I Am Immortal

Chapter 404: Buddha came to the world

Chapter 404: The Coming of the Buddha

Medicine Master Lazuli Light Tathagata, the Buddha and founder of one of the seventeen lines of Buddhism, has two Bodhisattvas, the Bodhisattva of the Sun and the Moon, and the Oriental Pure Lazuli Buddha Kingdom. By chance, he and Qi Wuhuo had a cause and effect, and later became I hope that the state above the complete enlightenment of Buddhism will disappear on its own.

 After being away for a long time, Qi Wuhuo suddenly heard news about this old friend, and Qi Wuhuo was slightly absent-minded.

Diting sat cross-legged, supported his chin with one hand, and said: "Well, I heard you and those three..." When he said this, he calmed down, looked serious, bowed towards the east with his hands, and then continued. : "As I said, I roughly know that in two or three months, there will be a battle between Buddhism and Taoism in the capital."

“The Medicine Master Glazed Light Tathagata has just been born…”

"The remaining sixteen lines of Buddhism from the seventeen lines of Buddhism, no matter whether they are good or bad, broad-minded or stubborn, will not let go of this ancient Buddha. Better ones will treat him It is possible to bring them back to teach their own Dharma and teach them to become Buddhist disciples of their own lineage, and if they are not close, it is possible to directly control and guide them to practice and become Buddhas."

 “Speak directly—”

"Due to the demise of Medicine Master Glazed Light Tathagata, the conflicts that had been accumulated for several eons in Buddhism finally broke out; but because of the accumulated conflicts, the fights between each other began to intensify. Coupled with the conflict with Taoism, this It is possible to do anything to help practitioners, and Medicine Master Glazed Light Tathagata is also trapped in this vortex. What a calamity..."

Qi Wuhuo was silent for a moment, recalling the skinny old monk a year ago. He sighed and raised his fingers slightly. The Buddhist beads hanging above the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's handprints emitted a thin layer of Buddha light, and then fell into the In the palm of the young Taoist's hand, Di Ting raised her head and looked at Qi Wuhuo, and said in surprise: "Huh?"

Qi Wuhuo said: "Sir, may I ask where the reincarnation of Medicine Master Glazed Light Tathagata is?"

Di listened: "Do you want it?"

The young Taoist said gently: "Me and Medicine Master Buddha have been friends for many years. His reincarnation and death are related to me. There is no way he can just sit back and watch him become a victim in the whirlpool of the Buddhist sect and be dragged into other Buddhist sects."

Di Ting looked at him and said, "Is Taoist going to be in trouble?"


With a whisk to sweep away the dust, the Taoist replied: "I am a poor Taoist who is already in disaster."

Di Ting asked solemnly: "Your Majesty Xuanwei, do you want to help the pharmacist to enter the Tao?"

Taishang Xuanwei said: “No—”

 The Buddha beads in his palm emitted a faint Buddha light, and he replied:

"In order to seek the perfect reincarnation of Buddhism, if I help him to enter the Tao, what will be the difference between him and other Buddhists? Instead, I will become his enemy of Buddhism. If so, taking advantage of the opportunity, how despicable is a poor Taoist? Besides, a poor Taoist Tao also wants to know what kind of places he can go and what kind of scenery he can see when the Medicine Master’s Buddhadharma is at its strongest.”

Di Ting sighed with emotion: "But do you still know the Medicine Master Glazed Light Tathagata after reincarnation?"

The young man said: "Probably, it's not the case anymore."

"He is the Buddha. He has been reincarnated thousands of times and is the same true spirit. Whether it is the Medicine Buddha I know or just the reincarnation of Medicine Buddha's soul and true spirit, the Buddha's mind and Buddha nature that seeks Buddha's enlightenment are consistent. So, he It can have thousands of names and faces, but as long as you keep this intention unchanged, you can still call it..."

 “The Medicine Master Glazed Light Tathagata.”

The young Taoist turned sideways and looked at Di Ting. The candles on both sides were swaying slightly. The young Taoist held a sword in one hand. The Buddhist beads in his right hand were hanging on the palm of his hand. They were shiny with green glaze. Di Ting was slightly startled when he saw the young Taoist turning the beads with one hand. , said: "He is a good man, he is a believing woman, he is an old man, he is a young man, he is a young man, he is middle-aged, he is a trafficker, he is a pawn, he is a prince, he is a minister..."

