Chapter 580

Chapter 378 To be rich, first build roads

Yecheng, government office.

At this time, Cao Cao was pacing left and right in the main hall of the government office, and his expression looked a little sad.

As for the reason, it was beyond his expectation. The next strategic deployment is very complicated…One by one, through the mouth of a strategist, money comes out…

“Cao Gong…” Xun You first posed a difficult problem. “Now that Jizhou is pacified, it is precisely the time when people are employed, but… our officials are a bit clumsy…not to mention agriculture and water conservancy. The legal system in Jizhou alone needs someone… The so-called turbulent times use heavy codes, unless Xu Du Let Man Chong transfer over…otherwise, the intricate situation in Jizhou will not be easy to handle!”

At this point, Xun You paused. “Also… in terms of paperwork, we also lack talents… Jizhou Pingding, indispensable to be listed as Anmin… If it is about fighting, we have a lot of generals in the army, but if it is about pens, there are not many officials accompanying it…according to me See, it’s better to put Xun Lingjun…”

Xun You didn’t finish the speech, but his meaning couldn’t be more clear. There were two main points-legal system and documents.

His proposal is also very simple, directly transfer Xu Ducheng’s Man Chong and Xun Yu… This problem was solved in an instant.


Hearing this, Cao Cao frowned slightly.

Xuducheng’s top priority is that the legal system of Xuducheng concerns the entire Central Plains, and the governance of Xuducheng is even more about logistics supplies.

Whether it is a full pet or Xun Yu, it is not absolutely necessary and cannot be easily transferred…

Thinking of this, Cao Cao said with eyebrows…

“Xu Ducheng is more important than Yecheng, mobilizing Xu Duling and Xun Lingjun? Isn’t this demolishing the east wall and repairing the west wall?” Cao Cao waved his hand and directly rejected Xun You’s proposal.

He pondered for a moment, as if thinking of something, then asked aloud.

“Gongda? We didn’t bring too many civilian officials with the army, but Jizhou has always had many celebrities. We can imitate Xuzhou’s governance strategy. Jizhou people rule Jizhou and use a large number of local officials!”

“Yes!” Xun You nodded. “It’s just… we are new to Jizhou. Among the officials who surrendered, who are loyal? Which are two-sided? Which are capable? Which are the people who are good at fame? We don’t know anything… If we don’t have a few months of contact, we will be good at knowing people. I’m afraid I can’t do this at all, besides…”

Xun You thought more profoundly, his brows condensed slightly, and then he said. “Besides… Our military has only taken Jizhou. To the north of Jizhou is Youzhou. Yuan Shang and Yuan Xi are staring at you. Jizhou is to the west and Bingzhou. The senior executives are also sharpening swords. Let alone… Qingzhou to the east, should Cao Sikong? Would you think Yuan Tan would really cling to it?”

call out…

As soon as these words came out, Cao Cao let out a long breath. This is the crux of the problem!

It is not difficult to implement the rule of law in Jizhou City, and it is not difficult to arrange for local officials to govern.

The difficulty lies in the fact that under the eyes of Yuan’s remnants, every detail in Jizhou City must be cautious, and every official in Jizhou City must be more cautious in appointing officials. Otherwise, as long as his Cao Cao misses, it will be enough to make Yuan’s remnants. Find an opportunity to counterattack.

“Sure enough, Gongda has a more far-reaching vision and more thoughtful thinking…”

Cao Cao praised Xun You… and waved his hand. “Unexpectedly, the governance of Jizhou alone has so many twists and turns, let alone … let alone seeking Bingzhou, Youzhou, and Qingzhou…”

Cao Cao’s tone was a little stumbling, and he was full of helplessness…

Suddenly, the air circulation in the entire government office seemed to indicate the four big characters-helpless.

Another long sigh…

A group of counselors looked at each other, and their hearts were like mirrors of the current situation.

Today, although Yecheng has been captured and Jizhou has been captured, the Yuan clan is panicking like a dog in the family.


Hidden dangers still exist here, and the entire Jizhou is still in crisis… The search for Jizhou is just the beginning of the extermination of the Yuan family. It is still far from complete and complete!


How to manage Jizhou next?

How to find Binzhou, Youzhou, and Qingzhou?

