I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 1013: You can hurt me first

All the arrangements here were to neutralize her inner fire. Qin Shu looked at it seriously and remembered it in her mind.

Mr. You saw her looking at her and explained it to her.

"Look at the mirror hanging over there. Because the sun rises from the east, the first ray of light must not shine in, otherwise it will break the balance of spiritual energy in the room. With such a mirror, the light can be refracted out. ...By the way, the windows must not be sealed, otherwise it would not be a good thing if the indoor temperature continues to rise..."

He talked in great detail, and based on the layout of the refining room, he also extended many things that need to be paid attention to when refining.

Qin Shu also listened very carefully, and from time to time she would put forward some opinions of her own.

Every question she asked made Mr. You look up at her. Mr. You finally began to admit that although this little fellow Taoist was young, his skill in refining weapons was quite good!

While he was answering Qin Shu's questions, he also told her part of the family secrets that his family had hidden in the past.

Qin Shu didn't know this, she just listened carefully, her brain was working rapidly, and she was bound to write down the newly learned knowledge as soon as possible.

Mr. You led Qin Shu around in a circle, and after leaving here, he took a look at the cloudless sky, smiled, and said: "I watch the sky at night, I am afraid that the day of refining the weapon will be set in ten days." ”

Qin Shu cupped her hands and said: "Senior can advance the repair date so much, but it's only ten days, so it doesn't matter."

You Zijin also walked over at this time and saw the two of them standing side by side. He first asked about the progress of the preparations for the weapon refining room, and finally expressed his intention to come.

"Master, I still have some doubts about my practice. I wonder if Master is free? Can you help me clarify some of my doubts?"

His grandfather had just solved so many doubts about the weapon refining for him, so Qin Shu wanted to reciprocate the favor and had to explain it to him.

Seeing Qin Shu nodding, You Zijin suddenly beamed, "Then... let's go to the martial arts field?"

Qin Shu hugged Mr. You and followed You Zijin away.

You Zijin is not very powerful in swordsmanship, but he is pretty good at practicing magic.

His original intention was to ask Qin Shu to help him with his techniques, but he didn't expect that Qin Shu directly took out a sword and made a starting gesture.

"Take action."

You Zijin looked at her in shock, "Master, what are you..."

Qin Shu said solemnly: "The first principle of sword cultivation is that your strength improves fastest during the fight."

You Zijin frowned, "But I'm not a swordsman..."

Qin Shu stared into his eyes and said, "This statement is also applicable to other monks."

You Zijin was silent for a moment, and finally his furrowed brows relaxed little by little. He raised his hand and said, "In this case, this disciple will be offended!"

Qin Shu responded, "As long as you take action boldly, I will seal off my spiritual power and won't hurt you."

You Zijin was stunned when he heard this, sealed his spiritual power? Then she was just using swordsmanship.

"Then... will the disciple hurt you?" You Zijin asked.

Qin Shu raised her eyebrows confidently, "Wait until you can hurt me!"

You Zijin seemed to be infected by her confidence. He quickly backed away from her, quickly made a hand seal with his hands, and then a golden light fell from the sky.

Qin Shu took a look and saw that it was also a big seal.

Although it is not as powerful as the "Innocent Formation" that I learned, it can be seen that the power of this seal is not small.

Every time she formed a seal in her Wushou Formation, almost all of her spiritual energy was drained away.

But the big seal of You Zijin, although it weakens the power, it improves the endurance.

She raised her sword and struck it with sword energy, and the seal was split in the middle.

But after all, she didn't use her spiritual energy. This sword could split the seal at its limit, and it couldn't be re-injured.

You Zijin was also shocked when he saw this. The master was really strong and could block his attack without using spiritual energy.

He raised his hand and touched the storage bracelet, and a flute appeared in his hand.

It seems that he has to use magic weapons. With just his magic, he probably won't be able to touch the master at all.

With Dizi's sound attack and his magic, it should be more beneficial to him.

Qin Shu, who didn't use spiritual energy, only used Qi to dodge lightly, so her speed was naturally much slower.

While she was competing with You Zijin, she was actually improving herself.

You Zijin didn't notice it, but Mr. You in the distance saw it clearly.

His grandson became a swordsman, but he didn't learn any good swordsmanship?

Although he didn't understand it, he was still very pleased to see that his attacks now looked much more decent than before.

Just as the master and apprentice were having a lively fight below, You Zijin finished his song and swung the jade flute in his hand towards Qin Shu, actually using the jade flute as a sword!

Qin Shu was stunned for a moment, then quickly reacted and blocked quickly.

This move was pretty good. This kid couldn't learn much about swordsmanship, but he understood the most important point.

That is--

In fact, swordsmanship is not limited to a certain sword. Whether it is a branch, a knife, a fan... you can use swordsmanship.

The two fought for a long time, and You Zijin swallowed a pill and launched several magical weapons in the air.

Finally, when he threw a ring at Qin Shu, Qin Shu suddenly put away her sword and raised her hand to catch his ring.

You Zijin almost stared out of his eyes. He saw clearly that there was indeed no spiritual energy fluctuation in his master's body.

She really caught her own attack with her bare hands!

Mr. You, who was standing in the distance, was even more shocked than him. Just now he clearly saw that there seemed to be a flash of light on Qin Shu's body.

That ray of light was fleeting, but it was clearly the luster emitted by the collision of treasures.

She...she is actually a self-cultivated person? !

Looking back at that ray of light just now, we can conclude that her level of body training is not low...

More and more, I feel that it is a wise thing for my grandson to join Taoist friend Qin Shu. Although his grandson is not very good at cultivation, he does have good vision.

Even if he cannot protect him in the future, with his master around, he will still not be bullied.

Mr. You was in a very good mood at this time. He raised his hand to smooth his beard with a look of relief.

In the future, when he dies, he can have an explanation with his son and daughter-in-law.

Qin Shu put away the sword in her hand, threw the ring in her hand to You Zijin again, and said to him: "With so many foreign objects, doesn't the original purpose of the competition be lost?"

You Zijin said: "Master, as long as you can win, external objects are also part of your own strength, aren't they?"

Qin Shu nodded, "That's true, but..."

She raised her eyes, looked at You Zijin, and said: "You have to understand that we are just competing, not a battle of life and death. During the competition, we must give priority to improving our own strength. There is still a lot of room for improvement in your own spells and swordsmanship. We’ll talk about these foreign objects later.”

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