I Am Immortal

Chapter 461: Purple air comes thirty thousand miles from the east

Chapter 461 Purple Qi Comes Thirty Thousand Miles from the East

The green bull stepped into the void, and with each step, bursts of thunder shook in the void. The sound was like thunder. In an instant, all the clouds dispersed, surging wildly towards both sides, like a wave, like this The momentum was obviously huge and earth-shaking, but it seemed to be silent. The people at the foot of the mountain seemed unable to hear anything and continued to live their normal lives.

Wei Di listened to watch this scene, it was shocking, the turmoil in her heart was beyond words, she only felt her scalp numbing, one after another. It was precisely because she knew so much that her mood and feelings at this moment were stronger and more inadequate. I thought it was an outsider's way, my heart was shaken, my throat paused, and it was difficult to say anything.

But at this moment, the emotions were surging like a river, like the creation of the world. When I lowered my head, I saw that it was still calm down the mountain. People were coming and going as usual. Children were running on the path. The man carrying winter cabbage was shouting something as he walked. Shaking and swaying, the pole also swayed and swayed, just like this worldly life, swaying and swaying, and finally moving forward step by step.

People on one side were talking about this year, mentioning their children’s studies, with a slight smile on their lips.

 The red dust is as warm as ever.

 Haven't been disturbed at all by these foreign objects.

The Taoist rode a green ox down the mountain to join the world, but the people at the foot of the mountain remained as usual.

One movement and one silence, one yin and one yang, but they seemed to fit together at this moment. Suddenly, a trace of indescribable emotion arose in his heart as he listened. The way of action and inaction was mysterious and subtle, but it was difficult to put it into words. He was stunned and quiet. After waiting for a long time, he suddenly felt something. He turned around and saw that the three courtyards on the mountain slowly disappeared, leaving only the young Taoist's courtyard.

Di listened in a daze and murmured: "Yard, how come there is only one yard left?"

A woodcutter came early in the morning, picked up a pole, carried two bundles of firewood, and a hatchet on his waist. He came from the bottom of the mountain, his steps were as slow as the world of mortals. Hearing this, he laughed and said: "Hahaha , Isn’t this the only room here?! Besides, it hasn’t been inhabited for a long time, and it’s already covered with dust.”


Di Ting was startled and subconsciously said: "Huh?"

 “Hahaha, if you don’t believe it, look at it!”

The woodcutter raised his hand and pointed in the distance. Listening looked up and saw the house on the mountain. It seemed that a long time had passed. The house was locked and there were scratches on the wood. The ground in the yard was covered with snow, and the table It was also covered with snow, but the snow on the table was not very thick. No one had stepped on it, so it was still white. The leaves on the plum branches were rugged, and the petals fell one by one, as if they were unhurried and unhurried, as if time had lasted forever.

The woodcutter laughed: "Ha, what nonsense are you talking about?"

“I have been collecting firewood here for a long time, and there is only one room here from beginning to end.”

Immediately he laughed and walked forward, bypassing Listen, and walked deeper into the mountains. As he walked, he sang: "Watching chess players, felling trees, walking slowly at the mouth of the valley beside the clouds, selling firewood and wine, laughing wildly to express my love. The sky is full of love. The autumn is high, I lean against the moon with pine roots, and I sleep at dawn."

"Recognize the old forest, climb the cliffs and cross the ridges, cut off the dead vines with an ax. Collect them into a load, and sell them to the market, and you can get three liters of rice. There is no competition among the seeds, the current price is average, no scheming, no honor or disgrace, indifferent Born, Made."

 “Where we meet, it’s either immortality or Taoism, sit quietly and talk about Huang Ting.”

The song gradually became distant, and the woodcutter turned a few bends on the road, and gradually moved further and further away. As the mist shrouded the mountains, he could no longer see it. Wei Di listened to it for a long time, and suddenly, as if he had woken up from a long dream, he said: "Ah, yes."

 “It’s time for me to return to the City of Wasted Death.”

On the top of the mountain, the three Taoist ancestors looked at their disciples walking away. Their expressions were either gentle, lonely, or plain. However, they smiled at each other, nodded, and then each found a direction and walked. In an instant, Time has gone far away, and not a trace remains. Here, the sky is high, the clouds are vast, all living things are in the world, the mountains are pure, and the snow falls endlessly. Only the sound of singing songs seems to exist.


