I Am Immortal In The Cultivation World

Chapter 209: Great Zhou Taizu

Falling in love with youkanshu.com, I am immortal in the world of immortality

Kunlun Cave.

Zhou Yi took out the array plate from the storage bag, and the phantom array trapped the array to defend against attacks, accumulating thousands.

Half of them are arranged at the entrance to ensure space safety first. The rest are arranged in the sky and the ground, and many of them are forbidden to detect the soul. Since then, it is difficult for even the soul to escape into the interior of the orb.

After the magic formation is activated, the sun and clouds appear in the sky, and the distance becomes a vast horizon.

In this way, it seems like a real world.

Zhou Yi took out the spiritual objects at the bottom of the press box, and used a forging weapon inheritance to refine Dongtian into a treasure of protection.

"This is just the beginning. The follow-up will continue to strengthen, until it becomes an indestructible world of the cave, which can protect itself even if the heaven and the earth are torn apart, roaming in the chaos outside the sky..."

With the improvement of his cultivation, there are fewer and fewer people in the world who can threaten Zhou Yi. After thousands of years, the only thing in the world that can finally kill him is the collapse of the heavens and the earth.

The possibility of heaven and earth collapsing is very small, but in the face of endless time, no matter how small the possibility is, it will become inevitable.

Zhou Yi didn't want to wait for the collapse of the heavens and the earth, and there was nowhere to hide. He had long planned to build a shelter, and the Dragon Emperor Jewel was just in time!

It took another fifty years.

The Kunlun Caves have finally been made preliminary.

Zhou Yi sat cross-legged by the lake to fish, although there were no fish in the lake.

Lingshen doll squatted beside him, looked at the changing clouds in the sky, and asked, "Xianchang, when will Jianmu fork?"

Zhou Yi closed the Taoist scriptures and answered very seriously: "When Kunlun Cave is transformed into a world, the sky is nine layers high and the land is eight barren, Jianmu will naturally grow branches."

Lingshen doll counted with her fingers for a long time, but couldn't figure it out, and asked, "How can the cave grow bigger?"

"The specific poor way is not clear, but the most likely thing is to refine a spiritual object similar to the Dragon Emperor Orb."

Zhou Yi tried to arrange a dust formation to shrink the outside world and put it into the cave, but he couldn't put it in at all, breaking the idea of ​​infinitely stacking boxes.

Shrinking thousands of mountains into dust, in fact, thousands of mountains are still there.

The Lingshen doll was watching the fun, and said with bright eyes, "Is the immortal chief going to dig those old monsters?"

"It's not that easy."

Zhou Yi said: "Pindao and the Dragon Emperor have a deep causal relationship, and it took so much effort to find the blood crystal by luck. There are no traces of other self-proclaimed old monsters, self-proclaimed things, stones or dead wood, and they are also in person. Hard to notice!"

Lingshen doll listened, lay on the ground and rolled a few times, her limbs spread out, and she lost hope of becoming a fairy.

"If the poor can't find it, it doesn't mean that no one in the world can find it."

Zhou Yi said: "Those old monsters of the Demon Dao are useless to kill all of them. Perhaps one day, they will let mortals dig out from a corner and study them as unsolved mysteries."

Lingshen doll didn't understand very well, but she felt that there was hope for becoming an immortal, and she suddenly regained her vitality.

Zhou Yi did not continue to explain, he put away the fishing rod and said.

"Pin Tao has been in seclusion for more than two hundred and sixty years, and the cave has been completed. It's time to experience the rolling red dust."


Northern Xinjiang.

Longpan Mountain.

The place where Longxing, Taizu of the Great Zhou Dynasty, changed Snakepan Mountain to Longpan Mountain, and held the Fengchan Ceremony several times.

Zhou Taizu did not sacrifice the heaven and earth when he climbed the mountain, but sacrificed to the legendary Kunlun Mountain, and reported his achievements to the immortals, showing that he lived up to his mission.

Later history books named Zhou Taizu Longpanshan a Zen, and characterized it as borrowing the name of Kunlun Xianshan to differentiate and attack the diehards of the court, and at the same time to strengthen the correctness of his rule.

