Chapter 567 Dage, we can’t favor one another!

Chapter 365 Dage, we can’t favor one another!

Returned in a big defeat.

Guo Yuan, who was entrusted by Yuan Shang with the important task, and the four-way army that was finally prepared with great effort, had the second battlefield opened up with delusions of vision, and it was so dead.

Zhong You and Ma Teng were in a strong position and not forgiving. They chased with troops, killing Guo Yuan’s army to a complete collapse.

The hapless Guo Yuan, who was full of confidence, was also killed in the Rebellion Army.

I heard that Guo Yuan was dead. When cleaning the battlefield, Yi Xiaotian went to look for his head.

In this era, to win a war is to cut off the head of the enemy coach to be considered meritorious, especially when the opponent’s head is dead. Whoever gets this head can be promoted to first-level.

Yi Xiaotian ordered the big guys to find Guo Yuan’s head. The ones found were not first-level official promotion, but third-level and fifth-level ascending.

All the soldiers don’t understand…

If the conductor is determined, what does the wise Master Yi want Guo Yuan’s head…

Finally, Ma Chao’s brother, Ma Teng’s general, Pound took out Guo Yuan’s head from the horseback quiver behind him.

Only then did Yi Xiaotian gasp, and hurriedly ordered someone to return it to Zhong Yao.

After all, I was a nephew. I taught myself to grow up when I was young. A half-uncle is like a half-mother. If they weren’t born in this troubled world, the two would not meet each other, and they would have to drink a pot of wine and find a brothel. Let’s fly together… It’s a pity that the creation makes people foolish.

Of course…because Yi Xiaotian was so upset.

All the soldiers of the three armies knew that Guo Yuan turned out to be Zhong You’s nephew, and suddenly the big guy was stunned, admiring Zhong You in his heart…

Even Ma Teng, Ma Chao, and Pound admire Zhong Yao!

Leading the army to play hard with the nephew, putting official affairs first and personal affairs last, this kind of righteousness to destroy relatives is commendable!

Even with that, Zhong Yao’s fame suddenly hit the sky in Guanxi, as if he was about to be comparable to “Vulcan” Yi Xiaotian.

Who knows, this is a good fortune that Yi Xiaotian deliberately gave Zhong Yao a good fortune, a fame in Megatron!

“Sorry… sorry!”

Even the rough man Pound looked embarrassed, after all, he personally cut off Guo Yuan’s head.

When Zhong Yao heard that, the original cry was gone, he wiped away the tears, thinking in his heart. “Fine, nothing, you can’t cry, you can’t cry, Master Yi has worked so hard, and I can’t live up to his intentions!”


Thinking of this, Zhong Yao exhaled.

His tone became calm again.

“General Pound must not blame himself. Although Guo Yuan is my nephew, he has betrayed the court, and he has long been a rebel. The general beheaded him and made great contributions. I will declare the merits to the court and let the court reward Pound. General!”

This is the great calligrapher…

My nephew died, but she cried bitterly for a while. After realizing Yi Xiaotian’s intentions, she immediately calmed down.

Zhong Yao understands that Yi Xiaotian understands better that war is cruel and will not take care of family affection. As long as you participate in a war, even the things you are most reluctant to do will most likely die in it.

Phew… the dust is settled!

For Cao Cao, the city of Yecheng was captured, and the plan of the Yuan clan’s second battlefield was dead. Everything seemed to be proceeding step by step according to Yi Xiaotian’s plan…

Now, the distance to seize the entire Northern Territory in one fell swoop seems to be just a few minutes away!

Jizhou, Yecheng.


After receiving the letter from Guanzhong, Cao Cao felt very sad…

Sure enough, it is worthy of brother Yi, internal and external troubles, Yuan Shi gathered the four-way army, Chang’an City’s precarious stall, with his own efforts, turned the tide on the collapse, and helped Chang’an City to be turned. This is such a heart and ability. It’s breathtaking!

“Dage, you deserve to be Brother Yi!” Cao Ren couldn’t stop being excited… “I see that Zhong Yao’s letter is also well written. There is no boasting vocabulary throughout the article, but the whole article praises Yi without evasiveness. Xiao Tian…”

“Hahahaha…” Cao Cao continued to laugh, and the good news that came out made him a little bit forgetful… He even wanted to sit at a table with Yi Xiaotian and cook thirty or fifty dumplings with two. Pot of wine from Dukang Village… Have a drink.

Speaking of it, it’s been a long time since I was so drunk with Brother Yi!

