Three minutes ago, the referee's whistle sounded, and Chi Wan and Niu Susu made summoning gestures at the same time.

Two extraordinary creatures appeared on the field at the same time.

"Freezing beam!"

The ground-breaking cow's hide was rough and fleshy, and the blizzard's damage to it was not obvious. Chi Wan chose to start with the freezing beam.

Hearing this, Xiaobai raised his head and opened his mouth, and a thick white beam of light came out of his mouth.

"Tap hard!"

Almost at the same time, Niu Susu also issued the first instruction.

The Earth-Splitting Ox raised its head in response, raised its front hooves, and stepped heavily onto the ground.

The crack spread from where the cow's hoof landed, pointing in the direction of Xiao Bai.

The speed is extremely fast, and anyone with a discerning eye can guess that the skill level is not low.

"Avoid it!"

Chi Wan raised her voice, but still took a step slower.

Xiaobai couldn't dodge in time and was hit directly, making a miserable cry.

While shouting, he looked at Chi Wan's face. He lay on the ground and didn't want to get up. It seemed that most of his energy was gone.

In the audience, Chi Wan's relatives and friends had already predicted the next scene, and they closed their eyes one after another, unable to bear to watch the bloody scene that followed.

Niu Susu's ground-breaking cowhide is rough and thick, and he is also covered in tendon meat. In a fight, he will hit the flesh with his punches. Once the opponent is hit, the rest will be difficult.

After every fight, the field was a mess of blood and flesh, and officials were considering whether to put her games in a restricted category to avoid adverse effects on children.

No, is Xiaobai that fragile?

When he gets hurt, he starts crying.

Principal Zhang touched his chin and recalled Chi Wan's past games in his mind. He had some guesses in his mind that needed to be verified in the next games.

Seeing that Chi Wan was off to a bad start, the mood in the auditorium also changed, and the audience who originally had some hope for Chi Wan also changed their tune.

"Chi Wan is still too impatient. Wait two more years to secure first place. Now he has to be taught how to be a good person by his senior sister."

"No matter how powerful you are on the Internet, your secret will be exposed when you meet a player of the same level."

"I was injured and couldn't get up for a long time. If I still want to be a beast master, it would be faster to go back to the hotel and lie down on the bed to sleep."

"Who says it's not the case? I really thought she could handle the seeded players as well."

"With a dish like this, he shouldn't be beaten three times in a row."

“Those who come from small places just don’t have good standards.”

Someone next door couldn't stand it anymore and sneered, "Some people commented on others and said clearly, why don't you guys participate in the competition? Do you not want to go?"

The person who was adding insult to injury just now shut up instantly.

On the stage, Chi Wan's eyes twitched when she saw Xiaobai's exaggerated performance.

The acting was too fake, I will have to train a few more times in the future.

He forced himself to suppress the joy on his face and prevent the other party from seeing the clues.

The simulation training room is really awesome, even Niu Susu's character has been simulated. She really doesn't take herself seriously, and probably hasn't even watched her own game videos.

Now the winning rate of 50% is 80%, and the remaining 20% ​​is due to Xiaobai's poor strength and unable to break the ground-shattering cow's defense.

Seeing Xiaobai starting to show weakness, Niu Susu secretly rolled her eyes and looked down upon Chi Wan even more.

I thought I could give myself some surprise, that's it?

He was injured in the beast-taming competition and was still acting coquettishly. The beast-tamer was completely panicked. How could he still make it to the finals with this little ability? It is indeed a small place with no outstanding talents. Fortunately, I didn't look at the opponent's information. It was a complete waste of time.

End the game quickly and go back to study the remaining opponents. The remaining opponents are not easy to beat.

"Niu Da, charge!"


Bite? He was really panicked.

Niu Susu almost laughed out loud.

Anyone who has studied his own information knows that his Ground Breaking Bull's defense is astonishing. At the same level, unless he has a bite skill of Dacheng or above, he cannot break its defense at all.

She didn't believe that the unknown beast in front of Chi Wan could reach Dacheng in skill level.

In the audience, seeing the disdain on Niu Susu's face, the coach who knew her well sighed, shook his head and said, "Nu Susu underestimated her enemy again."

"I have long said that this is not possible. You also said that geniuses have privileges. Don't suppress her nature. Now it's okay. It will be embarrassing and thrown into the national competition."

"My fault, I forgot to tell her that Chi Wan's beast control skills are very high, and the ground-breaking cow's defense is completely useless."

"What does it have to do with you? It's not like you don't know that Niu Susu will never listen to us. It's okay to let her fall."

A person sitting near them interjected, "Now is not the time to quarrel. It's still the first game. It doesn't matter if you lose. The winning rate is very high."

"I'm sorry." The principal, who had been silent until now, tapped the seat and said.

The other three people heard this and looked over.

"Chi Wan has clearly figured out Niu Susu. Niu Susu doesn't know anything about her yet. The beast control competition is not only a battle between beast control, but also a mental battle between beast control masters."

"It's not that she is ignorant, she knows the basic information about Chi Wan's beast control." The coach argued.

"Is there any difference? After watching Chi Wan's competition, you know how powerful she is at controlling beasts. She can be fooled by such poor acting skills." The principal smacked his lips in disdain.

The coach lowered his head, like an eggplant beaten by frost, helpless.

On the field, Earth Splitter Niu was already close to Xiaobai, who was lying on the ground groaning.

It's almost over.

Niu Susu covered her mouth and yawned.

The opportunity has come!

Chi Wan and Xiao Bai's eyes flashed.

Xiao Bai jumped up from the ground and found the right opportunity to hit the left front hoof of the Ground Breaker Bull. The Ground Breaker Bull's center of gravity was unstable and it fell to the ground.

Taking this opportunity, Xiaobai leaned on the Earth-shattering cow, stepped on its hooves, his teeth glowed white, and bit the Earth-shattering cow's neck fiercely.

Blood splattered everywhere, and the Earth-Splitting Bull howled in pain.

how so!

Niu Susu was stunned.

The method really worked.

Chi Wan was relieved.

In the system space, Chi Wan discovered that the Earth Splitter Niu's right front hoof might have been injured. Although the wound had healed, she still couldn't get over this hurdle.

There is usually no problem, but once the left front hoof is attacked, the right hoof cannot bear the force due to psychological effects, and it is very easy to fall to the ground.

Niu Susu did not notice this problem at all. Chi Wan seized this loophole and won easily.

After the countdown, the referee blew the whistle again.

"The Earth-Splitting Bull fell to the ground, Chi Wan won."

The arena was silent.

"Fake match?"

"Why did the Earth Splitting Bull lose?"

"Chi Wan is as scheming as her master beast."

"What is scheming? Can the beast master's matter be called scheming? That's called tactics."

On the other side, the coaches and teachers at Niu Susu School were not surprised by the result of the competition.

"Sure enough, it's hard to predict the next game." The principal of Niu Susu School shook his head, stood up, and walked outside with his hands behind his back.

"Principal, where are you going? There are still two games to be played."

"Go out and walk around before you get pissed off."

I really want to write about geniuses, but unfortunately I’m a bitch and I really can’t imagine what a genius looks like.

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