Chapter 583

Chapter 381: Catch a snake and catch seven inches, Brother Yi has a deep routine

Thirty miles east of Yecheng, there is a wine shop!

After the dishes that Zhen Luo cooked by herself, she sits next to Yi Xiaotian and helps her husband to pour the wine from time to time.

Cao Ren didn’t drink, and was careful…After all, this is Hebei, so you can’t be careless!

On the contrary, it was Cao Cao and Yi Xiaotian, what they drank was a joy.

“Brother Yi, do it! Let’s have another bowl!”

Since it was drinking, Cao Cao was very unrestrained, and after doing a few large bowls, Yi Xiaotian was completely in a trance.

“Brother, don’t you drink like this! One bowl after another, can’t you let me eat food!”

Yi Xiaotian waved his hand and said directly. “Brother, you can think about it, aren’t you in a hurry to come here today? If you really want to drink me up, see who can discuss it with you!”


When Yi Xiaotian blurted out these words, Cao Cao was taken aback, daring to be sentimental, catching the snake and grabbing seven inches. Brother Yi had a deep routine. This sentence directly stopped Cao Cao.

“Ha ha ha ha…”

Cao Cao laughed helplessly. “Fine, nothing.”

Immediately afterwards, he grabbed the bottle of wine in front of Yi Xiaotian and drank a bottle for him…just before he spoke. “Brother Yi, don’t worry about my urgent matter. You just mentioned the situation in Hebei, and talk about it in detail…because of this situation, my mind is about to become a mess.”

“What’s the mess here?”

As if Yi Xiaotian’s words were very relaxed, it seems that the situation in Hebei is under control…

This confidence and freedom made Cao Cao extremely admired…

Cao Cao pricked his ears and listened carefully to his talk.

Yi Xiaotian’s voice continued. “Brother, now Cao Cao has taken Yecheng and planned for Jizhou. The richest and most prosperous state of this big man is already in his hands. Look around him, the bitter cold land of Youzhou in the north, and the frontier fortress of Bingzhou in the west. Let alone Qingzhou, it was the place where the Yellow Turban army was the most violent back then… Don’t you think that the remnants of Yuan’s occupying these three prefectures are just lingering?”

Yi Xiaotian first raised a question…

Hey… When he said that, Cao Cao really felt that it was a little bit interesting, it seemed… Yuan’s remnants occupy the three states, which is not as troublesome as imagined!

This idea just appeared, and it was quickly denied by Cao Cao.

In the office meeting this morning, the ministers discussed the current situation in detail. Combined with the intelligence of Youzhou, Bingzhou, and Qingzhou, everyone’s conclusions were surprisingly consistent. Yuan’s remnants should not be underestimated.

It seems… these three states add up to no less than 200,000 Yuan Jun, and there are many different races nearby, most of whom have good friendships with the Yuan clan, and the situation is not as optimistic as expected.

With this in mind, Cao Cao immediately questioned.

“Brother Yi, at first I thought that the three border states are just Yuan’s remnants lingering, but…according to the information returned, these three states have a lot of troops, and they have sufficient military resources and food. Besides, they are still Yuan after all. If the Clan’s faction is awakened and united, it can still cause a lot of trouble to Cao Cao!”


Yi Xiaotian narrowed his eyes, and from the words, he keenly noticed a point of information error in Cao Cao’s mouth.

“How can they give them time to wake up and unite?” Yi Xiaotian’s tone became solemn. “Today’s Cao Cao…should be smashed one by one, completely flattening the northern realm. The so-called one slamming, then declining, and exhausting, if it really slackens in one breath, then…the great situation is completely ruined.”

Hmm… Do you work hard, fail again, and exhaust after three?

Cao Cao knocked on his forehead. Today, the government office is discussing matters. The biggest point of contention is… whether we should calm down the northern realm in one go or recuperate. After all… these years, the war between the south and the north has caused Yuan Jun and Cao Jun to be tired, not only Cao Jun tired. , Even Cao Cao felt tired after a long absence…

In his heart, he still hasn’t stopped the journey of dominating the world and becoming a king, but his body is extremely honest. He is tired and exhausted, and he wants to slow down and take a good rest, rest… at least one or two years, etc. Two years later, the day when Broken Sword is recast, it must be the time when the hero returns!

But it seems that Yi Xiaotian does not support him. The general direction of Brother Yi’s strategy is just four words-all in one go!

call out…

Cao Cao exhaled and then preached.

“Brother Yi, it doesn’t mean that you can’t do it. Cao Jun is tired. Yuan Jun will only be more tired. Cao Jun is tired. Finally, there are successive victories to boost morale. Yuan Jun has been stunned. Now the cowardice is bound to be serious… But…”

At this point, Cao Cao paused, then waved his hand.

“There are a few difficulties…”

With blinking eyes, Cao Cao shook his head. “The first thing to bear is the problem of staying behind in Jizhou. Let’s not hide the truth from Brother Yi… Now, Cao Cao’s subordinates can’t elect a Yecheng order in charge of public security, and cannot elect a prime minister’s copywriter in Yecheng… If at this time, Cao Cao’s army does not matter. Which one of the attacking Bin, Qing, Youzhou, the rear is unstable, this is a huge hidden danger!”

Cao Cao’s tone was a little bit of annoyance, and in the following words, he increased his tone again.

