I Am Immortal

Chapter 460: A Taoist came down the mountain on a green ox!

Chapter 460: A Taoist came down the mountain on a green ox!

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva explained all the changes and told the young Taoist who was spending the New Year's Day with his teachers and brothers. He immediately put his hands together and said with a complicated expression: "The poor monk went to the places of the Buddhas first and saw them. The Bodhi Tree went to the Pure Glazed Buddha Land in the East and informed the two fellow practitioners Riguang and Yueguang about the affairs of Medicine Master Lazuli Light Tathagata."

 “After coming out, everything has changed drastically.”

 He sighed, with a complicated look on his face:

“Even the poor monk did not expect that so many changes have taken place in the world in just a short period of time.”

“Far greater than the poor monk expected.”

 He saw the young Taoist in front of him look silent.

Immediately after the New Year, the young Taoist priest who was seventeen years old came to comfort him gently and said: "A little adds up to a big thing, and a saint will eventually become a great person. Such great changes cannot be achieved overnight, just as Before the heavy rain, contradictions and conflicts had been surging like undercurrents for a long time, such as the disaster in Jinzhou, the incident in Zhongzhou, and the military strategist Li Zhai's collision with the emperor."

“The demon tribe’s rebellion, the border gates of the human world were broken, and even Pindao deposed the human emperor earlier, it was all in this process.”

"Change after change will make all kinds of contradictions and conflicts in the entire human world more and more intense. However, they have been suppressed from the beginning to the end. It's just that simple suppression is just a way to treat the symptoms rather than the root cause. After so many years, this huge The conflict is finally about to break out..."

“This kind of explosion will have different detonation methods.”

“Only this time, it starts with a battle between Buddhism and Taoism.”

 Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is speechless.

After a long time, he looked at the Taoist in front of him and said: "The poor monk heard vaguely that among the sixteen channels of Buddhism at this moment, there is a Buddha who has imitated the decrees of the gods in the heavens and wants to teach them to the emperors of the world. He wants to use human luck to As materials, relying on Buddhism, dividing the gods is part of the ritual of dividing the fate of human beings."

 “The poor monk informed the layman about this matter.”

 “That’s it.”

 Avalokitesvara stood up and left.

The Taoist saw him off and asked, "Where does the Bodhisattva want to go?"

The gentle-faced Bodhisattva clasped his hands together and said, "The Buddhas are causing chaos to the people with their Dharma, and the poor monks should stop them."

The Taoist paused, but suddenly asked: "Why did you stop me?"

The Bodhisattva replied: "To cultivate the Buddha's Dharma, to realize the Buddha's Dharma, and to spread the Buddha's Dharma."

The Taoist asked again:

 “What does the Bodhisattva want to stop?”

 The Bodhisattva clasped his hands together and recited the Buddha's name with a gentle voice: "Stop the Buddha."

“A poor monk practices Dharma, not a sect. What a sect practices is ultimately about power, not law.”

 “Can you stop it?”

 “It probably can’t be stopped.”

 So the Taoist sighed and said gently: "Bodhisattva is compassionate."

The Bodhisattva asked the Taoist: "Do you want to go down the mountain?"

Qi Wuhuo looked at the wind and clouds surging below the mountain, but said, "It's not time for Pindao to go down the mountain yet."

 “The poor man cannot go down the mountain yet.”

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva was surprised and immediately understood. He put his hands together in a slight salute and drifted away.

Whether it can be stopped or not is just the result, but the meaning of this matter is not determined by the result. Qi Wuhuo watched the Guanyin Bodhisattva go away. He stood on the top of the mountain, looking into the distance, with flashes of light flashing in his eyes. A trace of golden light can glimpse the cause and effect and qi. With a little calculation, you can know the flow of cause and effect at this moment, and the flow of luck is like a dragon.

If you go down the mountain at this moment, it is actually just like every time before, you can forcefully suppress these contradictions by yourself, but suppressing them is not a solution after all. It won't be long before such contradictions will completely break out. Young Taoist Standing on the top of this mountain, it seems that I am about to take steps and walk down, but there seems to be the general trend of heaven and earth, and there seems to be the gathering of boundless luck.

 It makes the young Taoist unable to take a step forward or get out.

