I Am Immortal

Chapter 102: Can you hear the Dharma? Do you know 【道】?

  Chapter 102 Can you hear the Dharma? Do you know 【道】?

  Oriental Pure Glass World—

The flowing sword light seems to only exist in a dream, and it is just like moonlight, seemingly empty, but it seems to have existed a long time ago. The beginning and the end of the sword can only vaguely feel a kind of consciousness.

   It's not that he came here to draw the sword.

   But when he came here, in a single thought, in this piece of heaven and earth, there should have been this sword.

   is without beginning and without end.

   Therefore, this sword energy has neither started nor died.

  Like the eternal way of heaven, the avenue, the sun and the moon, revolve endlessly.

What kind of state is this? The moonlight illuminates all things is the limit of the road ahead that I can see, but this state is already unfathomable and unimaginable. The Moonlight Bodhisattva has no fear of death for a while, only the joy of seeing the distant road , And looking back at myself, I found the sadness of being far away from the avenue, and shed tears for a while.

  Pharmacist Liuli Guangrulai sighed, and said gently:

   "Thank you Dao Lord, show mercy under the sword."

   Qingjun Daoist said peacefully: "The way of immortality is precious."

   "As it should be."

   "Heavenly Mercy..."

Pharmacist Liuliguang Tathagata folded his hands together, displaying the immeasurable light and pure glass body, and gently recited the Buddhist scriptures, and then there were cracks in his body. It was not repaired by the immeasurable Buddha's light, but it spread more and more, and the traces became more and more serious, until finally it covered Qifa's body, looking sad and terrifying.

   Qingjun Taoist turned around, his sleeve robe swept across the clouds, and walked away step by step, with a flat voice.

   "It's not easy to practice in memory of you."

   "Only cut off one of your three Buddhas."

   His eyes were calm, and he said lightly:

   "In the next life, don't do it again."

The pure colored glaze dharma images behind them shattered one after another, releasing the light of relics, and there were thirty-six white rainbows in the sky, coming and going. After a long time, the dharma body of the pharmacist Liuliguang Tathagata shattered, leaving only an old monk sitting upright on the lotus platform On top of that, his Qi was greatly disintegrated, and his face was pale. After all, he was the head of the Three Saints of the Eastern Buddhist Kingdom, and he was actually the ancestor of a line of Buddhism.

  Seeing the sorrowful expression on the Bodhisattva's face illuminated by the moonlight, he comforted him:

   "Don't worry, Shangqing Lingbao Da Tianzun didn't really kill him."

   "Just a small warning."

  The moonlight shone all over the Bodhisattva and shed tears: "Is it a small warning to cut off the body of the Buddha in this way?"

  Pharmacist Liuli Guang Tathagata sighed and said: "Forget it, I have already possessed my original nature, so I managed to survive."

"Even if it is Yuqing Tianzun, Taishang Tianzun, it is absolutely impossible to defeat me with one move, but Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun, the way of cultivation is [Jie Mie], Bao Gao praised: [Jiyuan Cave Jade Calendar is divided into five kalpas], the slaughter is the most prosperous, and this way can be called the leader of the Three Qings."

   "He never made a second sword."

   "It's showing mercy."

   "It was also my own way of testing Daomen and Dongfang's qi that was noticed by him."

   "Being noticed, I was already prepared, but I didn't expect that it would be him who attracted."

   "If Taishang comes here, I will be fine if I come here for the first time; if Yuqing comes here, I will just be closed to the Buddhist kingdom for thousands of years."

   "Only the Great Tianzun of the Qing Dynasty is free and easy."

   "Just follow your heart and do whatever you want."

"Even the Great Heavenly Lord Yuqing has nothing to do with him; he may come here just to chat, or he may directly strike a sword. No one can guess, no one can push him, and no one dares to push him... , Cough cough, the moonlight shines all over and recedes, let me reunite with my original nature, maybe I don’t need to go to reincarnation.”

  The old monk sighed: "The Daoist Lord, the Great Heavenly Venerable, so it is."

"But my Buddhist school is scattered everywhere. Even the thirty-three Buddhas and the thirteen lines of Buddhism are constantly fighting with each other, and they don't hesitate to use swords. The collapse, the tragic death of countless monks, the darkness between the heaven and the earth, and finally the Buddha bell in the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss was cut off, that dream was too terrifying..."

  The old monk wept: "My Buddha, where are you?"

