Chapter 566

Chapter 364 is menacing, but the collapse is overnight

At midnight…

The moon is black and the wind is high. It is the best time to cross the Yellow River and converge with allies to besiege Chang’an.

Guo Yuan, the main force of Yuan Jun, who was in charge of opening up the second battlefield, was still immersed in the dream of the four-way army converging to attack Chang’an, like a sharpest bayonet, thrusting into the heart of Cao Cao’s heart.

It’s true…

When Yuan Jun crossed the Yellow River on such a large scale, Cao Jun in Guanzhong was still very scared.

After all, there are many enemy soldiers, and they are concerned about the assistance of the princes Ma Teng. On the contrary, their Cao Jun is tens of thousands of people who have been fighting for years, and they are about to get tired!

But obviously, as coaches Yi Xiaotian and Zhong Yao are very confident.

Zhong You is worthy of being a great calligrapher, calm and relaxed, Mount Tai collapsed in front of him and his face remained unchanged, while Yi Xiaotian seemed to have seen everything in the morning…

Facing Yuan Jun’s crossing of the river, not only did the whole person feel less nervous, on the contrary, he still had time to chat with Zhong Yao to relieve his boredom.

Of course, they know that Ma Tengjun has been successfully instigated…

But most soldiers, including Dian Wei, don’t know this information…

For a while, Cao Jun, who was lying in ambush on the bank of the Yellow River, stared at his brows, as if he was approaching an enemy, and as if he was ready to die generously.

“Master Yi, you don’t seem to panic at all?”

In the night, Zhong Yao pointed at the figure crossing the Yellow River… and reminded in a low voice. “I heard that the coach of Yuan Jun this time is the famous general Guo Yuan. He is ranked behind the four court pillars in Hebei, and he is also a rare handsome talent!”

“Really? Oh, it’s rare that the prefect Zhong You boasted so unavoidably…” Yi Xiaotian nodded. “I remember, isn’t he your nephew?”


Suddenly he was broken, Zhong Yao was taken aback, dare to love… Does Yi Xiaotian know this relationship?

This… This is a bit embarrassing.

You know, since Zhong Yao joined Cao Cao’s camp, in order to avoid suspicion, he has never had any contact with his nephew Guo Yuan in Hebei, let alone correspondence, can you? Even so, this level of relationship… can’t hide from Yi Xiaotian’s eyes?

This… how do you describe this Yi Xiaotian? Some evildoers, right?

Zhong Yao was still whispering here, but Yi Xiaotian waved his hand slightly.

“The so-called half-uncle is like a half-mother, and Zhong Yao is the prefect. I still know how you are. That has always put public affairs first and personal affairs last. This kind of character is very precious… Besides, you Didn’t the pro-nephew’s art of war still be learned from you? In this battle, the mother-in-law fought the pro-nephew, and the nanny who kept the fight couldn’t recognize him like Guo Yuan…”

Uh… Zhong Yao gave a wry smile.

The matter is such a matter, and the rationale is such a rationale, but when Yi Xiaotian said that, why suddenly it feels bad!

Shaking his head abruptly, Zhong Yao immediately broke free from this complicated relationship. Then, he raised his brow and pointed his hand.

“Look, Yuan Jun is already halfway through.”

Speaking of this, Zhong Yao did not forget to explain. “On the books, Yuan Jun is stronger in the second battlefield. My nephew Guo Yuan is another arrogant person. He will definitely despise our army and want to get through Fen Shui with all his heart. Bandu’s sudden attack will surely lead to a complete victory!”

Once Zhong Yao’s strategy was put forward, Yi Xiaotian didn’t listen carefully, but just nodded.

After all, your uncle will be your uncle after all, and your uncle will always be your uncle. Compared with your uncle, your nephew is far from the heart!

“Premier Zhong You, you can fight whatever you think you want, I just came to watch the show, really speaking of the formation of troops, how do I understand Yi Xiaotian?” Yi Xiaotian spread his hands…

He was telling the truth…

But combined with the things he did before and the merits he made, there is a low-key and humble feeling to these words.

Zhong Yao thought that Yi Xiaotian had deliberately given credit to him, and he was infinitely grateful, and immediately waved. “Quickly tell Ma Teng there, prepare for a surprise attack…”

“Hey…” The confidant scout led the order and left quickly…

The sky is getting darker, and I can’t see my fingers… It seems to herald a bloody killing battle is about to begin.

