Chapter 577

Chapter 375: The water is clear and there is no fish, and the man is invincible

“Is eating pie also called a problem?” Yi Xiaotian asked… “This trick is bad enough!”

“Hey…damage? Can’t leave as soon as possible…” Xu You got up, he raised his hand and propped his stomach. I was so damaged. What kind of sense of sight can you give me. “The surname is Yi, the surname is Guo, I tell you the truth, you can’t get through this barrier, there will be no one in Yecheng because of you… dare to fight against my Xu You and my Xu family! Otherwise, hum…”

Cold words…

What Xu You said is true…

What is Xu You’s temperament? Xun Yu’s evaluation of him is “greedy but not rule”, and Yecheng’s evaluation of him is “misconduct”, “bullying by force”, “dominantly overbearing…”

The so-called offending a gentleman rather than a villain, the entire Yecheng, whether it is a wealthy family or a poor family, no one can offend this villain because of other people’s things!

Phew… Yi Xiaotian sighed softly, he said to Guo Jia. “Brother Guo, I’ve heard a sentence before, and I haven’t had such a deep understanding yet. This one is completely transparent today…”

“What are you talking about? Guo Jia is curious about what Brother Yi said.” Guo Jia replied with a smile, as if he didn’t care about Xu You’s cold words at all.

“Well…” Yi Xiaotian shook his head, then opened his voice… and said loudly. “It’s just called-the water is clear and there is no fish, and the man is invincible if it is cheap!”

Huo… the water is clear, there is no fish, and the man is invincible!

As soon as this statement came out, the entire Zhen Mansion burst into laughter. Everyone was laughing while pointing in the direction of Xu You and Xu Yuan, as if the word “cheap” could not be more appropriate to describe him. Appropriate!

“You…you…” Xu You was about to explode, but Zhen Yan stopped… “Mr. Xu, don’t worry, let them take a look at this last question…”

As soon as I blurted out these words, the entire Zhen Mansion fell silent again, and the silence was audible…

The big guy looked at Yi Xiaotian and Guo Jia with a pair of eyes. They wanted to know if there was any way to eat these thousands of cakes in two sticks of incense…

“Brother Guo? I have heard that this Hebei cake is very fragrant, but I have never eaten it before. I don’t want to, we have a good taste today.” Yi Xiaotian smiled slightly…

“Yes, it’s the first time I tasted it!” Guo Jia also smiled slightly. At this point, he was relieved…

It is true that he also wants to marry the second Miss of the Zhen family, but rather than making Brother Yi embarrassed, he would rather give up this marriage.

Of course, Guo Jia is thinking about giving up, but Yi Xiaotian is determined to win, he still has his hole cards.

After all, there is a person in this matter. As long as he goes out, he will definitely have room for change. As for his name, he is hiding.

Xu You is so awesome? He can’t match the weight of Brother Hu, Cao Ying’s first counselor, even if Brother Guo cannot marry the second Miss from the Zhen family today, Yi Xiaotian has to ask Brother Hu for help!

“Brother Guo, you are not afraid of being late for a good meal, this is not bad for one or two days!”

Yi Xiaotian sat down and ate a big pie.

Not to mention, this test question is unreliable. The taste of Zhenfu biscuits is really good, and it can catch up with Shandong cooking biscuits. If it can be rolled with some green onions and dipped in a bit of sweet noodle sauce, Yi Xiaotian thinks He can eat three big sheets!

“Brother Yi…” Guo Jia also sat down and fetched one at hand. “As long as I try my best, I, Guo Jia, have always been able to see…the so-called “where there is no fragrant grass in the world, why do you have to love a single flower? It is already hard to get Brother Yi to work so hard. If you don’t prepare a sumptuous dish, just borrow it.” This cake entertains Brother Yi, it will fill up Brother Yi anyway!”


Guo Jia seems very open-minded…

However, the meaning of their dialogue seems to be conceding defeat.

After all, thousands of cakes in two hours? Who can finish it!

at this time…

“Brother Yi, Brother Guo, how can eating cakes make me less?” Zhen Yao patted his chest, walked over, and brought up a big cake and ate it…

“Sir, Luo Er happens to be hungry too?” Zhen Luo Kuankuan walked to Yi Xiaotian’s side, her big eyes blinked and asked curiously. “I don’t know if this cake of our Zhen Mansion suits Mr.’s taste?”


Yi Xiaotian just wanted to answer.

“Luo Er Little Sister, as well as us…” Zhen Jiang, the daughter of Zhen’s parents, and the third daughter of the Zhen family, Zhen said, and the fourth daughter of the Zhen family, Zhen Rong, walked down together…

Not only did they each mention a piece of bread, but their servants and maidservants also mentioned it and ate it!

