I Am Immortal

Chapter 336: Emperor Wa!

  Chapter 336 Emperor Wa!

Tai Yiyin bloomed in the hands of the girl with a magnificent light that pierced the sky. It was as clear as glass and gave all spirits an extremely warm feeling. This scene, like a development that no one had thought of, pushed the current situation to a place where no one could imagine. unforeseen levels.

  The six great saints each occupied a place, staring at the girl with many emotions in their eyes.

   Qingshan Qiling's eyes were completely opened, and all the calmness and gentleness were lost on his face:

   "This is really..."

   "It's incredible."

"Obviously Taiyi personally obliterated the existence of Emperor Wa, but the Taiyi Seal, the thing left by Taiyi, has no hostility to Emperor Wa's blood, and instead approves of her existence. Such a thing, even if my lord is resurrected, can't do it." expected that…"

  Qi Ling swept towards Qi Wuhuo's back, and immediately restrained the snake's tail.

  The appearance of the face has changed, it is no longer Fuxi's face.

Noticing Qi Wuhuo's gaze, Qi Ling spoke softly, "Although I don't know why Taiyiyin has no hostility towards Emperor Wa's bloodline, it's different for my lord. Taiyiyin will directly counteract Huang Yao, not to mention I who have followed my lord for a long time? It’s okay if this seal was not activated before, but once it is activated..."

   "Well, this seal will travel at a speed exceeding one hundred and eight thousand miles in an instant."

   "It is imprinted firmly on my body."

   "Then, my body was broken."

Qi Ling's eyes showed a hint of wariness: "When my lord took me to find Taiyi, I had suffered a lot. My lord couldn't beat Taiyi. All means were like vain to the Supreme God, and they couldn't be calculated. Know, unexpectedly, the strength of the Taiyi seal is also higher than mine..."

   "Even if Tai Yi falls, it is still impossible to calculate the terrifying Tao of [One]."

   "The remaining Dao will also instinctively kill everything about our Lord, and completely wipe out the existence of our Lord Fuxi."

   "It is necessary to add the descendants of our lord to other bloodlines to survive."

   "After all, it was my lord who spent three thousand years and could only barely defeat it with the three Qings and four emperors and Haotian siege, the supreme and only god."

  Di Ting taunted: "Aren't you Fuxi's weapon? Shouldn't a weapon avenge its master?"

   "Why are you so cowardly?"

  Wen Qiling was surprised and said: "My lord has been wiped out."

   "Should I be buried with him after he dies?"

   "So, Di Ting, you turned out to be a guy who supports the dirty practice of burial."

   "My Lord Fuxi can't even do this..."

   "It's really old-fashioned... But it doesn't matter, I can accept the diversity of all things."

   "I know that everything has its limits, and there is no right or wrong."

   "You don't have to feel sad."

  Qi Ling's voice and demeanor are too sincere, to the point of being the same.

   truly comforting Him.

  So Di Ting was choked again.

  The only thing left in my mind was the regretful and sincere expression of the gentle young man.

  伱Even Fuxi is not as good as...

  You even Fuxi...

   are not as good!

   Listen to the truth and break the defense.

The young Taoist was watching the situation that was changing even more at this moment. After Xiao Pengcao got the seal, Huang Yao immediately appeared in front of Xiao Pengcao. The rest of the great sages, who believe in breaking the law with force, are willing to accept that those who are not great sages will be recognized by the seal, and they will also be called emperors.

  She didn't have much confidence.

  Amidst the silence, eyes fell on one after another.

  In the general trend of the previous waves.

   It was also on the face of the immature girl who looked only twelve or thirteen years old.

Silence, in this deathly silence, a sense of oppression that oppresses the heart to stop suddenly, suddenly, the most craziest Di Jiang suddenly laughed: "It should be like this, I agree! This little boy Girl, you are the new emperor!" He swept his sleeves and knelt down in front of him, with a smile on his rough and bold face, he said:

   "My emperor."

   "I am willing to use the sword in the palm of my hand to wipe out everything for you!"

   "You can totally trust me!"

   "But everyone, what are you hesitating about? My emperor has been approved by the seal. According to our previous agreement, the one who has been approved by this seal will be the emperor, a majestic saint. Are you going to go back on your word?!"

   Qilin, Fenghuang, and Wusheng all said nothing.

  Suddenly there was soft applause.

  Looking down, they looked at the young Taoist over there, and the latter said:

   "Congratulations, everyone, finally cleared away the atmosphere of the past, and was able to re-establish orthodoxy."