Qi Wuhuo stopped at the top of the mountain for a long time, watching the luck. It was like a dam blocking a river. The waves of luck were all blocked. Although they were blocked, the majestic momentum was not reduced at all. , it just keeps accumulating, and when the accumulation reaches the extreme, it bursts out, revealing a power that far exceeds its own limit.

 Ride down the green bull with the trend, step on the long river of luck, and the momentum is overwhelming.

Above the sky, the sun was rising, and its purple light fell on the young Taoist's robe.

The robe was slightly moving in the wind, and seemed to be glowing with purple brilliance.

The Taoist raised his hand and held the eight-view palace lantern in his palm. When the sun first came into my lantern, a little bit of purple air took advantage of the joyful wind from the sky and flew thousands of miles away. As the green bull stepped on the clouds step by step, it seemed as if there were layers of ripples, and the purple energy continued to spread on the clouds and rivers.

There is a Taoist Qi practitioner who practices every day and pays attention to the temperature of the fire. He breathes in and out when the sun is first born, and collects the wisp of purple gas into the body to strengthen the internal energy and sound.

 Zhongzhou City·Lian Yang Temple.

The little Taoist priest cleans his mind in front of the Sanqing Hall and looks at the sky to breathe. This is his habit. Although it is difficult to determine whether the purple energy exists or not, day after day, year after year , finally gained something, but suddenly paused at this moment, only to find that today's purple energy not only did not disappear in an instant, but was like a big river, surging forward with no end, one after another.

   The little Taoist priest Mingxin opened his eyes suddenly.

  I was stunned immediately.

Throwing the broom that the Taoist master who stayed here more than a year ago had put on the ground, he immediately shouted:

 “Master, Master!!”

 “Master, come out and take a look!”

 The old Taoist priest smiled and said, "What's wrong?"

“Master, come out and see, come out and see!”

Ming Xin ignored it and dragged the old Taoist priest out. The old Taoist smiled and comforted his disciples, saying that it was a big deal and making a fuss. He also pulled the old Taoist me out, walked out immediately, raised his head and looked outside, and his expression suddenly froze, almost for a moment. Forgot to breathe, forgot to speak.

 What people see today.

The purple air is endless and majestic, spreading out like a long river.

  Thirty thousand miles from west to east.

 It refers directly to the capital.

In the capital, thousands of craftsmen were working around the clock, working hard to process, and huge square stones were excavated from the mining site, and then they were carried over by trained warriors, and they were quickly carried out. Splicing, right in the center of the capital, a huge arena was created in a very short period of time.

Whether they are Buddhists, Taoists, aristocratic families, military strategists, or ordinary people, they all pay attention to this matter. Not to mention the many thugs selling things, Shi Hu, who will always come here to look at it for a while, and then No matter how naughty a child is, he will be stunned looking at this huge competition stage.

They know that this seems to determine whether they will shave their heads in the future.

  Decided whether he could move in with his childhood sweetheart, blushing at the elders’ jokes.

In their cognition, there is nothing grand and great, just these small things, such as not eating drunken dates, not wearing clothes that are too conspicuous, having to shave their heads, and using lit... The incense burns scars on the head, the inability to eat meat, these small things, but when these small things are gathered together, they become a big event that even the children know the weight of.

 The emperor still lives high in the attic.

Sixteen monks who were either compassionate or gentle were sitting cross-legged near one end of the imperial city. They were wearing ordinary and simple cassocks. They all carried a very strong Buddhist charm. This charm was powerful, but it was Practitioners of Buddhism who are compassionate, gentle, and able to overcome the eight difficulties similar to those of Taoism and reach the realm of Bodhisattva have all walked their own path and have their own understanding of the Dharma of all Buddhas.

·Cultivation of this body is not false at all.

 The reason why I came here is just due to timing, luck and fate.

Because they all recognized the grand goal of the vast Buddha Dharma and the vast Buddhist sect, they gathered under this goal and were obsessed with it. They believed that for the ultimate, absolutely just and absolutely correct result, some ruthless means and mistakes in the process, It's not that it's unacceptable.

