I Am Immortal

Chapter 477: The Buddhas arrived a decade early!

Chapter 477 The Buddhas arrived a decade early!

Li Hui was stunned. He finally seemed to have lost all his pride and glory, even his dreams, even his ambition to be the emperor above millions of people, and even his great wish to pursue immortality above this emperor. At this moment, he seemed weak in front of his brother's pride, and was completely shattered into powder by the deafening roar.

Li Hui sat there and murmured: "The four seas are unified, the world is one country."

 “The four seas are unified, the world is one country…”

 This is an achievement that surpasses that of the First Emperor eight thousand years ago!

In these eight words, there is naturally an indescribable heroic spirit and fierce tyrannical will. While they were coveting the throne of the human emperor left by their ancestors, Li Zhai had already seen the more distant one. Scenery, Li Hui could almost hear the anger hidden in these eight words of his brother... no, King Mighty.

 Throughout the generations, there should be heroes!

How can it be weaker than the ancients?

Li Hui raised his hands to cover his face, but suddenly his body trembled and he started laughing and crying.


Qi Wuzhuo watched Li Zhai walk out. The latter pursed his lips and looked dim, but with a sense of determination. Li Zhai nodded towards Qi Wuzhuo and thanked him: "Taoist Priest, you are here, it is a favor for me." Finally met my brother."

Qi Wuhuo looked at him, his eyes scanning the highest point of the Star Building behind him.

He could see the energy and knew the cause and effect, so he knew that this seemed to be the last time Li Zhai and Li Hui met in their lives. The Taoist did not say the cause and effect, because the determination on Li Zhai's face could explain many things. The two of them went downstairs together, and Qi Wuhuo said, "I just heard about King Mighty's ambition."

Li Zhai paused and said, "Does the Taoist priest also think it's ridiculous?"

He spoke calmly and said: "Ten thousand years ago, the earth was dotted with countries. They were fighting endlessly, and there would only be existences similar to overlords. And the Emperor of the First Man eight thousand years ago was almost completely stable. The matter of a world under one kingdom, but ultimately failed before success..."

 “I just feel that this time may be the last chance.”

Li Zhai said: "Now that the Shenwu Kingdom has strong soldiers and horses, but there is no emperor to restrain the country, and the wings of the aristocratic families have been cut off, I am enough to completely suppress them while I am still alive. No one in the four directions is my opponent. Everything is enough. I am a military strategist." The situation is consistent, I can feel that the general trend has been achieved, and we should complete our efforts in one battle."

“If there is such an opportunity, we must complete this matter in the hands of our generation...”

 “What do you think, Taoist Priest?”

The young Taoist looked at the young and mighty king in front of him.

 He suddenly had a feeling.

He is clearly in the world, but he also has a feeling of being beyond the world. He wants to suppress him for a period of time in this world. However, within this period of time, the one who really stands out in this turbulent era and completes his achievements is not. Not myself, but the friends and old friends around me.

 Looking from here, it seems that I have been born again.

 The Taoist suddenly had a more intuitive feeling about his own [Destiny] that he sensed.

Who was it that stopped Senior Brother Xuanzhen at the last moment?

The young Taoist thought in his mind. He did not answer Li Zhai's invitation and inquiry directly. He just swept the whisk away, put it on his arm, and replied gently: "The poor Taoist will stay in the capital for a period of time."

Li Zhai was slightly startled, then laughed.

 “Then, after a while, you and I will drink the last bottle of wine.”

 “I will be old by then and you will become an immortal.”

 “It’s not like we know each other in this life anymore.”

The Taoist resigned and parted with Li Zhai, then walked back to the street where the storage room was. People were coming and going. The young Taoist glanced around and did not notice the little dragon girl from before. He thought that the latter was going to take a long-term view and catch big fish. ’, and gradually became familiar with him here, and then looked for an opportunity to take away the young Taoist’s money bag.

  …“…just let her go.”

