Chapter 560

Chapter 358 Luo Er is looking for a good relationship

“It’s on fire, sir, it’s on fire, quickly… let the big guys and big guys escape from the mansion!”

This adjutant, known as Lao Hu, looked extremely anxious, and he repeatedly persuaded him. “If you don’t leave the house again, if the fire hits the front yard, then…we, all of us in the Zhen Palace will be burned to death.”

He deliberately showed a nervous mood…

Because the official seal of the “Shang Cai Ling” was lost, the head of the Zhen family, Zhen Yite, ordered the entire palace to be sealed off. People do not know the specific reason, but what is known is that now… under the fire, the people in Zhen’s palace are trapped in a daze. Among them, I can’t get out.


But seeing Zhen Yi raised his brows, his eyes narrowed slightly, as if paying special attention to Lao Hu, and then he waved his hand.

“No, you can’t go!”

With firm words, Zhen Yi commanded the subordinates and adjutants beside Dao incomparably calm. “You are divided into two waves, one to quickly bring people to fight the fire, the other to rescue the files in the backyard warehouse… These are important documents that must not be lost…”

Speaking of this, bang bang bang… Zhen Yi couldn’t hold the palm of his hand to slap on the case, he planned to personally go to the backyard to direct the fire fighting.

But suddenly, something seemed to be thinking of…

“Old Hu, don’t go, come here.” Zhen Yi was serious, and he waved to Old Hu. While beckoning, he handed a wooden box wrapped in red silk to Old Hu’s hand.

Soon Zhen Yi’s tone became heavier and heavier. “Old Hu, take this. I tell you, this is the official seal of this official. You must keep him safe! If you lose it, I will sue you to Yecheng Ling and let him punish him severely. You! Remember, even if you lose your head, you can’t lose this seal!”

After a few words, Zhen Yi walked out of the main hall non-stop and hurried to the backyard to put out the fire.


He didn’t notice. As soon as he said this, Lao Hu’s hands trembled, and his whole person looked like an enemy…

This this…

No one knows better than him, there is no “Shang Cai Ling” seal in this wooden box wrapped in red silk cloth?

The real Yin Shou was stolen by him long ago…

But… But in the face of today’s situation, if the fire recedes and the wooden box is opened and there is nothing in it, then… Then the charge of discarding the “Shang Cai Ling” seal will be passed on to him?

By the time…

Even if he has a trial match as a backer, he is indefatigable under everyone’s eyes.

Following the acting style of the matchmaking, he will definitely be regarded as an abandoned son, so…he…he will be completely cold.

The more I think about it, the more chilling, Lao Hu’s entire cheeks are already as white as paper in fright. Originally, his hands were trembling, but now, every muscle in his body is trembling… he panicked, he couldn’t panic!


A trembling voice came from Lao Hu’s mouth. Lao Hu wiped his sweat, and he sighed. “This pot, this pot can’t be memorized!”

As he spoke, he quickly walked out of the main hall holding the wooden box. He was going to get the real seal and refill him… This was a helpless move, but now he is in an extremely helpless situation!

“Guo Gongzi, Guo Gongzi…”

In front of a high platform of Zhen Mansion, Zhen Yi ran here quickly. Guo Jia was here, and Zhen Yao and the three daughters of Zhen family were also there. They all witnessed this fire fighting activity in Zhen Mansion.

But not at this time, Zhen Yi, the head of the Zhen family, came first.

“Daddy, why are you in such a hurry?” The second daughter Zhen Tuo asked first…

“Hey…” Zhen Yi sighed, especially panicked, he said with emotion. “It almost broke something…”

“What’s the matter?” Guo Jia asked anxiously, he was still thinking that things had changed.

“This fire…” Zhen Yi exhaled and replied while patted her chest to try to calm herself down. “The fire is so terrible, it almost ignited a row of houses in my backyard.”


Guo Jia was taken aback for a moment, and he asked suspiciously. “It’s not about telling Uncle Zhen to burn the spot on a small scale, just do it like this…Why is the fire so big?””This…” Zhen Yi sighed again, “I wonder if acting is true, and the bait won’t be hooked! Besides…this water and fire are ruthless, who can control the goodness! At the beginning of fighting the fire, I will not be too slow. Yes, later, even this old bone of mine went out in person…only then did the fire control.”