They even took some kind of special elixir for a short period of time, which lowered their realm and cultivation level. They showed that they were just ordinary Buddhist monks, not Bodhisattvas, free from cause and effect, and capable of mastering all Buddhist dharma. The realm is to superficially conform to the theory of Buddhism and Taoism this time.

One of the monks opened his eyes slightly and scanned the surrounding living beings. Just like looking at grass and trees, the grass and trees are ruthless, and the same is true when looking at the common people. The same is true when looking at the common people, and the same is true when looking at the grass and trees. This is the realm of Buddhism, which is the so-called equal treatment. , at this moment, his eyes were calm and gentle, falling on the opponent in front.

Taomen also seem to know that there is something wrong with these Buddhist monks whose names they have never heard of in the past.

 The eminent monks and virtuous men of hundreds of years are not among them.

If he is not an ascetic monk who has been cultivating to this day, or he is a famous ancient monk from hundreds of years ago, or even a thousand years ago, ordinary Taoists will definitely not be the opponent of such monks. At this moment, in the Taoist land, there is only one person holding a sword and crossing his knees. Sitting there, he poured himself a drink. His appearance was carefree and carefree, but he said with a smile: "Everyone across from me seems to be a poor old friend. Would you like some wine to moisten your throat?"

 The monks did not answer.

Those monks locked their eyes on the Taoist who was pouring and drinking himself, quite wildly. They recognized that they had seen this Shangdong Immortal on the Tianque. He was full of pure Yang Zhenqi, and his cultivation level had reached the level among the true kings. Thick, but suddenly one day, he fell in love again and fell into the eighth calamity. He continued to fall from the realm of the true king, and finally fell into the realm of the earthly immortal. It is said that he was so dissolute that he no longer had the foundation to prove the true king again.

 However, what we see today is that it is sharper than before.

But it is clearly a sign that he has gradually overcome the eight difficulties of love and is about to return to the realm of the true king.

He was once a true king, fell into eight difficulties, and climbed back to his original realm again. The true king who achieved such an achievement is completely different from the ordinary true king who has cultivated step by step. His realm is deeper and his foundation is thicker. Anyone who has had such experiences in the past has achieved the imperial realm.

 Behind Lu Chunyang was the armored military leader Li Zhai.

With an indifferent expression, he looked calmly at the monks in front of him, and seemed to be looking at the Human Emperor behind the monks. This place is the hinterland of the nine states in the Central Plains, and it is also the capital of the gods and warriors in the world. It is originally the place where human luck is most prosperous. In addition, With the previous fight between the Human Emperor and Li Zhai, the atmosphere here has reached its peak.

With the strength of the monks, they can almost see with the naked eye the roaring, boundless angry and powerful human destiny, like a tiger with wings, roaring up to the sky, shocking everyone around, even these Bodhisattvas have to sigh in their hearts and clasp their hands. Said to himself: "It's good luck!"

 “Sure enough, humanity is on the rise!”

“Yes, with this kind of luck, the era of great prosperity for my Buddhist sect is coming.”

“That’s right, that’s right. It’s fitting that my Buddha will be prosperous!”

A blue dragon, a ferocious tiger, two streams of human destiny gathered together, facing each other, as if they might burst out at any time, and as a strong man struck the gong heavily, a harsh sound arose. , shaking in all directions, Lu Dongbin's eyes flashed with a cold light, and he threw the wine bottle in his hand behind him. He stood up staggeringly, holding the sword in one hand and pointing it forward with the other, and said loudly:

 “I don’t know which Buddhist master gave me advice!”

 The Bodhisattvas slowly opened their eyes, and their gazes all fell on Lu Dongbin.

It's as if the energy of Buddhism, the foundation of Taoism, and the joys and sorrows of the next few hundred years in this world, and many prosperity are all tied to this body. Even if you are defeated, you still have to devote all your strength to it. This is the day when Lu Chunyang of the Dao Sect fights These are more than ten Buddhist Bodhisattvas who have hidden their identities.

One of the monks stood up, clasped his hands and walked forward, saying calmly: "The poor monk practices Buddhism and has no other supernatural powers. He only knows emptiness, falsehood, and the nothingness of all things. Today's first battle is between me and you. I Waiting is empty."

