I Am Immortal

Chapter 403: Condemn!

Chapter 403: Conviction!

In the splendid human palace, on top of the huge bronze pillars is enough whale oil that can burn for hundreds of years without being extinguished, serving as an ever-bright lamp. The attendants bowed their heads, but they were all dead silent and did not dare to raise their heads. In the inner hall, A scene of loving father and filial piety is being staged.

 “Father, get up and drink medicine.”

Prince Li Hui has come to serve his father in recent days. He is serving the seriously ill emperor without taking off his clothes. He has a sad look on his face. He looks a little weak and tired after such a long time. Today, everyone in the world praises Prince Li Hui. There are already folk rumors about Hui's filial piety, saying that the next generation of emperor will be so kind and filial, and his heart will be kind, so he will definitely be a wise king.

“Prince, I heard that there are some rumors outside, right?”

The Human Emperor was lying on the bed, his knees were broken, and he could not perform any exercises. It had only been a short period of time, but he had already lost the shrewdness and strength of the past, the calmness and calmness that everything was under my control, and his beard was unkempt. , his eyes were cloudy, his original black hair was now gray and white, and he looked more than twenty or thirty years older.

 All of a sudden, he changed from the graceful king's posture to that of an old and sick man.

Prince Li Hui knelt in front of the bed, holding a sapphire bowl, and said softly: "These are all rumors in the alleys, none of which can be true. Foolish people are always like this. Listening to the wind is like rain, and it will calm down after a while. ”

"My father is only ill for a short period of time. He needs to take good care of himself. When the father appears in person, the ministers and people will naturally know that the previous speculations are false, and all rumors will be self-defeating."


The Human Emperor's expression was turbid, and he coughed heavily after just taking a few mouthfuls of the medicinal soup. However, he seemed to be in much better spirits because of his son's personal care. After being deposed, he seemed to have become an ordinary old man, attached to his son. Even the **** said happily that the emperor was in much better spirits today and ate a whole bowl of porridge. This was all due to the prince's filial piety and moved heaven.

The emperor finished eating the medicinal porridge and fell asleep due to exhaustion. Prince Li Hui looked at him, the sadness and concern in his eyes dissipated.

 This does not look like an emperor.

 The white hair is messy and there are wrinkles on the face.

 Just an old man who has lost his strength.

Li Hui left here with a gentle smile on his face again. He exchanged greetings with the **** and complimented each other. Then he raised his head and looked at the palace that looked particularly cold under the cool winter sun. He put his hands in his sleeves and looked calm. He took a step. He took a step further, thinking in his mind that he would use the power of his subordinates to continue spreading various news messages to the outside world.

 Lao Qi, you don’t understand.

 The sword of the military leader can only be used to expand territory.

 Public opinion is the greatest war.

 You can get me to the highest throne without any bloodshed.

Now people say that I am benevolent and filial. After I come to the throne, I will remove the bad policies of the previous emperor and implement benevolent policies to establish legitimacy. This throne will be unbreakable...but...

Li Hui suddenly remembered Li Qiongyu and King Qin. These two were his allies who once joined forces to suppress the prince and his father. Now, the supreme throne has been spread out in front of his eyes. When he stepped into this position, he once As an ally, the King of Qin has the identity of the son of the wise prince who was murdered in the previous generation, and he also has legitimacy to a certain extent.

 This is a threat.

 Find a way...sweep it away.

Li Hui thought.

Step by step, he walked further away. In the cold palace, under the **** sunset of winter, and under the emperor's indifferent gaze, the already disabled emperor calmly watched his son walk away. Gu Zuo said: "I have always felt that Zhai'er is the most like me, but now it seems that this is the one who is most like me."

“After he takes office, for the sake of his own reputation, he will definitely disclose all my past.”

The emperor's expression was cold. He suddenly smiled and said, "But, Hui'er, you underestimated me after all."

He raised his eyes, and the stern and domineering look that only belonged to an emperor reappeared on him. The emperor looked at the sword hanging on the wall. He slowly pulled out the sword for decoration. Although it was for decoration, The weapon is used, but since it is a royal thing, it can naturally be regarded as the best weapon outside.

The cold light is cold and the hair is as shaved as mud, reflecting the emperor's eyes, which are calm and unhurried.

He used the edge of his sword to tidy up his beard and hair, and then took out a pill. This was a powerful poison. After taking it, everyone would die regardless of their cultivation level. The great **** knelt on the ground, not daring to say anything, and just smiled miserably. He said: "I have no regrets in serving the emperor in this life. I hope he can still be by his master's side in his lifetime."

Immediately he pulled out the dagger and committed suicide immediately, blood flowed out. The **** who had grown up with him since childhood committed suicide. There was no wave in the emperor's eyes. He immediately sat here, took the elixir, held the hilt of the sword with both hands, and the sword edge pressed against the ground, enduring Although he was in severe pain, he still sat there with his back straight, steady and maintaining the majesty of the emperor.

Everyone will know after today that the emperor did not eat for several days and then ate the prince's medicinal porridge.

