I Am Immortal

Chapter 323: 【Wu】! ! !

  Chapter 323 [Wu]! !

The clear voice of the young Taoist came, and the eyes of the thirty Yin gods behind them opened slightly. They had exhausted their strength, but at this moment, they still straightened their bodies. They looked at the enemy in front of them. With the weapon in his hand, the murderous intent rose again.

  They looked at the back of the young Taoist in front of them.

  Stars fall like rain.

  The dark red Taoist robe is slightly rolled up.

Pressing the seal with one hand, and pointing forward with the other hand, the sleeves were rolled up, and the gods of the underworld were in a daze. They looked at the back as if they were in a dream several eons ago. The back of them looked as if they were still under the Northern Emperor's command, but the wind was blowing with a **** smell, so it was not the Northern Emperor.

   is the Lord of Fengdu Prefecture!

  The same killing decisiveness, the same fierce and domineering.

  The past is finally the past. They woke up from the long dream of waiting for Beidi for more than 8,000 years, and then with firm eyes, they took a step forward in unison.

  Boom! !

  The air wave dissipates, surpassing the void.

  Crazy murderous aura, the domineering aura that once swept through life and death, and suppressed the boundary between yin and yang converged, cutting into the battlefield like the edge of a sword!

  They bowed down together, half kneeling in the void, and said in unison:



   "Accept the imperial edict!"

And in an extremely distant place, under the famous mountains and rivers of the Yaozu that is closest to here, there are groups of monsters. [Traveling among the mountains and rivers, indulging in all things] The ghost.

  One of them was biting a piece of grass in his mouth, looking at the scene of falling stars in the sky.

   Then he picked out his ears.

  They are three hundred and seventy miles away from the core area.

  Just now, for some reason, there was a buzzing sound, as if someone had hit his head with a heavy hammer, and now there is still some buzzing. Looking at this magnificent scene like a battle of gods, he couldn't help but click his tongue:

   "Good boy..."

   "This movement is really the old cow opening the door for the little cow, and the cow has arrived home."


   "However, I don't know if what the eldest sister said is useful."

This buffalo monster grinned while biting dry grass, looked at a towering giant peak not far away, and saw a jade slip on the giant peak, with a gaudy and unclear text written on it, they A large number of monsters from the demon race, divided into thirty veins, bypassed the coalition forces of the demon race, and ran long distances and trails, just to post this thing here.

   But, does this thing work?

   They are suspicious.

  At this moment, the jade slip pasted on the mountain suddenly lit up slightly.

There was a trace of jade color, and the group of monsters were startled. They all subconsciously raised their heads and looked at the jade-colored streamer. The moment they saw the endless streamer appearing, they suddenly became extremely powerful and moved toward As it spread below, it almost seemed to penetrate into the ground instantly.

  It seems to be an illusion—

The old buffalo stood up suddenly, lowered his head suspiciously, and saw that the ground under his feet seemed to have layers of ripples, and countless ripples spread out, spreading towards the distance, as if, as if the ground under his feet was deeper It turned into a flowing water, and this change appeared in thirty directions at the same time.

  The young Taoist stretched out his left hand forward, and strands of streamer came together.

  Five-finger grip.

Thirty mountain ranges suddenly penetrated downwards into the veins of the earth, strands of golden streamer filled Qi Wuhuo's side, and the land only noticed the changes in the veins of the earth in an instant, and found that the veins of the earth had become more vast and majestic. The decree was issued, and after the thirty Yin Gods received the decree, the majestic veins of the earth quickly joined them.

The power that was exhausted instantly due to playing Fuxi's Qin quickly recovered. Rather, it was precisely because of the exhaustion of the Yin God that the power of the earth was accepted faster and replaced it. After that, Qi Wuhuo Slowly raising his hand, pointing his finger at the battlefield, the thirty top fighters behind him rushed out in an instant, and rushed towards the battlefield.

  Yuanying Yuanjun was delighted.

  But found that the power of the demon emperor in front of him suddenly increased!