Only the mountain wind roared and the Taoist robes billowed and flowed. The three Taoist ancestors never appeared at this time. They never asked their disciples again, never gave them advice, and never imposed their own ideas on their disciples. They just let it go. He began to face this oncoming calamity.

 Looking at the changes in the wind and clouds, luck is flowing like a dragon, entrenched in the capital.

The aristocratic families are all like dragon scales clinging to the top, they are the so-called ministers clinging to the dragon scales; according to the original direction of destiny, such a majestic opening, a step taken at the expense of the reputation of the previous emperor, must be magnificent and invincible. He has the image of being an emperor for eternity, but at this moment, in the border area, there is also a fierce war, as if a tiger is rising, with its fangs and claws ready to devour a dragon.

 All things and all phenomena have two qi, Yin and Yang.

Since a large number of people have benefited, more people have suffered losses. They live in pursuit of profit and die because of it. There are also many discerning people who know the harm of such behavior to their family and country, so they are indignant. Military leaders are angry because of it. The opportunity moved, and the majestic destiny of the world naturally gathered under the soldiers' front.

 At present, civil servants, aristocratic families, and monks gathered in the capital.

 The military strategists and the people gathered around Li Zhai's military front.

In an instant, the luck was divided into two groups. There was no confrontation between the two sides. The luck was already on the land of Jiuzhou. Dragons and tigers were fighting each other. Some people who watched the sky at night saw that the light was flowing in the sky and they could hear the sound of dragons. The roar of tigers was heard all the time, and at this time, everyone knew why the military leader suddenly sent out troops to fight with the countries in all directions. He fought thirteen games in a row and won every game.

 One is to accumulate the spirit of being invincible.

The second one is a warning.

  A kind of [prompt].

 Tell the short-sighted small countries around them not to think that they can make small moves after he leaves. Otherwise, when he comes back, he will just sweep them away without ceremony!

Therefore, this world-famous general left the border, and the situation at the border became more stable than before.

This elite force, which had experienced the battle against the demon clan and the battle at the border, continued to move towards the capital with a sharpness that could not be imagined by the imperial guards and scholar-bureaucrats in the capital. All the cities along the way did not resist. Not daring to resist, Qiu did not commit any crime. He only burned all the big temples, smashed the Buddha statues that had cost a lot of manpower and material resources to carve and build, and ordered the monks to return to secular life. Those with guilty charges could not be exposed, just like the people in accordance with the law. Example processing.

 The rest are exempted from taxes, and all the people's privileges of supporting temples are abolished.

 Return the land to the people, return the fields to the people.

 Those temples and monks who work on their own farming in deep mountains and old forests will be commended.

If gold and silver were found in some temples, they would all be confiscated, and the property of the common people and believers would be plundered. Those who used it for their own luxury enjoyment would be beheaded. Those who dared to resist would be beheaded, and those who dared to protect them would be beheaded.

 Three characters were cut in a row, and the **** and killing spirit was soaring to the sky.

The path this famous military general walked can be described as a murderous atmosphere, but he did not enter the city or invade the people. A sense of iron-blooded cleansing under order brought a huge and solemn sense of oppression. In this stationed place, the soldiers The hunted prey and the purchased grain were cooked together. The military leader who always liked luxury enjoyment now changed his character and only ate simple food.

He has studied and conquered every place in the world.

Under the firelight and moonlight, he looked through the maps and files. Although there were many famous generals in the world, none was more powerful than Li Zhai. The deputy general said: "General, if we continue, we will go to the capital in less than ten days. Your Majesty." We will definitely not sit idly by and do nothing. A large number of troops and generals will definitely appear to intercept us. We..."

 Li Zhai said: "They are not my opponents."

With bright eyes, he looked at the march map and stuffed the hard food into his mouth that could be used to sharpen knives. This thing was as hard as a stone, but when soaked in the soup boiled with salt, the taste It will be much better.

The lieutenant general hesitated for a moment and said, "But, general, this will really mean you are secluded from your home and country."

 “No, it is Li Hui who renounces his home and country.”

Under the moonlight, Li Zhai's expression was calm, like a tiger before hunting. He said: "The world belongs to the people of the world, not to Li Hui. He uses the flesh and blood of the people in the world to support Buddhism. I'm afraid it's the same as mine." Just like my father, I must have received some great benefits and deals from Buddhism."

