I Am Immortal

Chapter 337: The fire is soaring to the sky, and Ying Huo is the king!

  Chapter 337 Huo Yao is soaring to the sky, Ying Huo is the king!

When they heard the fairy officials rushing and exclaiming, all the gods in the Doubu were moved. They all held weapons and stood up in armor and battle robes. There was a sense of solemnity, and it was obvious that Taiyin Yuanjun, who was the temporary head of the Doubu, was very concerned about the affairs of the Doubu.

  But when I heard that it was Huo Yao who had the problem.

   All the immortals, gods, generals and officials are stagnant instead.

   There is no such a sense of sharpness, there is a sudden stagnation, and then the taste of being discouraged.

   I don’t know why, but they didn’t feel any disturbance in their hearts when they had a problem with Huo Yao—

   Something happened to Doubu!

How can this be!

ah? You said Huo Yao?

   That's fine.

  The beautiful Taiyin Yuanjun pressed his eyebrows and said helplessly: "Why is it Huo Yao again?"

  The Doubu general said in a low voice: "Excluding Huo Yao, there is nothing left in the Doubu..."

   "That's true."

As for the change of Huo Yao, everyone was already so familiar with it that they couldn't be more familiar with it, so Taiyin Yuanjun immediately issued an order, ordering the Doubu Wuyaoxing Lord to come forward in person, and Shuiyaoxing Lord, or Shui De Xingjun, because some time ago At the time of the calamity or opening of the day, because he wanted to open the Tianhe River to flood the mortal world in Kyushu, he was beaten half to death by the Antarctic Emperor Zhuling, but was beheaded by the Arctic Exorcism Court.

  Although he is the head of the Ministry of Water, he also holds a second post in the Ministry of Water.

  The Northern Emperor's Exorcist Academy never showed any mercy.

But within these six realms, there are very few great emperors, but there are many more true emperors. Even the Twelve Saints of Yuxu under the Yuqing sect, only Tianpeng Dazhenjun can prove the emperor. It's because the disciples of the Three Purities are pointing directly at the great immortals, the unsurpassed foundation, and the idle emperor Shengzhen. They don't take a look at them at all, but they can also see how difficult it is to break through at this level.

  After Shui De Xing Jun was suppressed and killed, a new Shui De Xing Jun was selected.

  Now, the new Lord of Water Yao has enough confidence to go to suppress the star of Huo Yao Ying Huo.

   Except for Huo Yao, the other four Yaos will directly form an array and suppress!

Taiyin Yuanjun stared at the sky, Si Yao side by side, but his mind was not here, but on the battle between the Great Emperor Gouchen and Empress Houtu, or in other words, the whole Doubu, and even the heavens. After all, compared with the seriousness of the battle between these two royals and the possible consequences afterwards, Huo Yao is a riot, but it is only at the level of a star king.

   What a difference!

   are hardly comparable.

  The fire is blazing.

  It is for the sake of confusion, but if it only causes turmoil, it is just a disaster.

  Will be beheaded by the North Pole Exorcism Academy just like Huo Yao of the previous generation to eliminate disasters.

But Huo Yao at this moment has a majestic and bright meaning, blazing like a flame, Si Yao came here, unfolded his battle, and forcibly suppressed it, because Huo Yao had problems too many times, and the fighting department had already based on Huo Yao's characteristics. Prepared special means against Huo Yao.

The power of Huoyao is centered by Siyao, and hundreds of other immortal generals are the nodes, and suppressed by the heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals. The blazing fire is forcibly restrained and slowly suppressed towards the inside. Shui De Xingjun looked around, and said to Taibai Yu Miaoyuan Jun beside him with a smile:

   "Although Huo Yao is fierce, but after all, he is too fierce and violent, and he doesn't know how to restrain himself."

   "It is only in the middle position among the Five Yaos."

   "At this moment, there is no control of the Lord of the Stars, and we act on instinct. Facing the formation that we created specially to deal with Huo Yao, we are naturally helpless and sit and wait for death."

  Jun Taibai Yu Miaoyuan said: "Huo Yao is violent and powerful."

   "Fellow Daoist, don't be overconfident."

Shuiyao Xingjun laughed and said: "It's not that I underestimate him. After all, it is only similar to our stars' foundation. Oneness, if you can't suppress this Huo Yao, unless the foundation of this Huo Yao surpasses [Yao]."

  Jun Taibai Yumiaoyuan did not answer.

  Just looking at the Huoyao Palace, which is faintly surrounded by nets of heaven and earth.

  The blazing fire is no longer the same black color as before, but is majestic with a trace of light.

   Burning, reflected in the eyes.