As the voice fell, the eyes of the Great Sage of the Dragon Clan rippled. He stared at the young Taoist, and finally said in a slow voice: "We, the Dragon Clan, are willing to follow our previous promise and whoever gets this seal will be the emperor." Among the saints, there were three who were neutral and three who recognized it, and Di Jiang suddenly raised his arms and laughed loudly: "Congratulations to my emperor!!"

Countless weapons were raised high, and the warmth of the flowing light in the Taiyi Seal had already shaken the hearts of the warriors of all spirits. The armor and battle robes were like clouds, and the weapons were as dense as forests. They rushed to the sky, and then they all shouted , resplendent and magnificent, shouting three times without stopping:



The sound was magnificent and vast, soaring into the sky, and the girl holding the seal looked down, passing through the layers of weapons and battle robes, passing through the faces of countless fanatical spirits, and saw that the face was slightly pale, dressed The black-haired young man in the Taoist robe was like a yin and yang in the circulation, and the pure yang in the black color seemed to be peaceful amidst the magnificent and vast shouts.

  The magnificent scene seemed to be imprinted in the girl's eyes.

a long time later.

  Women who have become emperors always walk through the cold corridors of the palace when they are alone, and walk to the highest building where they can almost feel the stars in the sky, looking at the sky and the earth alone, thinking of this scene.

  Looking at the vast and brilliant starry sky lost his mind.


   "These great saints have never been convinced."

   "If this continues, I'm afraid there will never be any good development."

Qi Wuhuo sat on a recliner in a lobby, the young Taoist looked calm and peaceful, the voice of listening to him sounded in his heart, the young Taoist nodded, these are all great saints, coerced by power, yes, let them It's impossible to be convinced, but Qi Wuhuo didn't open his mouth, Qi Ling and Huang Yao didn't know what he was thinking.

   This is Huang Yao's palace.

After the general trend of the monster clan gathered, Huang Yao sent a voice transmission to Qi Wuhuo and brought him here. It seems that Huang Yao is also very clear about the current situation-Wan Ling called Xiao Pengcao the emperor, even many great sages did not agree. Under such circumstances, he would choose to go against the trend of all spirits, and immediately agreed to have a ritual of ascension to the throne, but this is actually a buffer measure, and it is time to suppress this general trend.

  Qi Ling crossed her arms and leaned against the white jade pillar, rarely smiling.

  After a long time, he said: "Whether it will be successful or not, it has not yet been decided, but this is also considered [Wahuang], right?"

   "But it's not my lord's sister, the Emperor Wa."

   "Her bloodline is still weak and it is still impossible for Daohua to give birth to the original Wahuang, but she is the blood of the Wa clan, and she has become the emperor of all spirits. In this way, it seems that she can also be called the Wahuang..."

  Qi Wuhuo said: "Are you sorry?"

  Qi Ling said: "No, I'm very happy."

  Qi Wuhuo said: "Taiyiyin recognizes the body protection, even if Fuxi comes in person, he will be backlashed."

   "You can no longer attack Xiao Pengcao."

   "It is impossible to deceive Dao by forcibly purifying her blood, so that Emperor Wa can be born."

   "Isn't it?"

   Listen carefully: "!!"

Gentle Qi Ling tilted his head, stared at the young Taoist with clear golden eyes, and then raised the corners of his mouth, a bright smile emerged bit by bit, his eyes were slightly closed, becoming more gentle, and said with a smile: "Ah, dear My lord, you really seem to have a lot of prejudice against me, can I suggest something?"

   "I am I, and my lord Fuxi is my lord Fuxi."

   "It is our Lord who caused the turmoil in the Second Tribulation Era."

   "As for me, I'm just a poor, weak, helpless weapon that is controlled by others. Can a weapon decide its own use? Of course not."

   "The killer is Fuxi; it is not a weapon!"

   "Your prejudice against my lord Fuxi may not affect mine."

  Wen Qi Ling thought about it, and seriously proposed:

   "Otherwise, I will scold him with you?"

  Di listened to be speechless.

The young Taoist got up and paced back and forth, the reclining chair was shaking slightly. In this elegant palace attic courtyard, the handsome and gentle young man Qi Ling leaned against the white jade pillar. The sun was warm. The young Taoist did not look at the seemingly respectful and gentle young man, but just looked at Looking at the lotus pond in front of the lotus pond, he said, "You should also look like Fuxi in this regard, right?"

  Youth smile gentle and graceful:

   "Thank you for your compliment."

   "Are you going out? To see 【Emperor Wa】?"


   "Great Sage, why do you support that little girl?!"

