Chapter 579

Chapter 377 I wish I would die in the wine room, and would not bow in front of the chariot


Xu You’s face was extremely ugly.

Now, he can be considered to understand, no wonder this Yi Xiaotian has no fear, dare to love, people have a backer!

Who is Reliable Mountain?

After all, this congratulatory gift is a sword of the Blue Nightmare, and it weighs a lot. If it is not for someone who is closely related to Cao Cao, how could it be possible to get this face.

Is it Xunyou? Xun Yu? Xi Zhicai? still…

Suddenly, Xu You’s forehead was covered with numerous question marks, and he linked each name with the Blue Nightmare sword…

Finally, he turned sideways, he couldn’t face Yi Xiaotian anymore.

“Yi, you are ruthless!”

While speaking, he placed a piece of precious jade around his waist on a case slip, whirring… whistling… whistling again and again, Xu You left in incomparable resentment!

Hush… Yi Xiaotian narrowed his eyes, then raised the gem, muttering in his mouth. “Good jade, good jade…”

Immediately afterwards, his eyes moved down slightly, looking at the boudoir of Zhen Mansion No. 2 Miss, thinking in his heart, the gate of Zhen Mansion is not so difficult to open!

After Xu You and Xu Yuan left, everything seemed to be back to the previous excitement.

Now, if you think about it with your toes, you can know that Yi Xiaotian is a figure with hands and eyes open to the sky, like a tiger army, a tiger and a leopard rider, and a sword…

Picking up one of these randomly is enough to attract people’s attention… but they were surprised to bring it all together.

This is not the point…

The new uncle of the Zhen family, the new master Guo Jia Guo Fengxiao, his relationship with Yi Xiaotian…

When I think about it, it’s very meaningful…

Many patriarchs and clansmen of other big families in Yecheng who participated in the wedding of Zhen’s house couldn’t help but look sideways… The Zhen family is afraid that because of a son-in-law, it will be completely prosperous!

The gluttonous feast was filled with Zhen Mansion…

After all, Zhen Yan, the second son of the Zhen family, also took the initiative to mention the wine bottle to Yi Xiaotian and apologized to Guo Jia. He thought that the new uncle was a bronze, and his lover was a king. After taking it, he really took it.

Zhen Luo has always accompanied Yi Xiaotian, a gentleman who introduced her family members to her.

It seems that seeing this scene, many elders in the Zhen mansion are smiling. If Yingchuan talent Guo Fengxiao is an appetizer, then…this son of Yi is a dragon…

The key is that the relationship between his Qianlong and Luo Er is extremely ambiguous. This is enough to help the Zhen family’s status and identity in Jizhou, and even in the north…

The big guy is even more eagerly looking forward to the big marriage between Master Yi and Luo Er? When will it be done?

Speaking of which… There was an episode in front of the bridal chamber and the banquet.

“Mr. Yi, Mr. Guo…”

Xiahouen specially came to find Yi Xiaotian, Guo Jia…

“It turned out to be Lieutenant Xiahou.” Yi Xiaotian smiled. “This matter today, Brother Guo can be so smooth, thanks to Duwei Xiahou, we have not been able to thank you!”

Yi Xiaotian just said this, and Guo Jia took the initiative to express his thanks for the cupped hands.

Xiahouen hurriedly helped Guo Jia… “Guo Gongzi, you are Mr. Yi’s friend, I am a captain, how dare to be your gift!”

While speaking, Xiahouen took something out of his arms.

What Yi Xiaotian read really was an edict… an edict from the emperor… this?

Suddenly, a big question mark floated between Yi Xiaotian’s eyebrows. Brother Guo marries a daughter-in-law. It won’t alarm the emperor. Isn’t it necessary for the emperor to give him a marriage? Do you want such a big face?

Just about to ask, Xiahouen’s voice came out first.

“Brother Yi, Brother Guo…This is an edict, a canonized edict that I asked Cao Sikong to ask for…” Xiahouen’s tone was gentle and slow, very calm.

…It’s not as serious as it was when the edict was issued.

Yi Xiaotian and Guo Jia are a little confused, the rhythm is wrong?

I just wanted to ask in detail, but never thought…Xiahouen directly cupped hands to say goodbye, leaving only this unread edict, messy on the case…this?

Guo Jia first brought up the edict and slowly unfolded it.

It doesn’t matter if it is not unfolded, Guo Jia was stunned as soon as it unfolded.

This is an edict covered with the jade seal of the country, but without a single word…this…

“Brother Yi? What does this mean?” Guo Jia stretched out his hand to the edict, and showed doubts on his face.

