I Am Immortal In The Cultivation World

Chapter 210: Changing times

Falling in love with youkanshu.com, I am immortal in the world of immortality

After Zhou Yi entered the door, the bookstore shopkeeper kept observing carefully.

The Tibetan Qing Taoist robe is indistinguishable from the material, and the stitches are fine and uniform, like a fabric woven by a machine, but it looks natural and comfortable, without the rigidity and rigidity of batch creations.

"Such a delicate technique, how much is a few taels of silver per foot!"

The shopkeeper is well-informed. When he accompanied the owner to Xianjing to buy a new printing machine with the owner, he learned that the food and clothing of the children of the aristocratic family and the real people of the Taoist sect were all craftsmanship a hundred years ago.

Only poor people wear machine-woven cloth!

Looking at the hosta on the head and the cloud shoes under the feet, you can see the details in the details.

The shopkeeper rolled his eyes, leaned over and bowed his head: "Daoist, do you need Taoist scriptures? A hundred years ago, Huaiyun's handwritten copy!"

"Let's take a look."

Zhou Yi's spiritual sense swept through all the historical books, and generally knew the changes in the past 160 years, but the records in the historical books are broad, and the specifics need to be experienced before they can be known.

The shopkeeper took out an exquisite wooden box from under the counter, and after opening it was a book bound in this thread, "Zhang Huaiyun's Commentary on Alchemy".


Zhou Yi was quite surprised, he took out the book and read it, turning a page with a dark expression on his face.

The shopkeeper didn't know why, so he tentatively said, "Master, is there something wrong with this book?"

"There is no problem with the book, the content... hum!"

Zhou Yi started to investigate and found out that the ink on the paper has been around for a hundred years, and it is indeed a genuine antiquities.

The scriptures are not Taoist scriptures, nor are they about the methods of alchemy and alchemy. They describe the composition of all things in the world, Yin and Yang, and the five elements, which are made into gunpowder, glass, lime, etc.

The last page of the book, the real person named Zhang Huaiyun, pointed out that most of the methods of refining alchemy in the Taoist scriptures belong to the fantasy of the sages of Taoism about the immortal Tao of longevity.

He also warned the disciples of later generations that they should not be stubborn and stick to the rules.

"Nie Zha, this fellow has lost all the face of the patriarch!"

Zhou Yi asked with a dark face, "What is the status of this Huaiyun in the Taoist sect?"

The shopkeeper said: "Zhang Zhenren is the only recognized Taoist sage since the founding of the Great Zhou Dynasty. After the emergence, the imperial court canonized Hongjiao Puji Kaihua Xuanmiao Taoist, and he was worshipped by the incense of the Sifang Taoist!"

Zhou Yi sighed helplessly. He never thought that the popularization of machines would have such an impact.

"How much does this book sell for?"

"This book is in the owner's collection and should not be sold."

The shopkeeper smiled and said, "Since the Taoist master likes it, it only takes five hundred taels to return this thing to the old master scriptures!"

Zhou Yi took it out from his cuff and took out a fistful of gold ingots to pay the bill.

The shopkeeper's eyes widened, handmade clothes, gold ingots, and the strength of his hands to hold the gold. He couldn't help but feel terrified, but he didn't dare to say anything about the quality of the test or his reputation.

These strongmen who follow the ancient rituals of a hundred years ago are out of tune with the current situation, ranging from unpleasant to the eye, and at worst, they fight!

Zhou Yi put away the book, walked out of the bookstore and looked up at the sky again. Who would have thought that the ordinary world for a hundred years would change its appearance.

Black smoke is only the appearance, the change of people's heart is the essence!

"Fortunately, if you become Kunlun Cave, you can practice in the mortal world. Otherwise, if you come out of seclusion for hundreds of years, you will become an ancient person who has no knowledge!"



Emperor Taishi named the capital after Kunlun Wonderland.

Zhu Kang claimed to be the younger brother of Emperor Taishi, and he practiced in the Kunlun Mountains.