How to remain unbeaten in the new round of games with Yuan Tan, Yuan Shang, Yuan Xi, and senior cadres, how to deal with Gongsun Kang in Liaodong, Wuhuan in the north, and the South Huns are what Cao Cao camp should think about most.

certainly…At this time, Cao Cao, the counselors at this time did not make a perfect plan for this.

After all, the three sides of Jizhou are enemies, and it is very likely that they will lose everything if they are careless…

The affairs of the government office came to an end.

But for Cao Cao, this was the beginning, another round of journey, and the beginning of the pacification of the northern border.

Cao Cao, who walked out of the government office, kept his head down. He was thinking and contemplating carefully.

He is committed to pacifying the northern territory and contending for supremacy in the world…

Now…the capture of Jizhou has opened up a huge gap in the northern border!

The so-called everything is difficult at the beginning, what should be the crucial step next?

Is it to recuperate, postpone it for a year or two, and properly arrange the governance of Jizhou? Or is the soldier going to attack Bingzhou directly? Youzhou? Or Qingzhou, don’t give Yuan’s remnants the slightest chance to breathe and calm down the northern border in one go?

It’s time to choose again!

…Speaking of which, Yuan Tan, Yuan Shang, Yuan Xi, Gao Gan, none of these guys are fuel-efficient lamps!

On the contrary, she, Cao Cao, lacks a light, a guiding light…

“It’s as true as Brother Yi’s words, I’m so stupid and naive again!”

After thinking about it for a moment, Cao Cao finally recovered. He stretched out his hand and patted his forehead, then shook his head and smiled bitterly. “The formulation of the next strategic deployment is not simple! It seems that you have to consult Brother Yi for the specific plan.”

Thinking of this, Cao Cao couldn’t help but smile again, his eyes raised, and he looked at the sky faintly. It was already dusk…It was time to have dinner soon.

Cao Cao’s gaze continued to move down, and the direction of his movement was thirty miles east of Yecheng City. One of the villas there had been repaired. Brother Yi should be living there tonight, right.

Thinking of this, Cao Cao hurriedly greeted him. “Zixiao…”

“Dage…” Cao Ren hurried over, and before Cao Cao continued to speak, Cao Ren already said with a smile. “Quanma is ready. There is still a shortage of wine in a mountain village in the east of Yecheng. I will also send someone to prepare it. Dage…When do we leave!”


Upon hearing this, Cao Cao was taken aback.

Dare to love, Cao Ren is like a roundworm in his stomach. The government office has no results. He has arranged his itinerary to Youjian Villa in the first time. This wave of operations can get a full score!

“Ha ha ha ha…”

Cao Cao laughed out loud, and he asked curiously. “Zi Xiao, this big road east of Yecheng…”

Without waiting for him to blurt out, Cao Ren answered first again. “Dage can rest assured that the official road from Yecheng to a mountain villa in the east of the city has long been repaired. The whole road is brightly lit, and the road is smooth…”

Speaking of this, Cao Ren did not forget to add one sentence. “By the way, several military divisions also asked me why I planned to set up Jizhou and do nothing else but repair the road to the east of Yecheng first…”


Cao Cao became curious for a while, he asked with a smile. “How did Zixiao answer?”

“Hurt! Brother Yi mentioned something…” Cao Ren waved his hand. “I just replied according to his words-if you want to be rich, build roads first!”

Ha ha ha ha…

Cao Cao laughed coolly. The laughter was magical and cheerful. It seemed that because of the upcoming meeting with Brother Yi, the governance of the so-called Jizhou city, the so-called fall of Qingzhou, Bingzhou, and Youzhou, were all no longer a problem. .

Especially this sentence…To get rich, build roads first, and it is in the heart of Cao Cao…

If you want to be prosperous, prosperous, and be a king, don’t you just spend some effort to build the asphalt path that leads to Brother Yi’s heart?

Who has repaired this road, and everything else is not a matter of course?

Thinking of this, Cao Cao turned on his horse…

With the sound of “da da da” horse hooves.

The two of them and two horses quickly disappeared into the moonlight at dusk, the sky was getting dark gradually, and the cold wind was bitter, but they couldn’t stop a pair of Youjian Villa, Yi Xiaotian… eagerly looking forward to a hearty drink!

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