“But to use the flesh and blood of all the people in the world as a ritual for one person is to be a thief.”

  “Aren’t you and me, stinky bastards, just looking for thieves?”

Li Zhai smiled and said: "As the old saying goes, whoever steals the hook will be punished, and whoever steals the country will be punished by the princes."

"This time, I want to tell the world clearly."

 “Thieves of the country.”

 “Yi Zhu!”

"Even a thief of the country will be punished, but you, a rebellious traitor, may not survive that time!" Suddenly there was a loud laugh, and soon the sound of a solemn Buddha's trumpet sounded. In the dim night, in the endless sky, a huge golden palm print came from The sky tower rose and fell towards this place. Li Zhai drew his sword, his eyebrows raised like a blade, and said coldly: "I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

 “Draw out the sword!”

Since the emperor has joined forces with Buddhism, Li Zhai's actions will naturally become a thorn in the emperor's side. The army cannot be easily moved. Once the imperial army is in a head-on confrontation and is defeated by Li Zhai, his reputation will naturally be greatly damaged. At this time The best choice is to send Buddhist masters to pick Li Zhai off.

For a moment, the Buddha's light was so powerful that it shone in all directions. The sword in Li Zhai's palm was filled with majestic evil energy. It joined with the formations of the soldiers and slashed horizontally with the sword, smashing the Buddhist handprint into pieces. Then it continued to move straight towards the monk's head. He slashed down, but several more Buddha's lights flashed after the monk, using himself as a bait to induce Li Zhai to make a move, and then took the opportunity to break his luck.

Li Zhai is holding a knife in his right hand and a sword in his left hand. This is also a deliberate trap.

But at this moment, a bright sword light suddenly reappeared, and it swept through these Buddha lights in an instant, and then heard the screams, and the figures fell one after another, and the sword was bright and flowing, and Li Zhai had thick eyebrows. He raised his head and said, "Who is it?"

But when he saw the sharp sword light, hovering in the sky and finally falling, there was a man who chanted in a long voice and said:

 “The eyebrows are thick and the evil spirit is rising, and the body is leaping into the air thousands of miles away.”

“Carrying a three-foot sword in a box on your back represents heaven and shows injustice to man.”

Li Zhai, who was wearing armor, raised his eyes and saw the person who came. He was a Taoist with a very handsome appearance. The latter raised his hands and said gently: "The poor Taoist Lu Dongbin knows that all the Buddhas will definitely take action against the general, so he came to help."

 “Lü Dongbin?”

The sword that Li Zhai was holding slowly returned to its sheath, he looked up at the disappearing Buddha's light, ordered the troops to be in order, and then invited Lu Dongbin to sit down with him. Lu Dongbin took off the wine bottle from his waist, shook it, and handed it to Li Zhai. At the time of Zhai, Lu Dongbin raised his hand to reject him. Lu Dongbin didn't care. He just raised his neck and drank. He was wearing a clean Taoist robe. He placed the sword in his hand horizontally in front of him, patted the sword and said:

"The general's sharp edge has reached its peak, but it is too strong and easily broken. Does the general think that he can attack a country with one army?"

 To use one army to balance a country.

Even an outstanding commander like Li Zhai can only maintain his advantage for a while at most. Over time, he will gradually fall into a disadvantage and eventually be destroyed. Even if he can win in the end, his troops will inevitably suffer heavy casualties. , the edge of the sword fell on Pao Ze, turning Qing Jun's side to eliminate the demon Buddha into a civil war with absolutely no winner.

Li Zhai narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "If the Taoist priest has anything to say, you might as well say it directly." Lu Dongbin picked up a nearby branch and stabbed it into the ground easily, outlining two different curves, and said: "The general trend of the world today is that one is The first thing about the capital is the general. The general is the hope of all the people and wins the hearts of the people. However, everything he does along the way is also cruel and brutal. In the end, it is detrimental to the harmony of heaven and he has not won all the luck."

"Today, luck is divided into two parts. One is with the general, and the other is with the Human Emperor. The two sides have become like water and fire. The advantage of the Human Emperor is Buddhism. Later, he will use Buddhism as his strength to attack the general. At this moment, the general has two The path, on the one hand, is to use the general momentum of the army to slowly force each other, and the generals have a greater chance of victory, but there may be many killings and casualties, and hurt the people; the other is, the human emperor will inevitably propose to fight with luck, and use human Buddhism and harmony. Tao and Dharma fight."