With a muffled snort, he was forced to retreat, and the handsome and beautiful demon emperor held a long spear in his palm, still in a gorgeous battle robe, with peaceful eyes, watching the young Taoist standing on top of Ba Snake, the demon emperor's eyes The long and narrow Daoist robes were bulging, and the two sides looked at each other.

  Yaohuang's eyes are complicated.

   "After all, it's just a real person..."

  The young Taoist stared at him peacefully, the Demon Emperor clenched his weapon tightly, and now the situation is over.

  The best choice is to go to Luezhen for Gou Chen at this moment.

   But it was too late.

Just now, he could no longer feel the breath beyond the thirty-three days, and even the stars and all phenomena above the thirty-three days disappeared, as if turning into night, as if being directly suppressed by a mountain, but, It's not impossible, as long as those five great sages choose to help him, the demon emperor will send the voice transmission to the other five great sages.

   And at this time, a calm voice came: "The twenty-eight constellations of the Heavenly Court Department, the female Xingjun, here!"

   Immediately came a heroic voice:

   "Twenty-eight mansions of the Doubu in the Heavenly Court, Niu Sui and Yunzhiyi are here!"

  Accompanied by two shouts, the female constellations and the bull constellations above the sky are brightly lit up, emitting brilliant light.

The old scalper's scalp was numb, and he looked at Yun Zhiyi and Zhinu over there. The two of them were still injured and had escaped from the battle line secretly. All the generals came here to stop the Demon Emperor from going to the heavens to support Gou Chen.

If you rushed into the sky before, the generals of the Heavenly Fighting Department may not have time to stop you, but now the Thirty-Three Heavenly Realm has been suppressed, and the second is that the generals of the Fighting Department have come, and the Heavenly Realm will not take action on your own affairs. But if the Demon Emperor dares to soar into the sky at this time, the giant spirit **** and the two heavenly kings who don't see each other will join forces and wait for the top one to appear.

  The sound of drums above the Heavenly Court was evidently the arrival of the generals from the Doubu, and the Demon Emperor finally let go of his weapon.

  He is still the same after all.

   Pity the name.

  However, even more life!

  Yaohuang looked at the young Taoist with fluttering sleeves, this weak man he could kill with just raising his hand.

  But it was this weak man who reversed the situation that was originally dominated by his own side.

Behind this young Taoist, is now this amount of calamity has turned into a vortex, spinning crazily, and it is impossible to stop the [general trend], if you can't kill him, it is too late to kill him, and the three Yuanjuns are almost staring at him. Looking at himself, he has already flied around the young Taoist to protect him, and even the two injured Xingjun also received the starlight and defended himself.

   The Demon Emperor was silent and sighed.

  Finally looked at him with a cold scrutiny, and said:

"Who are you?"

  The young Taoist said indifferently: "Jinzhou, Qi Wuhuo."

   "Okay, what a Jinzhou Qi Wuhuo..."

   "I never thought that I would lose this round because of the first move."

The Demon Emperor opened his eyes, and glanced at the horrified demons and the battlefield with heavy casualties. Qi Wuhuo could see the cold light in his eyes. There is no doubt that this is not the end of the Demon Emperor's desire and wildfire. The emperor quickly made a decision that is most beneficial to himself at the moment, not to the Yaozu, saying:


The great sage of the dragon clan sighed, stared at Qi Wuhuo for a while, and left. Many other great sages also abandoned their battlefields and chose to retreat to protect the rest of the monster clan, even though this area was their own territory. Leaving behind countless blood and corpses, leaving behind the pain and weapons, he retreated like a tidal wave with his puzzlement towards the Demon Emperor.

   He even left behind his own border town.

   "Win the battle?"

   "This time's calamity... Yaozu, have you withdrawn?!"

   "This is the demon world, how much do they choose to retreat?! Three hundred miles? Or five hundred miles? Does this area... belong to us?"

