I Am Immortal

Chapter 459: Pneumatic Xiaoyun is famous in history!

Chapter 459: Pneumatic Xiaoyun becomes a powerful force in history!

The cold and deep hall, the huge gilded pillars support this magnificent and solemn building. The dome of this hall is inlaid with 365 fist-sized pearls, as if the stars and everything are a bracket. Sitting in this position From the highest point, when you look down, it seems as if everyone is lower than you, crawling like ants below.

Li Hui, who was wearing simple clothes that looked like a scholar with only a jasper around his waist, walked up the stairs step by step. The sleeves of his simple-textured robe hung down. He gently pressed his palms on the throne and moved his fingers. Bit by bit he passed over the throne, feeling cold to the touch. Finally, he pressed his hands on the cold armrests on both sides of the throne and sat down slowly.

  It is like being enveloped by a cold feeling. Looking ahead, the land of Kyushu and all living creatures are under your feet.

 I recall that when I was in this position, I bowed respectfully and bowed as if my whole body was frozen.

Comparing it with the person who is sitting here now, it creates an indescribable feeling.

 This is the throne.

This is authority!

Li Hui exhaled. He was once willing to protect the Xuanjia Army, call on the literati to gather public opinion, and barely managed to check and balance his father's authority. At this moment, he suddenly began to empathize with his father.

 There is such a position.



Everything you see, all the nine states in the world, all living things, should crawl under your feet.

 They call you a saint!

 They respect you as the emperor!

The taste of this kind of power and position is really more wonderful than anything else. According to the literati, people who love the country more than beauty are just the delusions of people who have never been in this kind of power and position. When they understand this kind of power and position The beauty of beauty, any beauty, is just a passing smoke, like all things, how can it be seen?

 “Congratulations to the Saint Emperor, congratulations to the Saint Emperor.”

  "I was granted the great treasure of Longden and was honored as a saint. From then on, the fate of humanity is under the control of Your Majesty. I can think of wind and rain, and think of thunder..."

The gentle voice awakened Li Hui from this trance-like feeling. He put his hands on the cold throne and looked down at the monk who came out of the shadows. He saw his kind expression, sad eyes, and hands. When you put your hands together, it feels like you are standing on a pure holy land, with countless lotus flowers blooming and rising around you.

This is one of the Buddhas who helped him ascend to the throne.

The so-called support does not come from magical powers. If it were just like this, all the great talents in the world who are as fierce as fire will rise up, and those civil servants and military generals will inevitably backlash. In fact, it is the Buddhas who shape all kinds of auspiciousness, and Using the power of Li Hui's subordinates to promote public opinion, on the one hand, the actions of the previous emperors were made public, and on the other hand, it was consistent with Xiang Rui step by step.

 Immediately, he promulgated many laws and regulations that were beneficial to people's livelihood, such as light corvee and low taxes, which gained popularity.

 It is only through the combination of the three that we have reached this position.

 Among them, Buddhism was responsible for suppressing the unconvinced ministers and families.

 Looking at this minister from the dragon.

A hint of chill flashed across Li Hui's eyes.

He wants to sit on the throne, but he doesn't want to listen to the monk's words.

He said calmly: "It turns out that I am a master. The achievements I have achieved now are all due to your contribution. I can allow you to build a temple in this capital and burn incense to attract believers. However, the gods and warriors in the world are all about laws and regulations. In this place, every move of the master needs to comply with my laws in the world, so please just go."

The monk was shocked, and immediately realized that the new young emperor in front of him had a greater appetite, more cautious methods, and more vicious behavior than the previous emperor. Buddhism was in his hands, but he could only use it smoothly and quickly. Knives, although knives that are too fast are sharp, they can easily hurt your hands. Once the matter is resolved, it should be settled.

 What a good emperor!

There was a trace of anger in the monks' hearts.

But he knew how to persuade this young, but ambitious, young emperor. He clasped his hands together and sighed: "What a pity, what a pity -" As he said this, he turned around, shook his head, and walked away step by step. The emperor When he had just taken up the position, he was very satisfied with his ambition. He couldn't hear such sighs, and immediately frowned and said:

 “What did you say?”

The monk paused slightly and said calmly: "The poor monk only said it was a pity."

 “What’s a pity?!”