With his calm voice, the Buddha beads were reflected in the clear and flowing light, and many figures could be seen appearing one after another. Qi Wuhuo said:

 “Thousands of forms, the true form is Tathagata.”

“Therefore, Buddha does not refer to the immortality of that Buddha, but the immortality of the Buddha’s mind and the immortality of the Buddha’s Dharma.”

“Therefore, you are not allowed to see me through sound and form. If you see me through sound and form, you will be practicing evil ways and will not be able to see the Tathagata.”

 “That’s all.”

 “I am just going to meet my ‘old friends’.”

Di Ting looked at the appearance of the young Taoist, sighed, and suddenly smiled to himself: "It seems that you boy is also full of Buddha nature. Tsk, tsk, tsk, that's interesting. It seems that if I hadn't led you to meet the Supreme Being, Instead, if you choose to be led to meet Medicine Master Glazed Light Tathagata, or Amitabha, you can achieve great achievements."

This sentence is quite sincere.

Just when he said this, for some reason, Di Ting's body stiffened, and a chill seemed to rise.

 Immediately, my mind threw out what I just said.

 Inform Yu Qi Wuhuo of the reincarnation location of Medicine Master Glazed Light Tathagata.


Shenwu Kyushu is the first among all the countries in the world. It is rich in Kyushu and the country is strong and powerful. The core area of ​​the entire Shenwu Kyushu is undoubtedly the capital. However, the land price in the capital is expensive and the price of goods is also high. It is the so-called "Beijing City Rice". Expensive, the source of great difficulty, it is extraordinary to have the ability and qualifications to settle down in the capital.

There is a large group of people who cannot settle down in the capital, but are reluctant to part with the prosperity of the capital. They live in towns near the capital. There are many small villages under the town, and Chenjiacun is one of them. The small village is quite remote. Although it is said to be within the scope of the capital, it is actually much closer to Jizhou than to the capital.

 For this reason, there are not many outsiders in this village.

But today, a Taoist walked over. He was wearing white clothes and a blue robe. He had a black hair with a jade hairpin and a white whisk. There was a string of Buddhist beads as clear as glass hanging on the palm of his right hand. He looked like he was about seventeen years old. , but he is very handsome and has aroused the curiosity of many people.

It was Qi Wuhuo who got the general direction by listening to it.

 It's just that this is the reincarnation of the real Buddha after all. Even if you listen carefully, you can't know the exact location, only a general direction.

 As for the more specific location, you need to rely on the mystery of the Buddhist beads in Qi Wuhuo's hand.

There was a faint light among the Buddha beads. Qi Wuhuo followed these subtle reactions and went to a courtyard. However, it was clearly the reincarnation place of Medicine Master Glazed Light Tathagata as Ting Ting said, but inside the whole house But there were waves of sadness, and the faint sound of a woman's sobs could be heard. Doubts arose in Qi Wulu's heart, and he stretched out his hand and knocked on the door.

After a while, the wooden door creaked open, and a young man in his twenties opened the door. His eyes were red, and he was obviously very sad. Looking inside, he saw several other people, all with expressions on their faces. Sad and with red eyes, the young man seemed to be able to maintain his emotions and said reluctantly: "Taoist Priest, why do you come to my house?"

 The young Taoist put aside the doubts in his heart and said:

“When a poor man comes to your land for the first time, he is thirsty and wants to ask for a bowl of water.”

 “That’s it, Master Taoist, please wait a moment…”

The young man did not invite Qi Wuzhuo in. He turned around and fetched a ladle of water and gave it to Qi Wuzhuo. The young Taoist asked Qi Wuzhuo while he was drinking water: "I have overstepped my bounds. Is it possible that in recent days, some of you... Did something happen to him? I am traveling all over the country, and I have some tools that may be able to help."

The young man seemed to be a bit broken, or he seemed to be grabbing any straw he found. He hesitated for a moment and said, "My child... was stolen." He had obviously been in good control just now, but when it came to this When it happened, my nose was still slightly sore, and the dignified seven-foot-tall man almost shed tears in front of outsiders.

 In the intermittent narration, Qi Wuhuo learned what happened in the past few days.

