I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 1027 The big snake is really capable

Looking at the message on the jade slip, Xie Shiyuan was stunned for a moment, and then smiled.

Yan Guo plucking her hair really fits her character.

His fingertips moved slightly, and soon Qin Shu also received a message from Xie Shiyuan.

[You can take it away, but... there should be five such chains. 】

Qin Shu: "..."

That's why she broke one. Why should she be proud? The boring process will continue for a long time.

She sighed helplessly, swung the sword in her hand with deep resentment, and cut off the remaining connection point of the chain.


The entire Qiyuan Mountain shook, and the surrounding seawater became turbid. Qin Shu's spiritual consciousness reached out and took a look at the huge waves rising underneath.

In the past, she would have felt a panic in her heart, but it was different now. She knew that what was suppressing under the mountain was the true form of the big snake.

Therefore, he said sincerely, "Orochi is really capable!"

Qin Shu smiled, then withdrew her consciousness and walked towards the other direction of the top of the mountain with the Zixiao White Jade Sword.

Sure enough, another chain appeared in front of her eyes.

It's not like Qin Shu never tried to directly use the Zixiao White Jade Sword to let it attack by itself, but it couldn't even fly without her hand.

In the end, I could only carry the sword and chop slowly.

Her initial idea was not wrong. As the situation progressed, more and more golden substances were contained in the cells in her body, and the impact of gravity was not as severe as it was at the beginning.

In the past, she had to rest for a long time every time she swung a sword, but by the time she hit the fifth chain, she almost didn't need to rest at all.

Looking at the last connection point, Qin Shu held a sword in one hand and sent a message to Xie Shiyuan in the other.

"Get ready, your chains will be broken soon."

No reply was received on the jade slip, but the sea below stirred up huge waves.

A huge black tail swayed through the water, as if in response to her message.

Qin Shu looked around and looked at the dense jungle behind her.

There are mountains and trees here, and there are humans and demons.

No matter what the origin of Qiyuan Mountain is, now that the great formation is about to be broken, it is time to expel the creatures here.

Qin Shu sent a message to Liniang, and Liniang received the Lord's decree and the message from his wife. She didn't know that the recent big commotion in Qiyuan Mountain was caused by the two of them, so she replied alone. One sentence.

[My subordinates have already dispersed the monks staying in Qiyuan Mountain, so don’t worry. 】

Qin Shu was completely relieved after receiving this sentence.

She raised her fingertips and gently ran them over the Zixiao White Jade Sword, as if she was wiping off the last layer of dust on it with her bare hands.

"I have finally waited for this day."

She chuckled, flipped her wrist, raised her sword and struck down, sending sawdust flying everywhere! The chain broke at the sound!


A buzz sounded like the sound of gold and jade colliding, but also like the sound of broken rules.

This feeling was so strange that Qin Shu couldn't explain it for a while. She just felt her head spinning.

Immediately afterwards, more and more broken sounds sounded, and the familiar power of space began to appear around him.

Whether it was in the sea, in the air, or on the land, the power of space began to appear. The strong wind coming from the space cracks shattered the five chains hanging on the top of the mountain in an instant.

The moment Qin Shu saw it, she immediately became dizzy and flew to pick it up.

Pointing her toes, the gravity that had restricted her for five or six years seemed to be broken in an instant. She didn't know how high she jumped, but the moment she was about to touch the clouds, she was pulled back by a force. .

Qin Shu landed, looked up at the thundercloud that was about to form in the sky, and quickly patted her chest.

Fortunately, I almost jumped out. Not only did I not see any chains, I also had to go through the thunder tribulation directly.

What's the difference between this and a cooked duck flying away?

Qin Shu held a chain in her arms and was about to pick up the other chains, but she found that the chains that were originally suspended in the air seemed to have disappeared in an instant.

Qin Shu hugged this part of her arms tightly and her eyes widened.

Ah this? Where is her baby!

Did he disappear from her eyes so suddenly? !

Qin Shu's brows were furrowed, and her expression became particularly solemn as she looked at the presence in the sea that was disturbing the situation.

She began to reasonably suspect that the person who took away these chains was Orochi.

I'll have to cross-examine him later.

Just as she was touching her chin and thinking, the storm around her became more violent. A thunder appeared out of thin air, and the next moment it was drowned by the sound of huge waves.

The noise in her ears became richer and richer, and the broken sounds became more and more obvious. Qin Shu felt that her head was buzzing, and the surroundings gradually began to become dark.

She stretched out her hand, looked at it, and sighed helplessly.

She couldn't see with her eyes, and couldn't detect her consciousness.

Is this what it feels like to be blind?

Or are there some shady things hidden around here?

Qin Shu felt more and more sleepy, and her eyelids became heavier and heavier, as if she could fall asleep in the next moment.

The moment before she fell asleep, she circulated the purple energy hidden in her eyes.

Shield the secret.

What did she see?

In this invisible world, there seems to be a pair of eyes above the sky.

What kind of eyes are these, compassionate, world-weary, and arrogant...

Qin Shu had just met those eyes when her brain seemed to be crushed by countless heavy hammers.

She closed her eyes tightly, two lines of blood and tears slowly flowed down, and a surge of blood in her chest.

The next moment, she spat out a mouthful of blood and fainted completely.


When Qin Shu woke up again, she found herself lying on an island.

The surroundings were so flat that she could see the head at a glance. She frowned and sat up with one hand on the ground.

There was still some pain in her head, and she frowned and subconsciously raised her hand to rub her temple.

"Awake?" A voice came from behind, very familiar.

Qin Shu was startled, turned around and saw Xie Shiyuan making a fire on the side.

His appearance did not change much. Even though she had seen him countless times, she would still be amazed by him every time she saw him.

Looking at Xie Shiyuan in front of him again, except that the patterns on his clothes were much more complicated, nothing else seemed to have changed.

But for some reason, she always felt that he was different from before.

Qin Shu nodded, sat there, frowned, wanted to say something, but her mind was in a mess.

She shook her head subconsciously, but as soon as she moved slightly, she felt a sharp pain in her head.

Qin Shu took a breath, raised her hand and pressed her temple, and after a long time... she murmured like a daze:

"I just... seemed to see something."

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