The second monk stood up immediately, clasped his hands together, looked strange and ancient, and said in a voice as dull as thunder: "This poor monk has no way to practice and has not been able to achieve many magical powers. Only his concentration is acceptable. But sitting here, thunder bombards , flames burn the city, but my heart does not move, my spirit does not move, my mind does not move, and my law does not move."

 The third monk also continued to answer.

Even the sixteen monks and bodhisattvas all explained the reasons for the competition. From self-cultivation, to understanding, to mysticism, to all kinds of concentration and character, sixteen monks, there are sixteen competitions, that is In order to compete for luck, the upper and lower ranks were divided. At this moment, even the ordinary people around who had no cultivation and no knowledge of the realm also knew how difficult this competition was for the Taoist Priest.

These monks must be extremely powerful people to be able to stand here. The subject of the competition must be what they are best at, the most powerful thing, and the one who is most confident of winning.

 He is the only one who comes to the Daomen.

In other words, this Lu Chunyang must defeat these sixteen monks who are best at these things in sixteen areas, and must surpass these strongest Buddhists in sixteen areas before he can win. At least nine of them must The first victory was a wheel battle, a continuous battle, and more importantly, it was the strength of oneself to defeat the monks.

"It's over, it's over...Is there only one person like this in the Dao Sect?!"

 “In this case, wouldn’t it be better to shave your hair in advance?!”

“Damn it, is the Taoist sect considered my local sect? I usually sound nice, but at this time, I can’t get more than a dozen accomplished people to participate in the competition?!”

“Well, you can’t say that. Maybe this Taoist priest is powerful enough to fight one against ten?”

"Huh? I don't think it's possible to fight one against ten. Besides, if you're not sure, why did the general agree!? Isn't this a trap for us?!"

Among the crowd, there were many noisy voices, some of them were really disappointed, and some were the backlash of the aristocratic families. The noise was so loud that even the soldiers of the military strategists intercepted them angrily, but they could not stop their voices, and they were far away. At the highest point here, in the Star-Zhaing Tower, the old monk put his hands together and said gently:

“It’s like hitting an egg against a rock.”

"No matter how famous Lu Chunyang is, how great his moral character, how great his cultivation is, he will definitely be defeated by now. Your Majesty, you can rest assured."

  "Lü Chunyang has been defeated, and so has the Taoist sect."

"Not to mention that many fellow practitioners have reached the strongest point in Buddhism for these parts; just with one enemy against many, Lu Chunyang will be defeated by one point; with his own shortcomings, he will defeat the strengths of all the Buddhas, and he will be defeated by one point; with one place, he will be defeated. Immortal, when you attack the sixteen Bodhisattvas, you are defeated by a third point. Before the battle begins, the Taoist sect has already been defeated by three points. For Your Majesty, this battle is just a must-win battle."

 After a long time, the Human Emperor said: "Is that so..."

 The discussion started just after that, but it exceeded everyone’s expectations.

 Lü Chunyang, with the body of an Earth Immortal, defeated three monks in a row.

On the law of unparalleled law, unparalleled fighting method, extraordinary argument!

Previously, everyone had no hope for Lu Chunyang, and was overshadowed by everything in the future; but seeing this Taoist win three times in a row, they couldn't help but cheer him up. The momentum was huge for a while, and the fate of humanity was skewed. The Human Emperor Li Hui's expression was slightly cold. The old monk's eyes narrowed slightly as he watched the monks compete with each other in concentration, confusing each other with illusions while trying to keep their own minds as calm as water.

It seems that you have also experienced a calamity, and you are going to use this matter to climb up to the sky again and return to the realm of pure yang and pure emptiness.

However, it’s a pity...

 The fate of humanity is destined to be that of my Buddha.

 Please fellow Taoist descend.

He moved his wrist slightly, as if holding a flower, and soon there was an insect in his hand.

But it is a scorpion, which is the immortal body of the Buddha and the pure body of the God. Even if it is stung by this scorpion, it will be extremely painful. No matter how strong the body is, it will take half a day to recover. The wrist moves slightly, but After saying "Let's go," the scorpion turned into a stream of light and flew behind Lu Chunyang. With just one click, Lu Chunyang's expression suddenly changed.