Xiao Pengcao was holding the jade seal, and looked at the young Taoist who was inquiring gently in front of her. The latter's eyes were calm, as usual, Xiao Pengcao's palm subconsciously curled up, but it seemed that she was holding the seal even harder. Her palm clearly felt the The tactile sensation on the seal made him murmur, "Wuhuo, you mean, what?"

  The young Taoist’s eyes are peaceful:


  "The one whose virtue resembles the heaven and the earth is the emperor, and the one whose conduct is brilliant is the emperor."

   "Do you want to be an emperor?"

  Xiao Pengcao was silent for a while, and replied softly: "Does Wuhuo want me to become emperor?"

Qi Wuhuo looked at her, looked at this girl who was always too sensible, didn't add his own thoughts, and said in a calm tone: "I don't have this idea, everything depends on you, I was originally in danger, but now, I The personal danger has also been resolved; as for the original other matter, no matter who the Demon Emperor is, as long as there is one, it is fine."

   "So you don't have to think about what I think."

  Xiao Pengcao calmed down, her eyes widened, and she said:

   "Then if I choose this, Wuhuo will you be by my side?"

  The young Taoist shook his head and said, "No."

   "If I don't choose, will you be by my side?"

  The young Taoist looked at her and said, "No way."

So Xiao Pengcao felt at a loss, Qi Wuhuo stretched out his hand to stroke Xiao Pengcao's hair, and said: "I will come to see you, but I won't be by your side forever, and if you don't choose to become emperor, I will take you away from here, don't worry, I can find you a safe place, and there will be a very gentle elder to take care of you."

   "Of course, she may think of ways to flick your forehead, but she will care about you and protect you."

"And I will visit you from time to time. You can live your own life, be unrestrained, and listen to the wind and watch the rain when you are free. There are wild animals and flowers in the mountains. If you think the mountains are too clean, you can go to towns. Look at people's lives, look at the world of mortals."

   "And if you choose Huang."

   "Then, there are countless big demons and demon saints around who want to manipulate you. They will not kill you, but they must be eager for the power you represent now, and hope that you can be used by them."

"I will help you work hard for a slow period of time. During this period of time, you can practice on your own and gain strength... Huang Yao will also protect you, and slowly, you may be able to gain your own foundation and your own power. Until the end, truly grow into an emperor."

   "There is no idleness along the way. You will experience a lot of pain, a lot of suffering, and loneliness."

   "Power needs to be practiced and obtained by oneself."

   "Cannot be given from anywhere else."

   "Those who get something for nothing, since they may be given this power, will naturally be taken away. The Dao is constant, that is the case."

The girl stared at Qi Wuhuo with wide eyes, as if there were two fates and futures, this kind of change, don't make a choice for whom, it made her feel uneasy instead, she subconsciously shook her fingers , still with a desire to stay with the cherished person, even she herself didn't realize it, to please others, said:

   "Then I choose to leave, I don't want to be emperor..."

   "In this case, Wuhuo, you can visit me, and Huang Yao doesn't have to work hard..."


  The young man said humanely: "Okay."

  I immediately judged in my mind what to do next.

  Need to go under the current situation, take Xiao Pengcao to leave, and will inevitably encounter layers of resistance.

Whether it is Dijiang or the rest of the saints, they will stop in front of him. They need a mascot-like emperor like Xiaopengcao. Whistling, bright eyes, smiled and said: "Not bad, Lord."

   "After going to the meeting alone, stirring up the general situation with one's own power, and deposing the Demon Emperor."

   "Now you are going to be under the eyes of the Wanling army and the five great saints again."

   "Directly 'kidnap' the future Lord of All Souls, the Emperor of All Souls?"

   "You are really a daring, earth-shattering madman like my lord Fuxi!"

  The young Taoist stood up, grabbed Xiao Pengcao's palm, led her forward, and sincerely thanked her:

   "Huang Yao, during this period of time, thank you very much..."

   Huang Yao hummed, and said, "Where are you taking her?"

  The young man said humanely: "Go to the world, go to a remote place in Zhongzhou, there is a mountain there."

"Take her to see the Empress of the Empress, who regards her as her own, just like the three Yuanjuns, and stays by her side to raise and teach her. Hurt her." However, when this was mentioned, the young Taoist suddenly understood why the Sanqing disciples were so strict.

  The three Qings and the four emperors are all respected gods.

  But whether it is the former Northern Emperor's son who was personally taught by the Northern Emperor, or the three great Yuanjun next to the Empress of the Earth Emperor.

  All are only at the level of the real king.

   And the most outstanding disciple of the Sanqing sect.

   They are all the most rebellious under his sect, and the most inconsistent with the master's personality.

The teachings of the Three Purities and the Four Yuzun Gods can only lead to the true emperor, or in other words, the ordinary emperor; if you want to prove the great product, you have to walk that path by yourself, and there are very few people who can walk out .