After a moment of dead silence, all the human warriors who have been fighting to the death without retreating half a step, as well as the ground warriors who are still struggling to break through, have a dreamlike feeling. Immediately there are sobs, wild cries, and finally they raised their palms. The weapon roared frantically, in order to vent the tragedy of facing death and explode the emotions in his heart.

  The two heavenly kings couldn't believe it, and murmured: "The calamity...has it stopped?"

   "A mortal..."

not yet.

  The young Taoist raised his head and looked at the sky,

  All the fighting is just a footnote for the final battle.

  The origin of the calamity this time came from Gou Chen.

  It started here, and it should end here.

  The young Taoist said in his heart:

   "Mr. Lao Lao, point out the directions of Empress Houtu and Gou Chen."

  He was ecstatic, and he had already surpassed his limit and was exhausted, his mind was listening to pain, his face turned pale.

   "??? What are you going to do again?"

   "You don't have the blessing of Lord Taishan now. Don't think that you can shoot an arrow straight into the 33rd Heaven Realm with your tattered body. It has been sealed by Buzhou Mountain, so you can't get in!"

   "Not to join the war."

   "Instead, Ke Yi."


  The young man said: "Well..."

He recalled the first time he met Houtu Niangniang, when he secretly created the ceremonial instrument, ah...Yunqin was not sensible, and got the ceremonial instrument above the [Great Emperor] level for the first time. Empress Hou Tu noticed it and was flicked with her fingers.

   I just never thought that the scientific instrument would be available at this time.

   is so-called.

   One drink and one peck.

   No need to answer, Di Ting already knew everything, gritted his teeth and sat up and said:


   "I will play with you this last time!"

In an instant, the voice of listening to truth rang in the hearts of all the tribes and lands here, even the 30 Yaozu mountains, and the Yaozu rangers under the order of Mount Tai. It sounded from the bottom of my heart. Originally, it would take a very long time to train to maintain a giant scientific instrument.

  But the existence of Di Ting has erased all these problems.

  He just needs to tell each member what needs to be done.

His face was pale, but there was a sense of excitement in his eyes, so the heavenly soldiers and generals from the Heavenly Doubu suddenly noticed that the human cavalry and ground warriors below began to change. Normally, so many creatures changed together The posture will be extremely chaotic, but the changes at this moment are extremely orderly.

  So the iron cavalry of the human race raised their weapons and stepped towards the back, layer by layer, like an altar, but murderous.

The great emperor of Xiyue, the great emperor of Nanyue, guarded the young man. Yuanying Yuanjun, Yuanzhi Yuanjun, Yuanhuang Yuanjun cast spells behind him, the dragon king of all waters, the **** of Yanggu, the dragon king of Dongyuan, the water emperor of Jiujiang, and the eight seas The dragon king, three rivers and four dunes, five lakes and seven pools, streams and streams, and five directions of rain dragon kings all follow the directions of the eight trigrams and soar into the sky.

  So the giant spirit **** lost his mind.

   There is even an indescribable vastness and tremor.

  This is to...

  The vision of the young Taoist had already turned black, but he remained calm, sensing the majestic momentum of that moment.

   Slowly raise your hand.

  Fingers, tap the void.

  Boom! !

  The scale of the ritual this time was too large, and the boy's percussion sounded like a drumbeat!


   No, it wasn't Tiangu, or even the young Taoist's movements.

It was the tigers and the generals of the human race who all raised their weapons at that moment. They raised their blades and then landed heavily. Escaping, the earth veins are induced to tremble, like a war drum, like a ground drum, it is the Dharma drum of the Sanqing!

  Using the sky as the altar, the earth as the drum, the heaven and the earth as the node, and the human cavalry as the ritual.

  The undulating dragons and snakes make the lines, and the vertical and horizontal mountains make the marks.

it's for-

  Science instrument.

  After the first "drumbeat", the subsequent drumbeats continued, magnificent and vast, each time more majestic than the last.

   Tap the twenty-four Dharma drums!

  The altar ritual has been completed!