The Taoist walked into the storage room. Old Qingniu had just bandaged the wound of the monk who had been sent there. It was pity. Old Qingniu had obviously just cooked a lot of vegetarian dishes, tofu and everything. , just waiting for the young Taoist monk to come back for dinner, but when he came back he was a monk who vented more energy than he took in.

Old Qingniu had been with the Supreme Being for so many years, and he did know some medical skills. In addition, before coming here, Qi Wuhuo had already stuffed the Randen monk's mouth with some of the medicine that the Jade Emperor had given him when he stepped into the fairyland. The elixir and vitality were retained at least, and after Lao Niu struggled for a while, he finally managed to calm down his injuries.

 Lao Qingniu wiped his sweat, took a long breath, and said, "Oh, I am an old man, Wu Huo, who is this monk?"

Qi Wuhuo said: "It's Master Ran Deng."

 “Light up the lamp?!”

 Lao Qingniu was surprised and subconsciously glanced at the monk with his eyes closed.

During the catastrophe of Zhongzhou, Ran Deng also participated in the battle and contained all the evil and filthy energy of the tribulations into his body. After that, he also got along with the demon clan and lived and died twice. Qi Wuhuo never thought of it before. , seeing Ran Deng again like this, he stretched out his hand to use his own Qi to warm up his body.

This monk had many hidden wounds in his body, and his foundation was almost completely damaged and was already crumbling.

  It is shocking.

Qi Wuhuo didn't know what kind of torture this compassionate and true monk suffered before his Arhat foundation was tortured to this state. After being warmed up, the monk's energy improved slightly and barely returned to stability, but His spirit fell silent and he was still extremely weak. He never woke up, so he had to find a room where he could rest for a while and asked Lao Qingniu:

“Uncle Niu looked like you just now, does he recognize Master Ran Deng?”

 Lao Qingniu picked up a peanut with his fingers, threw it into his mouth, chewed it a few times, shook his head and said, "Hey, how can I not recognize you?"

"It has a very deep foundation and is related to the legendary Buddha. However, the Buddha was not born, and he himself refused to stay in the Buddhist Kingdom of the West for a long time. He always wandered in the human world. Wuhu, you should also know that the Emperor Realm Once he succeeds, he will have no regrets. He practices different Buddhist Dharma every time, only participating in the true Dharma and not seeking supernatural powers."

“Every time I practice this lineage of Buddhism, I reach the fruition of [Bodhisattva].”

"Then he will return to the Bodhi tree, scatter all his Dharma roots, become a common man again, and then enter another lineage of Dharma. He will spend thousands of years practicing to become a [Bodhisattva], and then go back to the Dharma to practice again. This will be ten thousand For seven thousand years, he has practiced and scattered all the methods of the Buddha lineage, but he has not been able to find the right path and the right path in his eyes."

Qi Wuhuo said to himself: "The Sanfa has been re-cultivated 17 times, a total of 17,000 years."

He looked at the seriously injured monk who was sleeping soundly in the room. Knowing how much asceticism he had spent in these seventeen thousand years, he couldn't help but sigh and stood up. Behind the young Taoist, Old Qingniu suddenly said: "Xuanwei Real person, what do you want to do? Interfering in Buddhist affairs will cause numerous consequences and will not be eliminated for thousands of years."

The young Taoist paused slightly and replied: "It's just for the sake of the human world."

He raised his hand, and a scroll fell on the table in the storage room. It showed the ups and downs of mountains, rivers, lakes, and seas, as well as human cities. Old Qingniu may not be very strong, but following Tao Ancestor, he has seen a lot. Guang recognized the object at a glance and asked, "Empress Wa's "Mountains and Rivers"?"

 “However, this treasure seems...”

 “Well, it’s time to transform.”

Qi Wuzhuo picked up a pen from the side, dipped it in the luck of humanity, and then put pen to paper on the scroll. Ripples suddenly appeared on the "Mountains and Rivers Picture". Qi Wuzhuo added another stroke on it today, so There was a stream of light on the scroll, and under the young Taoist's pen, the outline and prototype of a city slowly appeared on the mountain and river map.