Suddenly, the lively wedding of the Zhen’s family of Nuo Da turned into a food party.

Everyone talked and laughed, eating with relish.

However, it seems that the number of dozens of people in this district is still too small for thousands of pie.”Hahahaha…” Xu You laughed out loud. He looked at Yi Xiaotian and the scene of a man eating cakes in the Zhen Mansion.

“Eat, continue to eat, I’ll see how you can eat these thousands of cakes…” Xu You pointed at Yi Xiaotian and laughed…With that, sharp and rampant laughter filled the entire pavilion.

But at this moment.

“Mr. Yi, you are not interesting enough…” came a deep and thick voice…


Yi Xiaotian is looking for fame, but he is not a Dian Wei from the ancient evil? Who else can there be?

But seeing Dianwei rushing into the middle quickly, he looked around and scanned everyone, his eyes seemed to have deliberately stopped on Xu Yi’s face for a moment.

Then Dian Wei wrinkled his head, as if to blame Yi Xiaotian. “Mr. Yi, there is not enough food in Yecheng. We have not eaten enough for dozens of days. You have so many thousands of cakes here. Why don’t you say hello? Hahaha… I can’t wait for Dianwei.”

While talking, Dian Wei waved his hand…

But as you can see, hundreds of tigers and soldiers broke in quickly one by one.

Hu Benjun is already big and round, sturdy and sturdy, even if the pie is huge, but in their mouths, it’s just a few bites…

Even one by one, for fear of wasting, even the cake residues that fell on the plate were picked up and stuffed into his mouth, the whole look extremely contented.


Dian Wei put a cake in his mouth, and patted Yi Xiaotian on the shoulder. “Mr. Yi, there is such a good thing, you can’t take it alone… We are also fighting in the gate together anyway, and then there is this meal, Mr. Yi, first of all, you have to think of I Dianwei, think of our brothers in the tiger army. Who are…”


Suddenly, Yi Xiaotian feels a little hypoxic. It’s good. Why is Dianwei here? Hu Benjun is here too?

Could it be that during this period of time, the food was in a hurry, and the food was not enough, Dian Wei and the Hu Benjun smelled the scent of cakes and found them?

This is… 忒… 忒… 忒… 忒 coincidence!

Yi Xiaotian was shocked…

But at this time, the sound of horseshoes of “Da Da Da” sounded outside the gate of Guo’s Mansion.

Then “It’s so…” Neighed in unison, as if countless war horses stopped.

Ta Ta Ta… Followed by the sound of footsteps, a little rush, but orderly footsteps.

Next… even knights stood in front of the gate of Zhen Mansion…

“Which is Mr. Yi?”

The leader is a young general in his twenties. He has a gentle tone and a very humble attitude.


“I am?” Yi Xiaotian was a little confused, this… young general, he doesn’t know him!

“I have seen Mr. Yi.” The young teenager bowed his cupped hands. “In the next Xia Houen, the Tiger and Leopard Riding Deputy Dutong was originally ordered to send a treasure, but I heard that Mr. Yi had big cakes here, and I asked Mr. Yi to give some. When the brothers heard it was Hebei big cakes, their mouths Can’t get along with the greedy…”

Speaking of this, Xiahouen paused, and he stretched his finger to Cao Jun behind him. “Thousands of tiger and leopard warriors have not eaten enough for a few days! Looking forward to the stars and the moon, I am looking forward to this meal rewarded by Mr. Yi…”

Um… this…

Yi Xiaotian wanted to say something, but found that his throat was choked…he was speechless for a while and could not speak.


Guo Jia smiled straightly. “Come on, please come inside. They are all friends of Brother Yi. Don’t be polite. Nothing else. If we talk about this big pie, we will have as much as we want in Zhen Mansion!”

Huh…in an instant, more than a thousand tigers and leopard riders poured into the pavilion!

In the entire Zhen Mansion, there are people everywhere…the tigers, the tigers, the tigers, the tigers and the leopards, each holding three or five big cakes in their hands, as if they have not eaten for three days, and they keep chewing!

Yi Xiaotian looked greedy, and then wanted to take a piece of cake and chew it carefully, but found that…nothing, f*ck fifty trays of pie? Quante Meow was taken away…

I go…

Yi Xiaotian scratched his head. Could this be the so-called-the light of the right way shines on the earth?

Then look up at Xu You, at Xu Yuan, at Zhen Yan…

All three of them are ashamed!

Their desperate appearance, like turtles boiled in a warm soup pot-immortal or alive!

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