The young man's surname is Chen. He has lived in Chenjia Village since he was a child. He is a farmer. Nowadays, the Central Plains area is considered to be at peace. And because it is more or less close to the capital, there is no shortage of people to come and go. It is a good life. This year, he married a daughter-in-law from the family next door. They grew up as childhood sweethearts and had a deep love for each other. They got pregnant directly after the wedding.

After getting pregnant, this new family seemed to have greater expectations. They worked hard, made some tables and chairs and sold them in their spare time. They bought some small rattles, small tiger-head shoes and the like, and invited them again. The best midwife in these ten miles and eight towns finally gave birth to the baby, and the mother and baby were safe.

But I never thought that on the tenth day, there was a sound like thunder from the east mountain, and a black cloud suddenly rose in the sky. The black cloud and black wind swept through the village, and no one could see anything, no matter the people or animals were blown away. Many trees fell to the ground, and several trees were broken. When the unexplained black wind passed, the young man returned home, only to find that his wife had fainted and his child had disappeared.

After that, I searched like crazy for several days, but couldn't find it. People said that even if the child was fine, he would be hungry for so many days. When it came to this, the young man I couldn't help but cry out in pain, crying with sadness.

The Taoist raised his eyes and scanned the room, and he probably already knew the reason.

He handed the ladle of water to the young man opposite and said gently: "I understand."

The young man prayed with a trace of despair after trying everything, and said: "Does the Taoist priest have any solution?"

The Taoist swept away the dust and said in a gentle voice: "I am a poor Taoist, and this is why I am here."

With his eyes, he could already see traces of pure Qi entwining in the house. Following the trajectory, he could tell that the mountain spirit had stolen the child. However, Qi Wuhuo felt strange in his heart. This Qi was quite pure and obvious. Practitioners are not monsters that eat blood, but all spiritual beings who are latent cultivators. How could such a pure cultivator do such a thing?

 The young Taoist was invited into the courtyard.

But among the people in the room who were crying together, there was still a monk who was eating a lot. When he saw this man, he immediately opened his eyes and said angrily: "My surname is Chen, this poor monk thinks that you have lost your son. Come here to help you, let the monsters remove the demon, but what do you mean now? Is it possible to believe me?! I also sought such a Taoist priest with no hair?! "" What do you mean?! "

In this village, a child was lost, and while they were frantically searching for it, they were looking for all kinds of immortals, gods, and monks. It was said that this monk had a job in a big temple in the capital, and he spent a lot of money. I had the strength to invite him, provided him with good food and drinks, and took a large amount of money. He did whatever he could to pretend to have a good meal, but he still didn't get it back.

But he didn't get it back, but he said that the Chen family and his wife were not sincere enough.

Seeing the young Taoist, he was also angry and refused, and loudly accused: "It is you who are not sincere and clearly believe in Buddhism, but you have found such a Taoist priest with such a bad nose and half-heartedness. How could the Buddha bless you?!"

 “This is slandering the Buddha! But it’s not sincere!”

 “It’s a great sin!”

The Chen family couple were confused. The young Taoist glanced at the fat monk, then sighed in admiration and said:

 “Have a relationship with Buddha.”

 The great monk couldn't help but feel proud and elated, feeling that this man was very discerning.

 Know how to be soft!

But then I saw the young Taoist sighing: "But I don't have any eyes."

The great monk was stunned, then became very angry and his face turned red. Did he know that the little Taoist priest was saying that he was short-sighted? !

 Where does this come from? !

 Do not use curse words when scolding a monk.

But for some reason, these two sentences seemed extremely sincere, which made him feel a little angry, and he was about to force his face and speak angrily.

Going there, I saw the man who asked everyone in the room to feel at ease. He swept the dust with a fly whisk and said gently:

 “Where is the land?”

 “Would you please come out and see me?”

The monk is about to laugh at your pretense, but he is far inferior to me, the poor monk. Come on, go along, go along, you don’t even set up a table, afford an altar, have no tribute, and don’t even bring some internal organs. Do you want to invite the earth god? You need to study this swindling thing. Just when you were about to laugh loudly, a burst of white smoke dispersed in front of your eyes, and then a white-haired little old man came out spinning in the smoke.

Turning around while adjusting the hat on his head, he hurriedly bowed and said:

 “Ahem, little old man, I’ve seen the Immortal.”

 “I’ve seen the Immortal.”