   "The disciple seeks, the disciple pursues, the disciple has violated the commandment, but he has not found you yet."

   "Where are you?"


  In Zhongzhou Fucheng.

The great monk originally planned to drag the young Taoist to say something more, but it seemed that the abnormal celestial phenomenon today made him lose his mind. First, there was a rosy light in the west, which changed like blood, and then there was a white rainbow shining from the west. A total of thirty-six Dao, this made the great monk lose interest in talking, he just turned around and ran after the white light, already weeping.

  While running wildly, he raised his cuffs to wipe away his tears.

  Although Qi Wuhuo didn't know what happened, he could feel the monk's sorrow.

After filling the wooden barrel with water under the Jiuyan Bridge and mixing in the medicine to ward off evil spirits and detoxify, he chose another path and leisurely headed towards the Lianyang Temple. At this time, Mingxin felt a little bored After getting up, there is obviously such a good excitement in the back. You can listen to people talking about this matter in Shiliba Street, but he still has to hold a big wooden bucket full of water and sprinkle the street along the way back to the Taoist temple.

   This kind of thing was only very interesting at the beginning, but later it gradually became boring, saying:

   "When will this be done, Uncle Qi."

  The young man said humanely: "Something can be done."

   "Then why don't you tell the government?"


"They will only do things that are effective. We can neither give them benefits, nor let them see the potential credit. For them, such things will mobilize manpower, cost money but have no benefit Even honest officials would not do such things.”

   “Because they just do stuff like this and it doesn’t work.”

   "There will be criticism from the opponent. There are too many checks and balances. Even if you want to do something, it will be difficult to do what you want. It has to be done."

  Ming Xin was puzzled: "Uncle Qi, you are obviously not very old, so why do you seem to know these things very well?"

  The young Taoist made a pinch, and a stream of water flew out and fell on the ground. At the same time, he replied gently: "I dreamed about it."

  Ming Xin lowered his head for a moment: "Uncle Master lied to me again."

   "I'm not a kid anymore!"

The young Taoist smiled slightly, and was about to speak, but noticed that there was also the scent of realgar and other medicines to exorcise evil and poison in front of him. He raised his eyes slightly, but saw some people wearing official clothes coming in front of them, also carrying buckets and pouring water mixed with realgar. , I was also surprised to see the young Taoist priest in front of me, and after talking to each other, it seemed that someone recognized the little Taoist priest Mingxin, and said: "Is it the Taoist priest of Lianyang Temple?"

  The little Taoist priest Mingxin stepped forward and agreed:

   "It's me, I'm Ming Xin, this is my Uncle Qi."

   "I just don't know that Catcher Li is..."

The capable warrior said with a smile: "The people in the city have been plagued by epidemics these days, and some nobles came forward and asked us to sprinkle some water mixed with realgar, which can also drive away evil spirits and poison. I didn't expect that several people from Lianyang Temple would also do this. Things, let’s think about going together, with the help of a few Taoist priests, we will soon be able to sprinkle realgar water all over the city.”

  Ming was surprised, and subconsciously glanced at Qi Wuhuo.

   Then he took it back, chatted with the head catcher for a while as if nothing had happened, and then dispersed.

   Each chose a path to sprinkle realgar water, and said with a clear heart: "Uncle Qi, look, are you wrong?"

   "These government officials can do it too!"

  The young Taoist is thinking about who the so-called nobleman is, who has such a big face.

  The city of Zhongzhou has a very high status. It is very difficult for others to persuade the officials here to do things that are not beneficial to them.

  Unless these officials think that this nobleman's face is more valuable.

   And this is recognized by both corrupt and incorruptible people.

  Who is it?

  The young Taoist was curious, but upon hearing this, he just smiled and said, "Yes."

   "It's my uncle who made a mistake."

All the way back to the Lianyang Temple, it was almost dusk. At noon, I was just dealing with a bowl of syrupy water on the side of the road. The young Taoist saw a man wearing a sheepskin jacket holding an iron pick and piercing through it. I took a green chili and grilled it on the fire until the skin of the chili was wrinkled, then sprinkled salt on it and took a bite and a half, and then I ate the noodles. It was pure noodles without any simmering seeds, but I ate it with a big mouthful. It looked very fragrant. .

  But the young Taoist looked at the pepper, but gave up trying.

  Go back to Lianyang Temple, and have some dinner with the old Taoist.

