Chapter 561

Chapter 359: Xiucai meets soldiers, it is unreasonable

Yecheng, the Zhen family mansion.

“Ha ha ha ha…”

Sudden laughter resounded throughout the main hall, and a table filled with refreshments and fruits seemed to be an extremely important guest.

Of course…

This guest is Guo Jia, Guo Fengxiao!

Because of Guo Jia’s plan, the official seal of “Shang Cai Ling” was lost and recovered, Yuan Shang’s conspiracy with the trial was cracked, and the entire Zhen Mansion became extremely sunny.

“Prince Feng Xiao, drink, drink…” Zhen Yi, the head of the Zhen family, personally persuaded Guo Jia to drink, “I heard that you are the head of a wine shop in a mountain estate. It must be a good wine. I specially brought the Zhen family’s 20-year-old Good wine, Bongxiao, just drink it.”

“Thanks to Uncle Zhen…” Guo Jia was not polite, taking up the bottle of wine and drank it… His whole life, only in wine, that is always for those who come.

“You guys don’t come here soon, to respect Mr. Guo a bottle…” After Zhen Yi toasted, she greeted several daughters to come to toast one after another. Do not forget the emotion in the mouth. “Master Guo is kind to our Zhen family…”

The three daughters stood up and walked over here…

Never thought, Guo Jia waved his hand again and again. “Uncle Zhen, great grace, I don’t dare to take this, I am only entrusted to be loyal to others. If you want to talk about Enlai, this kindness of the Zhen family must be recorded on my brother Yi!”

“But Yi Xiaotian, the owner of a villa?” Zhen Yi asked his name directly…

“Uncle Zhen seems to know.” Guo Jia nodded. “Yes, it’s him… Actually, he expected the Zhen family’s misfortune early on and let me come, but it was his plan. Speaking of it, I was just a pawn on his chessboard!”

Hmm…Zhen Yi nodded, his long sleeves slanted. This is the second time he has heard the boast of Yi Xiaotian in this period of time.

A person who can make Yingchuan talented Guo Jia so value…it must not be easy to think about it. If you have the opportunity, you really have to get in touch.

“It’s okay, Master Yi is the benefactor of our Zhen family, and Feng Xiao is also the benefactor of our Zhen family…Quickly, don’t help Master Feng Xiao fill up the wine!”

While they were talking, some of the Zhen family’s daughters were carrying wine flasks, some of them were serving Guo Jia carefully… and even a little secretively.

Phew… Guo Jia breathed out lightly, feeling a moment of melancholy.

Sure enough, Brother Yi is not deceived by me…

This bottle of wine is under the water, and the beauty is in her arms. It is a fairy life, brother Yi’s “errand” is really inevitable “the law of true fragrance”!

Another free drink…

When the third son Zhen Yao took the initiative to respect Guo Jia, he seemed to think of something.

“Brother Fengxiao…it is true that this time the catastrophe is over, but Yuan Shang and the trial match will not be able to make a plan, so they will inevitably come up with another plan. Brother Yi also mentioned that they are determined to win the wealth of the Zhen family, and they want to see through this series… The conspiracy is coming one after another, I’m afraid that Brother Feng Xiao’s two fists are hard to beat four hands!”

Zhen Yao has grown up…

It’s not the rich man who was able to lose everything in Youjian Villa.

Now he sees things more transparently… and understands the principles of being prepared for danger in times of peace.

Even if the crisis is temporarily lifted.

Undoubtedly, Yuan Shang and the trial will not give up in the future, for fear that an overwhelming conspiracy will follow… just in case… just in case…

Every time she thinks of this, Zhen Yao’s expression becomes serious.

“Ha ha ha ha…”

It was completely different from Zhen Yao’s expression, Guo Jia appeared very calm, of course, facing this difficult problem, he could only spread his hands. “The so-called soldiers come to block, water comes to cover, with me, Guo Jia, ordinary conspiracies are not To put in one’s eyes, but…I am also worried that Yuan Shang and the prosecution do not wanting face thoroughly, and if it is not possible, it will be clear. Rob, it’s unreasonable for the talent to meet the soldiers then?”

Guo Jia blurted out.

Zhen Yao looked startled.

Not only Zhen Yao, but also Zhen Rong, the fourth daughter of the Zhen family, who was next to Guo Jia who poured wine for him, became nervous.

“Guo son? Then… if Yuan Shang and the trial partner really don’t wanting face? What about…what?” the fourth daughter Zhen Rong asked softly, pressing her teeth against her lips.

“Well…” Guo Jia rolled his eyes and waved his hand. “I do not know!”

He is honest…

But it’s no wonder that everyone has robbed it, so what can you do? You can’t pull up your sleeves and straighten it out, right? You know, after all, the arms can’t squeeze the thighs, and the Zhen family is a rookie in front of the Yuan family no matter how awesome it is!