He originally wanted to call the Emperor directly, but the young Taoist looked at him to stop him.


His old man didn't dare, so he immediately bowed and saluted. The young Taoist pointed to the Chen couple over there. The latter knew that they were encountering an immortal and the child was saved. Their eyes were red and their expressions were faintly excited. Qi Wu Huo bowed slightly and said something to the old man. Then he pointed to the mountain and said, "I see that child is there. If I go, I am worried about disturbing the grass. I would like to help the landowner to go and bring the child back." Bar."

After thinking for a while, he twirled a strand of black hair at his temples, cut off one of the hairs with his fingernails, and handed it to the Lord of the Land. He also ordered that if he encounters an invincible opponent, just throw out the hair.

Qi Wuhuo watched from a distance with his soul. The great monk's body was stiff, neither standing nor sitting.

The Chen family couple almost bowed down, but the young Taoist raised his hand to stop them and said, "You two, don't do this."

 Thought for a while and said gently: "I have my own reasons for being poor."

The young man said in an excited tone: "Whatever the Taoist priest wants, as long as our family has it, just ask and I will give you whatever you want!"

"We set a ranking for longevity for you every year, and sincerely worship and offer incense every day. We just beg you to save our child." After a while, the Earth God came back again, holding a child carefully in his arms. , holding a hair strand in his hand, and then pulled it with a little force.

On the hair, there are monsters entangled, all pulled out from the quilt, either ferocious or mighty, all majestic and frightening, but they can't even struggle to get rid of this small hair, just move, It was as painful as being struck by thunder, and the land was in awe.

 Not just because of the young Taoist’s magical powers.

What's more, he obviously went to save people, only to find that the child was lying under the shade of the tree, extremely quiet, with no ripples on his face. The monsters and monsters around him were salivating, wanting to choose and eat him, but they couldn't. As he got closer, he lost his murderous hostility. The tiger lay down at the child's feet and asked him to put his feet on his back. The poisonous snake wrapped around the branches and swayed, fanning him with the leaves on the branches to drive away mosquitoes.

The couple from the Chen family came up crying and took the child away from the earthly master. The old earthly man walked up to Qi Wuzhuo and said: "Shangxian..." He sounded shocked, looked at the spirit over there, and said: " I recognize these monsters. They have practiced hard in meditation in the past and have never committed any crimes, but now they have done such a thing."

"I couldn't believe it. When I asked about it, they actually said..."

Qi Wuhuo was surprised: "What did you say?"

The old man said: "I don't know where I got the news. A child with a pure body was born here. It is an extraordinary existence. One bite can save you from hundreds of years of practice. However, you can live forever." ! If we get this child out alive, we can live forever!"

Qi Wuhuo raised his eyes and glanced at the spirit monster, and asked:

 “Who brought the news?”

 A certain lineage of Buddhism?


 Or should we say, the Immortal Emperor?

 Several possibilities appeared in Qi Wuhuo's mind at that moment.

 The Earth God shook his head: "I don't know either. I just came here in a hurry after rescuing the child."

Qi Wuhuo wanted to ask immediately, but the Chen family over there had already come over with their child in their arms, so he suppressed it for the time being and raised his eyes to look at the young couple over there and the child in their arms. The child's eyes were quiet. , neither crying nor fussing, and showing no expression. Chen’s wife said embarrassedly:

“I don’t know why, but my child doesn’t like to cry as soon as he is born. He always looks quiet.”


The young Taoist bowed slightly and looked at the child. The child who was only more than ten days old looked at him.

This child is still quiet even when surrounded by animals.

 Suddenly laughed.

The Chen family and his wife around were surprised and stunned. The young Taoist also laughed. The child was babbling and stretched out his small palm. The young Taoist bowed and stretched out his hand gently. The sun shone down, warm and genial, and everyone around him seemed to be able to I felt an atmosphere of long-lasting harmony.

 When we first met him, he was a skinny old man and a Taoist;

 Now, it’s the Taoist immortal and the newborn child.

 Like a reincarnation.

 It is you who see me, and it is I who see you.

 You know me, and I know you.

Hold the young Taoist's fingers with his small palm, and a friendly and cheerful smile appeared on the child's face.

 Like picking up flowers.

 The young man looked gentle and whispered in his heart:


 “Long time no see…”

 (End of this chapter)

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