I Am Immortal

Chapter 394: Because I asked the questioner why he came from the east

Chapter 394: Asking the questioner why he came from the east

"Your Majesty, your Majesty, his body has been severely damaged. He is temporarily unable to gain luck or absorb human luck for his own use. He cannot rely on this luck to protect his body, prolong his life, and cultivate in the past. The many magical powers that I possess may not be able to operate freely in a short period of time..."

The chief physician removed his hand from the emperor who was covered in blood and fainted several times, and stammered the above words.

 Many princes, nobles, ministers, and princes around him all had solemn expressions on their faces.

 What the imperial doctor said was as tactful as possible.

But there is actually only one meaning in the words -

 The emperor was deposed.

The human emperor needs to control the destiny of humanity. Whether he is writing an imperial edict or passing a decree, he needs the destiny of humanity. Now that the emperor's destiny of humanity has been abolished, he has been essentially deposed. In addition, he himself has suffered heavy injuries. He is basically just a useless person. Perhaps death is better for the current emperor than living.

 Prince Li Hui looked heavy and in pain.

He pinched his wrist with his palms, exhaled after a long time, moved the muscles on his face, bowed down slightly, held the Human Emperor's hand with his palms, and said: "Father, don't worry, I will definitely find this person. For my father, you..." The muscles on his face moved, and he clenched his palms hard, piercing the muscles in his palms. After the pain, he turned the corners of his mouth downwards and said:

 “Avenge you, my father!”

 The Human Emperor woke up and looked at his son's expression.

 There is a way that when my eldest brother was in Jinzhou, I looked at my own eyes in the bronze mirror.

 Suddenly there was great fear in my heart.

He wanted to say something, but the human luck coming from the prince's palm actually suppressed him, making him unable to speak. He looked around at the former clan and royal children, all of them with sad faces and lowered eyes. , but it is like the sight of a pack of wolves surrounding an elk with an arrow when you were out hunting when you were young.

 It's just that he is not the hunter holding the bow at this moment, he is the deer.

With shock, anger and resentment in his heart, he tried to speak several times, but was counterattacked by human luck. He opened his mouth and coughed out a mouthful of blood, and immediately fainted.

Many important ministers and officials around looked at each other and suddenly fell silent. One of the old men said: "The dragons cannot be without a leader for a day. The world is so big that it cannot be without a king for a day. Now that His Majesty's holy body is sick, it is difficult to take charge of the overall situation. The ministers have overstepped their bounds." , Dare to ask His Highness the Crown Prince to supervise the country!"

“I dare you to ask His Highness the Crown Prince to supervise the country!!”

Prince Li Hui's complexion suddenly changed, and he repeatedly declined and refused to show that he had no intention of doing so.

 The ministers all bowed down and begged.

 He took a yellow robe and put it on the prince.

  Just now I reluctantly agreed.

The Human Emperor was not dead, but he woke up several times, only to see that what happened today was just like what happened back then. He was so angry that he coughed up blood and fell down several times. In his dream, it was like seeing what he had done when his brother led troops to Jinzhou. Because, the ministers at that time also assisted him in this way.

Everyone is eager for glory, wealth and fame.

  Not a human emperor.

Everyone surrounded Li Hui, but when he wanted to take off the sword, he found that he couldn't take it off at all.

 The Human Emperor's Sword was firmly inserted into the word "Deposed" on the screen wall.

It's so cold.

Like this word hanging high, everyone suddenly fell silent, and a slight chill came into their hearts——

 ‘Prince, can’t you draw your sword? ’

 Isn’t the Taoist’s actions today not over yet?


The current emperor, in his position, does not care about the people, and uses the world as his source of wealth. He should be deposed!

This sentence spread throughout the world, and people with good fortunes. Among these people, there are many governors and governors of various states, and there are many people with hands and eyes in the court. Just asking for information, there is nothing, what can be obtained The most extreme news is that when the Taoist entered the capital, the emperor lost his sword and was injured to recuperate.

 Suppress the spread of this news.

 It’s just that people always have a strange nature. The more they suppress something, the more they arouse their desire to explore.

 Why is he ‘in his position without caring for the people? ’

 What does it mean to “take the world as our food”? !

 Why is it that the court is extremely silent on this matter, but has never said a word?

 Who is it that is doing such a thing? !

That sentence seemed to throw a huge fire in the entire world, even if it was just for conversation or to refute the current emperor, people began to curiously pursue today's [Aspirations in Wenjing] Finally, some trivial details about what the Human Emperor did during his political tenure were finally discovered.

