Chapter 576

Chapter 374 The light of the right way shines on the earth

“This selection of zongzi is a good way!” Yi Xiaotian smiled slightly… He looked at the two zongzi, then raised his head and continued to ask. “This level is fair and just? It’s all by luck? Right?”

“Of course.” Zhen Yan nodded…

“I’m sorry.” Yi Xiaotian waved his hand, his eyes turned to Xu You. “I’m asking Mr. Xu You? Is it this marriage? Do you have to take this ‘all by hand’ step?”

“Haha…” Xu You stopped pretending, he replied with a smile. “Of course, fate is destined, if God refuses to marry, how can this marriage be counted?”

“Success…” Yi Xiaotian nodded, and immediately reached out to choose one of them.

First on the left…

Between the hand and the zongzi, Yi Xiaotian raised his eyes and looked at Xu You without ignorance… Seeing that the corners of his mouth were always open, he had a sense of seeing this thing as stable as a dog.

Yi Xiaotian immediately retracted his hand, and then tried to touch the one on the right… Yu Guang lifted up, Xu You’s expression was the same as before, ha ha… the wolf’s ambition, it was obvious!

In this case…

Yi Xiaotian simply stretched out his hands, but didn’t take both. This surprised Xu You and muttered in his heart. Could it be that he saw something? But… what can he do in this big crowd? It won’t be enough to tear the skin apart and break the two rice dumplings apart!

Doesn’t it make the Zhen family’s face also scandalized?

Of course, Xu You loves to see this situation where both lose and lose!

He is still thinking carefully, and Yi Xiaotian’s voice has been heard one after another.

“Everyone, the big guys can be a testimony. This is a trivial marriage. But these questions from the second son of the Zhen family are nothing more than trying to keep my brother Guo out of the door. Except for this second son, the rest of the Zhen family are very satisfied with Brother Guo, which is very meaningful!”

At this point, Yi Xiaotian’s eyes were full of chills, coldly shot directly at Xu You, his words continued.

“The reason for this is known by the heavens and the earth, the bad guys, and the good guys. I say this here not to expose anything, but to let everyone be a testimony, so that those who are interested will not be unfair in a while!”

As soon as this statement came out…

The crowd was full of excitement, combined with Xu You’s prestige and blessing in Yecheng during this period, the voices of countless melon-eating people all supported Yi Xiaotian and Guo Jia.

“Choose, you can definitely choose red dates!”

“Guo Feng Xiaoying is a talented man in Yingchuan, who works with the second Miss of the Zhen family and rubs it…On the contrary, a certain villain will definitely not succeed!”

“Hmph, it’s not that some people are arrogant and deceive others because of their merits?”

Words and sentences came out that Xu You’s face was thicker than steel, and he was a bit embarrassed at this time. The point is that, strictly speaking, he did this thing with wickedness…

Of course, Yi Xiaotian’s purpose is precisely this, he wants to create some pressure on Xu You, so as to put Guo Jia in a more favorable situation.

Look at this posture almost…

Yi Xiaotian immediately lifted a zongzi, took a look at it, then quickly stuffed it into his mouth, chewed it carefully, and swallowed it.

There is roast chicken first, and rice dumplings later. There are so many delicacies in Zhen’s family!


Yi Xiaotian’s sudden move surprised everyone… Countless people eating melons couldn’t help taking a step forward.

Zhen Yi, Zhen Yao, Zhen Luo, and the other daughters of the Zhen family who were sitting originally stood up at the same time…

“Luo Er, this Mr. Yi? Why… why did you eat it?” Zhen Yi’s brows were almost frowned.

“I… I don’t know!” Zhen Luoxiu frowned, she shook her head. “Mr…Mr….Mr. has always done things to death and live, he…he must have some plan.”

Only a few people nearby could hear Zhen Luo’s soft whisper…

In the distance, Zhen Yan at the door of the boudoir was taken aback, his forehead was full of question marks, and he stretched out his finger to Yi Xiaotian. “You… why did you eat it? Haven’t seen red dates or black dates yet?”

The tone of a sentence is a bit eager…

“Haha…” Yi Xiaotian laughed sadly. “I ate it because I was sure it was a red date. It was for this reason that I expressed his redness for my brother Guo.”

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian paused, and he reached out and directly held up another zongzi. “Although you haven’t seen it, but when you break another zongzi, the big guy doesn’t know if the one I ate is red or black?”

