It's not that her strength has any breakthrough from before, but that after she absorbed the divinity in the breath soil, she suddenly felt an indescribable feeling.

Qin Shu looked inside to observe her meridians and cells, and suddenly there was something golden in her cells.

It is very small, as weak as dust, and not every cell has it.

I wonder if this golden substance in the cells is the legendary divinity?

If you think about it this way, you can understand. How could all her cells be filled with divinity with just a little bit of colorful stone and soil?

But as far as the current situation is concerned, her tempering seems to be feasible.

With a twist of his wrist, the residue of the soil in his hand flew away with the wind.

Qin Shu's body-building technique worked again, and she felt that the divine substances in her cells became active. She knew that she could move forward a little bit again.

Perhaps it was because of the divine substance, or perhaps because Qin Shu had adapted to the gravity here. She crawled forward half a foot again, and the pressure on her body doubled, but this time it seemed that it was still within the acceptable range for her. within.

After thinking about it, she crawled forward another half inch.

The sudden increase in gravity almost bent her spine. She once again took out a small group of colorful stones and continued to exercise.

After she was sure that she could straighten up, she continued to climb towards the top of the mountain.

After all, the colorful stones she carries with her are limited. Although the soil can be regenerated, the speed of regeneration cannot keep up with the speed of her consumption.

In addition, the gravity here has doubled.

Unable to forge her body by absorbing the divine power, Qin Shu's climbing speed gradually slowed down.

Her spine was crushed countless times by gravity, but it was restored to its original state by her own powerful vitality.

After repeating this process, not only her flesh and blood, but also her bones became much tougher than before.

In the blink of an eye, two years have passed, and Qin Shu is now thirty-four years old.

She stood on the top of Qiyuan Mountain, her whole body exuding a pale golden light.

She broke through, and this time her body was the first to break through and reach the Hunyuan realm.

The sky was full of wind and clouds, but not a single thundercloud could be seen.

However, Qin Shu has experience in this and knows that there will be no less thunder catastrophes that need to be overcome. The fact that there are no thunder catastrophes now does not mean that there will not be in the future.

Most likely, the Qiyuan Mountain where she is now is a world of its own. When she leaves here, the thunder calamity that has been accumulated for a long time will come back to settle accounts with her.

The style on the top of the mountain is extremely fierce. Even though she has trained her body to the Hunyuan realm, she still feels the wind hurts her face.

But even so, under the influence of gravity, the hem of her clothes did not even move.

The chain that was originally out of reach now appeared in front of her eyes, and she could touch it by raising her hand.

However, new problems have arisen.

Even though she has now broken through to the Hunyuan realm, it is not easy to swing a sword on the top of the mountain.

She raised her hand and touched these dark iron chains. She had always thought that these iron chains were made of very heavy metal, but now that she actually reached out and touched them, she gradually realized that she had been wrong from the beginning.

Why does the material of this chain look more like wood?

Since it's made of wood, wouldn't it be easier to split it?

Qin Shu thought like this, so she just tried it directly.

The Zixiao White Jade Sword in his hand was as heavy as a mountain under the influence of gravity.

Her spiritual energy and body-forging skills started working at the same time, and she swung the Zixiao White Jade Sword with great effort.

Even if she tried so hard, if the sword she swung out was seen by outsiders, it would be regarded as her lightly poking the chain.

There is no doubt that the chain is not broken at all.

This made Qin Shu a little frustrated, but she did not completely lose confidence.

Just because...her sword actually poked some debris from the chain.

Qin Shu's eyes fell on the debris on the ground, and then looked at the chain in front of her. It was dark but exuded a little golden luster.

Qin Shu's brain started working again. She didn't know how strong the snake was, but the fact that the chain could trap him here for tens of thousands of years meant that... it must not be a mortal thing.

Qin Shu looked at the golden substance on the chain again, her expression changed, and an idea appeared in her mind.

Could this thing also have divinity?

Guessing is far easier than trying. Qin Shu picked up these debris from the ground and tried to absorb them using the method she had used to absorb soil and colorful stones.

But then she thought again, this thing seemed to be made of wood, would the fire from the center of the earth burn it directly?

But thinking about it from another perspective, if the fire from the center of the earth could really burn it clean, she wouldn't have to work hard to chop it.

With this idea in mind, Qin Shu happily sat cross-legged while using the fire from the center of the earth to temper it.

Soon, she was surprised to find that although the chain seemed to be made of wood, it could not even ignite the fire in the core of the earth.

In this case...then she can only try to absorb the divinity that she doesn't know exists or not...

With previous experience, the absorption this time was particularly smooth.

Until Qin Shu opened her eyes and looked at the wood chips on her fingertips, her eyes were shining.

Sure enough, she guessed right, the chains on the mountain also contain divinity!

Such a huge chain! If she could absorb it all...

Haha, she knew it! This trip was not in vain! These hardships are not in vain!

Originally, Qin Shu felt overwhelmed when she saw the huge and thick chain, but now her mentality has completely changed.

This is not a chain at all, it is clearly her precious gold nugget!

There is no time to waste, otherwise things will change!

Qin Shu quickly stood up and continued to swing the sword. This time, her movements were more skillful than the last time, and the wood chips she poked out were also larger, almost as big as the thumb nail.

Qin Shu poked three times in a row before she held the precious debris aside to temper her body.

She believed that with the increase and decrease of one, it would not take long for her to be like the big snake, and she would still be able to walk on flat ground even on the top of the origin mountain.

After poking for another whole year, a link of the chain was about to be broken by her.

Qin Shu excitedly took out the communication jade slip and told Xie Shiyuan the good news, and she also wanted to ask if she could take the chain home after it was broken.

More than four years have passed, and Xie Shiyuan has been sleeping, leaving only a wisp of soul to pay attention to Qin Shu's movements.

It was not until he received Qin Shu's message that he broke free from the heaviness.

He had a long dream in which he lived life after life.

He had been watching from the sidelines. He knew clearly that those days of being manipulated by others were definitely not the path he would take, but for some reason he could not get rid of it.

Finally, his communication jade slip sent a wave, and his sleeping soul mark was triggered, and the whole person woke up completely.

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