I Am Immortal

Chapter 478: Qi Wuhuo saw the way of [imperial]

Chapter 478 Qi Wuhuo sees the way to [imperial]

The little Taoist boy's voice was extremely clear. Although he had a natural charm and Taoist charm, his realm and Taoist behavior were clearly very low. I am afraid that even an immortal has not yet been able to achieve it. Just an Arhat Vajra could beat this little guy. They were captured, not to mention the Buddhas in the Western Heaven Buddha Kingdom in front of them.

They can bluntly say that this little Taoist boy cannot even escape from the Buddha's kingdom in their hands.

But at this moment, this Taoist boy came with the momentum, and there seemed to be thousands of mountains and rivers behind him, and there was this human world, so these few words had an extremely heavy weight. A dozen or so people could lift this little Taoist boy with just a lift of their fingers. The crushed Buddha was frightened and did not dare to take even one step further.

the most important is-

 The little Taoist boy just threw out a winter plum tree branch.

When it fell to the ground, it turned into a forest of plum blossoms for ten miles.

This process was light and calm, without the slightest smoke or smoke, but the terrifying Taoist deeds displayed made all the Buddhas stop. The Tathagata Namo wheel radiates auspiciousness with his hands clasped together, and he stared deeply at the vibrant cold plum forest. When he saw When the wind blew through the woods, the plum blossom branches swayed, scattering petals like sunset, murmuring:

 “Create things out of thin air, and make laws for the world with just one word…”

"This is…"

 “It’s a different phase of Dabain…”

All the Buddhas are speechless.

Just by breaking a plum blossom at random, you can transform it into a plum blossom forest.

Even if the person who uses this magical power is still tens of thousands of miles away, these changes are more shocking to people's hearts than controlling thunder, wind and rain. All the Buddhas are whispering and shaking in their hearts: "With such attainments, can it be said that that person Master Taishang Xuanwei, Zhenwu Dangmo Great Emperor, have you really achieved enlightenment?"

 “What does he mean by this sentence?”

"Arrived a month early... Does he mean that we will come over after a month? Or does he mean that after a month, we will come over even if we don't want to?"

All kinds of distracting thoughts are rolling around in my heart, ups and downs.

Fear, solemnity, fear and many other emotions fluctuate, but no matter what kind of emotion they are holding, the Buddhas have gradually formed a conclusion and a consensus -

 Retreat quickly!

Namo Chakra's omniscient illumination of the Auspicious Tathagata swept over the fellow practitioners around him. Seeing the retreat in their eyes, he couldn't help but sigh secretly. The momentum of all the Buddhas coming together has already given this cold plum a sixty-year advance. Interrupted, under such circumstances, they have no way to truly enter the human world today.

 What a good means, what a scheming idea, Master Taishang Xuanwei.

Namo Wheel All Shining Auspicious Tathagata clasped his hands together, looked at the young Taoist boy, bowed slightly, and said:

“Since Master Taishang Xuanwei is not free today, we will retreat...”

 “I don’t know what to call the little layman?”

 The little Taoist boy paused.


 He seems to have no name at all.

 There is no Taoist code!

Well, you can’t say that you are a little magician at this time, right? !

That would be too embarrassing!

The little Taoist boy's head was spinning rapidly, but he suddenly thought of a word that he could barely come up with, so there was a slight joy on his face, his hands were folded in front of him, the hem and sleeves of the dark blue Taoist robe were hanging down, and he stood in the world. On the edge of the Buddha, facing the Buddhas and the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva in the distance, he just bowed slightly, then turned and left.

  Steps are leisurely, the wind blows by, the plum blossoms are scattered like rain, the sleeves and robes are rolled up, gradually getting further and further away, just pressing the sound quietly, slowly falling, lasting and endless:

 “A Taoist who lives as long as heaven.”

 “The Immortal Immortal.”

The Buddhas saw the Taoist boy walking away, and after a long time they each sighed. They looked at the plum blossom forest where the wind was still light and the clouds were calm, without the slightest murderous aura or the slightest smoke and fire. Luck, and the Zhenwu Dangmo Emperor who is suspected of showing some abnormalities and signs of the Great Emperor level.

 In the end, they all turn around and leave.


“Immortal gods and Taoists who live as long as heaven?”

The young Taoist priest in the storage room seemed to be able to hear Xiao Yaoling's words tens of thousands of miles away, although he was clearly nervous and proud, but he still acted calmly and calmly. He couldn't help but laugh. Old Qingniu was puzzled by his words. What was he laughing at? He was just suspicious. He subconsciously looked for a bronze mirror and looked at his face.