The corners of his mouth were slightly bent, and Yi Xiaotian’s tone was slightly mocking. He opened the rice dumplings and said confidently.

“I dare to take the life of Brother Guo and bet on Brother Guo’s marriage, there must be a black date in this zongzi!”

In a word…

Yi Xiaotian has raised this zongzi, the black jujube in this zongzi high.All the seats were in an uproar…

His words are not over yet. “Why am I so determined, because I know that God will stand on the side of justice, and I, Yi Xiaotian, is the light of Brother Guo’s righteous path!”

As soon as this statement came out… everyone was amazed…

Not only did Yi Xiaotian choose the right question, but he also admired his confidence, his firmness in his words, and his heart for his friends!

Bang bang bang…

Suddenly, the whole Zhen Mansion burst into applause.

Even Guo Jia, one of the protagonists, couldn’t help but clenched his hands into fists at this moment, and muttered in his heart.

“Who is Brother Yi? How can this kid’s tricks be so difficult for him? Xu You, Xu You, don’t you have a strategy you can play? Don’t let me despise you?”

Thinking of this, Guo Jia raised his eyes and couldn’t help but stare at Xu You coldly! It’s like saying-“I’m not targeting you alone, all of your Xu family is rubbish!”

Huh… At this time Xu You sighed for a long time. His legs couldn’t help but step back and he staggered. Thanks to his nephew Xu Yuan for helping him, otherwise, he almost fell to the ground…

Again…and…passed again.

Speaking of which, Xu You’s wise strategy is considered a third-rate adviser at best in this era.

Although the level of his question is tricky, it is not difficult to solve… Yi Xiaotian originally looked at Xu You a few times, and at this moment, he only felt that Xu You was nothing but that!

“You… don’t be smug! There is still the third level!”

Xu You’s throat choked and couldn’t speak, but in anger, his nephew Xu Yuan yelled… “No one can get past this level!”

Vicious words…

Suddenly, people in the Zhen Mansion were full of contempt for Xu Yuan… If you want him to be the son-in-law of Zhen Mansion, Zhen Mansion is afraid that it will be a joke, and there will be no more peace, right?

“Come on…just talk about the mouth-hand gesture!” Yi Xiaotian pinched his waist with both hands. At this point, he was really not afraid, and his self-confidence was forced out. “What is the third level? Show it out!”

As soon as this statement came out…

Zhen Yan was taken aback for a moment. Originally, he discussed with Xu You and only prepared two levels. Only because he was afraid of some mistakes, he set the third level… You know, this third level is very tacky, but Xu You is nothing. But if he really throws out Zhen Yan, then…the Zhen family’s face is probably going to be lost.

Zhen Yan is hesitating here…

Xu Yuan cold “humph…” he hurriedly urged.

“Second Brother Zhen, what are you still doing? Isn’t he amazing? Let him see the third level! I want to see, how can I pass this level with the surname Yi!”

Forced to be helpless, Zhen Yan can only clap her hands…

In a moment, more than fifty servants of Zhen’s Mansion came from outside the pavilion, and each servant held a tall tray in his hand…

There are countless buns on the tray…

The bread in the hands of each servant is one meter high when piled up. If everyone’s piled up, it would be as high as a hill.

At this moment, Xu You yelled, calm down.

“This third question is about these flour cakes, hehe…If Master Yi, Master Guo can eat them clean, haha… Then I Xu Jiagan will go down the wind! Not only will we no longer block this marriage, but instead will give a big gift. ”

Xu You throws out exam questions…

Of course, he hasn’t had such a not wanting face yet. Two people have eaten thousands of noodles, and it’s not easy to spread it out!

Xu You paused and continued. “Of course, this time the test is also on the connections of Mr. Guo and Mr. Yi. Two hours, no matter how many people you can find, as long as you can eat these thousands of cakes, this test is over!”

As soon as this statement came out…

The crowd was shocked…How could it be possible to finish eating so many breads in just two hours?

What’s more, where do you look for someone in such a short time?

What’s more, who doesn’t know that your Xu family is now rising and the boat is rising, and who would dare to offend Yecheng’s wealthy and upstart-the Xu family because of someone else’s marriage?

call out…

It is not only the people who eat melons that are shocked.

In an instant, the expressions of Yi Xiaotian and Guo Jia became very unsightly. Xu You was not wanting face because of the use of text and force, or simply not using force!

Phew…Thousands of cakes, Yi Xiaotian pondered, frozen in the freezer and can eat them for a year!

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