Chapter 568 Robbers, the land business in Chang’an City

Chapter 366 Robbers, the land business in Chang’an City

Two letters and one edict were sent to Guanzhong from Yecheng and Xudu.

Seven hundred miles expedited.

The knight on the horse did not dare to stop for a moment, even though he was tired, he knew that this letter and this edict were of great importance.

Chang’an City…

When the war subsided, Yi Xiaotian rarely wandered around Chang’an City leisurely, mainly to look at the racecourse in Chang’an City.

This time I inspected in advance, and pondered the price of the sale…

Of course, by the way, Yi Xiaotian also asked about the land in this pass, although it is said that the land of Chang’an City is now in the hands of Cao Cao, ordinary people want to buy and sell, afraid of all difficulties…

However, considering the future appreciation of these plots, Yi Xiaotian still decided to fight for it. Besides, there is still a hidden brother.

This concealing brother’s hands are full of eyes, and he doesn’t keep everything… can really help Yi Xiaotian plan some land, then develop it, make a profit, and count the money.

Oops… it’s all pretty good thinking about it.

But at this moment.

“Master Yi, Master Yi…”

Hearing a deep, heavy voice from far away, it seemed that there was still some urgency…

who? Who is that? Yi Xiaotian looked back and found that it was Zhong Yao.

Seeing this one, Yi Xiaotian was slightly taken aback. Now, Yuan’s rebellion has just been repulsed.

During this period of time, shouldn’t the prefect Zhong You and Ma Teng carefully discuss how to stabilize the situation in Guanzhong and how to open up the battlefield in Kansai? Why do you still have time to find yourself at this time?

“Premier Zhong, why are you so uncomfortable this early morning?” Yi Xiaotian looked at Zhong You’s panting for a long time, and asked curiously.

“Oh…cough cough…”

After coughing several times, Zhong Yao waved his hand. “Yes… I just received a letter from Cao Gong!”

Keke…Zhong Yao coughed out a few more times when talking, as if because of sprinting, this old bone was a little too much to bear.

“Zhong Taishou, you speak slowly, I can’t run, don’t be so anxious… If it is for me to be appointed as an official, then decline it for me, I am not interested in the temple.”

Yi Xiaotian first mentioned a wake-up…but don’t Zhong Yao report his own merits, relying on Cao Cao’s thirsty and eager character of talents, he won’t have a happy birthday if he doesn’t protect himself.

“No, no…” Zhong Yao waved his hand quickly. “This has nothing to do with the appointment of officials to the jue. It is a decree, saying that it is for me to sell Chang’an City, together with the nearby land…”

Hmm… Yi Xiaotian’s spirits refreshed as soon as these words came out. “Huh? Taishou Zhong said, Cao Cao wants to sell the land in Chang’an City? Is it the land in these wastelands in Guanzhong?”

“Yes! Nor!”

Zhong You’s beard was stunned, and he smiled slightly.

“Gong Cao is worried that the Chang’an City, which is in the middle of the pass, will not be developed. He is devoted to the war in Hebei, and he does not care about reclaiming the Chang’an City. So and so, if you want to prosper in this pass, wouldn’t it? It’s the Year of the Monkey? So…Cao Sikong discussed with the counselors. He decided to sell the land in Guanzhong and let the wealthy merchants reclaim and develop it. In this way, if the business is done well, the merchants will benefit and the people will have a livelihood. The taxes in this pass have also increased a lot!”

Zhong Yao said in detail…

In fact, there are not so many details in Cao Cao’s bamboo slips, but just one sentence-try to find a way to sell the land in Chang’an City to Yi Xiaotian at a low price.

In addition…I also added a sentence, not to reveal that this was his intentional intention by Cao Cao!

When Zhong Yao saw this letter, he was also drunk.

Really the leader moved his mouth, his subordinates broke their legs…Zhong Yao was racking his brains, he wanted to cry, just give it away, but he had to make up a lot of reasonable reasons, it was simply-Lan Shou, Shiitake.

“That’s it…” Yi Xiaotian’s eyes rolled. “Master Zhong came to find me, meaning…”

Yi Xiaotian tentatively asked…

“Haha…” Zhong Yao has another beard. “I remember, before the war, Master Yi was not betting with the old man? The bet was on the land of Chang’an City… Now it coincides with Cao Sikong’s going to sell, the old man naturally thought of Master Yi first!””What about the price?”