The content of "Mountains and Rivers" was added, which increased the connection between this treasure and the human world without destroying its original charm. It made Lao Qingniu marvel at it. However, he was just worried about one thing. Qi Wuhuo changed "Mountains and Rivers". "Picture", if Fuxi knew about it, would it be another big headache?

  But such things will happen in the future.

Old Qingniu pointed out: "Sooner or later, if this burning lamp is here, it will attract the attention of Buddhism. If you leave it here, it will eventually cause trouble. Everything, every drink and every peck, has cause and effect. Have you thought about it?"

Qi Wuhuo dipped his pen into the "Mountains and Rivers Picture" to perfect the "Mountains and Rivers". He paused and replied: "He once fought hard in Zhongzhou and saved countless people. Today he is in trouble, and I can't leave him behind." Besides."

 The young Taoist’s voice paused:

“The Buddhas may not dare to come in.”

 Lao Qingniu was so surprised that he could not speak.


After the four great Bodhisattvas separated, they each returned to their respective dojos. However, Guanshiyin Bodhisattva vaguely noticed a stream of majestic Buddhist dharma energy appearing at the border. His Buddhist dharma cultivation was extremely high, and he immediately felt that something was wrong, and made some calculations. , that is, I know that I am afraid that what happened at Landa Temple will arouse the anger of the Buddhas behind me and want to invade the human world.

Immediately, I was worried in my heart. While sending the message to the other friends, I followed the induction of the Buddha's light and went forward, intending to stop the Buddhas, talk to them and ask them, in order to delay the time.

Although the methods of the Buddhas are not great, they are still better than those of ordinary true kings.

The road of one hundred and eight thousand miles is not a very far distance for them. It can be said that they arrived in an instant. From a distance, they can already see the human city, which is quite majestic and tall. When Li Zhai led his troops to turn around, he left behind At this moment, these border generals all saw the clear Buddha's light on the horizon, shining in one direction, and they were a little at a loss for a moment.

A human city can stop wild beasts and other countries. Even if the monsters come, they can draw their swords and fight.

 But these changes in the Buddha's light and the divine clarity made them not know how to deal with themselves.

More than a dozen Buddhas have traveled thousands of miles, but there is a border in front of them. They only need to take a slight step to enter this world of gods and warriors. But at this time, they are just like the previous ones. Acting from the heart and not lying, Namo Shanle, like the Tathagata Yin Guangming, felt the majestic changes in cause and effect and energy.

 Every person’s expression was either frozen or solemn.

 The Tathagata Namo wheel shines all over the auspiciousness and cannot help but sigh:

 “Good luck!”

They all felt the turbulent momentum in the world. There was indeed an intuition that when they stepped into this place, they would be locked by cause and effect, and their Qi would collapse and suppress them. However, there was a trace of doubt in their hearts. If there was such a majestic luck, If it were suppressed, how could Nawu Shanle Ziziyin Guangming Tathagata have provoked this fate before and still be able to escape unscathed? !

 The Buddhas looked at each other, and their expressions were a little ugly:

"If it weren't for Namo Shanle Ziziyin Guangming Tathagata, who started talking nonsense, not to mention it was a right move just now, in fact, the old slippery man never even had a confrontation with that person."

“Just one provocative word from a distance, and then he turned around and ran thousands of miles away.”

“Otherwise, during this period of coming and going, human destiny will change again.”

“That Taoist’s suppressed luck and entangled cause and effect are much stronger than before the stick of incense…”

Instinctively, they did not want to believe in the second possibility, but their reason told them that it was impossible for Namo Shanle Ziziyin Guangming Tathagata to lie about such a thing. In other words, during the time of burning incense, Luck in the world has improved again.

 “What a monster…”

“It is the times that create heroes, or heroes that create times.”


All the Buddhas were silent, and one of them said: "Namo wheel shines all over the auspicious Tathagata, the Buddha's Dharma is vast, please go ahead."

The Tathagata Tathagata Shining All over Namo wheel said: "The Tathagata Tathagata Tathagata Tathagata Tathagata is swift and angry, his speed is extraordinary, and he is like an infinite light. Please go ahead."