Dijiang's confidant, a top-notch bloodline, who has already cultivated to the level of a true king, is unwilling to ask. He knows the ambition of the great sage Dijiang in front of him, so he doesn't think there is any problem with his backlash against the demon emperor Taixiao. It is absolutely unacceptable that my master bowed his head as if surrendering to that little girl, and said, "Great Sage, I don't understand!"

  Behind Paixiu, many big demons of the emperor's lineage, the real kings and earth immortals, are all armored and sharp, with unwilling faces.

  Put on firmness and perseverance to show that one's heart is unclear.

   "We don't know!"

Sitting in a high position, Di Jiang looked at these subordinates who were fighting with him all the way, raised his hand and swept away, so that many generals and subordinates did not need to say much, but suddenly laughed loudly: "You are questioning me, hum, it is very Well, I haven’t forgotten my origin, I have never forgotten, what am I waiting for!”

   "Wan Ling? Hahahahaha funny, funny!"

   "That was already a few eons ago! It's been a long time, even the supreme **** has fallen, and what ancestors are mentioned, what glory is talked about, hahahaha, it's ridiculous! Ridiculous!"

A burst of wild laughter shook the surroundings, with an unrivaled arrogance soaring to the sky, Di Jiang swiped his palm suddenly, and swept his eyes forward, and said: "If so, wouldn't people not exist a few eons ago, just dirt! "

   "Going forward, Sanqing is just a piece of ancestral energy!"

   "If that's the case, let's all talk about the so-called ancestors, just rely on the status of the ancestors, and just divide them up and down!"

"Taixiao, he has forgotten his identity. We are the monsters in the form of monsters! We are the monsters who fought in the world with their fangs and claws to create a vast demon world. We are not relying on To honor the glory of our ancestors, not to rely on the blood of our ancestors, but to rely on ourselves! Standing between the heavens and the earth with this body instead of the ancestors, this is the only way to be upright!"

   "He actually forgot all this!"

   "Put the possibility of turning defeat into victory on the so-called ancestors, all spirits! Hahahaha, it's just trash!"

Di Jiang's eyes were cold, and he pointed at the demon emperor with a word of trash. He suppressed many real kings and monsters including Pixiu. There seemed to be a huge alien beast Di Jiang's body behind him, and he seemed to emit a violent roar. His eyes seemed to be fixed on the True Monarchs of every Monster Race, and he said coldly:

   "I ask you, do you still remember how you got here? Do you remember how many killings you have experienced?"

   "Ancestor of all spirits, can you help?!"

   "The so-called glory is of any use?!"

  Many true monarchs and monster races were agitated, saying: "No way!"

   "We all kill by ourselves!"

   "Yes! By our own swords and fangs!"

  Di Jiang said: "Very good!"

   "So, what's the use of Yinxi to us?! Is it Yinxi or that little girl? What's the difference!"

   "Do you really listen to a seal?!"

   After saying a word, many True Monarchs were shocked, as if they understood something.

  Di Jiang raised his arm, and said coldly: "The general trend has been achieved, and the seal is just a vain thing!"

   "The one in our hands is the Demon Emperor!"

"It was set off by the human counselor, the demon emperor with the heart of all spirits and the power of all spirits! A weak demon emperor! And now she is in my palm! Under my control !"

   "The demon emperor is my seal!"

   "And the will of this seat."

   "It's the real emperor!"

   "Holding this seal, you can command the saints, so that you can truly fight to create the demon world that belongs to us!"

  Many true monarchs were all agitated in their hearts, coercing the demon emperor to command all saints and spirits, so as to break out of the sky.

  No one is calmer than Di Jiang!

Make full use of this situation to achieve your goal, and enjoy the scene of that day. Many true emperors and generals under Dijiang's command are all passionate, half kneeling on the ground, their weapons suddenly piercing the ground, With a terrified voice: "I've seen it, my lord!"


   "Longsheng, why did you suddenly change your mind?"

   "That seal originally belonged to our Dragon Clan, how could it be handed over to that little girl as the emperor?"

  The elders of the Dragon Clan asked puzzledly.

   Long Sheng looked complicated, sighed, and said: "It is precisely because this seal belongs to our dragon clan."

   "That's just me."

  The elders of the dragon clan became more and more puzzled.

  Long Shengdao:

   "There is no confusion in that square inch mountain, it was the one who awakened the ancestor Dragon Emperor in the ancient mountain range."

  The old man's expression changed, and he looked at the dragon patriarch wearing the red flame robe beside him: "Really?!"

  The red fire dragon said: "It's him..."

   So he told everything that happened at that time.

  Long Shengdao: "The ancestors of the Dragon Emperor are not satisfied with our behavior..."

