I Am Immortal

Chapter 395: Who is this Taoist disciple? ! !

Chapter 395 Whose disciple is this Taoist? !

Qi Wuhuo went up the mountain with an umbrella in the middle of the heavy snowstorm. At the bottom of the mountain, the wind and snow were particularly strong, as if the sky and the earth were covered. However, gradually on the way up the mountain, the wind and snow gradually subsided. The young Taoist shook his umbrella and shook it down. He picked up the fallen snow on the umbrella, then tucked the green bamboo umbrella under his arm and stepped up.

It was actually long past noon, and the time agreed upon by the Great Heavenly Lord had also passed.

It's just that when Qi Wuhuo came out today, he once said that he would go down the mountain to deal with secular matters, and he had already asked for forgiveness from the Great Heavenly Lord Yuqing. Now that he came up the mountain, the wind and snow gradually stopped and subsided. When he reached the halfway point of the mountain, it was still the same. Under the clear sky, Qi Wuhuo stood on the mountainside. He turned around and looked down. He saw the wind, snow and clouds gathering together, giving him the illusion of walking through the human world and reaching the sky.

Wearing a robe with fluttering sleeves, I brushed off the wind, frost and fine snow on my sleeves. I walked up and looked up. I saw the sun was shining golden. The Taoist Taoist Qingjing was standing on a cliff at the top of the mountain. His eyebrows were clear and he held a whisk in his arm, ethereal and indifferent. Qi Wuhuo turned his umbrella upside down and placed it against the green pine trees on the mountain. Then he rearranged his clothes and walked up.

The Great Heavenly Lord calmly looked at the rolling clouds in front of him.

 The young Taoist was behind him. He bowed his head and saluted, saying, "This junior has seen the Heavenly Lord."

The Great Heavenly Lord Yuqing did not open his eyes, but said calmly:


 The young Taoist paused for a moment, then bowed his head again and said, "Disciple, I have seen the teacher."

The Great Heavenly Lord Yuqing swept away the dust with his whisk, then nodded and said calmly:


He walked around and turned around, looking at the Taoist coming from the wind and snow, scanning the latter with his eyes, and said: "It's a little late today."

 “However, you seem to have done something.”

With the vast and unfathomable magical power of Yuqing Yuanshi Great Heavenly Lord, nothing Qi Wuhuo did could escape his eyes. He stared at the young Taoist in front of him calmly and said calmly: "I know it is your destiny, but... Taking the initiative to enter the tribulation, do you know that there is a huge difference between going down the mountain after three months and deposing the emperor in accordance with the current situation, and today when you manifest your magical power and depose him thousands of miles away?"

“Those three monks have probably informed several great Bodhisattvas in Buddhism.”

 “However, it seems you did this on purpose?”

Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun looked at the Taoist in front of him.

The young Taoist was silent. He knew that it would be better to wait for three months, at least it would be better for him, but no one knew what the Human Emperor would do within three months, even occupying the people's land and handing it over to The Buddhists have done things such as creating land that does not require taxation, and said: "Junior..., this disciple just did what needs to be done."

Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun looked at him and said calmly: "Who else can I do?"

"very good."

"Since you are my disciple, you should be in trouble."

"However, during these three months, you need to practice hard. The Buddhist Manjusri can be regarded as the 'number one' in eloquence' in Buddhism, the 'number one in light' in general, and Avalokitesvara can be regarded as the 'number one in achievement' in the future. , these three are all talented, virtuous and Taoist people, although their realm is slightly higher, in fact."

 “Same generation as you.”

Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun looked at him calmly, and Qi Wuhuo knew that Tianzun had something to say.

The Great Heavenly Lord said calmly: "If you go out of the mountain after three months, you will not collide with them directly; but since you have led them into the world in advance because of your actions, you must take responsibility."

“The first eloquent scholar, the first Avalokiteśvara, the first brightest general.”

 “Only defeat all three.”

 “You are just a disciple of the Taoist sect.”

 The young Taoist should hold his hand.

Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun said calmly: "As for the others, the seventeen branches of Buddhism have no masters. I am afraid that they attach great importance to this matter. They want to extract the luck of your human race to warm and nourish the Bodhisattva. In Buddhism, it is also like Taoism. There are Even those who are fair and upright will be punished, and what happened today may have consequences in the future."

Qi Wuhuo said yes.

 “The disciples know.”

 The young Taoist is very calm.

 Having already taken action, how can there be no backup preparations?

 Qi Wuzhuo has already thought about how to deal with these things.