 He was later poisoned and died.

 Because the prince has been spreading rumors for a long time and the scope is large enough, everyone in the world will know this.

Hui'er, I will teach you the last lesson.

 The knife of public opinion, although sharp, can bite you back at any time.

Because of your reasons and the Taoist's words that spread all over the world, I am already on the cusp of the storm. If I die in the fight between Buddhism and Taoism, and if I die in a parent-child biting the father, it will definitely shock the world. I know this world better than you. , there must be countless ambitious people with ambitions and ambitions who will raise troops to attack the prince in the name of "Qing Jun Side" and "Venge the King".

 In this case, your throne is unstable.

 Hmph, I'm afraid I can only get the word "sorrow"!

And those ambitious heroes, in order to be just and right, will definitely guide public opinion and pass me on to future generations in the name of a benevolent and virtuous king.

 Thirdly, Dao Sect will also become part of the attack.

 Prince, how immature you are...

 If you survive in these troubled times, you will be qualified to be my heir.

 O Taoist priest!

You finally underestimated me.

I am the emperor.

The sharp tearing pain made his body tremble, but he held on tight, holding back the severe pain that would make him bleed, maintaining the majesty of the king. His vision gradually turned black, his back straightened, and he finally became an emperor. The last ruthless and unique one.

 Hahahahaha, Taoist, I am a pure cultivator outside the world.

I offer my head to you.

 Invite countless disciples of your sect.

 Into this troubled world! !

The vision turned into endless darkness, and the emperor died.

He felt his soul and weakness. Looking at his body, he seemed to have seen the final outcome of this glory and wealth, and saw the chaos of the world in the future. Finally, he smiled freely, calmly and domineeringly, and walked into the netherworld step by step. His vision slowly became cloudy and dim, and his consciousness fell into silence.

 Then, he opened his eyes.

I saw the Nether Palace of the Yin Division in front of me, with the ten Yin commanders on the left and right standing, the green flames burning, cold and gloomy.

At this moment, the emperor did not have the slightest fear or flinch, only a feeling that this was the case.

 Death is nothing more than that.

I have all the heroes in the world in the palm of my hand!

 In this way, you are worthy of being an emperor on earth!

His mind and spirit have reached an unprecedented peak, perfection and calmness at this moment.

My eyes swept over this underworld, and I felt no fear at all. I even started to laugh loudly. The laughter was hearty and unhurried, and there was an indescribable sense of pride. What were you laughing at?

  Laughing at the fact that I have all the heroes in this world at my fingertips, laughing at the immature and weak Prince Li Hui, laughing at that Taoist who actually looks down upon me!

Suddenly, he discovered that the man wearing the emperor's attire was standing on the side of the highest place. The emperor was stunned. After he saw the desk at the highest place, there was a Taoist priest with his back to him.

 Then, the Taoist turned around, his Taoist robes were pure and comfortable, and his brows were clear and there was a whisk.

   ! ! !

 The laughter froze.

The emperor's face was so ruthless and calm that he thought my death would be his son and would cause chaos in the world.

 A huge fear gripped his heart!

"It's you!!" The Taoist swept the dust with his whisk and said calmly:

 “Pindao, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.”

   ! !

The fear in the emperor's heart was not the fear of facing power, but the fear that he could not escape despite having used all his strategies and methods, and the anger that all methods were in vain. , his body trembled slightly: "How come, why is it you again?! Why is it you again?!"

"why why!"

The murderous intent in the Taoist's eyes was cold. He passed the whisk and said calmly: "Black and white are impermanent."


 Two Yin handsome men came out.

 “Take it!”

"No, I am the Human Emperor. You have no right to attack me. You are not qualified!" The Human Emperor's tense spirit turned into anger. At this moment, he had no strength and foundation to resist, and could only express his anger with roars. Hostility, but as the two Yin Commanders at the pinnacle of Earth Immortals, they suppressed the Human Emperor who had lost his luck in humanity with just one move.

The young Taoist looked at the Human Emperor, who was suppressed and knelt down. He also saw the Taoist standing at the top.

 Seeing his eyes were as cold as the coldest river water.

Hei Hei Wuchang said: "How should we deal with it?"

The young Taoist picked up the Human Emperor file that Yin Si Youming had obtained, and looked at Zhenjun Yin De Dingxiu over there. The latter said: "Such an act should be punished well enough to be sent to purgatory." The voice said. After a pause, he said quickly in a low voice: "Actually, going to purgatory is already very serious. There are always rumors out there that **** is so scary. Who has to tear out his mouth and pull out his tongue after swearing a few curse words?"

However, he already knew what Qi Wuhuo meant, coughed and said:

“For these many crimes, one should be sent to eighteen levels of purgatory.”

 The emperor regained his composure, but became even more angry due to fear, saying: "Humph! Eighteen levels of purgatory!"

"so what?!"

“I am the Human Emperor, what can you and others do to me in this mere purgatory?!”

“Crime? Haha, that’s ridiculous. You are just ghosts in the underworld, soulless ghosts.”