I don’t have anything on my face?

Qi Wuhuo picked up his pen and looked at the "Mountains and Rivers Picture". Old Qingniu also came over and noticed the changes in the border. The originally yellow sand desert-like scenery suddenly had a light red plum tree like haze, and he couldn't help but be curious. He smiled and said: "It's weird, weird, is this painting the wrong one?"

"I have been to this place in the past. Large areas are covered with yellow sand. The plants are short and small. The leaves are thin and needle-like. Why are there so many plum blossom trees in this area? ?”

The Taoist replied: "It didn't exist in the past."

He held up the pen and replied: "I just drew it and it was there."

Old Qingniu laughed and said: "Hahaha, you are fooling me, right? For ordinary paintings, of course you have them after you draw them, but this is the "Mountains and Rivers Picture" that was once the treasure of Emperor Wa. , everything on the scroll corresponds to the real world, and it must exist in the real world before it can appear in..."

 Lao Qingniu's smile stopped suddenly, and he suddenly realized something. His eyes widened and he stared at the young Taoist in front of him: "Huh??! Wait!"



The Taoist looked gentle, holding the pen in his hand and looking at the scroll in front of him. The human energy flowing in his body vaguely echoed the sharpness of the brush in his hand, and also vaguely matched the human world in the scroll in front of him. Qi Wuhuo said: " Um."

 “I say there should be a forest of plum blossoms on the other side.”

 “There will be a forest of plum blossoms.”

 “I say that all Buddhas should withdraw.”

 “He then retreated.”

   ! !

Lao Qingniu was stunned and lost his mind, and murmured: "In one word, I think that the law of the world can be used to influence and control the world with my inner scene. Is it truly the realm of a great Taoist sect...?"

Qi Wuhuo said: "Of course not."

 Lao Qingniu breathed a sigh of relief.

Then I heard the man say:

 “I just used a little trick to do it.”

 Lao Qingniu: “………”

Qi Wuhuo looked at the scroll in front of him. The human Qi in his body had reached a stable state, and the divine Qi had reached the Chaoyuan state due to the Taiyi Kung Fu. The magical power it brought was the incarnation of the Yuan Shen. The five qi Chaoyuan are the body and means of a true king level; and the stability of human qi also brings magical powers that can rival the divine qi.

The young Taoist took up his pen and continued to cover "Mountains and Rivers" with his human energy unhurriedly.

 It seems like a description, but in fact it is a kind of practice.

 In the next few days, Qi Wuhuo gradually understood the improvement brought about by the stabilization of his human energy.

The human Qi at this moment cannot be compared with the divine Qi brought by Taiyi Gongti. Therefore, there is no direct improvement in Taoism, foundation and body.

 What it gives Qi Wuhuo is a special [state].

As long as Qi Wuhuo is in the human world, he can directly control the domineering force of human destiny to attack and defend just like the former Human Emperor. The upper limit of the power he can exert depends on his understanding of human destiny. insights, and the depth of the connection between oneself and the world.

 The lower limit also has methods at the Earth Immortal level, and the upper limit can display attack and defense at the True Lord level.

And when Qi Wuhuo holds the transformed human weapon "Mountains and Rivers Map", even if he is sitting in the capital, he can directly bring the vast area of ​​​​the world's gods and martial arts into his own perception. With the help of "Mountains and Rivers Map" The power can be used within the capital to exert magical powers on any area of ​​Shenwu Jiuzhou.

 It can attack, protect, or control wind and rain and many other magical powers.

By consuming your own human energy, you can use Emperor Wa's "Mountains and Rivers Picture" to reveal the magic that only great works can have at a certain level, change the reality of the world to a certain extent, and have the ability of "One word can change the world" Emperor characteristics.

While the young Taoist was trying out these abilities, Old Qingniu watched helplessly as a glacier first appeared in his yard, then the glacier was erased and turned into trees, and finally there was even an extremely abstract stick figure. The rooster walked across the yard with a few chicks that looked like chickens eating rice.

 Lao Qingniu grabbed a handful of cooked soybeans and squatted at the door to look at them for a long time. Finally, the corner of his mouth twitched and he murmured:

“This is the unique characteristic of Emperor Wa...”

 “The foundation of supernatural powers used to create humans.”

 “Mediating with creation.”

Even though Qi Wuhuo said that it must be within Shenwu Jiuzhou to be effective, and even though Qi Wuhuo said that such a method has various limitations, Lao Qingniu still felt that his life had suffered an unparalleled impact. I began to wonder if I had just taken pills and slept for such a long time?

This cow is more angry than a human being.

