Chapter 582 Every rice noodle has a beautiful legend

Chapter 380 Every rice noodle has a beautiful legend

“Speaking of which, Xue Ersao runs the front shop and the back shop. The business is very prosperous, just like Brother Yi’s own wine shop!” Cao Cao continued…

Yi Xiaotian wondered, his wine shop relied on Jiu Niang Chun Liquor from Peiguo Qiao County during the initial period, and Xue Er’s wife relied on Hengshui Lao Bai Ganer, but at this point, they had the same goal.

For a while, Yi Xiaotian became more and more interested in this story.

“One day… an old stonemason with white hair came to the shop and asked for a drink, day after day, but the old stonemason never gave money for drinking.”

Cao Cao’s narration is full of emotion…

“Sister Xue asked the old stonemason about the reason, and the old stonemason said, “Isn’t your wine called Laobaigan?” Since it is for nothing, why do you need money? Ersao Xue felt that there was nothing wrong with it, so she just explained the origin of the name in detail. It turns out that this wine was brewed in an old workshop left over by her ancestors for several generations. It is pure and pure, with a high alcohol content, and does not retain water after being ignited, so people call it Laobaigan.”

“Sister Xue proposed that this wine is made by herself. Since the master thinks it is for nothing, it is for nothing. Just drink it. If you have money, you can drink for nothing. If you don’t have money, you can drink it for nothing. Every time he toasts and serves dishes for the old stonemason, and treats them with great hospitality. To thank Ersao Xue, the old stonemason digs a well by himself in her backyard. After the completion of the work, the old stonemason turns into a puff of blue smoke by the well and walks away slowly… ”

Speaking of this, Cao Cao was amazed.

Yi Xiaotian gave a wry smile, isn’t this just… the commercial packaging in ancient times.

You know, before crossing, at the market at the entrance of his house…everyone selling rice noodles can tell a beautiful legend, and each one is more vivid than this Xue Ersao!

Ha ha…

The corner of Yi Xiaotian’s mouth was a little bit of ridicule. Sure enough, Brother Hu was very stupid and naive. Now he is still talking about it with such eloquent emotions, and he can’t extricate himself!

“Brother hide…” Yi Xiaotian simply interrupted directly. “Is it right? Everyone was amazed, and Xue Ersao discovered that the clear water in the well was gurgling and sparkling, and the water from the well… it turned out to be legendary…”

Halfway through Yi Xiaotian’s words, Cao Cao was stunned… How did Brother Yi know the follow-up of the story?

As soon as the words “the legendary” came out, seeing Yi Xiaotian paused, Cao Cao hurriedly replied. “Brother Yi, how do you know that the water in this well is the legendary sweet spring water. Using this well water to make wine, the wine tastes more mellow and delicious, and the flavor is unique… For this reason, winemakers from all over the country are here one after another. After building a workshop, using this well water to make wine, this Taohua Village gradually developed and became Hengshui City… The unique flavor of Hengshui Lao Bai Ganer that this well water brought out is even more famous and is a good story!”

“Brother Yi is dissatisfied, in order to get these dozens of jars, Hengshui Lao Bai Ganer, my virtuous brother A Ren has spent much time and money!”

After speaking, Cao Cao looked at Yi Xiaotian curiously. He bent his brows and asked. “Brother Yi? Is it possible? Do you know this story?”

“Knowing…not knowing!”

Yi Xiaotian waved his hand. “This kind of beautiful legend is a routine… Back then, when I was selling Gujing tribute wine in Jujube Township, Chenliu County, I said it was pure grain soy sauce wine, healthy and safe to drink, every drop is made of pure grain! In fact! Inside, there are too many ingredients to eat…just drink it!”

Uh… Listening to what Yi Xiaotian said, Cao Cao suddenly felt that the more than ten altars of Hengshui Lao Bai Ganer that Cao Ren had worked so hard to get were a bit pitted…

He shook his head, and then showed a touch of trauma.

