I Am Immortal

Chapter 324: she is waiting for you

  Chapter 324 She is waiting for you


   Severe pain emerged from almost every inch of the body's muscles and bones.

  After the continuous pain reached the extreme.

It was no longer pain, but a feeling of numbness. When the primordial spirit controlling this body also fell asleep, the suppressed instinct and pain could no longer be restrained. The boy's consciousness was hazy, When he opened his eyes, he could vaguely see a trace of white light, but he couldn't see it clearly.

'here it is…'


  There are white and soft palms, but you are not welcome.

  Pinch the young Taoist's cheek, and slightly open his mouth.

  Qi Wuhuo's consciousness seemed to be chasing after him, sluggish and difficult to react.

The owner of the white palm seemed to be worried that the young Taoist's throat would be stuck if he directly stuffed the elixir, so he moved closer, breathing lightly on his face, with the scent of flowers and a hint of sesame, the young Taoist Even the sluggish consciousness can react, who is this.

  Then, those white and delicate fingers picked up a pill, and carefully placed it in the young Taoist's mouth.

  The touch of a finger accidentally brushing the lips.

   There is also the smell of hair scratching on the cheek.

   It's like the sun shining on the boy's cheeks at this time, with an itchy smell.

   Let him sink down with more peace of mind.

The elixir melted at the entrance, turning into gentle streams of heat, repairing the body beyond the limit, and the ubiquitous tearing feeling was smoothed out a lot. In this kind of relief, the boy's consciousness Continue to sink, in the sea of ​​consciousness, there is still the pain of being pierced and torn.

  There is a rippling [water flow] under the feet, and a figure from the back can be seen from the front.

   That figure from the back is not the teacher.

   Tall, slender, loose hair, slightly sideways eyes, handsome and gorgeous face.

  A pair of vertical pupils, noble golden snake pupils, with a kind of joy of madness and astonishment.

  Qi Wuhuo failed to see who that figure was, and his consciousness sank deeper.


Like an unprecedented peace of sleep, the young Taoist himself did not know how long he had been in a deep sleep, until the wounds on his body were healed by a little bit of medicine, until the cracks and pain caused by the body and soul disappeared, until after a truly peaceful sleep , Qi Wuhuo slowly opened his eyes under the bursts of birdsong and warm sunlight.

   is an unfamiliar environment.

The window on one side is opened, and outside is a lush tree with lush green leaves, which is a joyful color under the sun. A few birds are standing on the branch, playing with each other, letting the slender branches go up and down Ups and downs, the sound of birdsong is clear and sweet, but the young mind can know that these birds are arguing.

  What's the noise?

   This bug is mine!

be mine!

  I got up first!

   I ate it first!

The two little sparrows quarreled from worms to who stole the long feather when they were building the nest, to who snatched more worms from their mother when they were young, and who was more powerful. Suddenly, the people walking below exclaimed in admiration: "It's really a beautiful bird song."

  The young Taoist couldn't help smiling.

  So, a high cultivation base and a pure spirit are sometimes not such a good thing.

   There was a noisy voice outside: "Hasn't Wuhuo woke up yet?"

"Not yet, his injuries are too serious. There are more than 300 penetrating wounds on his body. He was invaded by yin qi, and his heart was almost crushed. Before that, he was forcibly maintained by yin and yang qi. His primordial spirit, arms, and wrists , Dantian, all have different injuries, and when he played the piano in the end, he did not know what method was used, which caused his ears to lose hearing to a certain extent."

   "The back is pierced by seven monster weapons."

   "To tell the truth...if it wasn't for cultivating [Yin and Yang Unambiguous] [Flesh Body Not Leaking] [Primitive Spirit Silent Photo]."

   "Even the immortals are dead."

   "Haha, Wuhuo is amazing!"

   "Excellent? Huh, do you know people who are dying of pain?"

"His spirit was under tremendous pressure, so he fainted in one breath. Even though his injuries had recovered, he couldn't wake up for a long time. Don't have such a thing again, otherwise, it might not happen next time. Such good luck."

  The outside door has been pushed open.

Then someone walked by in the lobby, walking all the way, just opened the door here, and the group saw the young Taoist over there had opened his eyes and sat up, stretched out his hand to catch the sunlight, it was quiet for a while, the old scalper Seeing the young Taoist turn around, although his complexion was still a little pale, he could be considered to be in good spirits.

  The old scalper's eyes lit up, and he laughed loudly: "Hahahaha!!"

   "Wuzhuo, you are awake!"