Sure enough, Yi Xiaotian was right.

The one who knows his nephew best is his mother-in-law. Guo Yuan, a famous general in Hebei, immediately ordered his army to cross the river…

This behavior seems a bit reckless…

After all, there have been too many examples of “strike the half crossing” in history…Many of his lieutenants still persuaded. “General, if our army is halfway across the river and the enemy suddenly rushes out, how can it be good? It’s better to send a small group of troops across the Yellow River to contact the Xiliang warlord, and then cover the army to cross the river. This is the safest way. ”

Ha ha…

Facing this suggestion, Guo Yuan, who was arrogant and despised Cao Jun, would not adopt it. He sneered and waved his hand. “The whole army crosses the river, don’t pay attention to those who have it, how many people are there in the enemy army? Do they dare to appear now?”

With that said, Guo Yuan had already taken the lead to cross the river on the ship that was already prepared…

But never thought…

Just now the whole army reached half a crossing, and the sound of drums was thunderous.

Fluttering, a fire light illuminates the sky along the Yellow River, and then the sound of killings all over the sky, resounding from all directions…

“Come on…”

“Kill Yuan Thief…”

“Ask for a thief, do meritorious service.”

“Let go, let go!”

Countless Cao troops came quickly on the ship, and at the same time the sound of “swish swish…” was heard from the shore, and dense arrows flew out like locusts.

In an instant, Sergeant Yuan had fallen for more than half…

“General…General, we…we are in the plan.” An adjutant reminded Guo Yuan…

“It’s okay! We have reinforcements…” Guo Yuanqiang calmly… “We have the support of the Xiliang warlords. They will soon come to support our army. The whole army will continue to cross the Yellow River and fight Cao Jun to the death!”

The voice just fell…

Da da da…

But I heard that there were earth-shaking horseshoes on both sides of the Yellow River.

Guo Yuan looked back and saw that he was thinking of Ma Teng’s iron knights coming, not only came, they were also ready to go, each of the halberds in their hands were polished with bright tiles, under the moonlight, glowing with a cold light.

“Look…our reinforcements are coming!” Guo Yuan waved his arm…

The voice just fell…

But I heard a loud sound—”Raise the spear!”

Countless Xiliang cavalry along the Yellow River dismounted, each holding a spear on his shoulder…


With an order, the people of Xiliang were sturdy and sturdy. Even in the world, no army could match their skill in using spears.

Throwing spears like this with acceleration…In an instant, Yuan Jun’s soldiers were pierced into hedgehogs inside and out…

In the electric light and flint, more and more Yuan Jun fell in the Yellow River.

The blood kept pouring out, and even parts of the Yellow River were dyed into a stunned crimson, which was horrible!

“The general…it seems…it seems that Ma Teng’s army has taken refuge in… Cao Cao!” The adjutant’s voice became a little hoarse…

At this moment, Yuan Jun’s famous general Guo Yuan, he is flustered…

How… how could this situation be reached?

Why Ma Tengjun? Why surrender Cao Cao? Wasn’t it an appointment to attack Chang’an together?

Such a sudden change can almost kill Jizhou soldiers…now they can’t advance or retreat…

“Brothers… don’t panic, brothers.”

Guo Yuan was calm, he was instilling the last bowl of chicken soup on the soldiers. “We still have reinforcements from the Southern Huns, Shanyu, and high-level Bingzhou reinforcements… continue to forcibly cross the Yellow River, we… let’s fight!”


Even if Guo Yuan’s voice is extremely sonorous, facts speak louder than words. The Southern Huns rushed to the bank of the Yellow River long ago. Seeing this scene, he developed the unique skills of the alien race.

As for the high-level cadres of the Bingzhou soldiers…As early as the news of the brothers Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang being killed in Jizhou, the high-level cadres were already in a semi-independent state…

Why is it necessary to be loyal to Yuan Shang?

Therefore, the old, weak and remnant soldiers he sent saw a bad situation, and they had already done a bird and beast dispersal…

Just as Yi Xiaotian had expected early in the morning, the four-way army carefully prepared by Yuan Shang came aggressively, but really encountered setbacks.

——The collapse seems to be overnight.

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