Cao Cao couldn’t help but shook his head when thinking of this, a little melancholy…”Dage…” Cao Ren seemed to notice something in the letterhead, and he immediately reminded him. “The last point mentioned by Zhong Yao in the letter, does Dage pay attention to it?”


Cao Cao really remembered when he was reminded by Cao Ren, he hurriedly brought up the letter again, his eyes looked towards the end…

This is a line of small characters, telling the scene of Zhong Yao and Yi Xiaotian on the eve of the war.

At that time.

Yi Xiaotian offered to make a bet with Zhong Yao, and the bet was the land of this deserted Chang’an City!


Suddenly, Cao Cao figured out a hint of inner taste, 80%, Brother Yi is thinking about doing business again, right?

Speaking of which, Brother Yi has made such a great contribution this time. If he only rewards a few horses according to the original plan, it would be unkind…

Cao Cao felt that it was not possible at first. This reward is too small to be worthy of the magnificent feat made by Brother Yi, but it turns out that Brother Yi is not interested in fame and fortune. Give him a high-ranking official. It is not rare!

This will probably become Cao Cao’s heart disease again…

However, Zhong Yao’s reminder was just right, the land in Chang’an City, or the land in a deserted place? It’s impossible, Brother Yi wants to spend money to build some venues and use it for profit…

But… Guanzhong is sparsely populated and no one consumes it? If Brother Yi wants to do this, 80% of it will suffer.

At this time, Cao Cao was thinking about Yi Xiaotian…

“Fine, nothing.”

After thinking about it for a moment, Cao Cao waved his hand. I really can’t get into this matter. Since Brother Yi likes it, I will simply give him… For him, it’s just the price.

Ha ha… Cao Cao decided to pay attention.

“Zi Xiao, help me prepare paper and pen!” Cao Cao immediately ordered Cao Ren.

“Okay…” Cao Ren didn’t hesitate, rubbing up the ink quickly, without forgetting to ask. “Dage? Are you going to write a letter to Prefect Zhong Yao?”

“It’s not just Zhong Yao!” Cao Cao’s expression became a lot more serious. “Brother Yi promised to give Ma Teng Weiwei and General Fubo the official ranks, I will write to Xun Lingjun and let him proceed. We can’t hold back what Brother Yi promised! And this big victory, All levels of civil and military must be rewarded, and they will be handed over to Xun Lingjun!”

Cao Ren nodded, thinking that Dage Cao Cao was rigorous and delicate.

But at this moment, Cao Cao’s words came out again.

“Also, for the rewards and rewards of Brother Yi, I thought about it and sold all the land in Chang’an City to him, no matter whether it was abandoned or good…Any merchants renting houses and farmers reclaiming wasteland must be discussed with Brother Yi. …We are in Chang’an City, we only garrison troops, only collect taxes, and do not interfere with the development of Brother Yi’s business!”

“Dage is wise!” Cao Ren cupped hands.

Cao Cao’s decision, he admired…

The barren land of Chang’an City, even if they vigorously develop commerce and agriculture, may not be able to develop it. It is better to throw this problem to Brother Yi!

Let him develop… If he develops well, he will make a lot of money, and at the same time, the tax revenue of Chang’an City will not also come up. This is a win-win situation!

However, if the development of Chang’an City is not good, then…

This idea just appeared, Cao Ren shook his head abruptly, and Brother Yi went out, how could it not develop well? It’s overwhelming, it’s definitely overwhelming.

Ha ha…

After writing these two letters, Cao Cao’s mood became quite refreshed.

He was about to bring up the letterhead and hand it to Cao Ren, and rushed it over… Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something again.

“and many more…”

Cao Cao, who had just stood up, sat down again, and he smiled slightly. “I forgot to send a letter to Brother Yi in the name of Aman.”


Hearing this, Cao Ren also smiled. “What is Dage going to write?”

“Well…” Cao Cao’s eyes rolled. “Just write that I built a villa for him thirty miles outside Yecheng, and asked him to come back and have a look. It’s not what you want!”

Huo… thirty miles outside Yecheng? Is it another mountain villa?

Cao Ren was startled… only after participating in Chen Liu and Xu Du’s two expansions of Youjian Villa, did he know how much money it would take to build a Villa from nothing…

This time, another one will be added outside Yecheng. Dage is really a big deal!

In addition to being surprised, for a while, Cao Ren was a little envious of Yi Xiaotian, he even wondered… Dage… Or else, you also have bleeding, and reward the virtuous brother for playing in a villa? Play? We can favor one and the other, but we can’t be so obvious!

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