"What's a pity? It's a pity that the previous generation of saint emperors was also a man of great talent and strategy. He was not satisfied with being the master of the human world. He wanted great things, immortality, controlled all spirits, checked and balanced Taoism and Buddha, and united with heaven. In the end, at the last step, he , the success was about to fail, and a Taoist from the mountains broke in with a sword and killed them before everyone else."

"It is so prosperous that it unites the world, has friendship with the Lord of All Spirits, and has an agreement with Emperor Donghua to dominate the nine states. Although there are groups of true immortals, they cannot compete with them. All living things, life and death, are all in a single thought; And in the end, you will die at the hands of others and make the world laugh. Even everything behind you will become the ladder for future generations to ascend to the great treasure. Isn't it sad that the declaration is destroyed in one day?"

Li Hui said slowly: "What exactly do you want to say?"

The monk turned around and said: "The late emperor was unrivaled in the realm of checks and balances, but in the end he died at the hands of others. Hasn't your majesty ever thought about the reason?"

 “The reason?!”

 “Yes, just a little bit.”

The monk slowly stretched out his fingers and spoke concisely and concisely. His voice was calm and fell in Li Hui's ears, but it resounded like thunder and said: "Said - great power does not belong to oneself."

This answer undoubtedly struck a chord in Li Hui's heart. He held his sword but never pulled out the sharp sword. His eyes were slightly lowered and he said in a low voice: "Great power does not belong to oneself."

The monk said gently: "Yes, it is precisely because his great power does not belong to himself, but comes from the human world, and will be affected by the human world in the opposite direction. This is why he had to fight with Emperor Donghua and Wanling from the beginning. The masters of the alliance joined forces, but in such an alliance, they themselves were in a lower position and were interfered by others. Later, people's hearts gradually turned away, and their luck became worse day by day. In the end, they were killed by a mere person. "

"But, has your Majesty ever thought that the ancient human emperor eight thousand years ago had great power due to himself, and that he could rival the Dragon Emperor of the demon clan, and even be strong enough to climb the sky and discuss the Tao with the Jade Emperor? The legendary realm of great things, immortality, is just a trivial matter.”

"In Taoism, he is called Heavenly Lord; in heaven he is called Emperor. Even in our Buddhist sect, he still sits on the lotus platform and is called Buddha. The reason why future generations of human emperors no longer have such great power is that Just for one reason.”

Li Hui’s right hand holds the sword.

He stared at the monk in front of him, and the reason in his heart told him that every word of this monk could not be believed. It was a trap, a bait that led the beast into the pit. However, it was precisely because of his throne that he could not believe it. The reason for coming was because he saw his father, who was majestic and indifferent when he was in power. The human emperor, who was as aloof as a god, was also weak and powerless when he was beheaded.

 He has benefited from this.

But the most fearful thing is that one day I will become like this.

What the monk said happened to touch the weakness in his heart, and he subconsciously asked: "Why?"

The monk said: "It is precisely because the Human Emperor is compassionate and has returned all the great power to the common people."

Li Hui subconsciously retorted, saying: "No, the luck of humanity comes from the common people!"

 “What does it mean to give it back to them!”

 “You are deceiving me!”

“Your Majesty, do you think this is deception? Ah, the emperor must return everything to the people. The emperor must follow the teachings of the ancients and serve as an example for the common people. Your Majesty, you have also been [tamed] by these so-called morals.”

The monk walked towards him step by step, held Li Hui's sword with his palm, and said kindly:

"Don't you know? You are aloof. The reason why you are aloof is because, in the previous life, the previous life, and even going back ten lives, you were a kind, courageous and kind-hearted person who sacrificed for the common people. It is because of your sacrifice in your previous life that you are destined to be reincarnated into the royal family in this life. This is the compensation given to you by the way of reincarnation."

"And those despicable people are reincarnated in this life to forgive their sins because they were greedy, committed crimes, or committed robbery in their previous lives. Do you know?"

 The monk looked gentle and compassionate.

 He said that after being modified and distorted on the basis of the Buddha's concept, it has become a concept that is extremely tempting to all superiors——

 “They deserve to suffer.”

“Your position of honor was destined in your previous life. It is the result of your sacrifices in your previous life for this life.”

“You are at the top and they are at the bottom. This is natural..."

The kind voice seemed to be the perfect concept of reincarnation, but at this time it showed a certain fatal temptation. The lights on the golden pillars burned and swayed, and the reflected lights projected the figures of the monks and the emperor on the wall. It seemed as if a huge alien beast was about to devour the human head.