Countless eyes looked at the young Taoist, Weaver Girl, Cowherd, Old Scalper, King Qin, and even many Yuanjun, Zhenjun, and saw that presiding over this unbelievable ceremony that had never been done before, and perhaps never will be in the future. The young Taoist of the ritual, watching him slowly raise his hand, the power of the ritual and ritual changes.

  The young Taoist has only the last strength left.

   Can't 'fall asleep'...

   Not yet, close your eyes.

  Qi Wuhuo pointed his finger at the sky, pointing to the direction where the Empress Dowager Land is located.

  The sleeve robe floats, this body is a sword.

  If there is a sword cry—

It was also told just now that the rangers of the Thirty Veined Monster Race who entered the Keyi suddenly felt a violent shaking of their bodies, and soon discovered that it was not the shaking of the body, but the lighting up of the mountains on which they had pasted jade charms , Splendid, magnificent, and extremely bright.

   Thirty branches converge into one.

   is for too.

   is for Thailand!

   Immediately there were thirty Yaozu mountain ranges, like thirty sharp swords ignited purely from the convergence of earth veins.

  The air of the earth veins soars to the sky!

Thirty-two mountain peaks, the small ones circle tens of miles, the big ones circle more than a hundred miles, vast and majestic, like the earth soaring into the sky, thirty places are lit up separately, and the gods are lost, this is like a sword that erupted here around the young Taoist The air illuminated the sky and the earth, and then turned into a sword, soaring into the sky, majestic and vast, tearing apart the sky that had become dim due to the death of the stars.

  The battle of Yu is not something that can be distinguished in an instant.

  Bei Di and Tianpeng have been competing for several years, let alone a real fight.

  However, this sword...my lady, please use it well.

  Poverty, has achieved the ultimate.

The super-giant ritual involving more than a million living beings, the new 30 mountain ranges represent the earth veins, and the thirty-two veins of the gasification sword rushed to the sky from behind the boy, and rushed to the final battle with the power of the rituals. In this frightening picture, everything has become a footnote, and the next moment—

   Either for a short time, or for a long, long time.

  The sky seemed to have a hole torn open, the boundless gloom began to be dispelled, and the golden sun poured down.

  The black snake stood upright.

  The young Taoist has slightly falling black hair and a peaceful expression.

   Such a picture, even if it is a coincidence, even if it is formed by combining vertical and horizontal.

  You can look around—

   It is a sword that breaks the sky!

  Thousands of mountains and rivers, human iron cavalry, monster heroes, ancient aliens, all under this body.

  Jade Emperor looked at this scene, couldn't help being absent-minded, his eyes almost radiated light, his hands tightly held the Haotian mirror, and then subconsciously said:

   "Qing, would you like to be imperial?"



Taiyi Tianzun and Master Xuandu all turned their eyes away, and withdrew their attention from the discussion, or they just paid attention to the center of the change at this moment, rather than the kind of person who controlled the general change just now, and immediately they all It was a sudden change of complexion, and they all said in unison:

   "??? Junior brother?!"

   "Little Junior Brother?"

  The clear, startled and warm and quiet voices sounded almost at the same time.

  The next moment, the white cat's hair suddenly exploded, and it was extremely fluffy.

  The two Heavenly Venerates who had just let go of their grievances and resentments when they were young were silent, and then slowly raised their eyes and looked at each other.


   There are thousands of formations, but I am the only one in the discipline, breaking the sky with one sword!

  Such a vast and outstanding picture shocked the hearts of countless creatures, and the giant spirit **** couldn't help murmuring: "Wu..."

  Tian Wang came back to his senses and said: "This, this..."

   "Whether it is Wu or not, it needs to be handed over to the Judiciary God and the Jade Emperor to decide."

   "It could be you wait like this..."

  Giant Spirit God suddenly raised his weapon, delighted and convinced, and said loudly: "Wu!!"

The hundreds of thousands of heavenly soldiers and generals who were unable to fight in the mortal world due to their stand behind all raised their weapons in unison. They were all overwhelmed by such a picture and such a method, even though they knew that this person's cultivation was not high enough, But no one doubted his future, they all raised their weapons, they tapped the armor with their palms, and shouted in unison.


