Chapter 562

Chapter 360: Digging the water of Zhanghe River back into Yecheng

In the autumn of the sixth year of Jian’an, Yecheng.

The drizzle, the autumn breeze is bleak…the sound of whirring is endless, it seems that there is a sense of sight of the mountain and rain coming to the wind.

On July 17th, outside Yecheng, there was a flood like a dyke bursting with the sound of killing.

I don’t know when, the Zhang River burst its dyke, and with majestic strength, it surgingly flooded the city of Ye…

In an instant, the entire Yecheng was plunged into a vast ocean…

“Boom, boom, boom.”

With the sound of drums thundering, the countless Cao Jun rushed to the city gate and the city wall on the ship that had been prepared for a long time.

The situation of the battle is just three words-“one side down”

How could Yuan Jun think that the water of Zhang River, which had never broken its dyke for hundreds of years, poured into Yecheng at this moment, but the water was so turbulent, so rushing, that there was no time to guard against it, and Yuan Jun had been washed away to pieces.

“Go in…”

“Catch Yuan Shang alive…”

“Come on…”

Countless Cao Jun was paddling the oars, while desperately waving the spears and halberds in his hands. Under such circumstances, this was not a battlefield with the enemy at all, but a pure competition for credit.

“Offensive, continue to put pressure on Yecheng!”

At this moment, Cao Cao is standing at the commanding heights. Here is Cao Ying’s camp, specially selected on the high slope. Now… the impact of the Zhang River is perfectly avoided.

Cao Cao directed Ruo Ding as he looked at Yecheng that was being flooded in front of him.

In this battle, as long as you rush into Yecheng, Jizhou is his!

When I thought of this, Cao Cao felt very stunned… In this battle, he could only advance but not retreat!

“Meng De, Brother Yi is a wonderful trick!”

Standing next to Cao Cao is Cao Ren…

Looking at the vast ocean in front of him, he couldn’t help but let out a sigh of emotion.

That’s right… Just like Cao Ren’s emotion.

Just a day ago, in the Great Tent of the Chinese Army, all the advisers and generals were at a loss for the strategy of breaking the city. It seemed that there was only the simplest but most effective “power attack”…

However, in this way, Cao Jun’s weaknesses of being good at field warfare and not attacking tough will be exposed…injury the enemy a thousand and self-defeating 800.

And precisely, Cao Cao received a letter paper at this time, and then… he proposed this strategy of diverting the Zhang River back into Yecheng.

Speaking of it, this is not the first time Cao Cao has used this “water attack” strategy…

But by the way… this time, it’s just the right time.

The counsellors thought carefully and couldn’t help but admire them.

In July, when the drizzle was continuous in the north, the water level of the Zhanghe River was originally high. In addition, because Cao Cao had dug through the Suiyang Canal before, the levy was readily available and experienced.

For this reason, hundreds of thousands of troops dug a canal overnight to lead the Zhang River to Yecheng.

Now, the water in the city is several feet deep, and there is not enough food and grass, Yuan Jun is not prepared… Today’s Yecheng is just a dangerous city, crumbling…

All that is left is the last straw to crush the camel!

While all the advisers and generals were surprised at Cao Cao’s strategy, they were also extremely curious about the letter he received that gave him a hint!

Except for a few people, none of them knew that this letter came from Guanzhong, Yi Xiaotian!


Cao Cao laughed out loud… “Thousands of miles away, it’s hard to stop Brother Yi’s plan for Jizhou!”

I blurt out…

Cao Cao’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he kept paying attention to the battle that captured Yecheng.

At this moment, Yecheng was also full of rumors.

The vast majority of the people and clans were flooded by the water, and the Cao Jun’s siege of the city, those clans who were closely related to the Yuan clan, tried to pack up their lives, and wanted to find a way to escape from the city when the war had just begun.

But there were floods in all directions. Except for the floods, there were countless Cao Jun…fleeing? Where can I escape?

The city gate may be captured at any time, and it has become a water city, an isolated city.

At this moment…

Many people just remembered that they laughed at the Zhen family for a whole day, it seems…it seems that they took the whole clan and children into Fengming Mountain early in the morning…

There is the commanding height of Yecheng. No matter how turbulent the flood is, it will not be able to submerge the Fengming Mountain.

As the rumors say…

The Zhen family took refuge because of an unprovoked letter…


For two days in a row, in addition to ridicule, in addition to taking the refuge Zhen family as a laughing stock, who would believe that this disaster actually came.

The famous Zhen family fled to Jiming Mountain in a hurry because of a letter. How… ridiculous!Ha ha…

Now, it’s them who is ridiculous, right?

The sky is getting cold, and the light of dawn resounds through the earth.

“Quick…get the plank! Hold the plank. Swim…swim out!”