   Following God in this way is said to be the best way.

   But above the practice, it seems that it is not the best.

   At least, you can live a worry-free life.

Well, there is another small yard for Xiao Pengcao in the Shanshen Mansion in Fangcun Mountain. Both Xiaolu Ling and Yao Ling will like her, or in other words, there are very few people who hate a girl like Xiao Pengcao Of royal blood.

Qi Wuhuo pulled Xiao Pengcao and walked slowly outside. The little girl felt the warm power from the Taoist's palm, and the wide Taoist robe fell down, with the smell of wind and sunshine. Outside the front door was The world is vast, and Qi Wuhuo had already stepped out, but immediately felt a weak pulling force.

  The young Taoist was startled, subconsciously turned around, and saw Xiao Pengcao standing inside, holding his hand.

  The other hand also held the seal.

  Xiao Pengcao raised her head, bit her lower lip, and said cautiously: "I, can I really choose by myself?"

   "Are you really not going to be angry?"

   "Wouldn't it be like those people who said 'I was asked to choose, but I chose but would be angry and beat me because I didn't follow their wishes'? No doubt..."

   "I, can I choose by myself?"

In just a few words, it has been revealed how Xiao Pengcao, a descendant of Emperor Wa, survived. The blood did not bring glory to her previous life, but brought all kinds of pain. The young Taoist bent slightly, His eyes were at the same level as the girl's, and the black hair on the sideburns fell in front of the girl, and he said gently:

   "Of course you can. You are not anyone's vassal, nor are you a vassal of your blood."

  The eyes of the young Qi Ling opened slightly, and the gentle smile on the corners of his mouth was slightly restrained, looking at the back of the young Taoist.

  Qi Wuhuo said: "You are just you."

  He smiled and said, "Now, tell me your choice."

   "Well, it's my own plan, but it's compensation for getting you involved in this vortex."

  Xiao Pengcao took a deep breath, and said softly and quickly: "I don't want to rely on other people to live."


The girl's eyes widened. This girl, who was abandoned since she was young and was bought and raised as a slave, or wandered because of her blood, was trembling slightly because she showed what she thought in her heart for the first time: "I want it, even if I can't do it now, but I want it to be just myself, not a puppet and vassal attached to others."

   "I hope that even if I am myself and don't make that kind of expression to please other people, you won't hate me without confusion."

   "I hope that one day, even if I am not the blood of Emperor Wa, Sister Huang Yao will like me."

   "I wish, I wish..."

  Xiao Pengcao's eyes seemed to have traces of tears, she clenched the seal in her hand, held the power, and said:

   "I hope to become an emperor!"

   "Not the shadow of Emperor Wa! Not her shadow..."

It seems that such agitation actually stimulated the mind, the girl's eyes were faintly golden again, golden-red eyeshadow spread from the corners of her eyes, and her legs faintly turned into pale snake tails, which was absolutely different from Emperor Wa's will and Personality, Qi Ling was silent for a long time, sighed: "This is really..."


   "The personality is different, but how should I put it... This kind of stubbornness is seven points similar to my lord's sister."

  The young Taoist stretched out his hand to wipe the girl's tears, and said, "Yes, but don't betray your blood."

   “Accept it and be yourself.”

   "At least, I didn't protect you because of your blood, did I?"

Xiao Pengcao widened his eyes, and then watched the young man in Taoist robe get up. He wiped away the tears from the girl, stood up, the pure white Taoist robe fell down, and the dust fly in his hand, the wooden hairpin with black hair, bathed in the warm morning light, Then he smiled gently and said, "Then, Pindao understands your wish."

   "I will help you."

   "Become an emperor."

Above the sky, Shui De Xingjun turned around with a smile, the blazing fire behind him suddenly exploded, and violently escaped towards the outside, and there was an angry roar again from the fighting department, a certain old man The **** general who got the slang of the monster race from the scalper rushed in: "Fuck!"

   "Taiyin Yuanjun! Yuanjun!"

   "Si Yao can't control Huo Yao anymore!!"

   Taiyin Yuanjun raised his weapon, thought for a while, and took the seal left by Donghua.

   It was Qi Yao working together to suppress a Huo Yao!

While the young Taoist turned around with the little pengcao, Huang Yao looked at the little girl whose red eyes hadn't moved away, sighed, and said: "So, what is Master Qi going to do, you know, this place is very dangerous place." The young man said humanely: "Yes, but there may not be a turning point, please give me a quiet room."

  Huang Yao looked at him, nodded after a long time, stretched out his hand to rub Xiao Pengcao's hair, and said, "Yes."

   "I won't leave you either, little one."

  Xiao Pengcao holds the seal in her arms.

