they have also begun a new round of brotherly cannibalism.

And the beginning of all this is due to the completely different attitudes of the two sides when facing Cao Cao’s resignation.

Yuan Tan believed that they had been beaten by Cao Cao during this period of time. They were fed up with anger. Now that Cao Cao has withdrawn, he should take the opportunity to catch up. While they are retreating, he can completely defeat Cao Cao. This is the last chance!

When he first heard what the Big Brother said, Yuan Shang also thought it was pretty good. Even if Cao Cao was an old treacherous and cunning, his men were like soldiers and soldiers like rain, but if he used this guerrilla tactic of advancing and retreating the enemy, Cao Cao could not help it.

But…Yuan Shang was worried that Big Brother had other plans. He took the opportunity to ask himself for military power, food, and weapons… Therefore, Yuan Shang’s attitude was as firm as before. No matter what Yuan Tan requested, Yuan Shang just wouldn’t listen!

Seeing the domineering and invincible look of Little Brother… Yuan Tan was suffocated with fire.

Back to the garrison, Guo Tu and Xin Ping’s remarks added fuel to the fire…

Speaking of it, the Yuan clan… have all arrived at this stage. What these two people are still thinking about is how to engage in internal fighting and how to frame their own people, so they told Yuan Tan two “secrets”——

——Dage, who Yuan Shao adopted Yuan Tan to die back then, was the idea that Yuan Shang’s counsellors tried out!

——When Yuan Shao was dying, he originally wanted to establish Yuan Tan, and it was the trial and marriage that made the difference, which made Yuan Tan lose his status as heir!


New hatred and old hatred… This is the thing Yuan Tan can’t let go of. He was so angry that he was now being scarred!

There is no endurance, no need to endure.


Instigated by the two counsellors, in the dead of night…Yuan Tan led the Qingzhou soldiers and horses to launch a sneak attack on Yuan Shang!

It’s a pity that Yuan Tan’s organizational skills and sneak attack technology are too poor compared to this little Little Brother. Yuan Shang soon got the news that the two sides were fighting each other in Yecheng!

The real sense of the melee started, and the situation in the north and the situation in Jizhou were completely chaotic.

…Thirty miles south of Chenliu County, Caoying Dazhai.

The moon is covered by dark clouds, and the whole world is pitch black, but it feels like a black and black wind and a murderous night…

The candle in Cao Cao’s big tent was lit. He did not sleep, but was waiting… as if looking forward to something.

In fact, at this time, what he cared most about was one person and one thing.

It’s natural that the Yuan clan in the north caused Xiao Qiang’s infighting…

Brother Yi just figured out all this, but when did this internal fighting begin? How should he use Cao Cao? These, Brother Yi did not explicitly say…

It seems that all Cao Cao can do is wait. He always believes that what Brother Yi mentioned will surely become proverbs. What Brother Yi did not mention will most likely be solved by that time.

As for… the person Cao Cao missed was Yi Xiaotian.

call out…

At the thought of Yi Xiaotian, Cao Cao’s brows furrowed slightly, he regretted a little, and he couldn’t help but mutter.

He even felt that it was extremely dangerous to ask Brother Yi to go out of the mountain to that pass.

In the Guanzhong area, more than ten warlords fought against each other, surrounded by powerful enemies, which was extremely dangerous. These princes were very sturdy, and they also plundered the past merchant troops…

Bao Qi suddenly broke out and looted the convoy where Brother Yi was in? What to do then?

Although Cao Cao sent the Tiger Ben Army to protect him, and even sent Dian Wei, one of the left and right commanders of the Tiger Ben Army, to go out in person, but the total number was too small, with only more than fifty people.

Cao Cao felt that in terms of military strength, his dispatch was still too conservative, and he should allocate a team of at least 5,000 people!


Cao Cao gasped for a long time when he thought of this.

It doesn’t matter if Chang’an City is lost, and it doesn’t matter whether the second battlefield can be opened. The key is that Brother Yi’s safety is the top priority!

“Meng De, Meng De…”

Just thinking of this, Cao Ren’s voice rang out one after another outside the big tent.

Cao Cao didn’t dare to hesitate for a moment, and went straight out to meet Cao Ren. Speaking of it… Cao Ren was in charge of intelligence, and he probably knew better about Brother Yi’s current situation.

“Zi Xiao, is there news from Brother Yi?” Cao Cao couldn’t help asking directly.

“That’s not the case. Guanzhong and the Central Plains have exchanged tokens for a longer time, and the road is not easy to walk. I am afraid that the letter paper is still on the way.” Cao Ren waved his hand. “Not to mention…”

Um… not to mention?

Through Cao Ren’s tone, Cao Cao could hear that what he said next must be bad news.

Immediately, Cao Cao frowned tightly.

Cao Ren’s words continued. “Dage, there is news from Guanzhong that many Guanzhong princes have openly rebelled. They bypassed Chang’an and entrenched on various official roads. They have begun to openly looting the merchants who come and go. Several waves of cavalry troops rushing to support Chang’an from Wancheng have also been taken by the west along the way. The Liang soldiers have been defeated, and the situation is not optimistic!”

call out…

All of a sudden, Cao Cao’s brows were almost erected.

If this is the case, isn’t Brother Yi’s situation even more dangerous, not to mention going to Chang’an, even if he encounters thousands of soldiers and horses in Xiliang along the way, there is also a risk of being captured and killed!

As time passed, Cao Cao’s expression became more ugly. He even reached out his hand and slapped his forehead heavily, as if he regretted his failed decision.

“Brother Yi…Brother Yi, Yi Xiaotian!” Cao Cao murmured his name. At this time, Cao Cao clenched his fists, and a word came out of his mouth. “Yi Xiaotian, live, you must come back alive!”

In a word… Cao Cao’s fists were clenched tighter.

“Report…Master, there are flying pigeons from Xiliang!”

A tiger soldier hurriedly reported…”It was sent by Dian Wei, the left commander of the tiger army, said it was…it was in Tongguan. They met two thousand Xiliang cavalry…”

As soon as this remark came out, Cao Cao’s heart “cuckled”… his face became even more ugly.

Never thought that the next words of the tiger and the soldier directly caused him to be stunned. Not only was he stunned, but Cao Cao’s whole person was messed up.

——”Mr. Yi was calm and composed under Tongguan, released a fire dragon between his gestures, and the two thousand enemy troops were burned to death in an instant. More than fifty tigers and soldiers were unscathed, and he captured Ma Teng’s son and daughter. Two generals!”


Cao Cao’s eyes are almost staring out!

What’s the situation? what’s the situation?

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