Li Hui knew the errors and omissions in the monk's words, but he could not resist the great temptation brought by these errors and omissions.

Just like people know that drinking alcohol is not good, but they often become addicted to it; they know that indulging in female **** is wrong, but they always find it difficult to quit.

These mistakes always bring great temptation.

Li Hui struggled and retorted: "No, these fortunes are the people's fat and the people's anointing, the people's blood, I, how can I take all of this as my own?"

The monk said gently: "No, no, no, cause and effect reincarnate, the previous life is destined, Your Majesty."

His eyes were dark and dull, and he said the greatest evil:

 “You step on everyone’s heads in this life because—”

 “They owe you.”


 The Saint Emperor ascended the throne.

A series of decrees were promulgated to grant amnesty to the world. Many of them were beneficial to the people, but there were also many clauses. At first glance, they seemed like nothing, but when these clauses were combined with other laws, loopholes would appear. , and these loopholes are prepared for some special people.     Monk.

These monks who practice Buddhism can be exempted from labor and taxes, which already has extremely terrifying power. There are people who have thrown themselves into Buddhism in order to avoid taxes, and there are also wealthy families who have transformed their residences into other courtyards in order to gain many benefits. For [Lan Ruo], that is, a privately established monk's residence, for a time, the world was in a state of turmoil, and the seeds that had been planted since the time of the previous emperor completely exploded overnight.

 In a short period of time, thousands of temples were built.

 The major monasteries also expanded rapidly, and a large number of men of the right age who wanted to avoid corvee taxes joined the monasteries.

The tax revenue of the country and the country has dropped sharply. On the contrary, there is a gradual trend of spending money to support the monks. It has even spread that the third refuge besides "Taking refuge in Buddha and Dharma" has been spread.


To practice Buddhism, you still need to take refuge in a monk who also worships the Buddha?

 Even saying that if you make offerings to monks at any time and every festival, you can gain immeasurable merit.

 For a time, the world was in turmoil. There were countless shrewd people and shrewd monks pursuing profits, but there were also monks who were at a loss.

There was a boat by the river, and an old monk stuffed the package into the arms of his illiterate young disciple, and then said: "You leave quickly, and there is great chaos in the world today, and there will be disasters in Buddhism."

The young disciple was puzzled: "Who will suffer disaster?"

 The old man spied: "Buddha."

The young novice monk pointed at himself and asked with a smile: "Teacher, you are so strange. Is this disciple a Buddha?"

 “Are you a Buddha again?”

“Since you are not a Buddha, why should you avoid it? Since you are a Buddha, why should you avoid it?”

The old monk sighed, this young man was a cowherd boy whose parents both died, but he was able to understand the true meaning of Buddhism, so he took him into his sect. But today, the world has changed a lot, and he is here again. If he passes the mantle to him, he will probably die from those things. The monks who stared at the inheritance of the mantle for profit immediately did not answer, but pushed hard, and the wind blew up, sending the disciple holding the mantle away.

Hands clasped together, he murmured: "My disciple, you inherit my mantle, but beware of those who pursue you."

"You have to remain anonymous. After fifteen years, the world will be settled before you can be born."

Just as he was turning around, he heard shouts and shouts, but the monks had come and asked where the teacher's robes and bowls were. The old monk looked at the familiar but unfamiliar monks, and saw them wearing monk robes and sitting on the monk's platform. , lived in a temple, recited Buddhist scriptures, but did such beneficial things, I couldn't help but feel sad and shed tears.

The sword flashed before his eyes, but he was already killed.

This situation is not only rare, it is also surging throughout the Kyushu. The various forces that began to prepare under the order of the previous generation of the Emperor, although they became cautious because of the death of the Emperor, did not put their previous preparations into practice. Withdrew, and now when the opportunity comes, major changes have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

 At this very moment, there are rumors—

Li Zhai, the leader of the military strategists, led his troops out of the town and swept through the three surrounding countries, defeating tens of thousands of enemies.

The military power is so sharp that it frightens all the countries.

 Just when everyone was thinking that the military leader was expressing his unconditional support for his brother.

However, this famous general who was unparalleled in the world suddenly turned around and rushed directly to the capital. Along the way, he demolished temples, destroyed Buddhas, burned temples, and forced all the men to return to secular life and return home. For a time, amid the nationwide upsurge of worshiping Buddhism, he was like A thunderous sound shocked all directions.