Many problems are gathering more and more, like a handful of fire falling across the world, and gradually there are voices spreading out about what the current emperor has done, and the many evil deeds he did back then. In order to become the emperor, he did not hesitate to plot against his brother, and he did not hesitate to sacrifice tens of thousands of people in Jinzhou. The price refers to the decrees issued by the current emperor in order to make money, and the many things the current emperor has done in order to live forever.

 All over the world, within a month, many rumors started to spread.

 Most of them came from the acquiescence and promotion of Tongwenguan under Prince Li Hui.

Nowadays, the emperor orders his personal guards to go to various places to kill the Xuanjia army who killed for the country. The matter is gradually being pulled out. The leader of the military strategist Li Zhai acquiesces, and the anger of the military strategists rises from all over the world and sweeps across the country. Across Kyushu, some people even pointed out that during the war between humans and demons, the border was lost at a critical period, which caused humans to lose their advantage over the demons. This was also the tacit consent of the Human Emperor.

 One pile, one piece.

These hidden things, suppressed in books and files, began to surface under the curiosity of countless people, and gradually converged into an extremely important thing for later generations.

Every five years, during the Spring Examination, scholars from all over the world gather in the capital to take part in the exam and select talents.

It's just that this time, it was advocated by others. In the spring examination today, 70% of the scholar's files are those who questioned the events of the past. One by one, everyone in the world is angry, pointing directly at the Emperor. Because there were too many people involved, it was difficult to punish, and the impact was so great that it was almost continuous, affecting subsequent reforms and two other major events.

 Historians call it—

  【Submission for the Spring Examination】.


"What should we do? The Human Emperor has been deposed. The prince seems to be planning to join forces with us, but he can't draw his sword."

“What should the Buddha do?!”

“No, no, I want to send a message to the Western Paradise, and ask Manjushri, Nanhai Guanshiyin, and Mahasthmaprapta Bodhisattva to come here in person!”

 The fat monk sounded anxious.

 The simple monk in the middle said: "No, senior brother!"

"Why not?!" The simple monk said: "That Taoist seems to be a true immortal of the Taoist sect. His realm is extremely high. Even the three of us are no match with one sword. However, he never killed us. With his power, he controlled the general trend. , is furious again, but shows mercy with the sword. If he is not a Taoist cultivator who implements the commandment not to kill, he may have a big plan and wants to use us as bait to lure more people. It is not appropriate to do this at this moment!"

 The fat monk was silent and immediately refused.

 The message is still sent to the Buddhist Kingdom of the West.

 Describe everything in detail to ask the Buddhas to come.

The chess piece landed lightly on the chessboard. The cold-faced woman tightened the cloak she was wearing. She raised her eyes and looked at the suppressed clouds outside. After hearing King Qin tell everything that happened today, she was stunned for a long time, and then He smiled and said, "So that's it... Taoist?"

“Weifeng thinks, why do you do this?”

King Qin said in a deep voice: "...If he wants to depose the Human Emperor, he has already been deposed. But if he wants to kill him, he only needs to raise his hand and draw his sword to kill him with one blow. My brother feels that what he is plotting is far away. Rather than killing the Human Emperor, letting the world know about it is probably only one possibility..."

  King Qin raised his eyes, looked at Li Qiongyu, and said:

 “Kill him in front of everyone in the world.”

 “Make his crimes known to the world, ruin his reputation, be reviled by thousands of people, and then behead him.”

 “One city’s people are not enough.”

Li Qiongyu suddenly thought of the scholar in his dream who helped the world for a while. After a long time, he sighed: "That's true, but there is one more thing wrong. He also left a sword."

The woman’s fingers were white and slender, she picked up a chess piece and said:

“From my perspective, all the people in the world should be asked to find out the sins of this human emperor and then kill him.”

"If you die under the sword of a Taoist, you can only kill the Human Emperor himself. In essence, it is just a strong man breaking the ban to kill the Emperor. The people of the world may not think that this Human Emperor has any fault, and may even feel sorry for him; he I want this traitor to die under the wrath of the common people, let him die, lose his reputation, make the world angry, make future generations laugh, and then let him see this scene."

Li Qiongyu’s voice paused, and he picked up the chess pieces with his fingers and pressed them on the chessboard.

 “Beheaded on the Nanshi execution ground.”

The King of Qin was silent for a moment. He was born in a royal family and knew that this was the most unbearable thing for the royal children. In his heyday, the heroes of the world surrendered to his subordinates and died, their reputation was ruined, and they died as criminals. The place of death, especially the whole corpse, cannot be obtained, but thinking of the many things the emperor did, I still can't help but say:


 “This is his fate!!”