The loud laughter came from the heart, but it was so heroic that it shook the whole house, as if it was about to collapse. Immediately, he took big steps and rushed towards the young Taoist. , but was held down by an old man raising his hand. The old man had white beard and hair, but he seemed to be quite virtuous, so that the old cow didn't dare to move, and took back a gesture of bullying and hugging.

   Abruptly withdrew his feet, and said with a smile: "Hahaha, not yet, no introduction yet."

   "Wuhuo, let me introduce you to this old man."

The old scalper grabbed the shoulder of the energetic old man next to him, and said: "This is the host of the Heavenly Court [Heavenly Medicine Hospital], the interview envoy of the Nine Heavens and the Great Sage of the Medicine King of the Three Realms, who is revered by Buddhism as the Medicine King Bodhisattva. The old man is willing to make a move, but this kid has a body like a rag sack, and he probably needs to be raised for decades."

  The old medicine king scolded with a smile: "Fart medicine king great sage, my true king's morality and deeds are only brought up by medicine."

   "Except for the slightly longer lifespan, it is no different from ordinary earth immortal methods."

  The old scalper avoided with a smile.

  The young Taoist wants to salute.


  The Nine-Heaven Interview Envoy, the Great Sage of the Medicine King, respected by the stars of the heavens, Niu Taurus, and the old man revered by Buddhism as the Medicine King Bodhisattva, turned sideways to avoid Qi Wuhuo's salute.

  There are many immortal officials behind the old man, and the old scalper's expression froze.

  The Great Sage of Medicine King said gently:

   "My lord need not be like this."

   "You have saved the common people. I respect your means and praise your determination. It is only natural to save you."

   "And sit still."

  The old man used his supernatural powers to warm and nourish Qi Wuhuo's body.

  The young Taoist felt that the hidden wounds in his body had been healed a lot, then he thanked him and asked:

   "I don't know how long the junior has been in a coma?"

The Great Sage Medicine King paused, shook his head and said: "My lord, you don't need to talk about the junior anymore. If you say that, the old man will be ashamed to the point of shame..." He smiled and said: "As for how long you said you were in a coma, it's about already Fifty days have passed."

  ! !

  Qi Wuhuo was startled.

The Great Sage King of Medicine frowned, and then said: "Your injury can be restored to its current state in fifty days, if that little girl feeds you a lot of panacea, which stabilizes your vitality, it is to feed the medicine. It is too complicated, and the medicinal power is deposited in the body, which leads to the poor circulation of one's own qi, so we can see that the more the elixir, the better."

   "However, the tyranny of your body and the continuation of vitality are something I have never seen before."

   "Even the gods of war in the heavens are not as good as you at your level, even when you are one level higher..."

"Whether it's the recovery power, the stable speed of the injury, or the ability to absorb the elixirs, they are all far superior to ordinary people, amazing, but be careful, after all, you are too adventurous and too brave, and you must remember it in the future So, otherwise, your lifespan will be damaged and your foundation will be damaged."

  Qi Wuhuo nodded in agreement.

   After the great sage medicine king healed Qi Wuhuo, he left behind a lot of pills, and then stroked his beard and left.

  There are two servants behind him.

They all looked at the young Taoist with curiosity, and after noticing Qi Wuhuo's eyes, they all nodded slightly and looked very polite, and then left. The old scalper sent all the immortal officials out, and then closed the door. When he came to the door, he sat down beside Qi Wuhuo's bed, propped his chin with one hand, and looked up and down the young Taoist with a pair of bull's eyes.

   Then he slapped the young Taoist directly on the back.

Snapped! !

   There was a vibration, and a wave of air swept across it. The young Taoist was slapped forward and almost fell down.

  The corner of his mouth twitched: "Uncle Niu?"

   "Uncle Niu? No, no, no, how can I call you Uncle Niu?"

   "From now on, you are my uncle and I am your nephew."

  The young Taoist grinned as he looked at the old scalper with burning eyes.

   "Uncle Niu..."

The old scalper directly rubbed the young Taoist's head with his two big hands, gnashing his teeth: "It's been a few days, I haven't seen you for a few days, you stinky boy directly killed the demon clan, you are omnipotent, you, beat me!" It's so dark that you almost killed yourself!"

  The young Taoist stayed there obediently.

   The old scalper who had been on tenterhooks for more than a month gritted his teeth.

   Finally thanked him: "Thank you, Uncle Niu..."

   "Thank me, thank me for what?"

   "Didn't Uncle Niu invite this Heavenly Hospital's medicine king?"

"Me? [Heavenly Medicine·House] Although I am not a combat job, I have the same personality as the Tianshu Academy and the Exorcism Academy. I am one of the three courtyards in the Heavenly Court. You don't have such a great ability to invite the master of the heavenly hospital to come down to the mortal world to treat you, a little guy who doesn't even have a fairy book."