 “I’ve lived like a cow for the past few tribulations!”

 “No, I am a cow.”

 Lao Qingniu sighed.

He slowly took out a letter, glanced at the young Taoist behind him, and wrote on it.

 “My dearest and most beloved master, please take me away.”

“I feel that if I continue, I’m afraid I won’t survive for long. My heart will be frightened and hurt every three days. I feel like I’m going to produce bezoars.”

He took a sip of the roasted knife, chewed the sweet soybeans in his mouth, and his literary talent flourished under his pen. He expressed his nostalgia for the master after reuniting. He wrote three pages, but he still didn't finish it. Finally, he added a short paragraph at the end. Pen-

 “Also, by the way.”

 “The second master has found another way to create a great product.”

 Lao Qingniu turned his head and looked at the young Taoist over there, biting a soybean to calm down his shock.

I think it’s time for the master to feel his own shock.

So I wrote it down calmly:

 “Well, another one.”

Qi Wuhuo looked at the scroll in his hand and slowly raised his pen. He had poured his human energy into the "Mountains and Rivers Picture" and helped the Mountains and Rivers Picture complete its final transformation. On this "Mountains and Rivers Picture" There were layers of ripples, and then it completely stabilized.

At this moment, Qi Wuhuo felt the connection and interaction between the Qi of human beings, the map of mountains and rivers, and the destiny of humanity, and finally understood how important this gift was when Empress Wa gave this scroll to him—

This is a magical weapon, and it is also the path of the Empress Wa. It is a great-level magical power!

 His human energy is still only stable at this moment.

  It can partially show the signs of great qualities and scare away the Buddha.

If the fate of humanity improves again, for example, if the world of the human world is unified, will there be a greater level of improvement?

Qi Wuhuo looked at the scroll with a calm expression, and he could barely get a glimpse of the road.

Every word and deed of the human world is in the heart; even if it is thousands of miles away, it is like reading on the palm of your hand. A word can be the law of heaven and earth. A single thought can turn the sea into mulberry fields and the desert into an oasis. In this way The means and characteristics of such a power display are no longer something that [Dapin] can accommodate.

 There is only one word to describe it.

  【 Imperial】.

There are four imperial rulers in the heaven: the emperor Gouchen, the empress Tutu, Ziwei in the North Pole, and Changsheng in the South Pole.

If you follow the way of Emperor Wa, you can control the human realm, one of the six realms.

   is also enough to be called [roy].

 This is a path that even surpasses the level of Emperor Wa.

 The next step is to walk slowly.

The young Taoist looked at the three words "Mountain and River Picture" on one side of the scroll and said to himself: "The Mountain and River Picture is a picture scroll that represents the human city in ancient times. Now this picture has been connected with the fate and calamity of the entire human world. It’s no longer appropriate to call it a mountain and river map.”

Qi Wuhuo lifted the pen, and faint ripples and golden light appeared on the tip of the pen.

His pen fell on the scroll. The two words written in ancient times spread out, leaving two empty spaces. The young Taoist pen fell down and wrote two words -


The Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map is the mountain and river map owned by Emperor Wa in ancient times.

  Later, it was [■■■zu] tempered by the luck of human nature, and thus promoted to the level of a divine weapon [Shanhe Sheji Tu].

 The weapon of humanity, ranked first.

The young Taoist didn't know how famous this thing would be in the future, and the legend often just started like this. He just raised his hand to close the scroll.

The wind chimes were shaking outside, and Old Qing Niu was suspicious of Niu Sheng.

The little Taoist boy had been playing for several days, and then he came back with a bag full of fruits.

Guanshiyin didn't know why he accompanied the little Taoist boy back. Maybe he wanted to ask the young Taoist priest, or maybe he was worried that the Taoist boy would be plotted when he came back. But no matter what, he still followed him back. In the future, Tangtang [Achievements No. 1] 】The Guanyin Bodhisattva treated the Taoist boy on the road and gave him three points.

Returning to this human world again, standing at the door of the library, I saw the little Taoist boy throwing himself at Old Qingniu and acting like a baby. Guanshiyin paused for a moment, but before he could speak, he saw the Taoist already standing under the door of the library. The wind chimes were shaking, and the sky was shaking. Gao Yunyuan, Guanshiyin saw the young Taoist holding a scroll in one hand and carrying it behind his back. His expression was calm and distant. He walked out at the right time and looked at himself peacefully.

It seems that everything from the past to the present and even the future are waiting here.

 Avalokitesvara's pupils contracted slightly.

This charm—

  【大品】? !

 (End of this chapter)

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