“Hide on the eaves…there is high and the water level can’t rise.”

“Oh, don’t pack those gold and silver jewels, everything will be gone if the flood washes away!”

In the streets and lanes flooded by the Zhang River, countless people are roaring, roaring…

There are countless people who are at a loss. We can’t do anything. We can only watch the utensils in the house being washed away by the flood.

The fire and water are ruthless, and they laughed at the Zhen family a moment ago, and this moment turned into the heaviest retribution. This lesson is not unprofound!

Yecheng, Yuan Mansion.

This is the General Mansion once built by Yuan Shao. Its appearance is magnificent and magnificent…

The light of dawn still didn’t seem to light up the darkness here. In the dark moonlight, countless figures moved, countless servants of the Yuan family, soldiers piled up sandbags…

They tried to use this tall sandbag to prevent the flood from flooding the courtyard of Yuan Mansion.

It’s a pity…the ideal is full, and the reality is the backbone.

How can a small sandbag withstand the ruthlessness of water and fire…

The shadow of the moon is dim, the sound of water is overwhelming, and the wailing is endless.

In an instant, the entire Yuan Mansion’s defense line was swept away by the flood.

“Master, you go… go!”

The heart-piercing screams of the matchmaking…he finally found a broken ship from the government office and sent it to Yuan’s mansion non-stop. At this moment, the loyal matchmaking, what he has to do is to stay as long as possible. The fire of the Yuan clan!

“Yecheng Ling…you? What about you?” Yuan Shang yelled, frowning tightly… “Yecheng Ling will also get on the boat soon, let’s, let’s escape to Youzhou together, go… to my second brother’s place !”

It was almost a hoarse voice, and Yuan Shao’s yelling never stopped one night. Facing the turbulent flood, he almost collapsed. Fortunately, the audit found a broken ship, which is almost the only hope of surviving!

“Lord, the trial will not go!” The trial partner patted his chest, he raised his head and held his chest up, the voice in his mouth became more determined. “Yecheng is here, I am in trial, Yecheng is dead, I am in trial!”

In a word, he immediately commanded Yuan Jun next to him and continued to move cement…Continue to station the defense line, continue to protect…

Phew… Yuan Shangchang exhales, he can’t take care of that much anymore.


The strategy of seeking the wealth of the Zhen family failed. Yuan Jun’s food, grass, and military resources have encountered great difficulties, and the Zhang River flooded down…

There is no way for Fu Wushuang to bring misfortune alone. He… even if his heart and Cao Cao fight decisively, Yuan Shang knows that Yecheng is over and Jizhou is gone… At this moment, he is not Cao Cao’s opponent.

“Withdraw, withdraw…”

Yuan Shang made a hoarse voice, he finally took a faint glance at this extremely majestic “General Mansion”…

It seems that two years ago, this place was still in the world, but now… it turns out to be… such a bleak and dilapidated scene!

“Heaven is going to perish my Yuan family…”

Yuan Shang clenched his fists with both hands. At this moment, he wanted to cry without tears!

Yecheng, on Jiming Mountain.

Here is a small mountain yard bought by the Zhen family.

Because of the high mountain, it has not been affected by the inversion of the Zhang River…

“Huo, Brother Yi is really cruel!”

Standing on a high place, Guo Jia couldn’t help but let out a long sigh as he looked at Yecheng soaked in flood water.

“Guo son has a vicious look!” Next to him is Zhen Tuo, the second daughter of the Zhen family. “I originally thought Master Zhen and… and that Master Yi was just joking, but I didn’t expect… I didn’t expect… to become a proverb.”

Zhen Tuo still felt a little unbelievable…

She patted her chest and continued. “Master Yi’s letter, I’m afraid that except for Gongzi Guo… no one will believe it if you let it read it!”

“Ha ha…”

Upon hearing this, Guo Jia laughed. “Yes, Brother Yi’s plans are often put to death and later reborn. Similar to this kind of strategy to survive from desperation, I can see that Guo Jia has seen it many times and is deeply impressed…”

Zhen Tu nodded, “Today, the little girl is also impressed!”

Speaking of this, Zhen Tu seems to have thought of something. “Guo, the third brother mentioned that Zhen Luo Little Sister is following the Yi Gongzi?”

“Exactly.” Guo Jia nodded, then raised his hand. “Your sister Zhen Luo is so blessed!”

“Zhen Luo Little Sister has always been a blessing.” Zhen Xiuqian walked two steps to Guo Jia, and then a soft and slow word came out one after another. “I just don’t know, is there any blessing for me to do Big sis, and I can follow a Ruyi Scepter?”

Huo… Guo Jia was slightly taken aback as soon as he blurted the words.

This rhythm, dare to love… the relationship between him and Brother Yi is going to make every success.

Isn’t it? Brother-in-law…

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