  The old scalper sighed and said:

   "It was Beidi who visited in person."

   "This is the only way to invite him."

  Pak Tai…

Qi Wuhuo thought of the Arctic Emperor Ziwei who had always been cold and never explained his actions to anyone. He represented the [extreme] powerhouse and single-handedly founded the Exorcism Academy to maintain the order of the six realms. He raised his head slightly and looked at The direction of the sky, seeing the blue sky outside, the clouds and air flow, everything seems to have returned to the order of the past.

   "Empress Houtu, are you back?"

  The old scalper shook his head: "The winner hasn't been decided yet."

"Previously, the Beidi and Tianpeng Dazhenjun fought for several years. Judging from the human sense of time, the Yu's battle was extremely long. It is not so short that you can distinguish the top and bottom. However, in the sky, The alien phase of the stars falling like rain has come to an end, judging from this, the Empress Dowager Empress now has the upper hand, it's just..."

  The old scalper looked weird, his voice paused, and he said:

   "It's just that Empress Houtu doesn't intend to just [win] and end this time."

  "After gaining the upper hand, it is no longer the battle of the past that ends with the outcome, but to suppress the Great Emperor Gouchen and continue to fight for the front."

   "So this battle is not over yet."

   "Really, I don't know what step Empress is going to do."

  The old scalper was a little weird when he thought of the woman who had always been gentle and graceful.

  Qi Wuhuo said: "Is that so..."

  Qi Wuhuo didn't know why, but always felt that he seemed to overlook something very important.

  Gou Chen the Great...

   Gou Chen.

   But for a while, he couldn't remember it, and after pressing this point, Qi Wuhu said:

   "By the way, what about Uncle Yun?"


  The voice of the old scalper paused, and then fell silent. Finally, under the urging of the young man, he sighed and said:

   "They went back."

"At the end of that battle, in order to prevent the demon emperor from ascending to the sky, he was also worried that the demon emperor would jump over the wall and attack you. They exposed their position and attracted the gods of the heavens. After the end, they were merged by the giant spirit gods The Heavenly King captured him back, after all, he left the battle line privately as a general, and participated in the battle between Yang and Yang as a general of the heavenly world."

   "Such a crime is not small."

   "At least you have to receive a hundred whips, and then you will be punished with various punishments."

   "Now they have been deprived of the title of Xingjun, and they are no longer Niu Xingjun and Female Xingjun."

   "They are afraid that you have a burden in your heart, so they won't let me speak."

   "But after thinking about it, Lao Niu, I think I still have to tell you, but you don't need to say anything."

   "People like them, with our personalities, decide what to do, and they won't regret it..."

   "If you feel ashamed and regret it, they will be very unhappy."

The old scalper reached out and touched the young Taoist's hair, and said: "Although they are willing to clarify for you because you broke Qing Jingwei's rituals, taking such a risk is no longer the category of repaying gratitude. , huh...Although I have always been a thin-skinned Lao Niu, it's still too boring for the two of them to suffocate in their stomachs like this."

   "The two of them don't say anything."

   "I have to let Lao Niu have the cheek to say it."

   "Wuhuo, they really treat you, Qi Wuhuo, not some disciple of the Supreme Master, as a nephew."

  The young man nodded and hummed softly.

  The old cow laughed.

  Qi Wuhuo paused, thinking of the last girl he saw, he ran towards his girl, and said, "Yunqin also..."


  Old Niu looked at the young Taoist curiously and playfully.

  If this kid hadn't passed out, Yun Zhiyi would have climbed up dripping blood, and then grabbed his neck with his hands and shook violently, asking what the **** is your relationship with my daughter, is this a Taoist companion? Taoist? !

  Damn it, all the kings are watching here!

  You kid, make it clear!

  Are you just a Taoist companion? ! Just Taoist? !

  The old scalper smiled half-smile: "What happened to her?"

  The young Taoist paused for a moment, and asked frankly without any reservations:

   "Did she... go back too?"

   "I seem to have dreamed about her."


  Looking at the calm and calm young Taoist, the old scalper was amazed.

   Then he didn't bother to tease the young Taoist anymore.

  Just smiled and said: "She is not a general, she just descended to the world secretly, she is still here, she can stay for a while."

   As he spoke, he casually threw a white brocade robe to Qi Wuhuo, saying:

   "Okay, now Ma Liu, change your clothes and go out with me."

   "A lot of people came to visit you outside, and Yunqin..."

  The voice of the old scalper paused, and said gently:

   "She's still here."

   "Still waiting for you."

  (end of this chapter)

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