Later, a large amount of coal was discovered in Longpan Mountain. The nearby Taizu's hometown, Kuoshan City, became more and more prosperous and gradually became an important town in northern Xinjiang.


It was a cold winter, and the north wind was bitter.

Three days of snow fell flutteringly, and the mountains, rivers, and cities were a vast white scene.

Zhou Yi, wearing a Tibetan blue robe, performed a feat of flying and flying, looking at the dark, misty smoke in the sky, his expression was a little weird.

Up to the gate of the city, there were no soldiers on duty, and people came in and out at will.

"The carriage with bearings, the tight and fine cloth, it seems that many changes have taken place in this world."

Zhou Yi entered the city, and the bustling and bustling city did not lose to the capital.

Routinely went to a bookstore and opened a volume of "The Chronicles of Zhou Taizu", and found that the paper and ink were obviously standardized, and the size and edges of the handwriting were the same, which inexplicably lacked some artistic charm.

"Zhu Kang actually did it!"

Zhou Yi was surprised. To be honest, he didn't have much hope when he taught Zhu Kang the machine.

The popularization of machines requires not only technology, but also emancipation of the mind and accumulation of heritage, which are hardly available in Yunzhou.

The world of immortality has existed for countless years, and it can be traced back to the ancient times. Yunzhou has not undergone major changes since ancient times. Cultivators can easily create machines, but it is completely unnecessary. The value of mortal existence is to provide descendants of spiritual roots!

Changes of dynasties, wars and plagues, natural and man-made disasters, etc., no matter how many people die in the mortal world, they will not arouse the mercy of the cultivator world.

During the period, there may have been some buds, but in the eyes of the monks, it is an unstable rebellion, and they are crushed into pieces with a wave of their hands, and mortals can only continue to inherit and continue according to the ancient system.

Zhou Yi taught Zhu Kang's machine technology, intending to plant a seed, and did not expect to really take root and sprout.

Divine Consciousness swept through the book and quickly read the book, and generally knew about Zhu Kang's experience after leaving Kunlun. Of course, Kunlun was not mentioned in the history book, but it was recorded that the Great Zhou Taizu was taught by a stranger to teach the secret arts of the Mo family.

With his spinning wheel, Zhu Kang quickly accumulated a lot of wealth and made contacts ~www.readwn.com~ to establish the Kunlun company.

The cloth of the Kunlun company is of high quality and low price, and it is sold in the countries of Yunzhou, attracting the coveted by officials of the Qing Dynasty.

At the beginning, Zhu Kang only wanted to make money, and he repeatedly honored the officials of the court, but it attracted more and more greed.

The South and the North War, the founding of the People's Republic of China.

The territory of Dazhou is not as vast as that of the Qing Kingdom, and the Yunzhou countries also took the opportunity to occupy a large area of ​​the Qing Kingdom, which is comparable to the size of the Fengyang Kingdom a thousand years ago.

After Zhu Kang ascended the throne, he used the power of the founding emperor to try to implement the machine in the whole country, but he was blocked by the old-fashioned big landlord.

The founding father of a generation, killed from fire and blood, how ordinary!

On the one hand, Zhu Kang used the excuse of the war between the north and the south, and on the other hand, he invited the descendants of the Mo family to force the promotion of the machine.

"To resort to war, to borrow the name of the Mohist sages!"

Zhou Yi nodded slightly, feeling that he was underestimating the people of the world. Unfortunately, he was concentrating on refining Dongtian. Otherwise, Zhu Kang would be able to borrow God's will and implement the machine more smoothly.

After Zhu Kang ascended the throne, he struggled with the old school for the first 30 years.

The combination of imperial power and machinery cannot be resisted by the rotten Confucians who read the Four Books and Five Classics. As the lives of the common people are getting better day by day, even the old school has begun to split.

After all, the benefits brought by the machine are too great, far from working hard to cultivate the land, and relying on God to eat can compare!

Advanced productivity, like a rolling wave, is unstoppable!

------off topic-----

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