Because of the poison of card-drawing games in her previous life, Chi Wan had a hoarding addiction to behaviors like drawing cards to open blind boxes.

Be sure to use metaphysics before opening the box. It is best to save a batch and wait for an auspicious day before trying again.

In addition, the skills of the three beast masters have been almost upgraded, so there is no need for unboxing products.

She still has 198 primary treasure chests on hand, which she has been saving for no use. She did not expect that the system would suddenly be upgraded and these outdated treasure chests could be put to new uses.

The tenth company begins.

Energy potion*8, beast-controlling clothes*2.


It's definitely not his fault, it's definitely the system's fault.

Chi Wan went to the bathroom to wash his face, changed his position and continued to smoke.

After changing about 10 places, in the end, there were 190 treasure chests, 5 with skill levels, 140 energy potions, 20 beast-controlling costumes, 5 double learning cards, 19 energy cubes, and 1 token.

Too dark!

Chi Wan hammered the table twice and rubbed his painful hands. He felt that the inventor of the system must have gone to one of the two major factories to study and learned the essence of the card drawing game.

Most of them are rubbish, a few of them are high-quality products, and a few treasures whet the appetite of the players. The system has a higher IQ, and it also knows how to adjust the drop rate according to the needs of the host. It is also hidden and tucked away. Now it is no longer a show. My heart is dark, what can you do if you know, anyway, it is an exclusive business, love or not.

"It's so dark." Chi Wan shook his head.

When she heard Chi Wan's voice, a guilty voice sounded in her ears.

"The probability is one percent. If you don't draw it 99 times, you will definitely get it on the 100th time."

The sound of the system is much softer than the initial mechanical sound, with a little guilt.

Even the guarantee is out, which is indeed the essence of the card drawing game.

"System, please introduce the virtual battle room."

"The virtual battle room can be opened for 24 hours with 1 token. It also has additional functions such as simulated opponents and senior teachers. Additional services need to be purchased with tokens. You can explore other contents by yourself."

As the system was introduced, Chi Wan's eyes lit up, and she only regretted that she had upgraded the system too late.

Until she heard the words "extra services", her heart suddenly went cold.

Sure enough, it is impossible for capitalists to give away so many benefits for free.

Chi Wan looked at the dazzling "1" behind the token, feeling overwhelmed.

The service is very good, even if the financial resources are not enough.

She asked tentatively: "Isn't there a discount? You see, we have known each other for so long. You have lived in my mind for almost a year and I haven't even paid the accommodation fee. I'll give you a discount."


The system was speechless.

While Chi Wan was battling wits with the system, Xiaobu teleported back.


(I’m so tired. Look, I’m all dirty. My eldest sister is so strict.)

As soon as he entered the door, Xiao Bu acted coquettishly towards Chi Wan, and even held up his gray cloth to show Chi Wan.

There is obviously a place to wash up in the training hall, so no wonder he didn't use it. He rolled on the ground before leaving.

So scheming!

Xiaobai and Xiaobao were eye-opening, and they both nodded, indicating that they had learned it.

Chi Wan ignored them, stared at a point on the ceiling, and kept talking.

No one around?

You won't encounter a ghost-type beast again, right?

Xiaobai and Xiaobao shuddered and moved closer together.

Although Xiaobu is also a ghost type, his own and wild ones are always different.

After Chi Wan and the system paid off the price, they found the three in a daze.

"Xiao Bai, I discovered a new training method, let's try it quickly!"

Chi Wan ran over, squatted down, held Xiao Bai's paw, and shook it vigorously.

Although the system is powerful, it obviously doesn't understand the world. Under Chi Wan's trick, I got an early adopter experience. 1 token can be used for 48 hours, and all functions can be tried for free.

Training again?

Xiaobai's face was ashen and he nodded reluctantly. King Zajuan couldn't accept it. He started training every day when he opened his eyes.

"Then let's go now."

Xiaobai's vision went dark, and when he reappeared, he was already in a very high-tech venue.

In front of it is a grinning Earth-cracking Ox, which is also the main beast of Chi Wan's next opponent Niu Susu.

? ? ?

Where is this?

Xiaobai looked around.

There were no spectators around, just a faceless silver weirdo behind the Groundbreaker.

"Xiao Bai, this is your opponent in the next match."

Xiaobai took two steps back.

Is this the work of the ghost beast again?

After 48 hours of training in the system, Chi Wan opened her eyes and immediately ran to the trash can and vomited wildly.

After vomiting all the food he had eaten that night and starting to vomit bile, Chi Wan still felt sick to his stomach.

Not only that, the brain was also swollen uncomfortably, as if it had been hit by a hammer.

No wonder the system recommends not to use time pause every time you train. It is best to keep the same time as the outside world. If this continues, who can distinguish between reality and virtuality?

Xiaobai's reaction was similar to hers. The trash can was occupied, so he ran to the bathroom. Soon there was a sound of vomiting.



Xiaobu and Xiaobao looked at each other, not understanding what happened.

In their eyes, the owner and the eldest sister closed their eyes at the same time, then opened them, and then vomited so much that they almost vomited out bile.

Chi Wan rinsed his mouth a few more times, and after the taste in his mouth dissipated, he excitedly announced: "We will definitely win tomorrow!"

Although the price of the system is high, it is very reasonable.

Through relevant information on the external Internet, Niu Susu's three beasts were reproduced, including minor problems that she had not discovered.

Within 48 hours, Chi Wan used the simulated opponent's performance and the advice of senior teachers to improve his own shortcomings while finding loopholes based on the opponent's performance.

After 48 hours, she may know the advantages and disadvantages of her beast control better than Niu Susu himself. She even knows Niu Susu's little habits and micro-expressions clearly.

The effect is very good, but it is useless.

Chi Wan drank three energy potions in a row before feeling a little relieved.

the next day.

After Chi Wan and Xiao Bai each drank an energy potion, they walked towards the arena.

"One is a seed player, and the other is a freshman in high school. Do you still need to watch this game?" In the audience, a boy with a mole on the corner of his mouth closed his eyes, feeling that the results of the game on the field had already come out, and there was no need to watch it at all.

"Indeed!" His friend nodded.

Not long after, the male god, who had his eyes closed to concentrate, heard a silence in the arena, and his friend said "fuck".

"What happened?" He opened his eyes and looked towards the arena.

Niu Susu's ground-breaking bull fell to the ground, while Chi Wan's unknown beast remained unscathed.

Didn't I wake up?

He rubbed his eyes. It was indeed not an hallucination. The Earth-shattering Cow was really killed.

Other viewers thought the same thing.

In the audience, Principal Zhang was heartbroken when he saw Chi Wan standing on the field with high spirits.

Damn, the sponsorship fees are low.

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