In the quiet room, the young Taoist turned his back to Xiao Pengcao, the latter who had no foundation, because the many spiritual creatures in Huangyao had already managed the foundation, Xiao Pengcao seemed to guess something, and said: "Wuhuo you Do you want to teach me the exercises?"

   "No, it won't..."

  Qi Wuhuo looked at Xiao Pengcao.

  The blood of Emperor Wa.

   The One's Approval.

  And, a strong self, will never walk into the self-consciousness of the way of the emperor.

He couldn't use his own way to restrain the girl in front of him. At this time, he suddenly felt like a teacher who was too superior. He felt that the girl in front of him could go very far, but because of this, he couldn't interfere too much, and couldn't control her. Passing on his stuff to her, the young man said humanely: "Take out the Taiyi Seal."

  Xiao Pengcao took out the seal and was very puzzled.

Qi Wuhuo could still feel the strong repulsion from the seal to him, the young Taoist moved his wrist, and the Zhou Jue Yin Tian robe turned into a black brocade, he raised his hand and tied the black brocade on his forehead, covering his eyes, Then the sleeves were swept away, and he was sitting here, using the Yin and Heavenly Palaces to isolate his consciousness, adding three points of elegance, and said in a gentle voice:

   "Xiao Pengcao, go and see this Tai Yi Yin."

   "Then, pass on the charm that emerges from Taiyiyin to me."

  Xiao Pengcao nodded in agreement, holding the hand of the young Taoist with the palm of his hand, conveying the charm.

  The young Taoist said softly:

   "I will slightly modify a method created by my senior brother so that it is not only suitable for human races, but for all spirits."

   "One way, it is impossible to accommodate all souls."

   "Its fame, its luck."

And at this time, the power of Tianqiong Doubu and Taiyin Yuanjun, or the combined forces of the Doubu's seven luminaries except Huoyao, had no way to suppress Huoyao's riot without affecting the world. Raising his eyes, he wanted to use other means to suppress Huo Yao directly.

   Otherwise, the circulation of the seven stars is almost like rituals.

   is for Qixing Lianzhu.

  With such a ritual, if Huo Yao breaks the catastrophe, he will directly complete the ritual, and may jump up.

  Even if it is only possible, such a disaster star who often riots cannot be allowed to do so.

   At this time, above the sky, four hidden stars suddenly lit up, blazing

  It is Siyinyao who was beheaded by Xingjun in the first battle of Donghua!

  At this moment, for some unknown reason, these four fierce stars took the initiative to explode their strength, and took the initiative to suppress Huo Yao!

  It seems that I have met the enemy!

Godhead Luohu Xing, Shenwei Jidu Xing, Tianyi Ziqi Xing and Taiyiyue Boxing, Siyinyao rushed in suddenly, which directly disrupted Taiyin Yuanjun's plan. When she stabilized the situation, the situation had already changed. Even more terrifying and magnificent!

  The Taibai is dense, the wood is full of vitality, the water is deep, and the earth is magnificent.

  The sun and the lunar yin are parallel to Tianque.

  Two luminous light days, the five stars are in the right position.

  Tai Chi was proclaimed in Qizheng, and grand plans were laid out in Yuanhuang.

  The sun, the moon, and the moon adjust the water, the wood, the metal, and the earth.

  The magical function of yin and yang is transported from east to west, north to south, and the center of the town.

  Huo Yao, in the middle, raise fire to revolutionize the world!

  Eleven Yao teamed up!

  Suppressed Huo Yao, or in other words, reached a balance.

   The wind and clouds seem to change color.

  While Qi Ling looked at the sky, stared at the quiet room as if he had seen a ghost, remained silent, and then took a few steps back cautiously.

   said to himself: "Set up teaching wherever you want, [Li Jie] will save people."

   "It is the teacher of [Emperor], the teacher of [Emperor], the teacher of [King], and [Pseudonym Yihao]."

   "That's a good one, the Taishang's mantle will be handed down..."


   "And do the right thing!"

  He raised his head slowly, and saw a star on the sky, and then the rest of the stars also lit up. Even though Qi Ling had seen many things with Fuxi, he couldn't help but marvel at this moment:

   "Eleventh Yao..."

   "Nine stars in a row is already the ultimate, and the sun and the moon will be increased."

   "Eleven stars in a row, really..."

   "I have never heard of it through the ages. Like my lord, I like to make something big for Heaven."

  In the Arctic Ziwei Palace.

  Bei Di raised his eyes slightly—

  Eleventh Yao was joined by Huo Yao, and was rushed by the unexpected Siyin Yao, bursting out their respective backgrounds.

   Almost like rituals.

  The Gou Chen Houtu dispute seems to have ended the long stalemate ahead of time because of something happened.

   Start shifting.

  (end of this chapter)

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