  【Wu】! !

  The voice above the clouds came down and moved along with the wind. The Kunlun Mountain God and the mountain gods of the two worlds looked at each other and smiled.

  Earths, those true earth lords who are as high as mountains, and weak land and mountain gods.

Even Houtu's subordinates are the best at killing and cutting, so they desperately held back the main force of the five great sages, that is, three taboos, five disasters, six harms, seven blames, eight disasters, nine evils, ten sufferings, and twelve punishments to kill the evil gods. Convinced expressions, and then all raised the hideous blood-colored weapons.

  The last is the iron cavalry of the human race. They hold their spears high, like a dense forest!

  Up and down the Three Realms, the shouts of [Wu] can be heard endlessly, the cheers are brilliant, magnificent and vast, soaring into the sky.

   There is no need to block it, and no one needs to admit it.

  This is Wu!

  Three Realms Up and Down, Heaven, Earth, and Man!

   Even if you are an enemy, you have to recognize his honorable name!

  Ke Ding Disaster Chaos called Wu!

   Going to the enemy without avoiding it is called Wu!




The weapons collided, and the magnificent sound seemed to be rushing towards the sky, and the young Taoist knew that he must not fall down now, but at this moment, a voice suddenly came, and that voice was extremely weak amidst the ocean-like cheers , but it seems extremely obvious:

   "Qi! None! Confused!!"

  The young Taoist was stunned. Amidst the cheers, he found the girl in red at once.

The girl was dressed in a strong outfit, and behind her were many Jinzhou people who were panting with exhaustion. Originally, the Jinzhou people were not recruited because of the serious damage to their vitality, but they never expected to come anyway. They brought this girl here one by one. Now his face is pale with exhaustion, he is sitting on the ground wearing rough clothes, and can't even stand up with crutches.

  The girl gritted her teeth. There was a lot of dust on her body. Gritting her teeth, she paused and said:

   "Girl, I have been without sleep for three days. I have traveled all over Jinzhou, worshiped all the lands, and kowtowed all over the mountain gods."

   "You actually lied to me!"

   "This, it's useless at all!!"

   "You lied to me and took your own risk, and almost died!"

The cheers from the heaven, the world, and the earth are like a sea of ​​flowers, like a bright morning sun. The girl suddenly soared into the sky, as if she finally lived up to the title of Lord Vega. She stepped on the clouds and wind in the sky and ran towards the sky. Go, the young man still had a look of astonishment on his face, Niulang Yunzhiyi and Niu Jinniu suddenly widened their eyes and rushed forward.

  But her shoulders sank, and the injured Weaver Girl was even faster.

   But it seems to be too late.

Time seemed to be silent, the heavenly soldiers and generals in the heavens were shouting, and the weapons of the iron cavalry hit the ground heavily, making a clanging sound. When the shouting sound was like a wave, a girl in red clothes came stepping on the sea of ​​clouds, Qi Wuhuo saw her eyes flushed, gritted her teeth, looked at the curled sleeves and the dust on her body, watched her come, and under countless gazes—

   hugged the young Taoist at once!

   In other words, Hu Fei knocked down the [Wu] who was recognized by the generals of the Three Realms!

  The young Taoist felt a warm embrace.

Feeling the 'anger' that seemed to strangle him to death, he staggered, with his arms outstretched, and then he fell backwards, his eyes turned upside down, everything reversed, so the mountains on the earth came to the sky, and the clouds in the sky streaked across Arcs of light fell on the ground, filled with the color of the sea of ​​blood, like scattered flowers, and the sky was full of clouds.


   There was a heavy sound, the sleeves were rolled up, everything was quiet, and the dust was raised.

   The string in Qi Wuhuo's heart, which was extremely tense, finally broke.

  A sense of peace made the young Taoist's consciousness drop.


I can,



  Consciousness falls into darkness.

   "?! No confusion!!"

  (end of this chapter)

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