I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 1012 I have a treasure

Qin Shu frowned. Although she knew that seven or forty-nine years was nothing to the monks, she still didn't live to be forty-nine in her two lifetimes combined.

At first glance, forty-nine years does seem a bit too long.

After hearing what Qin Shu said, Mr. You continued: "You also know that the things needed to repair this sword are too rare. Even if I agree to help you temper it, these materials..."

Qin Shu immediately handed over the materials prepared in advance, "Senior is willing to take action. I am grateful to you. I have prepared everything needed for sword refining."

Mr. You looked at the soil and colorful stones that Qin Shu brought to him, his eyes full of shock.

Whether it is colorful stones or soil, they are both legendary things. She can find one of them which is already the favor of heaven. How come she can find two more?

He reached out and checked these two things, and they were really...

Qin Shu on the side raised her hand, and a cluster of white flames appeared in the palm of her hand.

"The Earth Core Fire is also ready."

The temperature in the room also gradually increased with the appearance of Bai Yan. Mr. You's eyes became brighter when he looked at the Bai Yan in Qin Shu's hand.

"It seems you are really well prepared."

Qin Shu nodded slightly, thought for a moment, and then said: "It will take seven, seven and forty-nine years to repair this sword. I really feel sorry for delaying senior for so long. How much does it cost to repair this sword? Senior, please tell me Let’s be honest, don’t be polite to juniors.”

Her current net worth is quite rich, and it is not a problem to pay for the repair of the Zixiao White Jade Sword.

And... Mr. You should be the highest-level weapon refiner she has come across so far, and his success rate of repairs should be higher.

You Zijin glanced at his old man quietly from the side. The old man immediately understood. He put down the things in his hands and said to Qin Shu: "We are all from our own family. We are just repairing the sword. Why do you need to produce spiritual stones?"

Qin Shu frowned slightly, "If it is normal tempering, I will shamelessly accept it. It will take forty-nine years to repair the sword this time..."

Qin Shu wanted to say that she felt sorry, but Mr. You waved his hand and said bluntly: "Since you have found me, it is fate. If this sword is repaired by others, it will really take seven, seven and forty-nine years, but I have a treasure that can greatly reduce the time required to temper the sword. "

When he said this, Qin Shu immediately became more determined to ask him for help in repairing it.

She asked hurriedly: "According to you, after the reduction, how long will it take?"

"Three years."

Qin Shu suddenly became excited, three years is a good time!

"Senior, you'd better make a price, otherwise I won't be able to trouble you."

Mr. You thought for a while and then continued: "In that case, is it possible to give me the remaining materials to repair the sword?"

If other people faced this request, they might hesitate, but in Qin Shu's view, whether it is colorful stones or soil, they are renewable resources here.

What's more, the materials she took out were only a small part of them, and it was estimated that there wouldn't be much left.

Qin Shu agreed directly, "Senior, I'd like to trouble you."

Next, Mr. You settled down the two masters and apprentices.

In the words of Mr. You, you have to choose a good day to turn on the stove.

For a magic weapon of this level, foreign objects in the world will have a greater impact on it.

For example, the day chosen must be a rainy day, so that the water spirit in the air can neutralize the overbearing heat of the Earth's Core Fire.

Before starting the furnace, you must determine the location of the furnace. It must be in the ridge position...

Even the weapon-refining platform had to be prepared again. Anyway, it was much more troublesome than Qin Shu and the others had done before.

Qin Shu gained a lot of experience by following Mr. You.

Only then did she realize that there were more factors that affected weapon refining than she imagined. What she saw and heard now would become a brick for her to improve her weapon refining skills in the future, helping her go higher and further. .

Mr. You was even more pleased when he saw his darling grandson practicing non-stop, and his attitude towards Qin Shu became even more enthusiastic.

Mr. You and Qin Shu stood on the high steps. They looked through the railing at You Zijin who was practicing cross-legged below. Mr. You couldn't help but sigh:

"This kid should have been sent to Xuantianmen long ago. If I had known that he would grow up to be like this after leaving our You family, I would have shamelessly sent him away when he was ten years old."

Qin Shu also smiled and said, "He is indeed hard-working. I have been practicing outside all year round, so I don't have much time to guide him. His current achievements are due to his own efforts and have nothing to do with me."

There is no need to take credit for things she didn't do.

Mr. You glanced at her and smiled, "This girl is also a solid person."

After saying this, his eyes fell on You Zijin in the distance again, and he sighed and said: "When his parents went out for training, they encountered a big demon and failed to come back alive. After so many years, , we are the only two people who depend on each other. I am getting older, and I don’t know how long I can protect him. Now that I see his cultivation improving, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief. "

While the two were talking, a servant came over, bowed to them, and then said: "Master, everything is ready."

Grandpa You turned around and looked, "Is the refining table ready?"

"That's right, everything is done according to your instructions."

Grandpa You nodded slightly, looked at Qin Shu and said, "Let's go and take a look."

Qin Shu was also very curious about the refining room he arranged. As soon as he invited her here, she accepted it directly.

Following Grandpa You all the way, it felt very wonderful to shuttle through the garden.

The refining room was arranged in the Kan position according to Grandpa You's instructions. The entire refining room looked like a gourd from the outside, with a layer of barrier on it, forming a world of its own with the surrounding plants and trees.

Seeing Grandpa You coming over, the housekeeper raised his hand and opened a crack in the barrier.

Grandpa You walked in first, and Qin Shu followed closely.

As soon as she walked in, Qin Shu felt the difference between here and the outside world.

The concentration of water spirit here seems to be more concentrated than outside, which seems to have the effect of locking water spirit.

The surface of the refining table was made of unknown material, it was completely black with a deep blue glow.

Qin Shu's divine sense took a quick glance and she realized that everything here was of water attribute.

It seems that refining is just like refining pills, the higher the temperature, the better.

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