Zhen Yi’s face was a bit complicated, as if he was smiling, but also as if smiling wryly, it seemed that he was embarrassed.

At this point, Zhen Yi changed the subject. “Guo son, this play has already been performed in a full set, then… Lao Hu should be taken the bait, right?”

Hearing this, Guo Jia looked faintly towards the main hall without hesitation.

At this moment, the old Hu, who had just left, was sneaking back into the main hall.

Seeing this scene, Guo Jia “haha” smiled, and at the same time, his words came out one after another. “Uncle Zhen, it’s time for the things to return to their original owners! Uncle Zhen, go and collect your seals!”

Talking, hahaha…Guo Jia laughed again, as if she was in the chest.

Now… Zhen Yi couldn’t help it anymore. He hurried to the main hall, and followed him with Zhen Yao and the three daughters of the Zhen family. Everyone wanted to know that after this fire, the “Shang Cai Ling” Can Yin Shou really be lost and regained?

Zhen Mansion, in the main hall.

Don’t look at the family chief Zhen Yi who was very panicked in front of Guo Jia just now, when he entered the main hall, he turned back to that mature and majestic merchant and bureaucrat!

“You guys…you did a great job in fighting the fire this time.”

Zhen Yi stretched out her hand to brag, and did not forget to take out several generations of coins and threw them at them one by one.

“The dossier didn’t burn at all, and the house didn’t even burn a few rooms. It’s a blessing in misfortune! Okay…you each take credit once, and you all get the money to drink at the bar! Our Zhen Mansion has lifted the ban…”

“Thanks to Cai Ling!”

After these officials and servants thanked them, they couldn’t wait to retreat one by one.

Zhen Yi greeted again. “Old Hu, Old Hu…”

“It’s here, it’s here!” Lao Hu rushed over as he spoke, and what he was holding in both hands was the wooden box wrapped in red silk!

“Haha, Lao Hu, should I return Yin Shou?” Zhen Yi said very meaningful…

Zhen Yao and the Zhen family sisters behind him were all refreshed, staring straight at the wooden box.

“That’s natural, that’s natural!” Lao Hu hurriedly handed the box back to Zhen Yi, not forgetting to remind. “Master check it out and it’s…”

“Very good!” Zhen Yi smiled, then quickly untied the red silk, and quickly opened the box. The moment the box was unfolded, the seal of “Shang Cai Ling” appeared in front of him. Sure enough, it was lost and recovered. !

Zhen Yi checked carefully, and then nodded again, her eyes slowly looking towards Lao Hu. “Old Hu, you did a good job of this!”

Lao Hu seemed to have prepared a set of rhetoric long ago.

“Adults… the younger ones are not too young anymore. The parents in the family are very old, and the younger ones want to resign and return to their hometown to show their filial piety to their parents… Ask the adults to allow me to resign!”

“A piece of filial piety is commendable!” Zhen Yi nodded, he took a large bag of gold from his arms and handed it to Lao Hu. “Lao Hu, you have followed me for many years, and I don’t want to see you embarrassed. Take this gold with you, and take your parents away, to a place where no one can find you. Make a good home. !”

“Thanks… Master Xie.” Old Hu nodded heavily, with some tears in his eyes. Soon he collected the gold bag and left without stopping.

At this time, Zhen Yi’s eyes turned back to the official seal, and finally a rare smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Muttered in his mouth.

“Guo Fengxiao is amazing…”

Similarly, Zhen Yao, who was standing on the side, blinked…

“Father, I’m afraid you don’t know it yet!” Zhen Yao explained. “The one who arranged Guo Fengxiao to come to our Zhen family was a young son named Yi Xiaotian. He was the owner of the famous Youjian Villa in Xuducheng. Even Guo Fengxiao was one of his defeated men! If it weren’t for him, Guo Jia How can Guo Fengxiao come to help us?”

Speaking of this, Zhen Yao seemed to suddenly think of something. “By the way, the younger sister Zhen Luo will follow him!”

Hmm…Zhen Luo is also following Yi Xiaotian? Is it?

Zhen Yi’s eyes narrowed slightly, and she was more talented than Yingchuan’s talent Guo Fengxiao, and even arranged for Guo Jia to rescue their Zhen family. This young man is capable!

Luo Er took the initiative to find a good relationship this time!

Thinking of this, hahaha… Zhen Yi burst into laughter.

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