"I thought we went to him to bring back his corpse as a token to unify the other two veins; I even felt that Qi Wuhuo once had the Dragon Emperor's dragon ball on him... and not long after, he unexpectedly To bring this seal out of the ancestral land of the East China Sea, this is probably also the request of the Dragon Emperor."

   "Otherwise, how could he get the recognition and seal from Patriarch Canglong?"

  After these things were said, the elders of the Dragon Clan looked moved:

   "This, could it be that the Dragon Emperor helped him obtain this seal, and then came here."

   "This matter is even approved by Patriarch Canglong?"

Long Sheng said: "Besides this, I can't think of any other way for this famous human race to get the seal. It must be with the approval of the ancestors, but I don't know what the purpose of coming here this time is; Has the emperor informed Patriarch Canglong of what we have done, I don't know what Patriarch is thinking..."

  The dragons are silent.

  The Canglong who has never appeared before, the ancient dragon clan who suppressed the East China Sea Eye.

  The young Taoist came with his token.

   More problematic is—

  They just did something disrespectful to the ancestor Dragon Emperor in order to unify the other two veins. Now that the older dragon clan appeared, they couldn't help but feel a little restless in their hearts.

  Therefore, Long Sheng also helped the girl just after Qi Wuhuo spoke.

  The Dragon Clan Elder said: "How about, let's go and test it out..."

  Long Sheng was silent, and finally nodded.


And the rest of the unicorns, the Phoenix Emperor, and the sorcerer all had their own ideas. The young Taoist went to look for Huangyao, who was combing the hair of Xiao Pengcao. When he saw Qi Wuhuo coming, he nodded slightly and made peace Going to the quiet room, the beautiful woman was silent for a while, and said: "You should see the current situation more clearly than me."

   "Di Jiang, a double-faced, ambitious man, he took the initiative to say yes, and he has a plan."

   "The Dragon Clan doesn't know."

"The rest of the unicorns, the Phoenix Emperor, are all people who don't like killing. They hate fighting, and they instinctively like a stable environment, but the witch clan is a special line of Wanling. I don't know her plan, but , since you are a great sage, it is impossible for you to surrender just because of a seal..."

"I'm afraid, some of them want to use Xiaopengcao, and some of them want to use the name of Xiaopengcao to do what they want to do. As for the Qilin Fenghuang, there is a high probability that they will not be too big who is the demon emperor." Resist, but will not follow orders easily, after all, the background of Yi Taixiao only has such momentum after being on the Demon Emperor for 8,000 years..."

  Huang Yao looked sideways at the young Taoist, clasped his five fingers together, and finally let go.

  The majesty, who had been gorgeous from the very first meeting, was full of arrogance and aggression, sighed, and said softly:

   "I don't want Xiao Pengcao to suffer from this."


   "Take her away."

   "Master Qi."

  Qi Wuhuo looked at this demon saint who had the blood of Fuxi and was very close to Xiao Pengcao.

  The young Taoist got up and left, paused, and said:

   "...You really like Xiao Pengcao very much."

Huang Yao didn't answer, Qi Wuhuo walked out of the quiet room, and saw Xiao Pengcao still sitting there with her black hair hanging down, she seemed a little confused, while Qi Ling looked at the little girl curiously, but Qi Ling was special, and ordinary people couldn't understand it. Seeing it, Xiao Pengcao noticed the gaze of the young Taoist, and said, "Wuhuo?"

   "This seal..."

   "It's dangerous, right, it should make it difficult for me, and you need it too."

   "Sister Huang Yao will also encounter a lot of trouble because of this."

The young Taoist looked at her. The little girl's complexion was still fair, her eyes were big and dark. She had been bullied since she was a child, and she had seen many times along the way. After Huang Yao's introduction, she probably understood what happened that day. Understood, the young Taoist watched her finally slightly possessed her body, the Taoist's sleeves rolled down, and the palm of his hand gently rubbed Xiao Pengcao's hair, pressing it on her hair.

  The rituals of Gou Chen have been broken, and order will be established.

  Dijiang, Longsheng, and Fenghuang flashed in my heart one by one.

  The last is the sigh and pleading of Huang Yao.

  The young Taoist did not respond, but said gently:


   "Little Pengcao."

   "You [yourself], do you want to become an emperor?"


   And at the same time—

  Above the sky·Doubu.

  When all the immortals and gods were paying attention to Yu's battle, a burst of frightened and angry shouts broke the tranquility of Doubu.

   "Fuck me!!!"

   "Taiyin Yuanjun, Yuanjun!"

   "Huo Yao, Huo Yao is rioting again!!"

  (end of this chapter)

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