Before Zhou Yi entered the capital, he first saw a few large chimneys with black smoke gushing out.

The mottled blue-grey city wall was still built hundreds of years ago. The monks used magic to cut the rocks and reinforce them. It is still in use today and is still the most important protective force in the capital.

Dark iron cannons stretched out from the arrow stacks, and the soldiers on duty wore iron armor, with steel knives and fire guns slung around their waists.

Enter the city gate.

The street is more than ten feet wide, with shops on the left and right side by side, and there is an endless stream of people passing by.

Zhou Yi's eyesight was excellent, and he saw a huge pendulum in the distance, standing at the end of the street, the sun shining with the luster of steel.

"Master, please show the ultimatum."

The middle-aged man who spoke was wrapped in a navy blue bunt, black trousers, and a soap scarf on his head.

"Where to buy a house?"

Zhou Yi opened his hands, and it was empty without any objects. In the eyes of the man, the ultimatum he had in mind appeared.

The man pushed on his glasses and saw the seal of the real person of Baiyunguan. His tone became more and more respectful: "The Yaxing is at No. 12, Kunlun Street."

Zhou Yi refused the man to lead the way, asked how to get there, and strolled down the street unhurriedly.

The capital is the center of change. It is much more advanced than the northern cities. Those more and bigger chimneys and the soot wafting in the air are proof.

The chimney, the pendulum, the clerk, the row of teeth...

The strange and harmonious fusion in a scene.

Zhou Yi walked into the shop marked with copper coins and saw a half-person-height counter. Since there was no seat, he could only sit around his waist. Some people deposited gold and silver dollars into bills, or exchanged them in reverse.

After observing for a while and leaving, he took out the silver ingot and kneaded it lightly. It became a brand new standard silver coin.

The figure engraved on the front of the silver coin is not an emperor, but a Taoist monk meditating cross-legged.

Kunlun Street.

The main road that runs through the capital to the imperial palace is more than 20 feet wide. It is a perfect continuation of the big is the beauty and the more is the good.

A number thirteen.

Yaxing hasn't changed much from the past, and it may still follow some old-fashioned rules, but listening to the jingling of the clock, I don't know how long the industry heritage can last.

As soon as Zhou Yi entered the door, his clothes fell into the eyes of the middle-aged man. When he was about to hand over the guest in his hand to his apprentice, he came over and asked respectfully~www.readwn.com~ I don't know what I need to buy? "

Zhou Yi said, "A shop."

"The Taoist priest, please come to the box to discuss in detail."

Yaren bowed his body to lead the way. Da Zhou has been advocating Taoism since Taizu to the present day. In addition to the wealth of Taoist people, he is worthy of respect in the eyes of ordinary people.

The box is decorated with antique colors, mahogany tables and chairs, landscape paintings, sandalwood and green smoke.

The two sides were seated, and Yaren asked, "Master, what price do you want for a house?"

"Ningdefang, the price doesn't matter."

Zhouyi's storage bag is mostly gold and silver jewelry, and if you take it out at will, it is an antique of hundreds of thousands of years.

He took the catalog handed by Yaren, checked each store, and chose the one that was closer to the former residence. The price was 25,000 taels.

An hour later.

The yamen set up written receipts, changed the name of the head of the household, and received both money and goods.

Zhou Yi discovered that the identity of a Taoist priest in Baiyun Guan was quite useful in Da Zhou, saving troubles such as queuing.

So he turned the fake into the real and created a ultimatum. His identity is to follow the master to practice in the mountains for a long time, and he first entered the mundane world to practice.

He performed another illusion and got a household post from the yamen.



Zhou Yi broke the rusted iron lock, pushed the door open, and saw dust and leaves everywhere, the walls were mottled and peeled off, and the main room and the east wing had collapsed.

"Pin Dao's thousand-year-old former residence has gone through four dynasties, and no one has taken it."

"In this way, some mortal old people still have inheritance!"

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