Li Qiongyu put down the chess piece, picked up the tea, and looked at the still peaceful world outside. But in the distant place of Mengxue at the foot of Jinzhou Mountain, the young Taoist put down a chess piece and looked at Master Zhao in front of him with a smile, who was once a master. , somewhat tainted with a trace of luck, I heard that voice just now, so I was stunned and my face was shaken.

 Young Taoist: "I won."

In this way, Master Zhao barely came back to his senses and said:

"The Taoist master's chess skills are superb. I am no match for you."

The voice he heard faintly in his ears seemed to be vaguely similar to when the young Taoist said "that's it" for some reason. Suddenly, a ridiculous and unbelievable idea emerged in his heart -

 Could it be said that it was...him?

 No, impossible, impossible.

 He was here just now, and we just played a game of chess.

This place is 30,000 miles away from the capital, how is it possible to do it? Impossible, think too much, think too much...

When the young Taoist stood up to leave, Mr. Zhao, although absent-minded, still gave him some food. The young Taoist left with the things and some sweet potatoes. Among the Jinzhou people who came back, there was an old man and a young man. , the old man was blind, and the girl supported him, playing and singing instruments with Jinzhou characteristics.

Talking about a few words, I knew that after the change of my hometown, I rushed back along the road.

While walking along the road, many urchins carved up the roasted land and ate it. Suddenly, there was a cold feeling between my brows. I raised my head and saw that the leaden sky was pressing down, and finally it started to fall with flakes of snow.

Snowflakes were falling, the Taoist stretched out his hand, and a snowflake fell from his palm.

Suddenly he remembered the sigh of the 'old friend' that Yuan Qi heard when he was in the capital. After thinking about it, he held the snowflake in his hand, swept his sleeves and robe, and his big sleeves fluttered to cover the snowflake. , Li Qiongyu was holding tea, and the heater in front of her was emitting bursts of heat.

I guess it’s because of the word [depose], the Human Emperor Sword, and the words that spread throughout the world.

 In the next few months, the world’s attention will probably be focused on these matters.

Like a whirlpool.

 Prince, clan, aristocratic family, scholar, Buddhist...

There are also angry people.

Suddenly, she was slightly startled, her eyes turned slightly, and she looked outside, only to see white snow falling. The woman's eyes were surprised, exuding a trace of joy. She tightened her cloak tightly, stood beside the palace garden, stretched out her hand, and caught it. The snow fell suddenly, and the snow flew in the air. At the highest point in the city, a Taoist wearing a light gray robe stood with his hands behind his back.

 The big sleeves are fluttering, and the world is far away.


The King of Qin told the young master about what happened today, but he got a reply from the young Taoist.

“After March, Pindao will come to Beijing.”

The King of Qin was delighted and said: "Master is coming to the capital?! Okay, okay, but the world has changed today, and I hope you can come, Master. What position does Master need? Although my disciple is only the King of Qin, the Human Emperor has been deposed, and now the Crown Prince oversees the country. Maybe you can't find a position like Prime Minister, but I can find positions like Sixth Division or Tutor, Sikong for Master."

The message from the Taoist was: "I need a position where I can quietly watch the development of many things in the capital without being **** by court affairs. It would be best if I could read the history of the First Emperor eight thousand years ago. The archives and ancient books left behind.”

The King of Qin thought for a long time and passed on all the positions that he knew that met the requirements through the method of circular light manifestation.

 It is snowing at the foot of the mountain.

The incarnation of Yuan Qi once again took advantage of the Netherworld Road to return. The wind and snow were too strong. Some people in the town gave him a green bamboo umbrella. The Taoist held the green bamboo umbrella with one hand, wore a dark blue Taoist robe, and held a fly whisk on his arm, walking in the wind. Xue saw many choices from the King of Qin, including the Hanlin in the provincial capital and the officials who compiled the books.

 Finally, the Taoist thought that he wanted to perfect the way of senior brother Xuanzhen, and he also wanted to watch the development of this world.

Today, his power will be deposed, and tomorrow, his name will be deposed, and his fate will be cut off.

Not urgent.

 Not slow.

 I didn’t want to enter the court and couldn’t hide too far away from the world, so I chose one and said, “That’s it.”

When King Qin saw the response, he paused for a moment in excitement, hesitation and surprise. He did not expect that the master would choose the lowest, most simple, ordinary and unremarkable position. He was puzzled and whispered:

 “To guard the storage room?”

 (End of this chapter)

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