 “No, no, no, Buddhist friends go first.”

 “Wrong, wrong, wrong, fellow practitioners please go first.”

The Buddhas wanted to go several times, but no one left first, because they all sensed that the fortune of Shenwu Jiuzhou was slowly gathering, forming a system of its own, and there was a faint momentum of wind and clouds. The Taoist sat in the center and stepped into it, He will definitely be locked by this momentum. If that Taoist takes advantage of the trend and moves out of the capital, he will indeed be unrivaled.

 They know that the Taoist only has the foundation of Zhenjun and can only use one sword.

 But that sword is 100% enough to keep a Buddha here.

The way to gain momentum and luck is to accumulate energy. Once it pours out, it will be like a vast ocean. The second move will never have such momentum, but none of them dare to bet on who the sword will hit. Above my head, I dare not bet on which Buddha was left here.

 This sudden change in energy made all the Buddhas immobile, unwilling to move, or even afraid to move!

Whoever takes the lead will die!

That man only had one sword, but only one head on his neck.

The Buddhas avoided the robbery several times to have such accomplishments and realms. They were extremely cautious. For a while, they only stopped outside the border of Kyushu Kyushu.

Their eyes were filled with clear Buddha light, and they were observing the destiny and cause and effect in this world, but they found nothing. They didn’t know how to advance, and they couldn’t retreat. But at this moment, a force of energy suddenly rose from the ground, and all the Buddhas followed this destiny. Looking over, he lowered his eyes and saw a little Taoist boy, carved in pink and jade, wearing a dark blue robe, with a plum blossom on his arm. He followed the flow of cause and effect and majestic aura, pacing over, looking relaxed and free.

Although his moral character does not seem to be high, this move can be regarded as taking advantage of the general trend.

The Buddhas were astonished and saw that this little Taoist boy was a small node in the fate of humanity in Shenwu Jiuzhou. The little Taoist boy walked up to the city and first greeted the human warriors guarding the place, and then looked at the countless Buddha lights in the sky. , took a deep breath, and then said in a childish but serious voice, word by word:

“Everyone, I’m here to bow my head.”

 “In respect of the real person’s decree, I come here to say a word to you.”

 Namo wheel shining all over the auspicious Tathagata put his hands together, appeared from the clouds, and said gently: "Little layman, please speak."

Little Yaoling thought for a while, held the plum blossom branch in his hand, and then threw the plum blossom branch forward.

In the capital city, a young Taoist holds a pen and writes the "Mountains and Rivers Picture" with the destiny of the world in the void. In this "Mountains and Rivers Picture", there are mountains, rivers, lakes and seas, undulating terrain, and many sceneries in the world. It seems that there is a faint sense of Qi. Regarding border matters, Qi Wuhuo raised his pen and pointed at the sun in the sky, as if it was dipped in the color of the sun.

 The human energy in his body turned around, and he took up the pen and smeared it in the Yangtze River, turning the red on the tip of the pen into light red.

 This is when I started writing about the border.

The stroke of the pen is slightly sideways, and the energy of the person flows, following the trend, and making a stroke to one side.

 A blush spread out.

At the border gate, when the little Taoist boy threw the plum blossom branch, the Buddhas didn't even care, but the next moment, an indescribably powerful and special "Qi" fell from the heaven and the earth, and combined with the destiny of human nature, it fell there. On the plum blossom branches, the next moment, in front of the Buddhas and the soldiers at the border, they all saw a red plum forest appearing outside the fortress, stretching for ten miles, red as fire.

 Namo wheel shines all over the auspicious Tathagata with a solid expression.

All Buddhas are silent.

Avalokitesvara, who came in a hurry, also saw this scene. Jingran looked at the little boy standing there. He looked dignified, folded his hands in front of him, and said every word in a clear voice:

“The Buddhas have come to the human world a few years ago.”

 “My master said, please come back.”

 “Today, he will see no guests.”

 (End of this chapter)

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