Guo Jia rolled his eyes and continued. “Since Brother Yi asked me to come to Zhen’s Mansion, he must have taken care of everything. I only need soldiers to stand by, and the rest…conspiracy and conspiracy will be left to Brother Yi to consider. I can have a good time here! ”

Speaking of here…

“Guo son, there is a letter from you.”

But when she saw the second daughter of the Zhen family, Zhen Tuo, walked in from the door, she held a letter paper with feathers in her hand, most of which was a message from a flying pigeon!

Guo Jia took the letter and read it roughly. It was from Brother Yi…

At the moment, Guo Jia put away his smiling face, and the whole person became serious.The content on the letterhead is actually not complicated, just one thing, Yecheng is about to be flooded recently… Yi Xiaotian is here to remind Guo Jia to take refuge in a high place and prepare food and ships…

call out…

Guo Jia condensed his eyebrows slightly, his mind turned sharply.

Then he asked urgently. “Is there a river on the edge of Yecheng? I remember, it’s called Zhanghe? Right?”

Hmm… This unprovoked question made everyone in the Zhen family startled.

“Yes…Yes…” Zhen Yi nodded. “Bongxiao asked why this…”

“Oh, nothing…” Guo Jia waved his hand gently, his words were still calm and gentle. “Brother Yi has written. He said that the Zhanghe River is about to pour into Yecheng…Let’s go to a higher place to take refuge!”


As soon as this remark came out, everyone was stunned!

During Guo Jia’s trip, he first lit a fire in Zhen’s Mansion, and made some vigorous things, and then Yecheng was about to send a lot of water… I’m good, this is water and fire again, what the hell is it? Routine?

Zhen Yi patted his forehead, Zhen Yao also knocked on his head, and the three girls of the Zhen family were even more puzzled…

But at this moment, Guo Jia had already walked out of the door.

“Brother Guo…you…what are you going to do?” Zhen Yao asked urgently.

“Oh…” Guo Jia didn’t stop in his footsteps. “I will go shopping and see where there is a commanding height in Yecheng, I can avoid the parallel imports!”


Everyone was even more astonished. Is it because of a letter that they have to believe that the water in the Zhang River will really flow back down?

It seems… Throughout the past and present, the Zhang River has never been poured into Yecheng. This… Isn’t it incredible? Is Guo Jia so convinced of what the so-called Brother Yi said?

But at this moment.

With a “bang…” Zhen Yi hit the case with a fist. “Immediately inform everyone in the Zhen family that they secretly migrated to Jiming Mountain. Since Feng Xiao and Master Yi are so sure, then take precautions before they happen, let the Zhen family go to high places to avoid this flood!”

In a word…

The entire Zhen Mansion was in a panic. Whether it was the son, the miss, the servant, the big guys packed up the packages… as if a disaster was imminent.

Of course, this behavior is ridiculous in the eyes of the neighbors.

Even more people don’t know where to get the news. The Zhen Mansion avoided disasters only because of a letter… What did Zhang River say? This makes people laugh out loud!

Just when everyone was looking forward to seeing the jokes of Zhen Mansion.

Here they are…

Cao Cao led tens of thousands of fine riders to the vicinity of Yecheng…The one-month trip had shortened him to ten days.

Now, camping and camping… the entire Cao Ying is eager to try and is about to attack the city.

Across the window of the Chinese Army’s Great Tent, Cao Cao stared at the fortified gate of Yecheng not far away, his mind turned sharply…

After a short while, he turned around and looked back at the counselors and generals around him…

“Everyone, now we are already under the city, let’s talk about it! How to attack this Yecheng? How to attack? How to attack it in a few days!”

This question is an export.

All the civil servants and generals in Cao Ying looked at each other, and no one would question Cao Jun’s ability to capture Yecheng.

But… how can the loss be minimized by attacking the city?

For a while, even the Yingchuan think tank that Cao Cao was so proud of couldn’t help but frowned and fell into deep thought…

It seems…for the current plan, there is only one way to attack!

Casualties are inevitable, but after World War I settled Jizhou, no amount of casualties seemed worth it.

Thinking of here…

Xun You was about to talk about the specific plan for deploying the four gates to attack the city… But at this time, Xu Chu hurriedly broke into the Chinese army’s account. Not only did he come, he also brought a homing pigeon with a letter tied to his leg. Thin Xijuan…

This kind of thin juan with a dark yellow color is a unique material for conveying messages…

Before Xu Chu reported it, Cao Cao already knew that this pigeon came from Guanzhong.

And let Hu Benjun take charge of the transmission and be brought by Xu Chu himself, then… undoubtedly, this letter came from Brother Yi!

As soon as he thought of this, Cao Cao reached out his hand to stop all the counsellors’ discussions, he took the carrier pigeon, took off the letterhead, unfolded it quickly, and looked at it word by word!


It doesn’t matter if you look at it…

Never thought that the strategy to break through Yecheng lies in this thin Xijuan.

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