“Secondly…Although Brother Yi mentioned that Yuan Shang, Yuan Tan, and high-ranking cadres are strong in the outside world, living in imagination… But in fact, their military strength is not weak, and there are many strong generals in their department, plus waiting for work with ease, three The city is high and the river is deep. What’s hard to do! Besides… even if you want to fight? Which one should you fight first? Which one should you fight later? During the expedition of Cao Cao’s army, will there be a fire in the backyard? Can’t repeat the story of Lu Bu’s attack on Yanzhou!”

As expected, Cao Cao… has become extremely cautious in planning the overall situation.

Word by word, the analysis of the situation in the entire north is straightforward. The opportunities and problems here are thrown out together… The whole situation is very transparent!Even Yi Xiaotian couldn’t help but be amazed at this point, he’s making progress…

It is true that the current Cao Cao will not be the one who dared to chase Dong Zhuo in depth when his head was hot back then, and finally came home with a defeat…

Today, he is very intelligent, and he can see the next three or four steps in one step, and he is extremely considerate.

Of course, this also has a shortcoming, that is… the greatest victory is often dangerous.

“Brother Hu…You have raised a lot of questions, let me solve the first one for you! Yecheng’s staying problem!”

Yi Xiaotian smiled slightly, then picked up the wine bowl, took a sip, moistened his throat, and then continued to speak. “It is true that most of the soldiers Cao Cao brought northward are military commanders and advisers. They are unavoidable in governing the city state… Therefore, there will indeed be people who have no talents to govern the country, as mentioned by my brother. The unstable problem behind…but…”

Yi Xiaotian deliberately sold it, and saw Cao Cao’s entire face sticking to him before speaking. “But… Yecheng has a reliable talent for governing the country… For example, the Yecheng Order mentioned by Brother Hu, I know there is one person. If he is the Yecheng Order, the whole Yecheng City must be like the capital of Xu, with strict laws and regulations. , Do not close the house at night!”


Cao Cao was taken aback for a moment, and then hurriedly asked. “Who? Who?”

He is curious…Why doesn’t he know if there are such talents? Why did no one recommend it?

“His name… is Gao Rou.” Yi Xiaotian blurted out.

Speaking of this guy…

Yi Xiaotian can’t help but think of his related deeds in ancient books and documents.

Gao Rou, with a very special status, is the cousin of Gao Bingzhou’s governor, Yuan Shaohao’s nephew, and the little master of double-faced swordsman.

In the interpretation, Gao Rou seems to have no shots, but this cannot be concealed. In the official history, he has an outstanding ability.

Gao Rou, Chen Liuren…

As early as more than ten years ago, when Cao Cao first started his army, he was in Chenliu, and he predicted that there would be a desperate battle between the newly promoted Yanzhou Mu Cao Cao and his good classmate Zhang Miao.

So… Gao Rou gave up directly to turn to Cao Cao, and instead went to Jizhou own cousin senior officer!

Unexpectedly… Now Cao Cao will come to Jizhou. Not only will he come, but Gao Rou has also become a captive of Cao Cao.

Can only say good fortune makes people.


Cao Cao thought slightly.

Gao Rou, this name, he really has some impressions. It seems that Xun You mentioned that he is the cousin of the provincial governor Gao Gan.

Today, the senior cadres and Cao Cao are still in a hostile relationship. Cao Cao doesn’t trust this senior cadre’s Little Brother so much… and even wondering how to put him in charge and get rid of him!

I never thought that Brother Yi would recommend this person, so this made Cao Cao more cautious and curious about Gao Rou’s attitude.

Actually…According to the historical development, Cao Cao will also reuse Gao Rou, but it will go through a complicated process.

at first…

Cao Cao will appoint Gao Rou as the assassination order, which is an official title for spying on crimes in Yecheng.

It can be regarded as a partial branch of the judiciary. This kind of position is especially prone to errors and offends people. Who knows who does it, it can be called the worst of all official titles.

Cao Cao’s intention to arrange this officer for him is clear, but he just wants him to have an accident, and then enforces the law impartially.

But… this Gao Rou really has a few brushes, and he has done fairness. There has never been the slightest wrong or unjust case. Even the long-settled case in Yecheng has been understood…

Cao Cao was dumbfounded… Later, Cao Cao went to the department where Gao Rou was located, looking for clues and finding some handles to him. He never thought that as soon as he walked in, he saw Gao Rou asleep holding the paper…

Immediately, Cao Cao couldn’t escape the “true fragrance” law…

It was not until that time that Cao Cao knew that Gao Rou was a rare talent… it was really fragrant.

Of course, because of Yi Xiaotian.

This process of suspicion can all be avoided…

You know, the recommendation of Yi Xiaotian is better than the invitation of hundreds of officials in Cao Cao’s mind.

Of course, Cao Cao still has to ask in detail.

“Brother Yi? What’s better about this Gao Rou? Why did Brother Yi value it so much? I am a little surprised, A Hu, after all, he is the cousin of Cao Cao’s enemy Gao Gan!”


Facing Cao Cao’s doubts, Yi Xiaotian smiled slightly. “I’m just about to say this. Gao Rou has a system in governing cities and counties, but this is not the point. He can help Cao Cao a lot on the issue of consolidating states!”

Um… and state? Busy?

Cao Cao was taken aback for a moment, a mere Gao Rou? Can you help him find a merged state?


The whole person’s spirit was lifted, and Cao Cao raised his ears and listened respectfully.

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