 “You guys, you guys are so disrespectful of the Buddha’s Dharma!”

 “How dare you!”

"How dare you?! If you don't respect the Buddha, the Dharma, or the Sangha, you should go to the eighteenth level of **** and enjoy the pain of endless purgatory for eternity and no reincarnation!!"

A monk was suppressed and looked angrily at the soldiers who demolished the temple. There were bursts of curses and curse words spewed out from the mouth of this elegant monk. Those words did not seem to be words that a monk should say. When the common people discovered that several young women were being brought out from the darkroom of the monk pavilion, the monks turned pale.

 “Slander, you are slandering!”

“You are slandering Buddhism! Slander!”

The old monk chanted sadly, saluted the statue of Tathagata, knelt down and worshiped, and cried loudly: "My Buddha, my Buddha Tathagata, manifest the Buddha's Dharma, protect his disciples and believers, and make this evil disciple deserve retribution. You, You deserve retribution!!”

His shrill voice echoed in all directions, but no one dared to scold him.

  Boom! !

A fierce wind blew, and the huge Buddha statue was shattered into powder from the middle, and an arrow penetrated into the depths.

I was trembling.

The old monk's pupils suddenly shrank, and the crushed gravel tore wounds on his face, and blood flowed down.

 Dead silence!

 A moment of dead silence!

In the endless silence, everyone slowly turned around, and an iron cavalry slowly appeared. The tall war horse was covered with armor, and the man holding the bow was sitting on the war horse wearing armor and war robes. The war horse stepped on the ground step by step, and seemed to be walking on the ground. It stepped into the hearts of everyone, causing a trace of panic in their hearts.

Then the war horse stopped, and he slightly pulled the reins of the war horse. The war horse raised its pace and trampled on the backs of the monks who were lying on the ground to force the soldiers not to enter the temple. With screams and blood, those who relied on their own family The country worships Buddhism, and these monks, who the soldiers did not dare to move, gradually stopped moving.

 Step by step, a long and **** road.

The chaotic situation became deathly quiet. Everyone looked at the famous general walking down the **** road like a nightmare. The leader of the military strategist Li Zhai said lightly: "If I am destroyed, where is the retribution?"

He rode a majestic war horse and looked down at the monks coldly.

The old monk seemed to be sluggish, and his body suddenly trembled, saying: "You, you, the devil, Bo Xun, the devil King Bo Xun!"

Li Zhai walked forward indifferently. The soldiers behind him bowed and saluted, saying: "General, there are more than 30,000 monks in the temple. What should we do?"

The leader of the military strategist said calmly:

 “Not engaged in production, exempt from taxes, and supported by all living beings.”

“They are silverfish, they feed on the people of the country and the country.”

“When the temple is burned down and the monks return to secular life, they are ordered to return home to serve their parents. Those who do not return to secular life will be killed.”

"You!! Demon King Bo Xun, Demon King!" Amidst the bursts of fierce curses, the majestic temple was lit with a fire, and the armor of the military leader Li Zhai reflected the red sky. His expression Indifferently, he started this behavior that in the eyes of future generations was extremely cruel and domineering, but also extremely decisive.


 He looked at the distant sky and thought about his old friends from the past.

 The King of Qin Li Weifeng, his brother Li Hui who had joined forces, Qiong Yu, and the Taoist priest.

“Hmph, the world is undergoing great changes, and our family and country are in trouble. If there is really retribution, come after me!”

“Taoist Master, you and I will meet again in the capital!”


Li Zhai raised a cold arc at the corner of his mouth, rode on a war horse, and embarked on the extremely cold and domineering legend of this life.


 The king is rarely brave, but he is arrogant and arrogant. He often fights with others, and whenever he hurts others, the people will feel resentful.

On the fifteenth day of the year, I entered the border without losing my crown...

He reorganized the army and enforced the law. At the age of seventeen, he was able to lead an army of 100,000 to resist the enemy 300 miles away.

 Year twenty-two.

   Entering the forbidden area with a knife.

On the twenty-third year of the year, he attacked the four barbarians, diverted his troops, burned the temples and exterminated the Buddhas.

He was **** for tat with the emperor, and his power shook the world.

At that time, the people said that the two emperors share the same sky.

 Historically known as [Mighty King], the name is -


 ——"Famous Generals in the World·Human Race·Brave and Mighty King"

  This is the second update today, there is no third update. Everyone, go to bed early. Good night.



 (End of this chapter)

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