The little Taoist priest Mingxin, who thought he had escaped the morning and evening lessons, was dragged away, and stretched out his hand with a sad face, calling for Uncle Qi to save me, but he was still dragged away under the gentle gaze of the young Taoist. Qi Wuhuo laughed, got up and went to sweep, cleaned up the bowls and chopsticks, and planned to try to transmit breath directly to the peacock egg after going back.

  Because these auras are directly aimed at spirituality, they can be used even if they are still inside the eggshell.

  Qi Wuhuo returned to the scripture pavilion of the Taoist temple.

  Light an oil lamp.

  Going to take out the jade bottle from the sword box, and then walking towards the peacock egg step by step.

   Caress the peacock egg with your palm to feel the spirituality in it.

Just as he was about to transmit spirituality, when he lowered his head slightly, the wooden hairpin fell off from the tip of his hair and fell to the ground with a soft sound. Seeing himself reflected on the gossip mirror of Jingge, there was a streak of strange color in his black hair.

  Qi Wuhuo was slightly surprised, raised his hand to twist this black hair, and then pulled it out with a little force.

  Under the oil lamp in front of him, this black hair exudes a strange golden color, showing a glass-like clarity.

   "Huh? What's this..."

Qi Wu was puzzled, suddenly felt that this strand of hair lighted up slightly, spread out in an instant, turned into bright light, and in an instant, illuminated the Sutra Pavilion, brilliant and magnificent, clear and clear, the young Taoist put down his hand , looking at the old monk who appeared in the Buddha's light in front of him, he was not in a hurry, and slowly **** the hairpin, and then said: "This master, where did you come from?"

  Qi Wuhuo broke the heart of the old scalper earlier.

  Naturally, there is Buddha's radiance flowing, coming here along that mirror.

  The Buddhist practice beside    may not be able to do it.

But the Buddhism in the Jingliuli World relies on the streamer of mirrors to come and go, but it is just a thought. At this moment, this clear Buddha light seems to have no self-consciousness. It is wearing a monk's robe, which can hardly hide the sword marks. Singing the mysterious sound of Buddhism, there are flowers falling from the sky and golden lotuses gushing from the ground. Qi Wuhuo sits on one side of the table with an oil lamp lit on the table, and on the other side is the golden Buddha.

  The young Taoist listened carefully.

  After the completion of the recitation of the scriptures in the Buddha's mouth, he recited the "Pharmacist Liuliguang Tathagata's Original Vows and Merit Sutra" and said twelve great wishes.

"Speaking, I wish that when I attain Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi in the next life, my own light will be blazing, illuminating the immeasurable, countless and boundless worlds, and I will adorn my body with thirty-two majestic appearances and eighty-eighth reincarnation, so that all sentient beings will be no different from me. ..."

   "I wish that when I attain Bodhi in the next life, my body will be like glass, clear inside and outside, pure and free from blemishes; bright and vast..."

It's so wonderful, every word he said seems to have some kind of mysterious and incomparable power, which makes the whole world vibrate slightly, and also makes the Buddha's light on him more clear and clear, pure and flawless, like glass, his words and words, like It seems to be able to move the avenue of heaven and earth and educate people's hearts.

   One by one, he recited the twelve great wishes, to many great wishes.

  Suddenly a gentle voice asked: "Master, are you wrong?"

  The pharmacist Liuliguang Tathagata, reflected in the ray of glazed Buddha light, lowered his eyes.

  The young Taoist really listened carefully, then thought carefully, and asked calmly after considering:

   "The third great wish is to enable all sentient beings to obtain [endless things to use], and not to make all living beings lack or lack."

   "Buddhism also says that the world is suffering, and suffering comes from desire."

   "You want to use endless supernatural powers to satisfy the desires of endless people? Purely speaking of Buddhism, isn't it also going against Buddhism?"

"The Buddhist way of refining the mind, the third truth is [the truth of extinction], which is to eradicate many evil desires and achieve a pure and comfortable state of mind. If your grand wish is to satisfy many desires and desires, does it also include evil desires? "

   "And when reincarnated in the pure glass world, you can [play with jewels and adornments, flower garlands, incense, drums, and various tricks]."

   "Isn't this tempting all beings with desire?"

  The young Taoist expressed his doubts in a gentle voice.

  He sat on one side of this oil lamp, and the oil lamp was bright, looked at the Buddha light on the opposite side, stretched out his right hand, and asked:


   "Do you know the [Four Noble Truths]?"

  (end of this chapter)

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