However, Yi Xiaotian chuckled. He recalled the five words “Canonized Edict” proposed by Xiahouen, and he seemed to understand something in his heart.

“Brother Guo…The meaning is obvious. The edict is here. Xiahou Dutong mentioned that it is a’canonized edict’. In other words, this is called an edict, and it is actually Cao Cao’s call to Brother Guo! Brother Guo, what official title do you want to serve in Cao Ying? Just write it. Anyway, the big seal of the jade seal of the country is also stamped. This edict is valid!”

Hmm… Guo Jia was slightly surprised by Yi Xiaotian’s words.

He thought for a moment, then waved his hand.

“Hahaha…” laughed out loud…

“Brother Yi…” Guo Jia mentioned a bottle of wine, drank it, and then said. “Actually, among all the words and sentences of Brother Yi, my favorite are the two sentences mentioned by Brother Yi…”


Before Yi Xiaotian asked questions, Guo Jia’s voice continued.

——”I hope I die in the wine room, and I don’t want to bow before the carriage…”

Guo Jia suddenly got up, the whole person seemed very free and easy…he then whispered with emotion.

“In the past, even though I didn’t care about official career, but because of my livelihood, because of the illusory fame in this troubled world… After all, I still want to go to one of the princes and achieve the feats of Guan Zhong and Le Yi, but now…”

Speaking of this, Guo Jia paused, his eyes seemed to be shining, and the breathtaking rays of light directed towards Yi Xiaotian. “Since I met Brother Yi, I feel that this fame is nothing more than a passing fame. Was Yuan Shao still the leader of the Eighteenth Route princes? Now it is also a slope of loess! Haha…”

Guo Jia gave a wry smile, and then shook his head, with a few more expectations in his eyes.

“On the contrary, it is Brother Yi. I have wine today and I am drunk now. I will continue to spread a mountain village all over the world and be a rich man living and working in peace and contentment? Beauty is in his arms and wine is on his side. Such a Life, let alone a high official, is the emperor daddy. It’s coming, it’s me, and I won’t change my plan!”

Speaking of this, Guo Jia directly returned the blank edict to Yi Xiaotian. “Brother Yi, you should keep this edict. Keep me here, but it restrains me! What’s more, Brother Yi finally helped me choose the Meijiao Niang, why would I be willing to abandon her and chase after that? What about the so-called fame and fortune? Brother Yi doesn’t know that he was born Guo Fengxiao, who loves wine in a cup, and you like the person in the painting!”

With a flick of his long sleeves, Guo Jia left with his hands under his hands. The whole look, in Yi Xiaotian’s eyes, looked handsome and dumbfounded!

Yi Xiaotian thought for a moment, then nodded…

There is no doubt that Guo Jia has real talents.

Even Yi Xiaotian’s strategy is hard to come by…

However, Guo Jia has a weakness, a terrible weakness, his bones are not good, he is good at drinking, gambling, excessive indulgence…

Such a bad hobby…If it’s just an ordinary person, it’s okay, Yi Xiaotian can ask Zhang Zhongjing to take care of him, and at least delay the chance of his illness.

But… if Guo Jia really followed Lao Cao to do it, he would not be able to carry his small body on the long journey.

Speaking of which, among the characters in the Three Kingdoms, Guo Jia is the one that Yi Xiaotian admires most.

God jealous of talent…

Yi Xiaotian decided not to read these four words.

Simply support Bong Xiao, and be a salted fish son-in-law with peace of mind…

In the rich courtyard of Zhen Mansion, the second Miss personally washes her feet. Such an emperor’s suit… Such a life, Yi Xiaotian would be envious.


Thinking of this, he let out a long breath, suddenly he thought of something, and shouted. “Brother Guo…”

“Um…” Guo Jia turned around…

Yi Xiaotian’s words followed. “Do you know that I wish I was dead in the wine room, and I didn’t want to bow to the front and back of the chariot… There are two more words…”

Guo Jia’s footsteps…

It seems to suddenly become very curious…

“Haha…” Yi Xiaotian laughed out loud, while blurting out a poem. “I don’t see the tomb of the Five Tombs heroes, no flowers and no wine to hoe the fields!”

In a nutshell, what Yi Xiaotian thought of was in a nonsensical comedy…

The glorious image of Tang Bohu, played by Xing Ye, stands on the bench and composes improvisational poems!

At this moment, Yi Xiaotian feels that his own image in Guo Fengxiao’s heart is even more magnificent, right?

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