 “The underworld has no right to judge the human emperor!”

Zhenjun Yinde Dingxiu said calmly:

 “Each layer of.”

 The emperor looked stiff.

 “Po Meng, load up the ingredients!”


Po Meng walked over very politely, stretched out her hand and pinched the emperor's soul chin, and the emperor's soul chin flew out. Then she took out a huge wooden barrel from her sleeve robe and smashed it with a bang. On the ground, he took out a big wooden spoon and stuffed the special Meng Po soup in the wooden bucket into his mouth one spoon at a time.

“This is the special version of Meng Po soup specially prepared by me.”

"It won't make you lose your memory, but it will increase your sensitivity. Your five senses will be increased by about three thousand times..." The voice fell, but it seemed to be extremely harsh in the emperor's ears, making him howl in pain and his body trembled. , such a supportive appearance made Po Meng a little touched, and she muttered: "Ah, that's great."

“When I gave it to Yin De, he couldn’t even eat a bowl without any trouble…”

Yin De Dingxiu Zhenjun: "???"

"Nothing, nothing, what I said is, if you like, just drink more, drink more."

Meng Po’s face didn’t change as she drank a bucket of special Meng Po soup, then clapped her hands and murmured:

“Great, the inventory for thousands of years has been cleared, and new expenses can be declared.”

"Pull it down, the eighteen levels of hell, the tongue pulling hell, the mountain of swords hell, the sea of ​​fire hell, the oil pan hell, try them all." Po Meng patted his shoulder affectionately, slightly but like a heavy hammer. The emperor's body twisted and he let out bursts of wailing and painful shouts.

Black and White Wuchang pulled the chain, and the chain held the emperor who had fainted due to severe pain, but felt the pain soberly because of the properties of Meng Po Tang. The emperor left with tears streaming down his face. Zhenjun Yinde Dingxiu sighed and said gently: "Fellow Taoist, this is all right. Yet?"

Qi Wuhuo looked at the direction in which the emperor was leaving and said, "Yeah."

Zhenjun Yin De Dingxiu said: "I will let him experience the specialties of Yinsi Netherworld. However, it just so happens that the human race who died in the city, Jinzhou and other disasters are still there. The number is about 100,000." Between 100,000 and 1 million."

Zhenjun Yinde Dingxiu said with clear eyes, "I have given the order on your behalf, Taoist friend Yan Jun."

He smiled:

 “The executioner in the eighteenth level of hell.”

 “They are all the unwilling souls of these people who died in disaster.”

“Most of them were sent to reincarnation by Ksitigarbha, but there are also some who are unwilling to give up and are willing to wait here for the human emperor’s retribution.”

 “And, the Black Armor Army of Death.”

 “They will give a good welcome to the Emperor…”

As if in response to the words of Lord Yinde Dingxiu, in the first level of purgatory, the emperor let out a shrill scream. In the tongue-pulling hell, there were countless people, including ghosts with their heads cut off and ghosts with their arms cut off. There were two ghosts, both of whom died tragically. They stretched out their blood-stained palms and pulled them on the emperor's body, tearing him apart, tearing off his flesh and blood, breaking off his head and tearing off his arms.

 If a person dies by decapitation, then the human emperor’s head will be cut off.

 When a person died due to being eaten by monsters, he lay on the human emperor and tore wildly.

 The emperor's body continued to break.

But he was restored by the special Meng Po soup, and he continued to enjoy the pain of tearing and repetition.

The screams are shrill and wailing, never-ending.

 There is no more ‘heroic spirit’.

The gentle Lord Yin De Dingxiu looked at this tragic scene and couldn't help but exclaimed: "It's really fair!" He looked at Qi Wuhuo with a smile and said: "Grudges have enemies, debts have their owners, retaliate for repayment , isn’t it just justice?”

 “This is [conviction].”

Soon, the philistine smile of the past appeared on the face of Zhenjun Yinde Dingxiu, and he laughed and said:

   "The city will be a lot empty if you die in vain, ah, this time, you can save a lot of evil."

Qi Wuhuo looked at the 'revenge' over there. The debt must be repaid eventually, and this was only a partial repayment. With Po Meng here, it would be difficult to die, but he heard Di Ting's voice saying that it was a waste of time. The city suddenly became empty. After recounting the previous events, Di Ting raised his eyebrows and said, "Like this, the eighteen levels of **** are coming in turn, and so many people want revenge."

"This is not a short period of time, Taoist priest, do you remember what I said before?"

“Remember, what did you say, sir?”

 “Actually, it’s not a big deal.”

Diting scratched his head, changed his position in the City of Fusui, and said, "Do you still remember the Medicine Master Glazed Light Tathagata?"

 “Hmm? Remember.”

“Just remember, well, I know what’s going to happen in Buddhism and Taoism, so there’s something I need to tell you.”

Di Ting's expression became more solemn: "The reincarnation of Medicine Master Glazed Light Tathagata was born."

 “Just outside the capital city of Kyushu.”

 (End of this chapter)

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