The purpose of the Buddhist sect's back-up was to use the Taishan Prefecture's Seal to suppress the luck and luck, and then guide the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to the human world to discuss the Tao head-on to break them. Although there were many problems, Qi Wuhuo had already solved them without knowing it. There are several ways to solve the problem, the most direct one is to go to the Netherworld City of the Underworld.

When Medicine Master Glazed Light Tathagata was incarnation, he gave Yinsi Yinde Dingxiu Zhenjun a string of Buddhist beads and asked him to pass it on to Qi Wuhuo.

 When Qi Wuhuo met Ksitigarbha before, he put this Buddhist bead into Ksitigarbha's palm to help him recover his cultivation.

That is one of the seventeen lineages of Buddhism. He is upright, dignified, powerful, and has great aspirations to save the world. Holding this Buddha bead, coupled with the personal suppression of the Lord of Taishan Prefecture, and the covering aura of the Great Heavenly Lord of the Supreme Purity Lingbao Just to count the methods of opportunity, there are three major methods that can be combined to cover oneself without worrying.

Just at this moment, Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun said lightly:

"But you are my disciple, so there is no need to worry, just go and practice."

Qi Wuhuo was stunned: "Huh???"

 The middle-aged Taoist said calmly: "Hmm, what?"

"If you are defeated at the hands of those three peers, even if their realm is much higher than yours, I won't say anything. It's just that their skills are inferior to others and their ways are inferior to others. But if they come to tease you first, after you fight back, you will use How can a teacher sit idly by when a big bully bullies a small one?"

The Taoist priest in gray robe swept the dust over the head of the young Taoist priest.

As if intending to lighten the atmosphere, he said some joking words: "Go and practice. Don't lose my face after three months."

The young Taoist man calmed down solemnly and said: "Yes."

 “Lead the teacher’s decree.”

Jade Qing Yuanshi Tianzun: “…”

Without changing his expression, he said calmly: "In that case, just go."

 “Let’s go to your 【三】master first and cast the sword.”

When the young Taoist walked far away and went to look for the Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun to forge a sword, Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun recalled that the young Taoist took the initiative to go through the tribulation, but it was time to enter this door, but he remembered that the Taoist just now was obvious. If you plan to roll up your sleeves and do it on your own when faced with bullying, you should be in high spirits as a matter of course.

The corners of his eyes were raised, and the palm holding the whisk was squeezed a little harder. After a long time, Feng Qingyun said calmly: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

 “You are serious about it.”



However, he said that the three Buddhist monks used Buddhist magic weapons to spread all the events in the capital throughout the Western Paradise. Manjushri Bodhisattva did not say anything, but Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva only sighed with some emotion and pointed at the message. The children looking around said helplessly: "I Because I have to be involved in this matter as a Buddhist, I already felt it was a bit difficult, but now I see this Taoist, but I feel so murderous!"

 “I’m afraid if something goes wrong in the capital this time, I’ll owe you a huge favor.”

The boy with good fortune on the left saw that Master Avalokitesvara had a headache, so he said, "Master, do you have to go?"

Master Guanshiyin said: "There is a previous cause, what can be done about it?"

Shancai Boyzi said: "Didn't you say that Buddhist practice does not involve cause and effect?"

Master Avalokitesvara smiled and said: "If I am not involved in cause and effect, doesn't it mean that I do evil without having to pay the price? If there are such good things, if there is no good or evil in practice, and if it is not universal, practice will no longer be practice."

“Since you have practiced, it is not [not to be involved in cause and effect], but [not to be ignorant of cause and effect]. It is to form causes and not to be ignorant of effects.”

 “This is the way to practice.”

 “Children, just go away.”

Soon, he was still sitting cross-legged on the lotus seat, with his eyes looking like a majestic treasure.

Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva is the "first light" and "the first wisdom" in Buddhism. The light of wisdom illuminates all living beings in the world, so that all living beings can escape the disaster of **** swords and weapons, and gain supreme power and authority. For the prosperity of Buddhism, The matter is quite important, and what is happening now is a matter of course. Taking advantage of the situation, it can influence the human emperor and build a Buddhist kingdom on earth.

Now a Taoist suddenly comes and cuts off the thoughts of the Buddhas with a sword, how can you not feel worried?

So he immediately put his hands together, stepped on the golden lotus, and was supported by auspicious clouds, and went to the vast place of Buddhism, which is the pure and wonderful land of Amitabha. When he went, Amitabha was coming from the Buddha's land to speak about the light of the Dharma. Asuras, Garudas, tree gods, palace gods, kitchen gods, fire gods, wind gods, water gods, earth gods, sky gods, void gods, all evil gods, all idle gods, wild ghosts and gods, etc., are all surrounding and sitting in silence, and the light of their buns shines on everyone. Buddha land.

Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva came forward and worshiped, and said: "Amitabha, my Buddha, my disciple has something important to report."

Then Amitabha Buddha stopped talking about the Dharma, and all the dragons, elephants, vajras, arhats, and Bodhisattvas came to pay attention. Amitabha Buddha spoke in a gentle tone and asked, "Why are you here, the Great Compassionate Great Power Bodhisattva? All things considered, I put my hands together and report:

"Follow my Buddha's decree and go to save the sufferings of the common people. I want to answer all the complicated and troubled things in the world of mortals."

“Let the people on earth know how vast and merciful our Buddha is, yet there are Taoists like this who are blocking me. How can I explain it?”

Amitabha Buddha said to Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva: "Good, good, please ask. You listen to me and think about this. This is a Taoist who has occupied the human world for a long time. If you go, he is not angry and disobeys. He does not know the vastness of the Buddha's Dharma. He wants to use swords and weapons to stop him. In fact, it is It’s because I haven’t discussed it properly with Daomen.”

“Now that I know it, I should go and inquire about it myself.”

"I think this Taoist is also a person with solid foundation and understanding. If you have the opportunity, you should enter my Buddhist door to practice the vastness."

 “There is no need to be the ghoul-guarding ghost of Daomen anymore.”

Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva said: "Amitabha, that Taoist's methods seem to be extraordinary, but I don't know what his teachings are. If you are presumptuous..."

Amitabha Buddha is very vast and tall. He is sitting on a golden lotus platform. He smiles and says gently: "Bodhisattva Mahasthamaprapta and Great Effort. The Dharma of Buddhism is indescribable. It is the forerunner of all paths. As mentioned above, it is incomprehensible and cannot be declared by force." Its legal body."

“Neither cause nor effect, neither practice nor realization, neither self-obtained nor other-obtained. Not obtained naturally. Not obtained by causes and conditions.”

"Three Pure Ones and Four Imperial Guards are all Taoist friends. What's the harm in asking the juniors of the Taoist sect?"

“Isn’t it a good thing to cross it and enter the Buddha’s path, knowing that my Dharma is vast and boundless, and that it is even more on that path?”

"Now in the public court, this Taoist destroys the Buddha's Dharma and slanders the monks. This will ultimately have a great impact on the return of our Buddha. As everyone can see, he will never be able to return. And if we can make this Taoist shave his head and become a monk, he can concentrate on worshiping the monks and worshiping together." , wouldn’t it be more able to prove the boundlessness of my Dharma?”

“This is the cause. Once the cause has been established, there will naturally be consequences.”

 “The reincarnation of cause and effect is nothing more than that.”

Then all the dragons, elephants, Bodhisattvas, and Vajras put their hands together and smiled, all praising good deeds.

Then Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva was endlessly joyful and praised:

“I wish there was a Buddha. Today I understand that there is a World Honored One. Today I know the Buddha’s will!”

So Amitabha Buddha put one hand on his right knee and spread it out like a flower, and put the other hand in front of him. With his eyes slightly closed, he emitted immeasurable light and immeasurable Dharma. There were countless threads of cause and effect entangled and changing in front of him. Then the Buddha stretched out his palm and slowly Holding the hands together, in my eyes, three thousand worlds, countless causes and effects, all are in my eyes.

Taoist, who is it?

Whose disciple is he?

 The endless changes of cause and effect seemed to be under control. He smiled calmly at the corner of his mouth, and suddenly his eyes changed and he caught a glimpse of the Taoist.

He has his hair **** in a jade crown, wearing a light gray Taoist robe, and has a fly whisk. He seems to be very calm and not in the world.

Amitabha Buddha was happy in his heart, clasped his hands together, and said in a gentle and compassionate voice:

 “Amitabha, young layman, poor monk, this is so polite.”

 “You are destined to be a Buddhist.”

 “The sea of ​​suffering is boundless, it is better to turn back and find the shore.”

The voice was just next to that Taoist, because it is impossible to find fault by the way of cause and effect, and when I saw his back, he had the appearance of an immortal and a crane, with an unparalleled appearance and unparalleled talent, I couldn't help but be overjoyed.

 Then that man should really turn around!

 Looking cold and stern.


Amitabha’s smile solidified.

   ! ! !

 (End of this chapter)

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