 “Then the general does not have the upper hand.”

Li Zhai said: "What do you think, Taoist Priest?"

Lu Dongbin sighed: "No matter what, it's a victory or defeat, a fight."

“It’s just that one requires the lives of countless soldiers and people to fight for, and the other requires the luck of the general and the theory of various ways.”

“I don’t know what level of Buddhism is standing behind the emperor. If it’s a Bodhisattva, I can fight with him. If it’s a Buddha, I’m no match for him.”

He paused, looked at Li Zhai, and asked casually: "General, do you want to be called the emperor?"

Li Zhai looked at the burning fire and said nothing.

 From this day on, Lu Dongbin began to protect Li Zhai.

On that mountain, the young Taoist looked at the destiny at the foot of the mountain, and saw that the destiny of the dragon and the tiger seemed to have swept all living things. Among them, the dragon had the light of Buddha, and the tiger had the soul of Tao. After all, the battle between the destiny of humanity and destiny was getting bigger and bigger. Buddhism and Taoism are also inevitable. In other words, Buddhism and Taoism have developed in the world for such a long time and have long been entangled with the fate of human beings and are inseparable.

Diting held her chin with both hands and looked at the turbulent waves at the foot of the mountain. She asked, "How many people will die if this anger breaks out?"

 He sighed and said: "Hey, calf's nose."

 “Are you going down the mountain?”

The Sanqing Taoist Patriarch behind him has not appeared for a long time. In the courtyard of the three wooden houses, some dust has gradually accumulated, and white snow has accumulated. The snow is covered with dust, and above the dust there are dry plum blossoms falling. The Taoist is standing on the mountain. Looking down the mountain, standing quietly.

So Di Ting just sighed.

And a few days later, the emperor really announced to the world that he was going to attack Li Zhai, attacking him as a military thief and a Taoist thief. Li Zhai was still silent and crazy about destroying temples and destroying Buddhas. This world's anger Luck is gradually going crazy, but under the accumulation of these events, it gradually divides and faintly turns into two majestic energies, one is Buddha and the other is Tao, competing with each other.

 The aristocratic families are attached to the Buddha, the military strategists and the common people are attached to the Tao.

 Like the rotation of yin and yang.

 As if everything is vast!

They fought and collided with each other. Later historians reviewed this battle countless times and found that this was the best opportunity for this mighty king to ascend to the highest stage in history. At this time, there were enemies and subordinates. This was the general trend. , is what the people want, and the unrivaled military front is driven by the highest level of justice to protect the country and the people, and even the soldiers and people in the city surrender.

Carrying on such a general trend, moving forward like a torrent, we will eventually reach the highest peak in history.

However, this mighty king who is famous all over the world restrained the overbearing soldiers and did not choose to conquer the Nine Provinces with his iron cavalry. Instead, he chose to have direct negotiations with the Human Emperor. Some people regretted it and thought that this would change the future progress of the human race. At one point, countless careerists lamented the famous general’s foolish decision;

However, some people believe that the goal of military strategists is not to fight for the world, but to protect the country and the people.

The most outstanding military strategists all pursue victory without fighting and maintain the vitality of the country. King Weiwu is not a careerist like his father and brother. He is one of the top ten military strategists since ancient times. The reason why he is not in the top three is because It's because he is unwilling to use the blood of common people to forge his own glory and victory.

 What he seeks is a great victory in the human world.

“Once a hero draws his sword, another ten years of calamity will befall the common people.”

 “Rather than be like this, just don’t be a hero.”

 After three days of negotiations, three people from each side of Buddhism and Taoism came to discuss the Dharma and Tao.

In addition, the fate of Li Zhai and Li Hui was fighting to determine the outcome, so as to avoid too many casualties. The two monarchs pressed their swords and sat opposite each other. The luck of the world, Buddhism and Taoism His luck is like a dragon soaring into the sky, moving the sky with its long chant, enveloping the common people, and also enveloping the thousand-year incense of Buddhism and Taoism, which began to collide with each other in a special way.