Yi Xiaotian narrowed his eyes, he felt that everything he had done had been rewarded, and he was more keenly aware that this was a business opportunity.

The reason why Chang’an City is not prospering today is because the Guanzhong area has been fighting for years, and there are countless warlords. There are many Yuans and Cao Cao. It’s strange that business can prosper in three days. !


Now, the Yuan family has completely withdrawn from the battlefield in Kansai. Cao Cao and Ma Teng are allied, and Ma Teng is about to rush to Xu Du to be his guard, his general Fubo…

And this place in the middle of the pass, with Zhong Yao’s overall view and Ma Chao’s magical fighting power, it is only a matter of time before this warlord, large and small, is eliminated.

According to historical records, around nine years after Jian’an, that is, another two years later, the Guanzhong situation will be stable, and the people will move back in large numbers. By then, the household registration of Chang’an City will show a skyrocketing trend.

If… in two years, Yi Xiaotian bought a lot of land in Guanzhong, and even more aggressively developed the commercial development of Chang’an City, then in the future, this Chang’an City will be a continuous cornucopia!

When I think of this, Yi Xiaotian’s eyes are full of light…

Of course, a good thing is definitely a good thing, but the price of this Chang’an land is probably not low…

After all, with Cao Cao’s wisdom, this account can still be settled!

Just thinking of this, Zhong Yao’s voice has continued. “Master Yi, let’s handle it!”


This is an inherent method of merchants when negotiating prices. The ancients are implicit. In any large business, face-to-face bargaining always feels insulting and gentle, so he invented this “hand-in-hand” bargaining method.

The two people covered their cuffs, listed the prices separately, and then talked about each other. Even if it was a bargain, they finally agreed to a price!

Yi Xiaotian is familiar with this when he goes to the countryside.

“Come on… Zhong Taishou, I didn’t expect that you are not only a calligrapher, but also very secular… You are also proficient in these inferior merchant methods!”

While speaking, Yi Xiaotian stretched out his hand.

The two of them covered their long sleeves, and the bargaining had just begun in their cuffs…

It’s okay not to bargain. Once the bargaining started, Yi Xiaotian was directly confused.

Speaking of it, he was not shabby, and directly gave a price that could be regarded as the market price. After all, there was no shortage of these two money, and he couldn’t always be scornful!

I never thought that Zhong Yao’s price was 70% cheaper on the basis of his market price!

This…this…this…this Master Zhong Yao doesn’t play cards according to the routine.

Yi Xiaotian couldn’t bear to just make a deal like this. For him, it was a robbery. The point is… the robbery was still at ease. It was sent by someone else’s cupped hands. You can’t do it if you don’t grab it!

Yi Xiaotian feels a bit embarrassed when it comes to time.

“Premier Zhong? The price…you…are you serious?” Yi Xiaotian asked, frowning.

If he hadn’t noticed that Zhong Yao’s skills were sophisticated, he would really have to think, is Zhong Yao a little white from a shopping mall, or a monkey invited by him?

“Haha…” Zhong Yao put one hand in his cuff, and stroked his beard with the other. “The old man has always been serious. This number is the meaning of the old man and Cao Sikong! Mr. Yi, you must know that what Cao Sikong sees is the future prosperity of Chang’an City, and it is the taxation of Chang’an City!”


Yi Xiaotian was also drunk when the deal was done.

You Zhong Yao sells the land in Chang’an City with such cheap coins. If you dare to love, you have to get Cao Cao!

Ha ha… Yi Xiaotian just “ha ha”.

Nothing, nothing else, since you are sincerely going to be slaughtered, then I will slaughter you compassionately.

Suddenly, Yi Xiaotian had a feeling, why are there fat sheep everywhere in Life? Sure enough, the leeks were stubble after stubble, and soon they would grow up!

My heart is here…

Yi Xiaotian simply confided and held hands with Zhong Yao. This “robber”-like business on the Chang’an city land was considered a deal!


Zhong Yao also dropped a big rock in his heart, f*ck, to send a piece of land, he had to be so calm and logical to send a piece of land, really…really…really…really difficult!

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