He was still able to endure it, but suddenly the second and third blow suddenly made Lu Dongbin unable to bear it. He shouted lowly, his mind shuddered, and the sword energy escaped. The Bodhisattva took advantage of the opportunity to counterattack. His face immediately turned pale, and he coughed up blood from the corner of his mouth. All the Buddhist monks shouted in unison, "Victory!"


Li Zhai glanced at him, unsheathed his sword, and killed the scorpion in an instant. However, he saw Lu Chunyang's face was pale and empty. It was obvious that his mind was being plotted, and his heart was chilling. The monks in front were smiling, and there were cheering sounds all around him. After freezing, people saw the Taoist priest with extraordinary grace sitting cross-legged on the ground with difficulty, his face pale, and they couldn't believe it for a moment.


How could it be possible to lose like this? !

 And it looks like he’s so damaged that he can’t fight anymore...

 The smile from before was still on his face, but it solidified in an instant.

The group of monks were satisfied with their ambitions. Li Hui also slowly exhaled and raised his eyes to look at the world.

 This world is mine after all...

He murmured: "Fourth brother, you have been defeated, the Taoist sect has also been defeated, and I am the one to whom destiny belongs... The purple air in the sky is like a purple star coming to the world, isn't it the same?"

The old monk Wen Wen looked at the overall situation below. The sixteen Bodhisattvas took action together, as well as himself. Many immortals from the human Taoist sect were in heaven and could not come to the human world. The mere Taoist sect forces in the human world had no power to fight back.

He was smiling to himself, but suddenly he was startled.

Um? !

 Zi Qi? !

He suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky in the distance, his pupils suddenly contracted, and the Bodhisattvas did the same. In an instant, all the practitioners of Buddhism and Taoism noticed the boundless purple energy, which was luxurious and dignified, but also Taoist. The pure majesty comes slowly and peacefully.

In the blink of an eye, it has spread to the sky above the capital. In an instant, the fate of the conflict between Buddhism and Taoism solidified.

 The expressions of the thirteen Bodhisattvas suddenly changed.

This kind of purple energy, majestic and majestic, with the rich purity and freedom of Taoism, made them instantly feel the crisis.

They all showed the majesty of Buddhism, showed the appearance of Bodhisattvas, and displayed their magical powers. The Buddha's light rose into the sky, trying to cover the imperial capital on earth. At this moment, everyone realized that the enemies in front of them were all Arhats and Bodhisattvas in the sky. The boundless Buddha's light invaded the sky. Ran, this place almost turned into a Buddhist scene, with flowers falling from the sky and golden lotuses pouring from the ground. Everyone almost felt desperate, even the Mingzhen Taoist Alliance.

How can human beings defeat these mighty powers from the Buddhist kingdom?

 Just the next moment, the Buddha's light collapsed, and the Bodhisattva's Dharma turned into nothingness.

Thirteen Bodhisattvas, three hundred Arhats, five hundred Vajras, and monks and novices all coughed up blood and retreated violently.

 The Buddha's light dissipated, leaving only the majestic purple energy.

 Purple air comes thirty thousand miles from the east.

 In a flash.

 The battle between Buddhism and Taoism has been decided!

 The outcome has been decided—

 But the people haven’t arrived yet!

 A moment of dead silence!

 Everyone is at a loss.

The old monk's face suddenly changed, and he stared straight ahead. In the sea of ​​purple clouds that seemed to spread to the farthest place, above the morning sun, a Taoist sat on a green bull, holding an eight-view palace lantern, with his arms crooked. With a fly whisk, he came slowly step by step. The boundless and majestic momentum accumulated to the extreme, and then exploded, pure and comfortable, yet boundless.

Holding a fly whisk, riding a green ox, and carrying a palace lantern with eight views.

 “The Supreme Disciple…”

 The old monk's heart was in turmoil.

At this moment, the green bull carried the Taoist to the capital, and the Taoist with lowered eyes raised his head.

 A pair of eyes like cold stars instantly met the old monk's eyes.

 In the Eight Scenery Palace Lanterns, the lights were brightly lit in an instant.


 Today I attended an event in Guangdong and came back late. I stayed up late typing, so the update will probably be late tomorrow (peaceful)

 Six thousand words, good night

 (End of this chapter)

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