Yi Xiaotian’s words continue…

“This old Bai Ganer in Hengshui is actually the same as the situation in Hebei now. Yuan Shang and Yuan Xi from Youzhou, the senior officials from Qingzhou, and Yuan Tan from Qingzhou, all live by imagination… If Cao Cao is straight forward. Means, let their imagination die, then…youzhou, Bingzhou, and Qingzhou are not just looking back. So…”

From this to the other, Yi Xiaotian also talked about the principle.

“The reason why Hengshui Lao Bai Gan’er is so valuable is because of these beautiful legends. Better to say, this is the foundation, and worse than that, this is called bluffing. It is well packaged… Once the legend is seen through, it is just one thing. Where can ordinary wine in jars be fired to sky-high prices?”Hmm… the legend of the boss of Hengshui?

Yuan’s remnants’ imagination? this…

Unexpectedly, Yi Xiaotian was directly connected with the situation in Hebei from the topic of wine, and Cao Cao asked directly. “Brother Yi, you mean Youzhou, Bingzhou, Qingzhou… Can’t stand a blow! As long as Cao Cao’s military strikes and Yuan’s remnants’ imagination is shattered, will they completely collapse in an instant?”

When it comes to business matters, Cao Cao’s expression becomes a lot more serious.

“Brother Hu is half right…” Yi Xiaotian smiled slightly… then raised his hand and looked at the wine shop. “Go, brother, let’s go to the wine shop to drink and chat!”

Huo… drinking and talking?

“Isn’t Brother Yi not daring to be interested in this old Bai Ganer in Hengshui?” Cao Cao asked back…

“Who said that.” Yi Xiaotian waved his hand, his steps were certain, and he said with a smile on his face. “Brother, those illusory legends and stories are all imaginary… But, there is one sentence about Hengshui Lao Baigan.”

“What?” Cao Cao became more and more curious.

Yi Xiaotian raised his eyebrows, then turned around and raised his hand, “Hengshui Lao Bai Ganer, drink out the masculine taste! Let’s hide it from my brother, tonight, whoever you bothers, no one will be masculine!”

In a nutshell, Yi Xiaotian went straight to the wine shop…

Only Cao Cao was stunned in the wind. Hey, Brother Daoqing Yi took the initiative to fight with him, ha ha… Cao Cao ha ha, in terms of drinking, no one is his opponent of Cao Cao.

Thinking about this, Cao Cao quickly caught up.

“Brother Yi, this is what you said, drinking tonight, whoever counsels, is like a woman!”

The sound of footsteps…

Three steps and two steps, Cao Cao has caught up with Yi Xiaotian.

“Hahaha…” Cao Ren shook his head… murmured in his mouth. “Brother Yi, Brother Yi, let me treat Dage like this. I am afraid that there is no one else in the world except you!”

Speaking of this, Cao Ren suddenly noticed that there was a beautiful woman beside him. Against the background of the night, Zhen Luo’s alluring face looked even more chic and beautiful.

“Miss Zhen Luo, your husband and my Dage are going to have a swig. Why don’t you go back and rest first! Only I protect their safety… You can rest assured.”

Cao Ren patted his chest and took the initiative to protect Yi Xiaotian.

“No more…” Zhen Luo waved his hand gently. “Let me accompany my husband, there are no other guys or guys in the wine shop yet, just so, I will make some snacks and let the husband and the brother-in-law eat and talk!”

While she was talking, Zhen Luolian stepped forward and faintly headed towards the wine shop…

Actually is not… She insisted on staying, mainly because the Zhen family forced her to accompany her husband, even if it was night, she was not allowed to go back, of course… Zhen Luo intended to do the same.

It’s hard to be able to accompany your husband more. Is this a rare opportunity?

When Diaochan Big sis, Zhaoji Big sis, Lingqi Big sis return, where does the husband have so much time with her little Zhen Luo?

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