“Your Majesty will definitely win this argument.”

The old monk clasped his hands and said to the emperor: "The strongest among them is Lu Dongbin, and under your Majesty's command, there should be sixteen great Bodhisattvas from the lineage of all Buddhas, just like sixteen true kings. How can a mere Earth Immortal be our opponent?"

Li Hui pressed his sword and said: "But it is agreed that the Buddhist and Taoist sides in the human world will fight."

“Didn’t you break the rules by coming here?”

 The old monk stared at the emperor.

 Look at the struggle on his face.

 Sighing in my heart.

What a hypocritical emperor!

He obviously knew everything, and he obviously hoped to defeat the Taoist sect with the help of these sixteen great Bodhisattvas. Even if it was against the agreement, he still insisted on doing so, but he still wanted others to persuade him to do so.

 It is as if this decision was made under the bewitchment of the Buddhas.

 Then with a little bit of prevarication, you just go with the flow, so that you can deceive your conscience and get a good night's sleep.

The monk said gently: "This is for the sake of the world, and the people will be grateful to Your Majesty."

“It is for the Lord of the world that you accept the filth of your country. You bear the sin for them.”

 “This is also a great merit.”

Li Hui pressed his sword and closed his eyes. He didn’t know whether it was true or false, and sighed: “Is our family destined to fight against each other?”

“Then leave it to the Buddhas.”

On that day, Lu Chunyang, who was once the peak true king but fell to the level of earthly immortal due to love disaster, finally took the biggest and last step in his journey in the mortal world. Before this day, there were already two messengers, one One came from King Qin, and the other came from Li Zhai, running towards a mountain range.

 They met on the way and realized that their purpose was one.

Apart from Lu Chunyang, there is still another true cultivator in the world.

They knew the urgency of the matter and refused to relax at all. Three beasts mixed with dragon blood were exhausted along the way. In three days, they ran 70,000 miles and arrived at the foot of the mountain. After questioning the people, they moved step by step. Walking up the mountain, his body was already shaking. Di Ting looked at them, sighed and said:

 “Don’t come…”

 “He wouldn’t come down the mountain if he didn’t want to.”

The messenger looked excited: "But, this matter concerns the people of the world..."

"But if it concerns the world, he may not be able to move it."

 The two messengers were listening to He Di excitedly describing the seriousness of the matter, while the people at the foot of the mountain happily passed the Lantern Festival and prepared for the new year. The two sides were clearly in the same world, but in two different worlds.

The Taoist who stood on the mountain and observed the destiny of the world finally saw that node.

  When conflicts are at their highest and most intense, they have already broken out but have not affected the common people.

 An opportunity to instantly cut off all the contradictions of previous oppression.

 Like a flower that has not yet bloomed, like a stone falling into the water but the waves have not yet risen.

 He took a step forward.

 One step into the air.

So the sea of ​​clouds on the mountain rolled and rolled in an instant, and suddenly pushed away in all directions. The two messengers were shocked in their hearts. They subconsciously fell to the ground, dizzy. Listening, they subconsciously raised their heads and saw the Taoist walking in the void, his sleeves The robe is rolled up, and the sea of ​​clouds escapes on both sides, which is magnificent and beautiful.

When he saw the old green cow, he suddenly sighed, cheered up, and stepped forward.

 Transformed into a green bull, with its feet stepping on the clouds and its body wrapped in flowing light.

 One step and one thunder.

 One step at a time.

This is! !

Di Ting's eyes narrowed and he lost his words for a moment.

 Green Ox is the mount of Dao Ancestor, so whoever is qualified to ride it...

Di Ting suddenly sat back and fell to the ground, her scalp numb, and she blurted out:

 “Qi Wuhuo!!”

"who are you?!"

 Who will it become again? !

This was an ordinary day, but it was also a history that later generations of historians wrote about.

At this time, the people at the foot of the mountain are immersed in the afterglow of the New Year and looking forward to the future. The farmers are eager for the harvest, and the children are thinking about growing taller; The node erupted, and Lu Chunyang calmed down, preparing to face his enemy; the great Bodhisattva of the sixteen lines of Buddhism gathered into the crowd of people discussing the Dharma.

this day.

 A young Taoist, riding a green bull.

 Going down the mountain.

 (End of this chapter)

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